Why does Jesus tell us we need to keep the commandments to receive eternal life

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  1. X-Con profile image65
    X-Conposted 12 years ago

    Why does Jesus tell us we need to keep the commandments to receive eternal life (Matt. 19:17)?

  2. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    Our God created mankind in His image and gave him the opportunity to evolve and develop into the entity that He wanted. The Bible and scriptures were written as a guide for Christian living and to increase our faith. The commandments were given as a source of a directed role that our God wanted to impart to human kind. He gave us this guidance so that we will honor Him and fulfill his purpose in our creation. We were created to not only honor God and helped through Jesus Christ His Son, but to prolong and share our goodness with those in the future of our world.Other faiths have similar beliefs and each is unique and to be honored and respected as guides to many people of the world, in following their religions, fulfilling their roles in their own faiths.Our eternal life is earned and not given without our striving to live as our creator intended.We are to follow Jesus Christ and He is the only way to eternal life in Heaven with our God.

  3. SidKemp profile image71
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    The answer is right in the full verse: Matthew 19:17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
    God is good. He wants all of his children to be with him. But can he let us into Heaven the way we are now, running around, hating and killing each other? No, because then Heaven would be like Earth, full of misery and death.

    God is our Father, and heaven in our birthright, our inheritance. We can go there any time we want. But we must walk through the gate of forgiveness into the spirit of Love, loving our brothers and sisters, harming no one. That is what a person who keeps the commandments does. So, let us live as our brother Jesus lived, and receive the inheritance that he received. Let us hear what Jesus is saying and do as he says, that we may receive our inheritance. (Luke 6:47-48)

  4. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
    Shahid Bukhariposted 12 years ago

    The Commandments ... Are, The Lord's Commands ...
    These Form the Basis of "all" The Commanded, Religions ...

    Thus ... Keeping The Commandment ... "Thou Shalt not indulge in Fornication" means that, The Command ... Is ... Expected to be Followed, by all the Followers of His Commanded ... called, Religions ...
    In ... Follower's adhering in Word and Deed ... to The Ordained ... called, Commandments.

    The Commandments in Common sense, relate... the worldly "part' of human Life ... in other words, the Physical State of the Humans, In ... "Being" ...
    Because ... all other States and Forms of Creation... Religiously adhere to the Commandments ... for their Type and Kind ...
    By doing Exactly ... what Hath been Ordained for their kind !

    Life ... is commonly known as the human's Physical Awareness of Being ...
    Accordingly ... Life is divisible into "three" parts ... These Three "Parts" are Distinct States ... in their own Right ...

    Thus, we have the Human Awareness of Being, before Birth ... Then the Awareness ... during the Physical Life ... and Finally, the Eternal Awareness, in the State of "Being" ... that follows the first two States of our Awareness ...

    The Lord's Gift ... to the Adherents of the Commandments ... Is, Eternal Life ... and this is what, Jesus, the Christ ... Peace be upon him ... hath stated.

  5. Michael Jon profile image60
    Michael Jonposted 12 years ago

    Jesus is talking to the rich young man in Matthew 19:17.

    The young man wants to know what good things he must do to receive eternal life and Jesus tells him, "Obey the commandments". The young man says, "I do keep the commandments" and wants to know what it is that he still lacks.  Jesus tells him that if you want to be perfect, go sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (Jesus). You know the story, the young man walks away sad, because he had great wealth and could not get himself to give it to the poor.

    I believe the rich young man was a good man and did the best he could in keeping the commandments but could not see himself giving away all his wealth. What would his life be like if he did not have his wealth? He relied on his wealth to sustain his life.

    There has been only one thoughout the history of mankind who was able to keep all of God's commandments without breaking not even one, his name is Jesus. "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." James 2:10

    The point Jesus is making here is this... No matter how righteous one believes they are, they still fall short of God's standards. It is not by works that we receive eternal life but by grace. You don't get to heaven on your own accord. This young man's conversation with Christ revealed that his faith was in his wealth but in order to gain eternal life, his faith must rest on Jesus Christ.

    The same goes for each and every one of us, without Christ , we are trespassers in the kingdom of God Almighty!

  6. Civil War Bob profile image59
    Civil War Bobposted 12 years ago

    I agree with Michael Jon exactly.  Jesus set the guy an impossible standard in order to point to Himself as "the way, the truth, and the life leading to the Father."  Read MJ's last two paragraphs, at least!  Oh, there's an outside chance the rich guy actually DID what Jesus said, though it's not recorded in Scripture.  I, frankly, hope he did.

  7. Agnes Penn profile image60
    Agnes Pennposted 12 years ago

    If I wanted to live in your house, even if invited, I must follow the rules which govern your daily living and maintain a balance there: trash day must be remembered or trash will pile up, toilets must be flushed or they'll overflow (nasty), dishes have to be cleaned or no dishes will be available for the next meal.  If I was an eight year old never having thought these things out in my busy child world I would have to be told to do these things.  Adults simply respond - "Adahhh! I knew to do these things!" 
    We are children to God.  To want a beautiful relationship with God and then to want to live with Him eternally we need to know how to live with Him.  He knows our nature, he forsees what we need and prevents dangers by setting rules all based on His love for us.  We just need to grow up.


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