What religion does God accept ??

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  1. angelicwarriors profile image70
    angelicwarriorsposted 15 years ago

    I started a 4 year Bible school, I am not sure where it is leading me, but I felt the need to do some writing along the way... if you are interested feel free to follow along....

    enough about me....

    Here is what I found very interesting, I have struggled with organized religions for a long time, might be the biker in me coming out, yet I am proud to state that by blind faith I will follow Jesus to the end of my days...

    So the first night of school we start in the book of James... and there it is in black and white...

    James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

    from the NIV Holy Bible

    Interesting verse to me, when you stop and consider all the man made "religions" that are in the local phone book...

    So what religions do you think God accepts as pure and faultless??

    Now I am a member of a church, teach Sunday School to 2 to 3 year olds, go to a few different mens groups, and a member of the Christian Motorcycle Association.... so this isnt about beating up the Church...

    I welcome any and all comments...

    1. TheGlassSpider profile image65
      TheGlassSpiderposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The true and Living God is not about man-made religion at all. His "Church" is a whole different thing than the brick-and-mortar churches we have today. If you continue to read the Bible, you will find all sorts of things in it that most modern, organized churches don't want you to find out. Like that you don't have to belong to one of them in order to know who God is.

    2. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Just as a matter of interest - how can you blindly follow jesus if you do not understand what he said?

      1. angelicwarriors profile image70
        angelicwarriorsposted 15 years agoin reply to this


        isnt blind faith just that, following something without fully understanding???

        just as a child believes 1 plus 1 equals 2, but doesnt understand that the square root of 25 is 5 so I am with Jesus...

        I believe that Jesus died for my sins...

        I know you dont believe this, and you have a theory of how man got here,  but that is your choice....

        I have no proof of God being real that you will accept, just as you have no proof that I will accept that you theory is correct...

        You may feel that I am wrong for my beliefs, but the strange thing is they are MINE, and I am not asking you to make them yours...

        Mark feel free to read some of my Hubs and you may see why I believe what I do weither it is right or wrong to you, it is right to me and that is what i will have to answer for in the end isnt it??

        1. aguasilver profile image69
          aguasilverposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Well said. smile

        2. greeneyesH1982 profile image60
          greeneyesH1982posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          that you do my friend smile peace and unconditional love to you my brother

          1. greeneyesH1982 profile image60
            greeneyesH1982posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            hi agua=)

            1. aguasilver profile image69
              aguasilverposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Hi to you too.... smile

        3. Mark Knowles profile image58
          Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Why do you not see that this is where the wars and conflict come in?

          Blindly following something when you do not understand it means that you do not understand what the message was. And - let's take aguasilver as an example - he claims to follow jesus and is antagonistic to any one who does not. Because he is blindly following something he does not understand.

          What if I decide to blindly follow something I do not understand and come to the conclusion that I am supposed to hate gays? As many seem to?

          So - what you are doing effectively is giving up control of yourself. And as you are not sure why or what you are giving up control to - there is no shortage of "religions" and "churches" and "minister" to step into the breach you have created and tell you what to do.

          Already you are indoctrinating 2 year old children who are incapable of making a distinction between what is real and not real into your religious cult.

          Against the wishes of jesus wink

          I honestly do not understand why none of you see the danger in this. Surely 1800 years of people like you being taken advantage of should show you that this is not what jesus would have wanted?

          I mean - I know exactly what I should be doing if I chose to follow jesus. And not because of some invisible super being in the sky, but because it is one way to become more evolved. But - I have things to do for a few years yet. I spent 10 years doing it and now I am back in the land of the worldly for a few years.

          Tell you what though - I have only ever met one person in my entire life who was a genuine christian. Going around fighting with atheists/heretics/muslims/agnostics/protestants/catholics/gays/abortionists/liberals/communists/whatever your cult is fighting with this week and telling everyone GLORY! AMEN! COME SOON LORD JESUS! is not it. lol

          Talk about missing the point.......

          1. aguasilver profile image69
            aguasilverposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Mark, this is actually one of the better posts you have made, it's certainly easier to respond to you when you are not blatantly abusive.

            "Blindly following something when you do not understand it means that you do not understand what the message was. And - let's take aguasilver as an example - he claims to follow jesus and is antagonistic to any one who does not. Because he is blindly following something he does not understand."

            One small correction there, I understood fully from the moment that I was finally delivered out of the hands of the enemy, and at that point my relationship with Christ was made real.

            I'm not blindly following anything, my eyes are wide open and I know EXACTLY what I am doing.

            If I am in error then God will correct me, if I refused the correction, then God will chastise me, if I am stubbornly in error, God will remove me.

            My very life and eternity is dependent upon my decisions.

            I an not "antagonistic to any one who does not" I reserve that for those who choose to attack my faith unwarranted.

            I'm not 'defending God' for God needs no defenders.

            I'm defending MY faith in God, and doing so because there is a battle between the Satan whisperers and believers, to either present or deny the Gospel to the world.

            Ephesians 6 : 12

            For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

            You may be unaware of this, but believers are not.

            Anything I say to you is NOT aimed at you, you are simply the delivery system for the enemy you do not know you have, to deliver another missive to the world attacking Gods word and people.

            BTW I have never 'indoctrinated' my children, I could not do that having been an rational atheist for 30 years or so, I have made the effort to show them both sides of the fence and to let them decide.

            I can do that because I have lived both sides of the fence.

            I do not disagree with you that the Jesus most people read about and think they are following, is not the one they actually are. The keynote verse for this is:

            Matthew 7 :21

            “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

            Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’

            And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

            The whole chapter deals with the 'who' issue.

            From the start of my relationship with Christ I have been aware that due to my background my role has always been as a spiritual warrior... my time here on hubpages has been a refresher course after I drifted off from the battle for a while.

            You have been a good steel to sharpen my weaponry against, and I thank you for that, but my sorjorn is almost over and although I am not (as yet) instructed to move onward, I have stopped fighting yourself, for as I said the battle is not against flesh and blood, but in the heavenlies, and I sense that this battle has bene won in the heavenlies, so my task is almost complete.

            1. earnestshub profile image73
              earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Do you realise how insane this sounds, and how megalomanic you sound? Stop. listen to what you are saying!
              Sharpen your weaponry indeed! What a drama queen you are! lol
              There is no enemy just as there is no fairy! lol

              1. aguasilver profile image69
                aguasilverposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Earnest,

                Don't be embarrassed for me...

                You may be unaware of this, but believers are not.

                Anything I say to you is NOT aimed at you, you are simply the delivery system for the enemy you do not know you have, to deliver another missive to the world attacking Gods word and people.

                1. earnestshub profile image73
                  earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  That would be the hate filled biblical god or the monster from the quoran?
                  You can save it. This is all emotive clap trap. You don't have gods word, you have a lot of controlling lies written with an agenda that is blatantly obvious to all but the blind by choice. smile

    3. profile image51
      arsmithposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      1Pe 4:16  Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
      1Pe 4:17  For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
      1Pe 4:18  And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
      1Pe 4:19  Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

      Without the blood of Christ there can be no salvation. This is the Lords commandment.

    4. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this



      The entire Buddhist monk's life is but a preparation,
      For his Death Point or moment of separation.

      The Jains have santhara,
      Quitting life consciously to join with the paramatma.

      Hindus go into Samadhi,
      Where there is no Congress, Shiv Sena , BJP or Samajwadi.

      The Christian merges with the Holy Spirit,
      Peace, no more desperate.

      The Sufi mystic to become one,
      Dances, twirls, prays, trances to get the job done.

      Aghora means Illumined with Light,
      Longing for Shiva in whom they delight.

      Shamanism or the Art of Ecstasy,
      The ultimate being one with the super entity.

      There is no need to change your faith,
      And on your old religion lay a wreath.

      All are paths to god and are all equally good. smile

    5. profile image53
      (Q)posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      But essentially, you still belong to organized religion, yes?

      So, you indoctrinate young children into your religion? That's very sad.

    6. Paul Wingert profile image61
      Paul Wingertposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Any religion that has God at the helm, God accepts them. Allah, Jehovah (pronounced Yahweh),  Elohim, etc are just a few of 72+ names for God. Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God.

  2. kess profile image61
    kessposted 15 years ago

    If you follow Jesus blindly you're better of being an atheist.

    For you would be more true to yourself, and God will have mercy on You.

    1. tantrum profile image60
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, be an Atheist. The mercy God have on us is overwhelming !  lol

  3. tantrum profile image60
    tantrumposted 15 years ago

    He's not a human being. He accepts no religion.

  4. angelicwarriors profile image70
    angelicwarriorsposted 15 years ago

    thanks aguasilver...

    I am no public speaker for the most part, I knew that I would be asked questions about my faith, and things that I cant prove, I have been asked those before...

    I have been called crazy by family members for walking away from everything to do the work of my Lord... so to have strangers question me isnt the end of the world to me...

    thanks again for the positive feedback...

  5. angelicwarriors profile image70
    angelicwarriorsposted 15 years ago


    ok I am a little lost, not sure what all that was for.. was that directed at me or someone else??

    Sometimes my simple mind doesnt follow along well....

  6. tantrum profile image60
    tantrumposted 15 years ago

    I wouldn't call you crazy.
    I would call you lost.
    you don't even know what God is. How can you ask what kind of religion God accepts. Is God a man to accept something ? Does he talk to you? How are you going to know the answer?
    Only in your imagination.

  7. TLMinut profile image60
    TLMinutposted 15 years ago

    I admit I have never been part of a church BUT why are they so hated? People organized to more effectively do the work they're called to do. People get together with others who believe, talk, sing, listen to a lesson then discuss it. Why is that so horrible?

    Some church organizations get above themselves and forget what they're for so they start seeing it as a great way to have power and money. Hopefully that's not the majority.

  8. skyfire profile image77
    skyfireposted 15 years ago

    People who are non-religious yet theist will say- god will not choose religion, but people with bias for their own religion will say god favors their religion.

    But question is did god said, form religion and survive and multiply to increase number of followers of religion just like virus ? If you say yes, how you confirm it ? with those human written books ?

  9. angelicwarriors profile image70
    angelicwarriorsposted 15 years ago


    If you only know one true christian man, then a seed has been planted with in your heart.

    You state that I am alot of things, based on a few sentences I have written here, but did you ever take the time to get to know the man behind the words or did you just lump me in with the rest of the people that say they follow Jesus.

      Lets for a moment take your point of view, and am not makeing this statement as what I believe but will to show my point... I take your point of view that there is NO God.... so I go to a building on sunday morning, (by the way I dont wear my "sunday best") I watch over a small group of two year olds, and teach them that they are loved and that they should love their friends as themselves... That they should listen to their parents, help people when they need it, what harm have a caused you??

      Lets continue to say that you are correct their is no God, that when I die they will throw dirt on me and totally forget my name with in 50 years... And I continue to do the things that I do, reach out a hand when someone needs it, hold a door for someone going in, shovel my 86 year old neighbor out of a snow storm... give to the homeless, watch over the elderly... teach children that they should love others as themselves... (notice I did not mention God here) what harm have I done to you??

      I did not come here beating you with a Bible, I did not come here saying you are wrong in your beliefs, I did not even direct my original question towards you personally... I came here and posted a question and thats it period...

      I am not here to save anyone from the firey pits of hell, that is not my place, I am not here to change your mind, so please do not assume things about me as a person based on your past experiences with others...

      I personally choose to believe in God, I believe the message as I know it. Jesus died for all sinners, you Mark as well as me... I choose to accept His grace, you choose not to...

      As you have done your homework I am doing mine, I will spend 4 years studying a book written by man guided by the hand of God...

      Now please understand one thing, although we may disagree on this topic, that does not mean I think you are stupid, irrational, or crazy... maybe a little misguided (LOL) but I like a few things about you one being that you stand fast in your beliefs... as time goes I hope you see I stand fast in mine.. and that we can come to a place of respect for each other and maybe have a few great discussions on other topics...

      In closing I would like to thank you Mark, like aguasilver stated, you are good for me... So thank you for being you...

    PS: if you want to get to know me and where I stand here is a good place to start
    it is a very small glimpse into my life, but it would be a start..

  10. waynet profile image71
    waynetposted 15 years ago

    The hubpages religious forum thread religion, little is known about this religion, except that it is rife with thread after thread of the same questions dressed up as new ones.....Roll up, roll up everyone another religious thread here come and join in everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    You think sending a non believer to a hub with a title like that is going to change their beliefs? Does the hub dutifully explain why non believers are going to hell, while you get the VIP treatment? lol

    1. angelicwarriors profile image70
      angelicwarriorsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Earnest do not try to bait me, where did I say this is the answer?? I stated if you wanted to get to know me here is but a small part... it is WHO I am...

      If you choose not to believe what I do that is fair, and fine by me, I am not here to save the world, I offered Mark the option to read and learn about me...

      And if you took the time to check it out you would have seen that by giving it all (being my children) I was saved from my personal hell... I am not you average Christian by far,

        So please take the time to get to know me, dont assume you know me because I say I am a Christian...

        I promise you this you will not see me attack your beliefs, I may ask you questions, I may challenge your thoughts to better understand, not only your beliefs but my own...

        If you are looking for answers, am sorry I have more questions then answers to give you....

  12. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago


    Yet another evangelical religionist with all the answers who pretends to ask a question and then argues with the answers given.


  13. angelicwarriors profile image70
    angelicwarriorsposted 15 years ago


    ok I am lost, where did I argue with an answer given about my question

    What religion does God accept??

    I apologize if you feel that I am arguing with you or anyone that was not my intent at all...

    Mark if you reread my postings I clearly stated I have no proof (or answers) that you will accept...

    So why would I try to change your beliefs? I have no desire to take on that challenge there are plenty here ready to thump you with Bible verses....

    I must run out the door to drive a school bus I will return later this morning

  14. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    Now be honest. Your intention here was not to ask a question - it was to spread your particular personal brand of non-christianity.

    You said you welcome any and all comments. And then proceeded to argue with me and tell me that my beliefs (or lack thereof) are completely invalid.

    "Jesus died for all sinners, you Mark as well as me... I choose to accept His grace, you choose not to..."

    Now - this seems to be your idea of loving me as you love yourself.

    Telling me that my thoughts are totally invalid and I am just choosing to not accept the grace that has been offered to me and that I am wrong that it does not exist.

    Great. This what you are teaching to these two year olds? wink

    Jesus would be turning in his grave - if he had one. lol

  15. Wingrider profile image65
    Wingriderposted 15 years ago
  16. Wingrider profile image65
    Wingriderposted 15 years ago

    I hate it but I had to do it.. okay i looked up religion and according to the latest post 21% goes to Islam 6% to Buddhism, 6% to Chinese traditional , 16% to non religious, 14% to Hinduism, 6% to primal indigenous,33% to Christianity,  .. Yeah I know it adds up to over 100%   , that's probably due to the lack of christian belief...    any how ,, I know at least half of the people that I know that say they are christians are going straight to hell .. and the rest of this group ,, oh well,,, so I'm thinking about joining just so i can get to the most un crowded place after all the shit hits the fan..

  17. profile image0
    SirDentposted 15 years ago

    The only thing God accepts is holiness and righteousness,


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