There is a stark lack of physical empirical evidence for the existence of the supernatural. Most evidence for God is found in the form of logical proofs or logical arguments such as the Cosmological Argument, Ontological Argument, Teleological Argument, Moral Argument, etc. It would take more than the character limit to delve into each argument and the strengths and weaknesses of them.
Rather than being convinced by evidence most believers come to faith in a far different way, and I would argue that someone who comes to belief in God through arguments (if such a person honestly exists) is not professing faith in God but claiming knowledge. Many were born into the religion of their parents and in some strict countries they might be essentially coerced into the religion by force. Some convert because they come in contact with a preacher or apologist they find convincing, or read the teachings of a religion themselves and come to faith that way.
Some may convert for a sense of strength and community or inner courage, such as people going through a very rough time, people trying to beat drug addiction, etc.
So I would say that to most people evidence is not central to their faith, although they might use some form of logical argument or apologetic gymnastics to bolster their beliefs. For many I would argue faith is about spiritual truth more so than literal truth.
There is a scratch by the passengers side.
Did you do it or somebody did it, while the car was in trusted in your care it has a scratch. So what you are saying is it is the dealerships fault of the scratch that was in your care. Wrong view.
There is no first cause without God. As Thomas Aquinas said "Nothing is caused by itself. Every effect has a prior cause. This leads to a regression of events were one thing caused another. Logically this regression has to be terminated by a first ca
Link I can not make the sun rise, the moon glow, A seed to a beautiful flower or plant,
I can not control how our planet turns to give us the seasons and many more, nore can I control love that is deep and he is love
He created it all but we benefit
Cant say this is an area I know alot about Kathleen, but wouldnt that mean god also needed to have a prior cause? That cause would also have to have a prior cause, and so on.
I didn't answer this question to argue about the Cosmological argument Kathleen. I have several hubs that address the flaws of that argument. If you want to argue the subject I recommend checking out my hubs and commenting.
The problem here is that we try to get you to understand our thinking , while at the same time we should respect yours.Sorry but I never saw fool applied to anyone until you said it Link.
I just try to get you to understand by example.Not argue
...except I wasn't the one who mentioned it first.
In fact I even said as long as your beliefs make you happy, thats all that really counts.
I appreciate those words link . And I hope that you can try to understand some things we share with you and others. But in peace.
There is none. Plenty of things exist to make you wonder, but none show any definitive signs of a god let alone a specific one.
What people consider evidence and the leaps in logic they have to make to convince themselves/others it counts as evidence truly staggers me sometimes.
To link could be food contamination, and the poison caused the rupture. But it could be bad food handling imperfect judgment
And carelessness.
Our own existence was not impossible
Why should God's be.
Many things exist with out our power of envolvement , yet we know and accept man's eventions without question, we know some one designed it.and produce copies
Yet it is so impossible for people to comprehend a greater intelligence then the human mind .
Again if we exist , So does he and many other creations.
Certainly we are privileged to be born and exist .because we possibly could have never been born at all.
Yet we beat the odds. Or we can say we came through that window of opportunity . We can and will see a better life under his Authority.
To link we are similar God did not cause the fall of imperfections Adam and Eve and Satan cause the situation. But God only wants to fix it . He provided a way that would come through the genealogy of humans. Through a Jewish line . But all benifit
The best, and arguably only argument for God's existence is that you can't prove he doesn't exist. I want to be clear that I don't think it's a good argument, because that same logic proves the existence of anything (like Zeus or unicorns) but I think it's the best argument because it's what keeps theism alive. Various aspects of science can discredit religious texts and the concept of creationism, but there will always be some element of the unknown. Questions that science can't answer.
It doesn't mean that answers don't exist, but we, as a species, might never find them. So if our ignorance is represented by a vast ocean, then the white whale (god) could still be out there somewhere. The argument I always use in response to this is that our only reference, that there is a white whale, comes from a book. In this metaphor it would be Moby Dick, but for the U.S. it's the Bible. Humans embellish, sensationalize, and mis-remember when they're writing non-fiction. And our capacity to write fiction is almost limitless. So, why then should we believe any of these books without first sighting the whale?
To link. But you decide that later you will find a way to undert or straighten the flaw
And that you will work with the imperfections when making cakes, you have invested money into those pans
So you plan to fix them.
How do you "sight the whale" when God is a Spirit? Are u saying u must "see" Him to believe in Him? Is 55:8-9. We will NEVER have THE answer until I Jn 3:2! We have been given "A measure of faith" (Rm 12:3) - so proceed Jn 21:22 "..just follow Me!
The unique creatures,plants,flowers,animals,land ,air,fire,diverse flora and fauna.
second when human being looses their hopes they again hoping for some miracle.
it is vry true that thre is always one boss to every individual so there would be a God
Look around you. This planet and its inhabitants are the best evidence for God's existence. We were not created by chance! Think of how complex and intricately designed we are. We are not simple, and we could not have been created any other way but by a divine creator!
One can just as easily look at horrible flaws in the body that cause painful deaths and say that no god would willingly design us that way, or if a god did he's all around sadistic.
The honest answer: no one can be certain.
Link - imperfections are the effects of SIN in this world!
Well Link as an example you have two perfect shape pie pans , then some one comes along and drop them one may be dented from the bottom and the other on the rim Did you drop them and cause these dents, No! you could throw them out and buy new ones.
One flaw I had in mind specifically was the appendix. We no longer need it, yet if it gets infected and bursts it will kill you rather painfully if not treated.
How is that a result of sin?
Link we all are born with flaws like those pie pans, and each human is effected in different ways , that is why a baby who has not even lived to do wrong enters the world effected. Can have birth defects.
what caused appendix to rupture could be
It gets rather depressing to see people who thank god for all the good in the world completely deny he has any responsibility for the bad because they believe we are the cause of evil simply by being born with sin and need forgiveness.
Link, you misunderstood - WE are not responsible for sin in the world--Satan is. God has NO responsibility for evil--Satan is!
Well it can get depressing when you are accused of something somebody else did, like drop those pie pans and you are accused of the dents. Which you purchased
And now every cake made shows dents.
But people will blame you for it no matter the truth.
Right, the manufacturer who created the perfect pan is not responsible for the dents caused by someone else.
God + creator = god created satan. If satan is the cause of sin, and god created him, then it would follow that regardless of the degree, god is ultimately responsible for sin.
Is there an error in that logic? I see a flaw in your analogy as well.
Right stargirl
Link as example no one can make you write on HP but you , that is your free will. But if you take your free will and threaten life .is that HP fault? You took your power and used it wrong .HP did not create you as a writer of threats.
The creator of the pan didnt create the person who ultimately dented the pan. God on the other hand created the pan and the being that would dent the pan (mankind) knowing full well what would happen, yet he is still completely blameless?
Link let's use one more example , say you want to lease a brand new car from the dealership , say you agree to a contract to pay , and maintain the car. At the end if your lease you are to bring it back in good condition , so when you bring it back
Kiss, your examples lack any kind of logic. I don't think you even read what I said. No one bothered to answer my earlier question either.
We are reading that's why we reply, but you do not speak logic, you want to blame God for the abuse of acting on free will of choices.
Not right. Like money some people can take it and do good with it, and another do bad.
If they both received from
Logic in a nutshell. People dont think twice to thank god for the good yet are too weak to blame him for any bad, both of which were ultimately created/set into motion by him according 2 their beliefs. Instead they blame Satan...who god created. Sad.
The real logic is this satan wants to kill humans like Adam, while God has made provisions to save life.
We exist while Adam who listen to satan is dead for eternity. Now he wants to kill his offspring sad you got it backwards.
Is there a reason you keep avoiding my question about confirming or denying that Satan was created by god Kiss?
Link when are you going to admit you are responsible for your free will how you use
Just because you are created does not mean God is the fault of your choice of bad behavior. Why did Jesus stay faithful and Satan did not. Both cane from God
I know I'm responsible for my choices, and Im glad you mentioned that.
Kiss if you are solely responsible for your will why do you thank god for good things if those things came about from your own will or others? God wasnt responsible according to u
Link why credit him because I want to be in the image of my creator who is good to me. I do not have to exist, but he made that possible , I do not have to enjoy relationships and family and friends and beautiful things even earthy. He did it for us.
Thank you for the double standard Kiss.
As long as your beliefs make you happy, I guess thats all that counts.
If God does not exist, as atheists contend, why do so many of them spend a whole lot of time talking about Him. And now that I think about it, the fact that many atheists are always talking about God is the greatest proof that He does exist.
By extension then, Allah, buddah, Thor, Zeus, Shiva, Ra, Superman, The flying spaghetti monster, plus a million more, exist and you acknowledge their existence as fact.
I can get behind that. Always liked the Greek gods personally
Careful, your slip is showing. First, God is Allah and Allah is God. Second, there is nothing at all mythical about God. And those who compare God to mythological and comic-book figures are people who lack knowledge and who have not grown up yet.
I'm aware of Allah, but its rather clear not everyone considers them the same. Superman and FSM were for fun, but you do realize Thor and the Greek gods were considered real gods in the past right? Still doesnt change the other millions not mentioned
I learned a long time ago that this world is about "different strokes for different folks." And quite frankly, I could not care less what others believe and disbelieve. But I don't like it when it is implied that I am a fool for holding my beliefs.
Yet you have no problem calling people fools outright for their beliefs or lack of...
Anyway, no one is a fool for their belief provided they don't assert it as fact because then its simply an opinion, and you don't have to back up an opinion.
Then why is it that nearly every time I write an OPINION piece about atheism vs. Christianity, atheists start coming out of the woodwork to interrogate me and to level attacks against me?
I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the assertions you make and how you blatantly state them as facts. You even called one of your hubs that has "fact" in the title an opinion piece the moment someone asked you to back up your assertion.
Also link I have never driven in a Rolls-Royce. But that does not mean that the experience is not a fact, the car does not exist because I have never seen one in person or driven in one.
Peoples experiences are different and that is their proof.
Personal proof is perfectly fine Kiss. Seeing as how personal experiences differ from person to person even if they did the same thing, it cant be relied upon as objective proof for all however. Ever play telephone as a kid? If not google it and see.
I must admit Link you are a man that is your experience , as a woman I could not share that experience .but you are a real man,
It would be senseless to say you are not because I am not. But you explain your experience and facts of being one
link, Let us say, you do not like my style and I do not like yours -- and leave it at that. For my part, I will not communicate with you again.
Isa 45:18 Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: “
Your bluster consistently vanishes rather quickly feenix the moment anyone addresses what you say with any kind of sense. Off bat you imply I'm not mature and lack knowledge, I show you wrong and suddenly its we just think differently.
"Lol." How many times have I seen that on the internet during the past 10 or 20 years. I am living in an age that is bereft of creativity and individualism.
Odd how that has absolutely nothing to do with what's been said, and was only mentioned to pretend you have a leg to stand on since you won't/can't address whats already been said with any kind of substance.
Lol. No wait, "Aha"? *Laughs*?
The best evidence to me is I can think, I can see, I can feel, I can hear, I can walk and I can talk -- and I have the mental and emotional wherewithal to live among people who are out to besmirch all that is decent and good.
Great answer Feenix ! I totally like how you answer with example we all can relate to.
I am happy to read good comments thanks for sharing.
Response to a post in the Q&A section that centers around God's non-accountability for bad things but "obvious" accountability for the good . read more
Spiritual life is similar , it is a language of it own , not all will experience it. So when we speak , it sounds ridiculous to those who do not know or understand the spiritual language. That includes the bible it is the documents that go with it
A very good question. If considered from a scientific point of view, the existence of God cannot be proved. But if we look around and see the existence of a wonderful and enigmatic universe, we are rather compelled to believe in the existence of God or a supernatural power. A simple fact that a seed grows into a big tree or a bud blossoms into a beautiful flower can compel anyone to believe in His existence. How our Universe functions so perfectly can also compel someone to believe in His existence. The perfect functioning of the Laws of Universe simply indicates that there exists a supernatural power.
Whether a person believes in the existence of God or not is simply a matter of his or her perception but the person cannot get a proof or evidence of his or her perception. It is simply the experiences in life of a person that mold one's perception.
Though I have been closely associated with science in life, I have convincing experiences of His existence daily in my life.
Nice answer , but I surly disagree that God can be proven.
Like some one who existed in the 1600's can it be proven they exist even though we never saw them physically ?
As a, scientists they have already proven we come from one pair of humans.
I agree/disagree. The universe if far from perfect, one wrong thing and we could be completely annihilated.
Life as a whole leaves the possibility of the supernatural open, although Ive yet to see anyone give a logical argument for a specific deity.
Link 10103, since the creation of our Universe after a Big Bang, it has been functioning perfectly and a supernatural force is responsible for its perfect functioning. But our Universe will also be annihilated one day as all is impermanent in life.
I dont suppose you have any specific examples...the assertions always come first but I rarely ever see an example that proves them.
Well really the earth has been in the position way before now to be wiped away but it stands
Natural disasters prove something no matter of surface damage the earth still functions and replace foliage and grass.
People think they are in control. NO.
Link 10103, the existence of God being a metaphysical phenomenon cannot be proved scientifically. A believer believes in God by having perceptual experiences about His existence. For a non-believer it is mere humbug.
"The Best Evidence for the Existence of God" is You and I who were created in His own image to give Glory and Praise to Him and Him Alone!
This is a "Spiritual" journey people! If you are "looking for hard evidence," there is none except in the "benefits" He provides "believers" on a daily basis." Psalms 68:19!
Why do people think that God is evil? Do they not know"ALL thgs work together for good for them that love the Lord..according to HIS purpose?" Birth defects Consider Jn 9:1-3! He has "A PURPOSE!" Not for us to question - HE HAS A PURPOSE as in ALL!
The Bible itself is a proven historical document. Much of it has been proven by archaeological finds also.
It contains eyewitness accounts of many things that have happened that are found written in the Bible. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, open blind eyes, made the deaf to hear and the mute to speak, cast out devils and died a horrible death and was raised from the dead and seen by many.
A materialistic world cannot see a supernatural being nor can a supernatural being be proven, to my knowledge, by materialistic means. God is a spirit and must be recognized in the spirit.
The best evidence is of any individual to believe with faith that God exists for as long as necessary. Now, God works according to His own Will. The more that one conforms to His way of righteousness, obeys His Commandments that include "to love Him with all mind, with all heart and with all soul then He may produce evidence to one then, sooner or later. One must develop a relationship of goodness with God although, God watches over and protect people even while they are yet sinners because He intends to use those whom He has gifted to promote His Kingdom. It may sound selfish but God is not selfish because He has purpose for everyone that is born and eventually accepts Him. Yes, we are born in a world of sin already but we are all or each, given the opportunity to repent from such a world and prove ourselves to become known people of God. God provided the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ in order for the possibility of anyone to obtain the new life (life without sin), the favor of His, the verification and therefore, the evidence in that being of His sheer existence. The answer to the question here is only evident individually, in that wonderful and beautiful way.
Beautifully expressed word55. Thank you for sharing
The universe has order, and many things developed the same way, for instance females of most species becomes pregnant by the male, carries the fetus, and gives birth.
Another example is that the seasons show order, and the cycles of life.
The way everything fits, and works together shows an intelligent creator.
One way to go about it I guess.
What about the natural disasters that cause pain, suffering, and total destruction to anything in their path? What does that show, specifically?
Link: It shows "man" is too "smart" for his own good!
LiFe is the best example of the existence of God. Every living organisms whether one wants to accept or not is a God. According to the bible God is all mighty, God is everywhere! God is a creator.. Ho w many mammals have created offspring? How many inventors are we aware of? If we use common sense as opposed to the control we are expected to be under. We will be able to understand and appreciate the glories of our existence! living in "FLIGHT" everyday!
National SCHOLAR
Multi-year nominee SCHOLAR
Not to mention the bible for it is given.
I personally i see myself as the evidence of the existence of God if theres is no God then surely there is no I am.
Let me ask you something first. Why is it that in this survival of the fittest world do i have consciense? Why do i have to care for anyone? Why do i have limits and why although we have this called free will i still feel i am not in control?
If there is no God i could probably the evilest of all beings that ever existed in this world that even hell could not stand,
Why then i am good? why then i am not evil? Inspite of all the unpleasant and extremely bad things happening as we see why is it that there still good people.
Inspite of evil why it still have I AM in the world? I think the best evidence for the existence of God is first ourselves for without God we're just all like animals, a predator and prey. Theres no hope for us without God.
We humans are the best evidence of God for both believers and non believers because if theres no God theres no point to be at least holding on to what is good. its better we kill each other for our own sake why suffer then?
But because God exist, we exist, love exist.
The second of that is science, it is the explanations of every work that God has made. Human knowledge had reach further and further and in the end they will just end up discovering into the feet of God.
They will end up discovering God is behind all of these ..eversince they knew a bit of thing.. that is if they could solve the infinity of the universe.
In some point the theory of evolution could be the process of creation for we can never tell the times of God can you imagine God's using a number? A period of time? We only use numbers for datas, records, dates, etc. to fit in with our limited minds..for who can measure the power of God. Yet in those period of times the root still came forth from God itself wether you came out of a monkey or a pig.
I still have my personal belief that we are originally created in the likeness of God thats why we stand as the evidence of God's existence.
maybe there are others that came from evolutions but still in the roots ofthe roots of it we can't deny the infinite power of God Almighty itself.
There are these metamorphosis, photosenthesis, pollination, balance of nature, food chains, cycles etc. Everywhere is evidently showing the work of God, the programmer of life..
We are the best evidence of God's existence thats why there is "we are" there is "i Am" .. for the only reality of these illusions is God.
its just the matter of reality and illusions. Dont ask for evidence wake up to your illusions. You will wake up if youre belong to God..
That is where the word comes from this word existed before we arrived or was born
and this word touches every human born.
Through other humans.
Feelings are real. One cannot deny what one feels. When I am 'with' God, I feel good. When I do not communicate with God, I often feel bereft, confused. . . Who or What is God I cannot answer. But I know there is a God.
For me it is seeing the abundance that nature provides every year. Regardless of what the human race does...wars, cruelty to animals, abuse of children, and the planet, nature still provides the crops that feed us. I think that is God's love.
I love your comment betty !, so true
Just like in a relationship or a family the head of the family provides shelter , food, clothing, utilities, water, all these are basics
That we survive from , the main thing is oygen, it is supplied .
The mere look on the things visibly seen is an eloquent testimony that someone must have created it. The orderly manner in which the universe is set is not just by accident but by design. The sun, moon,and the stars in their courses above all proclaim the existence of God.
This world you are living and we itself is the main evidence for the existence of God.The most wonderfull thing in this world is the smile of a new born baby.the most sad thing in this world is that we have no gratetude to our God.
roselin,true we take it for granted that life will be waiting for us tomorrow,but forgetting we can not add hours or days to our own life,we are the odds that were born many will never be that reality,but God continues to work our salvation of life
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