Do you hope for new life beyond physical death?

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  1. noturningback profile image60
    noturningbackposted 12 years ago

    Do you hope for new life beyond physical death?

    All differences in theism or a-theism aside, would you want to be resurrected? Would it hurt to consider the possibility of an afterlife, how might this hurt us, when we say we have an open mind, do we feel pressured to say yes or no?
    Another thought, the universe is expanding? How can something that, just based on my rather limited understanding, appearing without end, as an infinite expanse, expand? Only one planet of all that unlimited expanse, has humanoid life forms?

  2. Civil War Bob profile image61
    Civil War Bobposted 12 years ago

    When it comes to resurrection, I say ABSOLUTELY!!  This aging body reminds me regularly of 2 Corinthians 4:7, " But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves..."  My one seminary prof said these earthen vessels 'were cheap clay pots bought at the local Corinthian K-Mart" to indicate their common nature.

  3. samadaslam profile image61
    samadaslamposted 12 years ago

    Not just hope, I believe in life after this physical death. The word "Physical Death" shows that how far you have gone in spirituality. Soul never dies as soul is light and light keeps on travelling. Light is energy and energy is never destroyed rather it changes its form so after this physical life you will have a different life.

  4. alisha4u profile image38
    alisha4uposted 12 years ago

    I don't ! One life is need for the second one... smile

  5. ratnaveera profile image63
    ratnaveeraposted 12 years ago

    I like to enjoy life after death. The people belonged to the all religions have belief in this matter. If we everyone followed a genuine life, we would enjoy spiritual or divine life. samadaslam is absolutely right. We all can not escape from the spiritual life. So, it is necessary to prepare our self here to lead a peaceful and enjoyable life in that world.

  6. CorinneCanada profile image60
    CorinneCanadaposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely, I do hope for new life beyond death. Death is just a passage. The soul still exists and will pass onto a different form of life. Everything is a circle, a loop in the world, in the ecosystems, so why not in life and death also?

  7. MojoDawg profile image61
    MojoDawgposted 12 years ago

    I not only hope for it, I am assure of it through my faith in the resurrection, Jesus said those that believe  and "die in the Lord would follow him in the Resurrection". This is a paraphrase of what Colossians  chapter 1 states when the writer refers to Jesus being the first born from the dead. "Oh.. death where is your sting"?

    Christians know this is already a reality; thus await their turn in a new body, a heavenly body.
    Great question, blessings:smile

  8. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    I believe in rebirth until I find the reason of existence in human form.

    I truly believe that we are here to learn the lesson of life before we can live forever in spirit forms.

    What is the lesson that we are supposed to learn? It is still a question mark for many of us. Until the day we find the answer, we will be back again in another form as humans or even animals depending on our current Karma.

  9. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    I believe that a person can hope for a new car, or hope to win the lottery, but to have faith in something goes well beyond hope and is a part of our religious belief in a God and that we will join Him in the time of our earthly deaths, We as Christians believe by faith and hope is a human trait that is just a part of our frail makeup. Faith provides us strength to realize our utmost desires, the one main one is that of being accepted into the light of the heavenly spirit. We are just human and our minds have limitations in what we can conceive and accomplish on this planet. We may well  not have the real ability to understand the ever expanding universe and our creator, yet we can achieve the greatest reward in using our faith to see us through.


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