There is a higher calling for each of us - to seek God's face. What does this mean to you?
What this means to me is to seek his face, for when it is our time to go, we will find then what we have been seeking. God's magnificence.
For our God to have given us each such a magnificent gift of life, the very least we may do is to glorify His name, and to live a life reflective of such a wonderful benefactor.
This simply means that If make myself available with the right motives God will use me in service to others. I don't come to ministry calling the shots what I want to do but stay humble and make sure He comes first... His In Service
If by "each of us," you are referring to believers, then, yes, I would agree that believers should "seek God's face" in the sense of spending time in prayer with Him. Unbelievers do not have the capacity to seek God; in fact, no human being seeks after God unless God has first sought and found him (Rom. 3:11). "God's face" is a metaphor for His presence in general; no one will experience the immediate presence of God in this life (Ps. 17:15).
One should always determine the meaning (interpretation) of a passage of Scripture before seeking an application of it to one's life ("What does this mean to you?").
thank you glynch1 great answer - I'm still pondering on the answer - which is why I asked it on hubpages.
Bad translation. It really should be interpreted as Facade. "That which He shows" or allows us to see.
Sorry I deleted an answer by skgrao - it was a mistake. I welcome all views and opinions.
when you say 'each of us', you're leaving out all of us who lack any belief in any god - according to the NY Times yesterday, the 3rd largest group in the world, after christians (considered as 1 group) and muslims
So if I introduced my question with To The Christians, would that have made it better? I did not expect a nonbeliever to answer a question about how to seek God's face. But, if you have an answer I'm all ears or eyes.
perhaps a better question would have been
'do we have a higher calling?' and if so, does it mean to seek god's face? - you assumed both of those answers were true in your question; non xtians might also have a positive answer
Sorry cascoly, I did not assume anything. You assumed that this was my answer. I was just asking the question after reading it from somewhere. I wanted input from others so I asked. One thing I don't do is assume because .. you know the saying.
Treat strangers well, for thereby go angels...........
With-respect to your quest - why do you suppose that God (big G) has a face that you could somehow 'find?'
Personally, knowing full-well how BIG and slippery big-G is - I'm only looking for his/her footprints. If I could just find one of those.... - but then what?
If you were (like me) to take the old initiation rites of the Pre-Christians (ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans etc) as good-evidence that their Priesthoods knew at-least a little something about big G, and how and where to find 'him' and/or 'her,' then it's worth knowing that at the climax of their major-rites they would allow you (now qualified) to 'look-upon-the-face-of-god' - you'd have earned the key to open a mysterious, previously locked-and-barred chest - and be allowed, for the one and only time, to look inside and see God.
A mirror with your amazed face in it.
Well, I'm not a Christian but I seek higher truth because it interests me to know myself as the most I can whilst remaining in my physical body. I interchange the words God and Universe to signify All That Ever Was, Is and Will Be, the bigger picture you might say.
For me, to seek God's face would be the inner or outer observation of that which is. It is a higher calling because we are not just of physical, emotional and mental bodies, we have a spirit which extends way beyond all those fields.....and it is our experience of that "something" beyond our physical, emotional and mental bodies, which we cannot quite give a name to, or ascribe a particular experience to, which causes us to move towards it.
We move towards this un-nameable feeling without fear and we seek with a knowing which exists beyond mind because we recognise this feeling and we know innately what it represents.
To experience this we must let go of our mind...."surrender to the will of God" means the same as "go with the flow (of the Universal energy)" to me. As we step into that moment we have no "proof" or safety buffer to give us a good feeling, instead we are completely reliant on what I call blind faith.
With blind faith we let go of everything which makes us who we think we are and instead we experience ourselves as a part of the whole, the whole being the Unification of All, or God in this case. Without blind faith we place too many limitations and expectations on how our experience will be and thereby we actually move further away from that which we say we seek.
If God is everywhere and in everything, and by definition God is, then I too must be present everywhere and in everything to know the face of God.
For me it is a natural event to recognise All of Who We Really Are even though the cycles of recognition may not match linear lifetimes. And the moment of recognition is not designed to endure, for the moment our mind gives any experience a word the experience contracts back to mind and the moment has passed...until next time. And so the cycle continues.
That's what it means to me.
You speak of knowing a personal God ("the will of God," "the unnameable feeling") yet equate Him with the impersonal universe. How can the impersonal paneverythingism you discuss even conceive of personality?
If one can expand to consciously know oneself to be the Universe then it is not impersonal. I only spoke about 'what it means to me' because that is what the question asked for. If that isn't what you mean glynch1 then I probably don't understand
good response there Glynch, but I'd like to throw-in this: If the Universe is ALL GOD and nothing else but God, it is, to God, ALL personal - there is NO impersonal-thingness anywhere. All atoms everywhere are made of the same stuff. God/Notgod.
The scriptures contain one which says that if we love the Lord and keep the commandments his Father gave him to teach us, God will love us, and they (the Father and the Son) will come and make their abode with us. To me that is seeking God's face, and He will be smiling. (John 14:23)
"Give God the joy of loving you at your best." (Marvin J. Ashton)
This may be the best answer that I can give but I believe my calling from God is to write for Him in poetry. My friend calls them sermons in a poem. Regardless of what they are I feel God gives them to me to try to reach souls for Him , I don't know how good I am doing but I am doing what I feel God wants me to.
Thank you clara... sermons in a poem - i like that
To me seeking God's face means establishing a personal relationship with God. Just as you would with friendship you would have trust, trust that he will help heal you when you are hurting from disappointments in life, just as a friend would.
A personal relationship with God would mean that I can also talk to him rather it is in prayer or outloud about any problems or situation also like you would with a close friend without fear of judgement. It's being able to feel good, less stress, about the relationship. Where you don't have to pretend (even though in reality you cannot pretend) and you are completely accepted and you feel good to be able to talk to and feeling comfort when you converse with God.
Thank you jodeci. I especially like your comment "without fear of don't have to pretend"
Hey there,
"seek GOD's face" is a statement basically meant to drive people to look into something supernatural or something magnificent according to caller.. He might simply mean to call you to see and hear about the views and ideas of his gathering and society or for simple discussion, he might have made this sound more mythical by including God's name. Either way he is just trying to gain the attention of people for a cause and best way is to include God everyone gets there by just the name, each have different goals in mind but they go there and that what the caller wants
Hi Renee. Great question. Here is how the Bible would answer your question:
"Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us -- that we should be called the children of God. Beloved, we are here and now the children of God, and while we do not presently know what to make of it all, we know that when Christ returns we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
Face answereth face.
To seek God's face is to have a relationship with God or to interact with Him. The are some people God would not interact with for instance, sinners. We have to frequently pray to him just as we are with our parents, asking for comfort, help and giving and loving them.
Thank you for your comments einron. But, you said God would not interact with sinners. Well, we are all sinners and He interacts with us everyday. We each have a relationship with him in our own way, but still interaction nonetheless
You go Renee!'! You know MY God! He loves ALL & interacts w/ALL! His desire is none is lost! Our job is to get to know Him so we'll have the ability to "discern the spirits!"
Using your spiritual gifts to the best of your ability for the good of humanity.
If you could recall the story of Moses on the mountain top, it matters not His name , nor His countenance, but only His will. So this question is glib at best.
Let me ask a question of you. How do explain as to why He let children be massacred in Newtown, CT?
I don't mind religious idiots as long as they don't hurt others or themselves.
My question is glib - I say no it is not - I though about it before posting, but wanted others opinions. God did not let the children be massacred. Also who is a religious idiot? Not sure where you are going with this response.
You are deluded by religion. Without the same the world would be a much better place as religion is for the mentally weak and abjectly pathetic. Try common sense instead of circular reasoning to dance around reality. Please don't have children.
You are right. Religion does delude people into thinking that they can please God by their "good deeds." However, I must say that many of the most brilliant people who have ever lived were Christians. You show a poor understanding of history.
To me the higher calling is to try to live my life as ordained by the religious scriptures of my faith. Only then can I hope to have my face turned to Him and not away from Him and be assured of being forever in His presence and being relieved of this cycle of rebirths.
Thanks rajan jolly for stopping by and commenting.
I had answered this but you deleted it.
Yes that's what you should know.
Delete all desires.
There is no Caller.
There is no calling.
God is Invisible.
He will come.
You will go.
To higher
& higher
Highest Level,
to A Golden Age.
I said I deleted by mistake. Read the comment above yours. I'm human. I hit the wrong button.
It seems you deleted my answer too though. Is that two mistakes then? My answer was a series of questions that were not meant to annoy anyone. You thanked me for the answer, but now you delete it? I don't understand.
That is the only one I deleted in error. I welcome all comments Thomas. Hub pages hid your comments saying it was negative. I have no control over that. Wasn't my choice. I love all comments, good bad and indifferent.
Thanks for the reply. I did notice it was bottom of the list when I last saw it. It's interesting that my questions were reason enough for some people to vote them down. Just inoffensive questions that were simply what people didn't want to hear.
Wasn't my vote. Everyone can't handle honesty, so I guess they voted down. I don't mind a different view or perspective. Wasn't inoffesnive to me. Keep hubbing anyway!
To me this mean to answer Christ Jesus' commission of "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit." - Matthew 28:16-20
This responsibility is not just for pastors as some may believe, however the moment we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, we received His Spirit which enables us to do so. Nothing in this world matters more than finding and leading God's lost children back to Him. This is why I live.
JH: That baptism is under the "LAW!" We are under New Cov (NC)! Jer31:33; Heb8:10;10:16. Came Acts 2:2. Wrote on apostles' "hearts!" They (mostly Paul) told us via Jesus (HS) what to do for SALVATION under NC! Acts 2:38;8:16;10:48;22:16;19:5;Rm 6:3
Another metaphore Renee! "Seek God's face," means to read the Word of God asking for "understanding" of the "...mystery that has been hidden but now has been revealed to the saints" (Col 1:26); "In whom the "god" of this age hath blinded the minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious "gospel of Christ, who is the image of God," should shine unto them." (II Cor 4:4). You see, the "gospel of Christ, is the image of God!" That is God's face and "the higher calling" when one has the "understanding" (through revelation of the Holy Spirit) of the "mystery that has been hidden" for generations!
Gal 1:6-9 says the world "has perverted the gospel of Christ," misleading believers into believing "lies" in His Word! They take Scripture out of context to justify their "beliefs" that the world has fallen for and "believe!" Their "not understanding" that Jesus is God, baptism should not be done in accordance with Matthew 28:19 (For where did anyone do so in Scripture, if "commanded?"), and many more is causing most not to reach their "higher calling" which would "reveal God's face!" Gal 1:8&9 says "...If any man preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto you than that ye have received, "LET HIM BE ACCURSED!"
Here is the "gospel of Christ regarding baptism:" As you know, we are now under the New Covenant. Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10; & 10:16 said "After those days, I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hearts." How? Jn 14:26; 16:13 "Promise!" Promise fulfilled in Acts 2:2 when Holy Spirit (Jesus) came and began speaking through Apostles and they began to do as Jesus said: Baptizing in Jesus' Name! Now, that's where we should be today, under the New Covenant (Acts 2:42)!
There are too many Scriptures stating that Jesus is God, yet "religion" would have you believe that there is a "Trinity" Three Persons! Well, if God (Father) is a Spirit, Holy Spirit is a Spirit, and Jesus (Who is now Spirit) is ALL Spirit, where are these "Three Persons?" They continue to misunderstand the "GREATEST ALLEGORY IN SCRIPTURE" by relating "I AM" to "mere man's" roles of father and son to the ALMIGHTY'S GLORIES of BOTH Father and Son simultaneously! The "Trinity" belief is causing MOST to miss "seeking God's face" and reaching their "higher calling!" (Jn 10:10).
That's why it would behoove each of us, to do as II Timothy 2:15 says and "lean not to our own understanding" (Prov 3:5), so we can "seek God's face" in order to reach our "higher calling!"
I speak this "fearing" Jeremiah 23:1 by the power of the Holy Spirit (Jesus)!
Renee: You're welcome! Please "STUDY" Scriptures given to find TRUTH in His Word! Lay aside "teachings" and STUDY "In the Spirit!" Acts 17:11
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