MA, you appear to be looking at that turtle as an inferior creature. Perhaps that turtle represents a lesson all humans should learn -the value of life rests on the individual. A turtle cannot choose when it dies or how long, it is build into them -the bootstrap program. Granted, there are olives trees I have actually seen with my eyes, that are a thousand years old, in Northern California. but who is to say humans should die since we are the only creature on this planet with ability to choose life/death.
Genetics plays a small part in the argument, consciousness plays a larger part. The key is not the span of time we perceive, but the necessity to live.
This is what cracks me up about both sides if the Ism -one claims life is endless by ritual belief yet does not adhere to it; the other is working desperately to prolong life only to accept a mythical fate of death.
Is that turtle smarter or more advanced than humans?
Makes you wonder...