"The Trinity" was devised by men which was "their interpretation" of the "GLORIES" of GOD! LORD, when "The Council of 325 A.D.," got together, (Job 1:6), Satan was "in the midst" and "WON!" This is "his kingdom" so what does one expect? He (Satan) has continued to "teach" LIES throughout "proclaimed" churches (and "spin offs") for decades and now; IT IS TRUTH to "man!"
Saints, the ONLY WAY one can KNOW TRUTH, is to do as "commanded;" "WAIT" (Acts 1:4) for "HELP" (John 14:26;16:13) from the HOLY SPIRIT! I wonder how many "WAITED" at "The Council?" Apparently - NONE! JESUS SAID "TRUE WORSHIPERS" - "MUST" (Did you hear - "MUST?") worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH" (John 4:23-24)! How then does one think they can "interpret" Scripture and receive "revelation" from the HOLY SPIRIT if they didn't do as "commanded" - "WAIT?"
"The Trinity" LIMITS GOD to "Three" and also calls HIM "persons!" John 4:24 says "GOD IS A SPIRIT!" What gives "The Council" the right to DEFY SCRIPTURE by saying "charateristics" or "persons?" Why can't MOST see "The Trinity" is a LIE according to SCRIPTURE?
"GLORIES!" ALL "SPIRITUAL" GLORIES! JESUS SAID THIS in John 17:5 when HE SAID "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine self with the "GLORY" which I HAD with thee BEFORE THE WORLD WAS!" Some even think JESUS was NOT there during CREATION which DEFIES this SCRIPTURE!
GOD operates in "GLORIES" which ARE NOT "LIMITED" to Three or "The Trinity!" Throughout Scripture HE shows us HIS "GLORIES!" In Isaiah 49:3 HE SAID HE would "Show us HIS "GLORIES" [paraphrasing]! HE even expects us to "operate in "glories" according to II Corinthians 3:18 which says "But we ALL, with open face beholding as in a glass the "glory" of the Lord, are CHANGED into the SAME IMAGE from "glory to glory," even as (JUST LIKE) by the SPIRIT of the Lord." What father would ask you to do something he doesn't or can't do? How much more of our Heavenly Father?
From Genesis to Revelation, GOD has shown us HIS "GLORIES" and to LIMIT HIM to "Three," is an INSULT to the ALMIGHTY GOD; the CREATOR of HEAVEN AND EARTH!
LORD HAVE MERCY for "The Catholic Faith" and their "spin offs" are deceiving and have been deceived!
I pray!
Not MAD at u guys; just feel sorry for u bcuz u're IGNORANT to WORD (re: sin)! Go STUDY & discover we're under NEW COVENANT & have been given the "GIFT" of "GRACE" (Eph 2:8-9) which you constantly throw back in HIS Face!
"their interpretation" of the "GLORIES" of GOD! LORD,"
And just as they ignore and twisted the written word of God, you are right in their footsteps doing the same thing to a different end. Darkness prevails where thee is no understanding or light.
I know & there is NO LIGHT in you for NOT BELIEVING the ABUNDANCE of HIS "GRACE!" It's as if you're saying "GOD is good; but NOT "that" good" to say HE does not "remember our sins no more!" MY GOD does & I'm sorry for u & urs!
Act 17:30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
New Covenant, repent for the KOG is at hand.
The righteous shall live by faith, not the other way around.
Do you "worship in Spirit & in truth?" Why do u THINK u can "lead & guide" yourself better than Holy Spirit via WORKS? Repentance means NEVER do again! Can "man" do this when he can't keep New Yr's Resolutions? Why no REAL "Christians!" Man t
Talk about people of little faith. With God we can do what He asks us to do. You don't get to not do anything when Christ died and gave everything. Your cup is to repent and sin no more, want to trade places with Him?
I pray everyday to "trade places w/HIM" or to become Christ-like! U don't? I knew it! Satan! I get to do what HE did & "Greater things!" How about u? Oh, I forgot! U don't BELIEVE!
U don't know what repentance is! Holy Spirit chgs us ("leads &a
A wasted prayer your cup is not his cup. Funny how you are willing to do what Christ was to do but you deny what you are to do. Christ was obedient to the will of the Father. Time for your obedience to Christ commands of repent.
Am I not being persecuted by Satan - NOW? You are Satan so you wouldn't see that! There's NO WAY we can "repent" w/o the HELP of the Holy Spirit for we can't even keep New Yr's Resolutions! It's ALL SPIRITUAL NOW! We don't have to WORK as OC!
Generally trinity is considered "the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" [not holy spirit] who are god or I AM THAT I AM (Exodus 3:14) with the son being the person who brought the gospel named Yoshua meaning I AM THAT I AM SAVES (Matthew 1:21) and the holy ghost being the second christ whose name will mean ALMIGHTY GOD IS I AM THAT I AM. However, returning to Adam's forming (Genesis 2:7) the word man means "mind able to comprehend all things" which is the god in man and the body, once the second "son of man" has manifested he will be able to raise and lower his vibration to act like a ghost, makes everyone be a trinity. Another way of saying it concerning man is Femininity, Masculinity and mind contained in one body.
It can also represent the triple nature of all things like day and years (Genesis 1:14). Days has 2 major times, evenings and mornings, with 2 short transitions, sunset to dark and first light to sunrise as a single line around the earth. The year's is a bit different with its 2 major seasons being summer and winter and the transitions, spring and autumn, being equally as long but because they happen at the equator it also represents a line around the earth. And there are many more we can see.
Why don't you read the Bible rather than believing what "They" taught u before you went out there alone to dig deeper into TWISTED doctrine?
HE will give u over to a "reprobate mind" (as MOST) if u continue vs "STUDYING" (Acts 17:11)!
So, you are calling what you call god a "reprobate mind" since that is what has taught me.
No! HE doesn't "contradict" HIMSELF! Where is "Trinity" in WORD? The Council made that up! MY GOD says HE "fills the heaven & earth" w/"GLORY!" ONE SPIRIT! The Big O'S: Omnipresent,Omniscient,Omnipotent!
DON'T LIMIT GOD to 3 & certainly not "
Your lack of understanding English keeps you from know there is no contradiction between what I said and "god" had written in scripture. Isn't "the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Mat. 28:19) a trinity without saying it?
What "NAMES?" Is father, son, husband, uncle, brother, your "NAMES?" If you have that many titles, how much more ["GLORIES"] do GOD? Why would HE ask us to "chg fm "glory to glory" & HE doesn't (2Cor3:18)?Now GET REAL! Leave ALL "teachings" behin
The father's name is I AM THAT I AM, the son's name is I AM THAT I AM SAVES and the holy ghost's name is ALMIGHTY GOD IS I AM THAT I AM, that's the 3 in the trinity's names.
Why would u LIMIT (Do u realize who?) THE MIGHTY GOD to 3? Why would u let "man's" teachings do that to u?Even have their lil clover leaf to justify but GOD can't go outside of a leaf?
Since you imply I don't know god, why don't you enlighten me? What is called god has taught me, NOT MAN, so take your covenant teachings to someone god hasn't taught.
"There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the ends thereof are the ways of DEATH" (Prov 14:12)!
That can apply to both of us, neither one or only one of us but you are not the judge, only the spirit is. If you were Spirit born you would know if it apply to either or neither of us.
I recognize HE'S NOT LIMITED; you limit to three! Who would you say is closer in line with THE CREATOR?
Man can deceive man; but the HOLY SPIRIT (aka GOD) "RULES;" NOT "LIMITED" & "reveals ALL truth!"
The one Spiritually Born is best able to make spiritual discernments. I have metamorphose and almost to become a spiritual adult with "dominion powers" like the gospel bringing christ demonstrated. Where are you in your spiritual born life?
"Discernment of good & evil;" laying on of hands to receive HOLY SPIRIT; healing, dreams fulfilled, tells me of things to come, "revelation" of TRUTH in HIS WORD! WOW! HE "leads & guides" me daily & have "seen" actions manifested that r
To discern good and evil is recognize the only good is g-o-o-d and the only evil is e-v-i-l, everything else IS WHAT IT IS which is how to baptize in the name of the father common to the son and holy ghost. They are judgments and not descriptions.
Well Phil 2:10 LIED if they are judgments! The have a NAME & that NAME is JESUS! If we will bow to JESUS; where is GOD; asleep? GOD is operating in the "GLORY" of JESUS gathering the Church yet SAME SPIRIT! AFTER DoP Acts 2:38 tells us how to ba
it is a false catholic doctrine promoted and accepted by most churches of men and in contradiction of scripture. in other words some mens ideas that have been allowed to replace scripture truth in the churches of men.
It least they LIMIT to 3 as your belief LIMITS to 2!
I don't LIMIT at ALL in my belief!
What wrong w/that picture?
God loves people so much that when they are in unrepentant darkness they are allowed to believe what ever they want to believe. Darkness see's no picture, it is dark.
As you are in "the dark" for UNBELIEF (Heb 3:19) and are as an Atheist in the sight of GOD!
Rich, I'm not MAD at you; but feel sorry for you (& P&N) because you don't KNOW WORD & refuse to accept what HE SAID which is "UNBELIEF" (aka A
nor-you are as bad at eric in telling people what you say they believe. you really do not know what I believe, only that I dont believe your false doctrines of which you have many. I dont have to twist scripture or use mistranslations.as you do
Show "twisted Scripture" & "mistranslations" if you are a child of GOD?
Unrepentant sinners would not understand scripture norine, why cast pearls before swine? Repent of the foul vulgar disrespectful mouth that Hub pages erased an entire posting on and come out of that darkness.
You believe HP & I GOD!
I know! U don't understand & I do "cast pearls among swine!" Rm 8:1 "There is therefore NO CONDEMNATION to those "IN" Christ Jesus!"
You believe otherwise (No Jer 31:34;Heb8:12;10:17); you're OUT & UNBELIEVER(aka
Your quoting 1Cor 9:20 as an excuse to be in active sin shows no understanding what so ever. Norine you don't believe God or the people He puts in your path. Out of your heart your mouth spoke it was foul vulgar disrespectful, deleted by Hub page.
HP your god? I'm talking WORD; you (as usual) are talking man! Why dont you BELIEVE New Covenant? That's what the whole Message is in Bible; Christ coming sending you access to the KoG via BELIEF on the HOLY SPIRIT & you don't want HIM! SAD!
The spirit that you believe allows active sin in the KOG is not the HS. Read 1cor 6 9-11 and James 3 1-12. Paul and James know there are no sinners in the KOG and what came out of your mouth was darkness full of salt. Repentance is your choice.
I'm like the "jailer" in Acts 16:30-31; ALL I have to do is "BELIEVE" (which you don't) & I'm "saved!"
You "repent" if you like!
What you believe is important, being an active sinner causes nothing in the scriptures to be understood by you. There is no light in darkness.
Therefore, I see NO LIGHT in you; DENYING SCRIPTURE! GOD is "ONE SPIRIT" who manifests HIMSELF into ANYTHING HE desires; simultaneously in ALL locations; IF HE DESIRES! At least MY GOD is! You LIMIT your god!
Repentance is under OLD COVENANT!
Show scripture that says your foul vulgar disrespecting mouth is allowed in the KOG., When clearly Christ said repent for the KOG is at hand.
Ask JESUS why HE was "foul & vulgar" when you see HIM Face to face (Matt 23)! You're going to look like the FOOL I call you! Jn 21:19 said "Follow ME" & I do! What's your problem "Christian?" Rm 8:8 "Flesh don't please GOD!" Keep trying to W
You are not Jesus. You continue to be the same nasty resentful person. You are the one with the mouth not Jesus. It should not have surprised me to see what you wrote, I had misplaced hope. You don't get a free pass, sinners need to repent.
I Jn 4:17 "...as HE is so are we IN THIS WORLD!" I am when I give HIS WORD! Tell JESUS how "nasty & resentful" HE is-FOOL! Oh HE has a MOUTH (Matt 23) & so do I! Tell JESUS HE needs to "repent!"
It is becoming more and more apparent that you are more lost than anyone could even believe. You are to repent, as a disciple of Christ you must repent because the KOG is at hand. No one else is going to do it for you.
The KoG WAS "at hand" under the LAW! HE'S here-NOW; came on the Day of Pentecost; if U BELIEVE!
No I can tell you are REALLY lost by still looking for the KoG when HE sent on Day of Pentecost! IGNORANT to WORD is foul & vulgar? Well, it applie
God does not call unrepentant sinner to be teachers. Enough with the disobedience.
I need to ask one more time "What do I need to repent fm" when I FOLLOW JESUS? Calling u IGNORANT (as Paul) & a FOOL as JESUS did UNBELIEVERS (Matt23)? Wouldn't u say 1 is IGNORANT if WORD is available but don't STUDY or a FOOL for not BELIEVING?
I'll play your question game. Do you think a disrespectful foul vulgar comments made to other people is acceptable, would you talk to little children that way. If you lost your temper and talk as you do here would you repent or ignore their reaction?
IF JESUS SAID IT; I FOLLOW HIM! To bad you've allowed society (RELIGION) FOOL you otherwise! GOD HATES - NO JUDGMENT with HIS WORD! If in WORD unto righteousness; we can do! ANYTHING JESUS DID/DOES is RIGHTEOUSNESS! In the sight of man=NOT!
I'll take that as a no, you would never allow children to talk that way or tell them that it was ok to do it. You would more than likely also tell them what would happen if they did it again. God is no different, His sons blood isn't for you to sin.
What? My kids do as JESUS also! GOD'S WAYS are not man's ways! YOU FOOL! You didn't teach your children to follow Jesus?
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