Are they Both Mere Figments of
I M A G I N A T I O N ? ? ?
As far as Christians / Jews having to defend and protect themselves from the vicious threats and attacks of the Radical Muslims / Terrorists, are they battling over basically N O T H I N G ??
If these two "Gods" are based on belief systems and are nothing more than mental constructs, it would seem Atheism might be the solution to the world's problems!
But how can people give up (religious) beliefs which they have held since childhood ! ? ! ?
For instance, wouldn't it be better for the Palestinians to just give up their belief in Allah and join Israel? (And Jews would have to give up their belief in God, as well, of course.)
Wouldn't it be better for Muslims to stop believing in Allah who seems to have a weird heaven? And Christians to stop believing in God who seems so often to be so cruel?
Is it possible that Atheism could save the world from all its unnecessary fighting and violence which occurs in the name of religion?
Well, it was worth a thought.
The two gods are not in opposition since the Bible's god say in Isaiah 45:7, I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. By saying I the Lord do all these things it is saying we have no control over our individual lives but god is using our bodies to do what god needs to maintain itself. The following is how it works.
All of our body's organ, the microorganisms, blood, digestive track and everything within our bodies are there to perform a certain duty, so let us follow the digestive track from beginning to ending. Supposedly we eat our vegetation diet from where it grows and the body chews it throughly before swallowing it. Our throats allow it to gently slide to the stomach where it is further churned for extracting what the body needs out of it. It is passed on to the small intestines for more digesting and finally to the large intestines and is returned to the earth for nurturing other life types.
Do you realize the violence in that process that is so vital in maintaining ourselves? The Bible say we are in god and god is in us is like knowing we walk on and among our food and our food is in us until expelled. Yet nothing is loss, everything is recycled. That is what human/woman are in this world, were are going through a digesting process to makes those of us who survives into man. That is similarly to our violent digesting system using everything on earth from the smallest microorganism to man to maintain the whole earth. So that is the law for human/woman who are in the process of being purified into man who have integrated the hewed or woven from parts within themselves to become man. So let it be so without rejecting it nor being attached to it.
If you really want to prevent the horrors of world history you would separate the Atheists from the State. Anti-Christian Socialists caused the blood-bathed horrors of the 20th century: Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot.
The Atheistic French Revolution killed millions of noncombatants; the Atheistic Revolution in Russia and the Atheistic Revolution in Red China killed well over fifty million innocent civilians. Socialism (Secularism) has killed 100 million people in just the last 100 years.
Keep the godless way from the levers of power and you will have far less war.
There have been twenty-eight countries in world history that can be confirmed to have been ruled by regimes with avowed atheists at the helm. These twenty-eight historical regimes have been ruled by eighty-nine atheists, of whom more than half have engaged in democidal acts of the sort committed by Stalin and Mao.
The total body count for the ninety years between 1917 and 2007 is approximately 148 million dead at the bloody hands of fifty-two atheists, three times more than all the human beings killed by war, civil war, and individual crime in the entire twentieth century combined.
The historical record of collective atheism is thus 182,716 times worse on an annual basis than Christianity’s worst and most infamous misdeed, the Spanish Inquisition.
It is not only Stalin and Mao who were so murderously inclined; they were merely the worst of the whole Hell-bound lot. For every Pol Pot whose infamous name is still spoken with horror today, there was a Mengistu, a Bierut, and a Choibalsan, godless men whose names are now forgotten everywhere but in the lands they once ruled with a red hand.
Is a 58 percent chance that an atheist leader will murder a noticeable percentage of the population over which he rules sufficient evidence that atheism does, in fact, provide a systematic influence to do bad things?
Well, Kathryn, I think you've hit the nail on the head, but I don't think one has to go as far as to become an atheist. Many people find their true peaceful spirituality after they've become disillusioned by and turn their backs on man's hellfire and damnation religion. (I'm one of them, but I never made it all the way to atheism.)
May I recommend "Breaking the Godspell: The Politics of Our Evolution by Neil Freer. Your thinking is along the line of Mr. Freer's except that he doesn't advocate atheism. Freer believes that humans have been genetically modified to be controlled by a "God", and that they naturally gravitate to being brainwashed by religionists. (Makes sense to me.) Man also has free will. Since man's religion is ego driven, chaos and war are the result of brainwashing. When people stop believing in a religion designed to control man, true spirituality will come through the subconscious. Man will naturally stop fighting over man's concept of religion. Freer is an expert on this, so what else can I say?
God gave us free will. We use our imagination as to what God is. Allah and God do not seem to be the same entity or being/source of creation.
What is Allah?
What is God?
Why do terrorists fight, kill, plan and use "Allah" as an excuse to destroy life and limb of innocent people? Because they imagine stuff.
Whose to say we don't all imagine stuff in regards to "God?"
For instance, you say we are in the process, "of being purified into man who have integrated the hewed or woven from parts within themselves to become man." How do you know you are not making this up?
We loose our free will when we judge things based on sense perceptions so god also took away our free will because we use the judgmental adjectives he told us not to indulge in.
God is "zero" divided into good (god) and evil (devil) so you can say Allah is the Devil half Jehovah is the God half.
I'm not making it up because I no longer am attached (love) nor rejective (hate) but nam walking indifferent (the middle path) to them until I need either to maintain my balance.
You're not making it up...but you have nothing to support it but deeply flawed reasoning that cannot be shown to be true. Opinion is all you have to offer, with no objective evidence at all.
From a logical, reasoned, perspective this makes no sense at all.
Wilderness, using logical reasoning we find for the seven days before the garden man had free will, those garden woman had free will except to judge things based on sense perception. After they judged something they became ashamed before god, isn't that evidence according to the Bible?
So you are saying that to logically reason with what is in the Bible makes no sense at all? Thank you, oh master of logical reasoning, forgive me for illogically reasoning with what is said to be God's word.
Wilderness, using logical reasoning we find for the seven days before the garden man had free will, those garden woman had free will except to judge things based on sense perception. After they judged something they became ashamed before god, isn't that evidence according to the Bible?
So you are saying that to logically reason with what is in the Bible makes no sense at all? Thank you, oh master of logical reasoning, forgive me for illogically reasoning with what is said to be God's word that say to us come now, let us reason together said the Lord.
Do I imagine that God gave us free will? or do I just willfully take free will? and declare it to be my right, based on my Imagination? Were the founders deluded when they declared that we have rights given to us by "nature" and "nature's god?"
What is nature's "God??" (I would say it is Universal Law.)
What is real and what is made up?
When each one of figures that out, there will be peace.
Until then, we must
1. Protect ourselves from those who want to destroy us
2. Help protect others who are victims of terrible injustice and destruction.
No matter how flawed the person leading US to justice IS,
... and Trump, at least, is willing to do it.
Thank (God?) for Trump.
Thank you, Trump.
Yes, KLH, the Zeroveral law of Karma is nature and God' law. That means the exact things experienced by any one life-force has to be experienced by the other life-forces that caused or will cause it to experience. That can only be done via reincarnating through every type of manifestation earth is made of until humans go through the new birth and become man housing god as Emmanuel represents.
As for D.J. Trump, he has only revealed just how far this nation is from being governed constitutionally. If Congress and Supreme Court were constitutional he would have never been president. They would have stopped it but because they are not their hands are tied unless they are willing to give up theirf positions and perks.
I knew there something wrong with making light of this subject!
Thank you, James A. Watkins, for countering my frivolous suggestion with this collection of historical facts.
Facts will outweigh myths and nonsense every time.
In reality, to prevent the horrors of world history, It would truly be better if citizens of the world in each country, state, town, neighborhood and home could worship God in their own way and allow others to do the same. As we do in America.
So God bless America.
And we better keep up the good work.
Please be kind to the Jewish people who revere their history and their customs.
Please be kind to the Muslims who are not extreme.
Please be kind to the Christians who do not push their form of Christianity on others.
What about the extreme Islamists, Pushy Christians? Left leaning, ("too blue") Jews?
They are not following the laws of God. They are overstepping common courtesy and common sense boundaries and moral laws.
Do not do terrible things to others, as you would not have terrible things done to you,
I say.
If it’s not religion then it will be colour; if not colour, it will be caste; if not caste it will be your gender; if not your gender it will be your sexual preference; if not that it could even be the colour of your hair which is wrong.
The problem is not religion, it is how we think.
Ah yes, the slippery slope. Our thinking is flawed just like creation itself is flawed. Valid point.
Yes it is flawed. But religion has caused more death than all other types of discrimination combined, from the crusades to Aztec sacrifices to witch hunts to the inquisition to jihads. It gets, and deserves, the most attention.
Yes, never heard of a war in the name of atheism. No news report on atheist bombing the agnostics.
Communism is rooted in atheism and has taken nearly 100 million lives.
But communism did not take those lives in the name of atheism, which is what the comment was about. Religion has, and continues to, wage war and take lives in the name of the preferred religion.
Doniell, our thinking is flawed because our thoughts are sense perceived based rather than being cause and effects reasoned.
I completely concur, Arksys. That is why I posted my first post to wilderness.
worth repeating:
"If you really want to prevent the horrors of world history you would separate the Atheists from the State.
Anti-Christian Socialists caused the blood-bathed horrors of the 20th century: Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot.
The Atheistic French Revolution killed millions of noncombatants; the Atheistic Revolution in Russia and the Atheistic Revolution in Red China killed well over fifty million innocent civilians. Socialism (Secularism) has killed 100 million people in just the last 100 years.
Keep the godless way from the levers of power and you will have far less war." James A. Watkins
"The Atheistic French Revolution killed millions of noncombatants;"
Please enlighten me as to which French Revolution. My French ancestors who fled to this country were Huguenots, not atheists. That revolution pitted the protestants against the ruling Catholics who had outlawed any worship besides Catholicism. So, if you will, it was Christians against Christians. Then even the war Napoleon waged was a political clash, not atheistic (or religious).
Interesting how that is stated. Christian and Muslim belief. I go as far as atheism if you can't relate to any Buddhism to state how one may be offended or another one may become that way from following a strategic plan of action against any participant of its own category.
Any way, the muslim tradition is only to relieve itself from that and any person that is involved wants to share it but still cannot find it within;;hardly within the doctrine is still there in front of them. Where one must go is always the scriptures and anytime we cannot find ourselves in them, we stray never and start all over again making someone around us think we are lazy and pessimistic participants. Why worship forever in a system when the State agencies are delegating our mission? This is already happening. I suppose our beliefs are well stated once we take off a Nile wear pattern; like a old relationship that discovers itself new when we must make a decision and do a complete shift to opposite. Well spoken.
Faith is a good thing. Faith can be had in any religion one so chooses.
Saying MY religion is the one YOU should choose is not appropriate.
Each to their own, including Atheism.
Sometimes Atheism leads to Faith.
If you see a golden cross or a light cross in the sky, you might want to consider yourself called to Christianity. This has happened to at least three people I know. I actually saw a cross form in clouds in the sky as I looked on. I was in Sonoma, CA at the time and the experience really helped me through a hard time.
Hinduism and Buddhism are ancient religions which reveal the science behind all religion. The science involves transformation.
We need to transcend from illusion to reality.
From weakness to power.
From ignorance to wisdom.
be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).
"this was an issue transcending party politics"
synonyms: go beyond, rise above, cut across
"there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines"
surpass (a person or achievement).
synonyms: surpass, excel, exceed, beat, trump, top, cap, outdo, outstrip, leave behind, outrival, outvie, outrank, outshine, eclipse, overstep, overshadow, throw into the shade, upstage
"his latest bout of bad behavior transcended even his own worst excesses"
Maybe... maybe some day, but not anytime soon. Belief is so deeply ingrained in so many cultures. To take away their God. What would they have? To many, they would have nothing. We are still quite primitive, even though technology is escaping our grasp. Most of us are end-users of technology. We use it, but we do not understand it, or see where it is taking us as a people. God is a good comfort blanket to wrap ourselves with.
Truly, the act of not-believing is a brave thing, and a liberating one. It is not for everyone. We have so many needs as human beings. We are so weak and frail without them. We have nothing in common with nature. We wear clothes, we mine for minerals to build things. We destroy in order to create, and survive. It is like we are not from Mother Earth. We are not part of the natural order of things here on this planet.
So we created the idea of God to make it all seem nice and safe. A reason for existing, and doing what we as humans do. Change everything, wanting peace, and never having it. Never content to just "BE", and live-and-let-live, as the rest of nature does.
The worst part ; ... and God created man in his own image. "Oh my God !" What ego !!!
- what if God is nature and we are nature
and the earth and the plants are all us
and we are ALL God?
- If all of it comes from the imagining of God,
then it is not ego at all ...
but R E A L I T Y !
Well, thats my response to you.
just my way of thinking.
... which I can if I so choose.
Thanks for freedom of thought and speech.
Kathryn, I can buy that if you'll throw in the rocks.
KLH, I have two hubs, "Jesus' Karma" and "Today's Sophy (part 14), suggesting we all living forms necessary to maintain "God's" existence and by being in god our life-force will eventually become the life-force of god. … e-same-god
"... Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God."
"... Christians believe Jesus is God, but the Quran is so opposed to this belief that it condemns Jesus worshipers to Hell (5.72). For Christians, Jesus is certainly God, and for Muslims Jesus is certainly not God."
"According to Jesus, God is our Father, yet the Quran very specifically denies that Allah is a father (112.1-4). In fact, in 5.18, the Quran tells Muslims to rebuke Jews and Christians for calling God their loving Father because humans are just things that God has created."
"The same is the case when we consider the doctrine of the Trinity. Islam roundly condemns worship of the Trinity (5.73)" … /pd/092640
The only logical story for me. Was how Hindu described Jesus absence from the middle East between age from 13 - 30. Cannabis and majic mushroom was great medicine in India and the Hindus wisdom and stories are deeply ingrain in the Bible.
Mankind survived without Religion for about 90% of man's time on earth. I am sure today we can thrived without fighting over who is the only one world Religion.
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