Two Christians, both led by the Holy Spirit in understanding. Differ on meanings

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  1. Ericdierker profile image47
    Ericdierkerposted 7 years ago

    Two Christians, both led by the Holy Spirit in understanding. Differ on meanings of the Bible. Who?

    I stopped trying to determine just who is led by the Holy Spirit. I take folks at their word. But they differ. The 4 Gospels differ per perspective. Isn't this just clear as a bell that God works through us all differently and that those imposing their revelations on another is false. Everyone who knows the Holy Spirit cannot be wrong, but everyone does can be right.

  2. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 7 years ago

    An interesting thought exercise Eric. I must confess the keyword ‘imposing’ caused caution for me. So, in that light let me preface this answer is to be taken like a drop in an emerald sea. I grasped the question (Who?) infers correct or incorrect. Later said in the supplemental is both can be correct. I agree.

    To explain my self, within the question preface are two key phrases – “led by the Holy Spirit in understanding” – and the second “meanings of the Bible”. They to me set the tempo. Okay, an exercise for meaning is using the question preface.  Right now for ‘me’, thus is IMHO, the main biblical point about the Holy Spirit that comes to mind is that the Father will send it as a comforter and/or counselor to ‘me’ (Meaning of the Bible). As far as being led by it I seem to remember it will show ‘me’ about ‘me’ (An understanding led by the Spirit).

    But, agreed, to impose that view above would be a false action of me. A reason is because that is a realization of ‘my’ walk today with the Spirit. I most certainly can share as I did. But, as stated, it “is to be taken like a drop in an emerald sea”.

    If someone glean anything from it, although it may be deemed as false, there may be a blessing for their life and their walk with the Spirit. But, that is a process of gleaning. I think with biblical discussions the principal of gleaning has greater value than imposing, which is a force. Thus, perhaps, the person giving the message; imposing?, should consider if they are ministering or not.

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Tim I set this aside to come back for it. You left out the concept of this idea of an obligation to rebuke. How does that fit in?

    2. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hello. Eric. I’m trying to connect obligation of rebuke to the context of the OP regard imposing a revelation. Hard to answer reply w/o context. Why? Peeking rebuke is used 105 X w/different meanings, uses, users & instructions = discussion ;-)

    3. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Tim sorry so late -- I was out in space working on the concept of microseconds of love, fascinating. I think you and I are kind of both scratching our heads about whatever it is to tell another believer they are wrong. Paul seems loving.

    4. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it is a head scratcher. Being told I am wrong vs. someone saying they disagree with me are two entirely different things. (Rebuke vs. Understanding → RE: Opening OP)  Both have one. A beginning point of furthering understandings = dialogue.

    5. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Tim, The "Who?" is biblically answered by Isa 7:14-16's 2 kings over the abhorred land, death, being god and devil  & 45:7 suggesting they are both the same entity.  Just food for thought.

    6. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Elijah I am not seeing it in your scripture. Just too vague for me.

    7. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      ED, Isa 7:16's "abhorred land" is death which must be forsaken before "the child" choses, 45:7 say god is continually making peace and creating evil so god is the "WHO" that is determining what each person understands and why they understand it.

  3. Terrielynn1 profile image85
    Terrielynn1posted 7 years ago

    This is a good question. The bible itself shows that some will feel they are lead by Holy Spirit or gods active force. But Jesus himself showed the followers in his day that not all saying lord, lord did we not prophesy in your name and do good works in your name. And he said get away from me you workers of lawlessness. He went as far as saying they wouldn't inherit the kingdom of god. I love a good discussion and respect others. If we earnestly read, look and have faith, using decernment and asking for guidance we will see the truth. We have to study and take the words to heart, ask for understanding and he will show show us. But we must always consider if what we know is mans teachings or gods. In the end love, kindness and a desire to know almighty god and his son. Will direct our path on the direction we should go. In Jesus words, wide is the path leading to death. But long and narrow is the path leading to life. From my studies I have learned we cannot mix teachings of other religions with the teachings of Christ. You can't have a truth, if it's combined with other spiritual teaching. God requires exclusive devotion. If you want to serve as close to the way Jesus did, then you need to gain knowledge, grow in faith and use the basics laid out in the bible to guid us and help us change to fit gods requirements to live according to his ways he set out for us. My goal is to be a better person then I was yesterday and always striving to live in love and kindness. We still have free will and ultimately what we decide is up to us, but at least then we have made our choice.

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I really like how you use scripture, far more powerful than quoting. I worry hear if we cannot use Descarte, Plato, Buddha or Dalai Lama to learn from. I have learned much from the spiritual teachings about our earth from Navajo-Dine'.

    2. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Some of them were very kind loving people. We can learn from their kindness,and but I don't add idols to my worship. Jesus himself condemned the temple for doing the same or buying and selling in the place of worship. I have learned that it's wrong.

    3. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Peter that is very smug, self righteous and amazingly rude. If I see you again I will know you are not sincere and the worst type of troll. And by the way keep working on your language arts they are deplorable.

    4. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Peter you already said that you are just playing and not sincere. Please go elsewhere. Trolling is really a strange thing to do.

    5. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Eric, If you've read Siddhartha The Buddha you may see he represent the process of Genesis 2:24. The flame purifies good and evil out of our minds and the sword cuts us say from attachments for returning to living environmentally as Adam had been.

    6. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Terrie -- are you really going all "Inquisitor" on us? Flushing out Satan because Luther dares to defy and K. James changes things. Just whose doctrine from Ngostics to Puritans do you grade another by? Of course there is rightful influence. Frances?

    7. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Eric. I am not sure what you mean by that. There are basics that we need to follow in order to serve Christ, his way. To honour him and I studied many teachings and it's lead me to Christ. That's my point. Jesus himself said there are many gods.

    8. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Beautifully said and well done. So clearly you are expressing concern over shifting our belief system into one that is just plain and simple not xxx dang that is where I get into trouble - not what?

    9. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Eric maybe this will help you see where I come from. I've learned about Buddha, have Muslim friends,went to catacism,penicostal church and youth group.As a child went to Anglican.I have learned from each. Spent time with Mormons teaching. Still learn

    10. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Right on Terrie. Mismo. I am constantly walking a great line of learning that I can retract from and do every morning in Bible reading, meditation, listening and prayer. So far with that it comes out love and that is the two real commandments.

    11. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 7 years agoin reply to this


  4. Dana Tate profile image79
    Dana Tateposted 7 years ago

    I meet many Christians whose understanding differs from mine. People have different levels of faith. For the Christian, the bible must be thought of as the answer and the only source. The Holy Spirit works through faith. The deeper the faith, more fruit is produced.

    The words in the bible have a special blend of seasoning. The more the words are meditated on the deeper the seasoning seeps. There is no end to wisdom it is an unlimited supply of medicine and it is true you will know them by their works because a bad tree cannot produce good fruit or vice versa.

    When people ask me about my faith I tell them to read the bible as if they are searching for something that has been buried or hidden. Search the bible as if they are trying to uncover buried gold.

    If you seek, you will find and you will develop a thirst for the Creator that will send you on a life long chase. The work of the Holy Spirit can be seen more clearly through people who have strong faith.

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You remind me Dana that in my age, when I learn something really cool from the Bible I say "I knew that!!" I do that morning reading, meditating and prayer thing. A day without the Bible in it is a wasted day.

    2. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your words touch my heart. I agree with you completely here. My study of gods word draws me closer and compels me to dig deeper. Thank you for the reminder.

  5. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 7 years ago

    The four Gospels use different words, but the perspective is the same----that Jesus lived, preached, healed, exorcised demons, died and rose again. Perhaps you are referring to types of passages wherein one apostle mentions one man on the cross, while the other mentions two, often referred to as biblical errancy? I don't know if that is what you mean. Nevertheless, the meaning and the end result is the same---that Jesus is Lord. That is what the Canonical gospels say, and they are reliable, having been written within the same generation of Jesus of Nazareth.
    But as for those who are led by the Holy Spirit, I couldn't tell you. I do believe that they are never ashamed to proclaim the name of Jesus, but more importantly, they live by the precepts of Gods and they are strong in their humility.

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Yves it has been a bit, I hope all is well. What I am talking about in perspective is less than you. Just like where they we standing. A different viewpoint. Yes the loving spiritual perspective is the same even with the physician Luke. Thanks

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know what "less than you" means or "where they were standing" means either. Over my head, I guess.
      The only thing I know is that we can ask the Holy Spirit for discernment...

    3. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yves, you are talking about a spiritual perspective. I am referencing a physical perspective. Mine of man, yours of God.

    4. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Ha ha. You must resist these 'temptations when you can.' All we have is this Eternal Now and before it leaves this mortal coil, it is my understanding, that each Soul feels that it has wasted time.

    5. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Manatita... What??  No offense, but psychobabble, however popular and unchecked, is not useful. Nevertheless, it is accepted as truth by many. Unfortunately.

  6. The0NatureBoy profile image56
    The0NatureBoyposted 7 years ago

    Yes Eric,
    Spirit works through people differently because where they are in their evolution through every attribute we see man performs.  Peopled don't know the Adam and Eve metaphor is just that nor do many see Isaiah 45:7 reading "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things" saying good and evil does not exist.  {see … -and-Evil}

    The division in man is done so every life-force get to engrave every experience of every man in their life-force before they are qualified to become "holy" or whole again.  However, it is not until we have incarnated in our last incarnation that John 14:16 & 26 bring them back into our memories so we can reproduce in us our "dominion" abilities. Therefore, "spirit" does tell everyone something different depending on where they are in their evolution through the multi-million, if not more, personalities of man.

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting to note Elijah. I am more inclined to hold to a circular notion on the levels of man's consciousness. I do not see my arms and legs going where my brain does. The linear timeline concept eludes my acceptance. Maybe I was better before.

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      How to reap what we so if I killed someone and died naturally? I reincarnate as the person killed feeling how they felt being killed, the same with rape and everything else, each life-force experiences both sides of man's life experiences.

    3. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This question is about the. Bible and the knowledge and wisdom people obtain as they grow in gods word. What you have posted here is not from the Christian bible or taught by christ. The idea of reincarnation voids Jesus sacrifice for our sins.

    4. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Terrielynn, You opinion is received.

    5. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Elijah please don't call what I said, my opinion. It's in the bible gods word, not mine. Many others know the same through study of the scriptures and the teaching of Christ. We are warned by his word not mix the teachings of other religions with his

    6. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Terrie I think I know where you are coming from and I appreciate that.I just wonder sometimes why God made Ghandhi and Mandela and even you with an intellect and the ability to translate learned texts -- of what purpose?

    7. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Eric. With respect, you asked so I'll answer you. We are not all made of god. We are imperfect and the cause of our genetics and surroundings. There are many gods. But almighty god exacts exclusive devotion. Study shows us and teaches the truth.

    8. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Terrie if you follow your theologic bent then you say it is wrong for doctors to use penicillian for healing is only retained by God. Vietnamese Christian is so different that Paris Catholic. Are you comfortable casting billions of souls out?

    9. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Eric my friend, iam not sure why you call it bent. I wish there was more then 250 words here. I cast no one out. Only god and Christ have that authority. We can only study learn and ask for guidance.Decernment and knowledge tells us what isn't from h

    10. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      TL, Many things are in the Bible but people's judgments only allow then opinions rather than UNDERSTANDING. Your "We are not all made of god. We are imperfect..." is an opinion, Isa 45:7 say everything is perfect for their purposes.

    11. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Elijah, the bible says we are not perfect. That's part of why it took christs sacrifice a perfect man in exchange for or sins. This is not my opinion. I study In order to improve my understanding and to dwell on gods word. Did I misunderstand you?

    12. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      TL, Imperfections are in the sight of judging man of both genders who don't realize everyone is perfect for the purpose of their incarnation. Accepting all things were made by god (Isa. 45:7) reveals everything is prefect for god's purpose.

    13. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      God is perfect, Christ is perfect. We are not. I am imperfect all humans are. I am broken, but thanks to god that's how the light gets in. If you are perfect why are you still here with us mere mortals. I will study and learn and grow in knowledge.

    14. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      TL. See it - if you can - from the standpoint that you are a Soul, made in the image of Spirit. The physical Temple is fleeting, but the Soul is a Divine spark of Light and as such immortal. You seem to have a lot to deal with here. Take a break.

    15. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Manatita what an interesting thing to say. Thank you. Time to read. Have a beautiful day.

    16. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      TL:-I can feel your Heart. God is impartial, true, but has a very special Love for His devotees. Loving thoughts.

    17. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Terrie and all, I question this notion of "broken" as Terrie let's us know. Is it not more correct to say "I was broken"? I was a creepy crawly low down beast before. But I do not feel broken any longer. I fact I find I heal others.

    18. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Good morning Eric. Yes maybe I was terribly broken. But I am not completely healed either. My healing comes from our Heavenly Father. It's a process and continues on.

    19. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Really good point Terrie. Personally I prefer not to graduate from life yet. Maybe you are more correct. I am just less broken than before. At our Anniversary dinner my wife proclaimed that I was yuk when she married me, and now not so bad ;-)

    20. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I like that Eric your wife sounds cool. I was only 18 when I got married. Yes I would I was yuk. My husband is a beautiful man and he has helped me heal. I think now he would agree with your your wife.

    21. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      TL, perfection can produce imperfection, as I said before, your opinion is received.

  7. rosettaartist1 profile image60
    rosettaartist1posted 7 years ago

    "By their fruits you shall know them" means that you shold try to "test the spirits" of people.  Christians need discernment, or they will be deceived like Eve.  "The flesh wars against the Spirit" which is why Christians need to "search the Scriptures" for themselves so that they can "rightly divide the Word of truth" and not be confused by other Christians.  Not all are spirit filled.  Not all study and "rightly divide the truth," so it all comes back to the individual... Study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth," don't rely on what othes say.  If their differ on the meanings of the Bible, get back to the Bible, don't let them confuse you.  "God is not the author of confusion."  Study the word as every believer has to have a personal relationship with God, not with celebrity TV Preachers, not with professing Christians who want to be believed as right.  Remember, the devil quoted scripture.  The Holy Spirit is never wrong so you need to find out the Truth in the only place it exists in - The Bible.

    1. Terrielynn1 profile image85
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful. You said this so wonderfully. This is exactly how I feel. Study, learning asking for guidance is the best way.Gain knowledge and grow in faith,not believing something because it's what you were always told. But read, learn and base on word

    2. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Wonderful Rosetta with no published works here and a murky profile. Your notion of "divide" is found where? Are you are Spirit filled? The question comes about two of us Christians who differ with the Spirit. "Wars against spirit"???

    3. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      RC, "By their fruits you shall know them" means their lives, teachings, lack of judging and other things the gospels shows the christ did not do will be seen in all who claim to follow him; as "Christian" means per Acts 11:26.

  8. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    My husband has often said, the more rules you have, the less faith you have.  His point is that the Holy Spirit is not one size fits all. He leads us step by step as individuals not with sweeping generalizations or hard and fast absolutes.

    This is why each believer must read scripture and find out for themselves what God is saying to them, personally.  What it says to me today might not be what it says to you today or on any given day.

    1. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I like your answer, Kathleen. Much wisdom here, especially the second para.More personal.

    2. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I like this Kathleen. This always reminds me of being a parent. I simply do not speak to any of my children just the same. Each is different and each is special and need different things from me.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There is such a thing as moral absolutes. Anyone who says otherwise is just one more person who has chosen to ignore Scripture in favor of their own preferences. Metaphysical mush sounds nice, but it is worthless & is devoid of Truth.

  9. Marsha Musselman1 profile image82
    Marsha Musselman1posted 7 years ago

    God and the holy spirit must also work with where we're at in life and our faith and understanding of scripture. The bible is a multi-faceted jewel and as we search it out it will reveal depth to our understanding even of matters we thought we understood fully already. In the Greek this is called suneisis. *(I think that is the correct spelling).

    Even though we know people that are led by the spirit, some may still veer from the guidance periodically. The only way to know for sure is to take what they teach or preach and research it out in the Bible and let the word speak.

  10. Candace Buchanan profile image57
    Candace Buchananposted 7 years ago

    That Is Such a profoundly powerful response..

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Candace are you OK?

    2. Candace Buchanan profile image57
      Candace Buchananposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes thank you Eric smile Big changes, but wonderfully powerful and exciting.. Preparations for doing Gods work, and beginning the journey I have been preparing my whole life for. Do oyou ask for a specific reason ?

  11. Ericdierker profile image47
    Ericdierkerposted 7 years ago

    What wonderful answers and comments. I did not see a case of one here telling another what to think. They just shared their thoughts.
    Here is an interesting notion that I am working on. Just assume that the ego is us thinking we know all the answers. So then wouldn't speaking without ego be the only way to let the Holy Spirit speak through us.
    And yes I saw much abandonment of ego here.
    So I figure I should thank all of you for stepping aside and letting the Holy Spirit speak to me, through you.
    Really cool!


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