If you believe in extraterrestrial visitation to Earth, how do you explain thei

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  1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    If you believe in extraterrestrial visitation to Earth, how  do you explain their ability to ....?

    come from so many light years away?  Hmmmm?

    I would love to see someone write a hub about this. What is your theory on being able to traverse through light years?

    Photo: Pixabay Public Domain


  2. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 9 years ago

    Being once an avid reader of sci-fi, a once great interest both with physics and metaphysics, having maybe a peculiar imagination, and somewhat odd life experiences I discover this to be a fun question to ponder. :-) At question is a factual hub or sci-fi hub based factual? hmmmm . . . I shall ponder a second answer leading to a hub.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Tim - what a great response. Well ... the hub could be either factual or sci-fi. Either one would be very interesting. To write a hub on it, click on the"answer this question" button again and you will get the message to write a hub on this.

    2. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well Phyllis I began a fiction version after some research. Got a first chapter done hub style. Kinda' pondering a hub on the science part next with plans to connect the two. Will see where it leads :-)

    3. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds very interesting, Tim. I look forward to reading it if you choose to do the hub.

  3. integrater profile image60
    integraterposted 9 years ago

    I am not an astro-physicist smile .
    Worm holes are the usual suspects but they are a hypothetical feature.
    I have minimal belief in Extra terrestrials but your question is not about ET belief so I won't elaborate.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, thanks for the comment anyway.

  4. Rachel L Alba profile image91
    Rachel L Albaposted 9 years ago

    I don't believe in extraterrestrial beings.  In the beginning of the Bible where it says how God made the earth, it doesn't mention any other people except Adam and Eve.  If it were so, it would have been mentioned.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for answering, Rachel.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You need to re-read Genesis. It mentions Nephilim and giants living on the earth.

    3. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      MizB - you are right about the Nephilim and giants. Thanks for mentioning that.

  5. Marie Flint profile image75
    Marie Flintposted 9 years ago

    Some have suggested the spacecraft can go so fast because of crystal energy, something we on Earth were already supposed to have developed instead of using fossil fuels.

    Wormholes come to mind, those "warps" in the space-time continuum.

    Also, there is the theory of interdimensional shift, where sentient beings have the ability to take on the vibration of a higher or lower vibrational dimension or reality.

    Have fun you science fiction (or metaphysical fantasy) writers!

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Marie, for this great comment.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Love your answer, Marie, so I don't think I can write a better comment.

  6. somethgblue profile image70
    somethgblueposted 9 years ago

    That is easy and would love to write a Hub about it but if you want some in depth answers right away, go to Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock's website and read his latest two articles.

    The best way to explain it and humanity has this technology as well, is zero point anti-gravity propulsion systems. This is how it works, the propulsion system generates a powerful electro-magnetic field around the whole ship and anything inside this field experiences null space/time, this allow the ship to move into another dimension that doesn't operate in linear time, its a super space highway.

    The you merely travel for a fraction of a second in this dimension and you can cross a million light years instantly, this allows you to cross the vastness of space.

    However ET's live here on Earth inside the Earth and under our seas and have for a very long time. Breakaway human civilizations from our past have also left and returned, this full disclosure Event will happen within a year and half and will completely change our planet for ever.

    Read any of my most recent articles to get glimpse into this information.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome and very interesting information, Blue. Thank you so much. I must hop over and read some of your hubs on this subject. Thanks again.

  7. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    Phyllis......Great Question!  I'm so pleased to see that blue commented.  He has extremely fascinating hubs on topics such as this ..and more.
    When human beings ultimately cease to think we are the ONLY beings in, on or about the cosmos and begin to fully open our minds & hearts to any & all possibilities, there can be nothing too fantastic nor incredible.

    I've learned to reject all forms of cognitive dissonance.  We are, without a doubt trained, brainwashed & brow-beaten from birth to think, live, do & say one way....in general (for the most part)  We are made to feel that going above and beyond what we can grasp with our 5 senses or stepping outside the realm of THIS, HERE & NOW only....somehow makes us  weird, strange, outrageous...even "crazy."  Well, it just doesn't.  This has been challenged, risen above and proven time & time again.  Why do we embrace denial so easily and keep our thinking stagnant?  Why is it we know that we do not USE 90% of our brain?

    Yet, every one and any one of our greatest thinkers, scholars, inventors and innovators have all done precisely that.....gone WAY out of the box.
    If not for those geniuses with the mind, talent and courage, we'd all still be wearing animal skins, killing beasts to eat and bathing in bodies of water.  Evolution....progress....the "out of this world stuff" that most see necessary to scoff at.  Really?  What makes us think that EVOLUTION began with earliest man here on earth.....and how can we possibly think evolution will one day STOP?   
    Just my 2 cents...........Peace, Paula

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Paula. You really have great thoughts about this subject and a  very open mind - I like that. Open minds are what helps us to progress. I have never shut out the possibility of life on other planets and ET visitations to Earth. Thanks, Paula.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Paula, if you want to read some good stuff from an out of the box anthropologist, go to the website of Dr. Samir Osmanagich who is researching the Bosnian Pyramids. He has the scientific world in complete denial.

    3. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Mz B.  Thanx for the lead!  Will go there. (I think this may the anthropologist my son was telling me about.) Sounds very fascinating/

  8. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    Tim, tsmog, according to     Ken Mitchell, (a Retired US Navy officer, astronomy buff, history nut), "1 light-year is 5.8 trillion miles and the maximum speed of a NASA Space Shuttle is 17,500 miles per hour."  (see "how long would it take to travel 1 light year from earth and 1 light year back? at Answers dot com.)So if ETs come from, let's say 3 light years away, they would need a ship large enough and technologically efficient enough to support a whole colony of aliens plus future generations (the first generation would die before reaching Earth -- because if I am right, aliens are not immortal).

    So -- will you write a hub about this? My mind would burst if I tried to do it. LOL

    1. somethgblue profile image70
      somethgblueposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Humans think too small from the perspective of being Earth bound. The Theory of Relativity is over 100 years old, created by a scientist that never left the planet. Read The Pleadian Mission by Randolph Winters, think big!

  9. Niecey Doc profile image62
    Niecey Docposted 9 years ago

    I prefer Josh Peck's hypothesis in Cherubim Chariots and Quantum Creation, where he proposes and explains the extra dimensional rather than extra terrestrial view. It makes so much more sense.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting, Denise. Thank you for sharing that information.  I would like to know more bout Peck's hypothesis. Will you be writing a hub about that?

    2. Niecey Doc profile image62
      Niecey Docposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's a good idea, thanks. I've briefly mentioned it in my other hubs, but one dedicated to it would be good. I'll get to work on it.

  10. kalinin1158 profile image94
    kalinin1158posted 9 years ago

    Great question Phyllis! I see I'm a little late to the party, but I'll still answer. I think when we talk about extraterrestrials, it's important to realize that we're not talking about one single race. In all likelihood, there are many different kinds of ETs (according to one estimate, over 50 species), and they may be using different means of travel. Some may be using the energy and propulsion systems, as Dr. Greer proposes, others may travel interdimensionally, yet others may not be *extra*terrestrial at all ;-)

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting thoughts, Svetlana. Thank you.

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