Paraglide,r The Hindu goddess shown is known as Saraswati who is the Goddess of Knowledge, Music and Art.
In her four hands, she is shown holding:-
1) A Book - This book is the sacred Vedas which represents the universal, divine, eternal and true knowledge as well as her perfection of the sciences and the scriptures. (In one of your posts, it is referred to as "ciggies")
2) A mālā (rosary) of crystals, representing the power of meditation and spirituality.
3) A pot of sacred water, representing creative and purification powers.
4) The vina, a musical instrument that represents her perfection of all arts and sciences. Saraswati is also associated with anurāga, the love for and rhythm of music which represents all emotions and feelings expressed in speech or music.
The four arms she has represents the four aspects of human personality, which are mind, intellect, alertness and ego.