How can God justify punishing Adam and Eve for eating from the tree of the knowl

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  1. ptosis profile image69
    ptosisposted 7 years ago

    How can God justify punishing Adam and Eve for eating from the tree of the knowledge of

    good and evil, when prior to eating from the tree, they didn’t have any knowledge of good and evil?!

  2. Ericdierker profile image46
    Ericdierkerposted 7 years ago

    Ptosis this is really a very valid theological question. I am not surprised there are no answers yet. There are a few types of Christians (in a practical sense) on this fence. Some think it justifies a rejection of anything worldly. They are kind of funny because they work for a living and etc. etc. Others really espouse the "knowledge of Evil" deal. And still some think that they began to think for themselves and that is bad. When you go intellectual on these folks they do the old "the Holy Spirit told me and must not have told you" routine.
    All of those basically suggest or demand the notion of not thinking. Any belief has to be HS inspired and not rationally understood - bad rational, good emotional or just following a preacher like sheeple.
    A concept ignored is that Eve is much akin to Judas. Hey if they did not do what they did then there would not be a Christian, much less being accepted into heaven. Shoot, taken to the logical, man would not exist. Then who would God love or who would love God?
    If someone tells you that Genesis is a documentary Book be wary. The book must be taken as written for concepts and not facts. OK, maybe general facts but not literally/verbatim facts.
    I cannot remember exactly how many generations Moses was from the Great Flood. But it is a whole lot. And Moses wrote Genesis, probably. So even writing as a revelation there could be a whole lot lost in many thousands of years of translation and passing down. No one knows the language of the time. And no one knows what he would have written it on.
    Remember that the Book is only included in the Bible because of the politically and socially charged Council of Nicea under Constantine's direction for power. The OT is not at all like the NT written in far more developed times and perhaps man was wrong to pass it down at all.
    So I prayed, meditated, listened and studied over and over on this.

    There is not heaven on earth. There was never that design intended by intelligent design or divinity. Adam and Eve kind of had Eden as an incubator. But all parents must kick babies out of the nest eventually. Mine went off to college and got real stupid by the ways of the world. But they still remain faithful to God, of course not religion or I would hunt them down and....

  3. Paul K Francis profile image86
    Paul K Francisposted 7 years ago

    The fact that they could not follow some simple instructions, shows, perhaps, that a little learning was needed, so they, which is now we, would be able to follow some important later instructions, like being asked to love God, and to love ourselves, and to love our neighbors.

  4. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years ago

    What can you make of anything that has seen over 108 billion souls since then? Calling it the tree of knowledge was far fetched. What did they learn from eating from it? I don't recall any mention of their knowledge.

    It also seems to be a bad parenting, as any parent knows that telling a child even something as simple as don't touch the hot stove top ends in the child getting burnt.

    Forbidding a child is not the same as teaching the child.
    In addition, how can it be called paradise, it if was infested with a pest. It seems like a parent would have insured their children would not be left alone with a known rat problem. Rat, snake, ? , all are threats.

    Remember how new parents, child proof their house.
    My point on the 108 billion souls is how many souls are needed to prove the failure of creating humans. Throughout recorded history, and even the Bible(S) evil is the default condition of man, and it hasn't changed for the better.

    Like the Climate Change issue today, what really was the impact of eating from one tree in Paradise? How does that compare with Cain killing Abel?
    At that point, it should have been realize that the creation of mankind Failed.

    Nothing that has been done by Man or God has changed the default condition of EVIL in the hearts of man. Punishing Adam and Eve was an empty gesture, while punishing everyone born after them not only doesn't make any sense, it also didn't accomplish anything.

    No one has ever seen God, not a single person in either of the Bibles. Not even Adam or Eve?

    Yet the whole premise of Bible 2.0 was the promise of actually seeing and being in the presence of God.

    The punishment littered in Bible 1.0 is in big contrast with the Love in Bible 2.0.

    And yet, the punishment still exists because if you don't love, then you burn in Hell for eternity. How does that compare to life in solitary confinement.

    It is like trying to pay off the National Debt, which is really mostly interest from people that are now long dead. When a debt is more interest than principal, it is a punishment. Although, the persons that committed the initial bad act, are not the ones being punished. It is the innocent people that follow them, that are burdened and punished.

    Like the Paris Accord, the answer to it is no more enlightening than the Bible 2.0 to explain the punishment of Adam and Eve.

    Please no verses.

    1. profile image50
      paarsurreyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      @bradmasterOCcal says

      "Calling it the tree of knowledge was far fetched. What did they learn from eating from it? I don't recall any mention of their knowledge."

      I agree with one here. Please

  5. profile image50
    paarsurreyposted 7 years ago

    It was not the tree of knowledge, it was a tribe having bad habits (like it is said a family tree) that Adam and Eve were warned to be cautious about. Adam and Eve  erroneously made social contacts with them, so they had to suffer the consequences.Please

  6. celafoe profile image52
    celafoeposted 7 years ago

    the simple answer is-- God's way was do not do this.  They did it.
    Prov 15:10   Harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the way,


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