Are we too dependent on technology? Cashiers now cannot even count back change without a computer telling them how much it is. Went to a restaurant and they would not serve me because their computers were down. Seriously. They could not even open the registers.
Computers are gathering more and more information on us on a daily basis. Google reportedly has a facility on the grounds of the NSA (I haven't explored this, so I don't know if it's true).
When you use your credit or debit card, there is a record of everything you spend on, what you eat, what you wear, what you watch. T.V. providers keep a record of every show you watch so they can serve you up commercials.
Now there is going to be a database of every doctor you go to, every pill you take, every illness you ever had, all provided to insurers, who can then deny you coverage.
I personally have started dealing only in cash and refusing to go to doctors unless I am so sick I can't function. I am getting more paranoid every day.
Don't really believe in Satan, per se, but I do believe in evil, and with the Microsofts, Googles, Yahoos, and Facebooks of the world holding all of our details in their hands, how long will it be until they start using it against us? People are already denied job that have nothing to do with handling money based on their credit scores. How long will it be until we cannot be employed unless we have perfect health and perfect financial liquidity?
It's all very frightening, if you think about it.
my only comment is some people (my cat has a chip in it when I got it) have gotten chips the size of a rice grain in thier body to be located
How long will it be before we all are almost forced to get a chip w/ a # in the forehead or wrist???? It's foretold in Revelation or Acoplapse!!!
Ready to be a maytry? taking the chip means you take the mark of the beast!!
as the bible says:
"he who increases knowledge, increases sorrow."
Ami warren. How did you get into my head? I have been asking the EXACT question for a long while. Almost with the exact words as you have described.
Before I explain why I feel so, I will answer your question. Without a doubt, technology, we are so to dependent upon it.
To much of anything can be a bad thing. I personally know a girl, who after 6 years of college, can not make change for a dollar. What is her job today? She just retired from the local dhs. Full benefits and all. (That little piece of paper, and hey, I know it cost a lot of money to get it, somehow makes people so much smarter than those that do not have it. )Right now, she has a nice retirement check, insurance, her hubby has a nice income, they adopted a boy who has some mental issues and receives a check for that. They live in a very nice house. But, for some reason, they do not know how to handle money. They have trouble meeting the only expense they have other than utilities etc.
Computers. Are we being monitored? You better know it. Does that make you happy? Ever wonder why we now have to use a digital converter box in order to get local channels?
I know where you are coming from about the dr thing. I am almost ready to join you in the cash thing. Especially since the card companies (not just credit cards either) can hold you responsible for the first 50 of a transaction. Doctors, back then, got paid with chicken, eggs, whatever. And they traveled door to door to make sure their patients were as well as they could be. Today, it is greed that directs the medical field.
Please do not tell yourself you are paranoid. Instead pat yourself on being alert.
Satan, evil, pretty much the same thing. You ask how long will it be before they start using technology against us? Well, they have been doing that for some time already. Here is an example. I live in Tn. Mostly farmland. Many families were forced off of their land that they had raised their families, and the only life they had ever known. They didn't have money. .....A big company came by and go figure they wanted the land. They forced the people away gave them a dollar or 2. Nowhere near what the land was worth to them.; But why did they do it? Oh now that land holds a lot of multi million dollar homes. ........
Oh I know I will probably get a lot of hate responses to this post. But, as I see it, it is the cold hard reality.
We, as a whole, have to find our way back to, the basics.
I used to live in FL, and they have done the same thing down here. Did you ever read about Donald Trump trying to take away an old lady's house in Atlantic City by eminent domain to build a parking lot? It was the last actual house there, and an 80 year old woman lived in it. The city gave him the right to throw her out and tear it down, but the public backlash was so strong, he didn't.
But Karma will prevail. When she died, he tore the house down, built his parking garage. Now all his casinos in Atlantic City are going broke.
Big companies, banks, insurance companies, chickens, eggs, Donald Trump, old ladies' losing their homes, eminent domain - anything or anyone else?
Nobody has to shop with plastic cards if they don't want to (so nobody has to get whatever "info" anyone collects from them on record). Nobody has to do much of anything on the Internet if he doesn't want to, or people can be careful about what they do do. If banks or corporations are getting out of control with the use of new technology, then it's time to think about new laws to do a little regulating; or else it's time to stop being the customer of the biggest places and look for smaller companies/banks. People invented technology. People choose to use it or not. People who have reason to keep things up and running (like electricity, transit, etc.) (and pretty much all people do have that reason, including the government and businesses), will work on ways to make sure they do. People keep adjusting to whatever comes along. (Now, for example, there are those prepaid debit cards for purchases. The person with one of those who uses it at a store leaves no record of what he's bought - convenience, no worrying about carrying cash, AND privacy. New things come out to address new issues and meet new needs across the whole society.
There have always been "financial bullies". There has always been corruption and greed. There has always been being under-handed or taking advantage of the less powerful. Separate problem. Safeguarding against corporations using technology for such purposes - separate problem again. There are things individuals can do to protect themselves. If technology "goes out" corporations won't be able to use it any longer, will they? If people are doing things under-handed, that's a problem to be solved by someone in the position to do it (and sometimes that may be the people, themselves).
(And what has the person with the degree and no job have to do with technology? The world is full of well educated people who DO have jobs, whether or not they were educated in the technological era. Some people can't get jobs. It happens. ) This thread kind of gives off the vibe that a few people are just kind of mad about a whole of things and people and are using this thread as an excuse to bring all those things and people up.
the thing thats funny about this, is i am literally watching a movie in which a crazy homeless woman just said that computers belong to "the beast". get over it dude.
You don't believe in Satan; so how could you say Technology is Satan or evil?
Why you believe in evil? Please
As much as I usually try very hard to read through an entire thread before I post I just couldn't get the OP.
First as a member of the service industry I think you assume a lot when it comes to why you were not served by the restaurant whose computers where down. because of my knowledge of this industry I can assure you that the issue was probably not that the cashier did not know how to count change and was more likely related to company policy regarding inventory tracking.
Second and forgive me if this oh to obvious has already been pointed out but if technology is so evil why are you using the internet? why do you even own a computer much less have one hooked up to the WWW? Nothing about your OP makes any sense to me.
There has been a database recording your ailments for years, whenever you sign up to insurance they will ask permission to access it.
And pretty soon in the US insurance companies will not be able to refuse access due to past conditions.
I could offer the names of a few doctors who could help you with your paranoia of doctors.
There is a price for technology, we are our own selves to be blamed if we screw on the benefits of technology.
Could be.
Satan is, after all, the prince of the power of the air. And it is through "the air" that much techology is spread, and much knowledge including twisted knowledge.
And it feeds people's undue egos.
There is little honor attached to being "just" a farmer or just a person trying to make a living these days; we're all told we should strive to be "better" and that we even deserve "better". And where does that leave the hard-working man or woman who IS the backbone of our society??
Technology has nothing to do with that. It's because of population. More the population, less the attention people get towards their life and they end up focusing more on survival. For resources we have to fight with each and the reason behind it is increased population. Keeping religious things aside think about it for a minute. People born in 1940's and 50's struggled less compared to what current youth is facing for the survival.
skyfire, though I was not alive in either of the 40s or 50s, I did have grandparents who were raising 8 children during that time. You could not be more wrong. Well. maybe not. They would get up at sun-up, and do their chores, garden, feed/water livestock etc before they ate breakfast. The children, would put in a good half days work before eating breakfast let alone going to school, which they had to walk to. Resources? They did not have the luxury of moving a water faucet to get water, or the luxury of turning opening a microwave oven door to heat something up to eat, (many in the 40s n 50s had to cut and split wood to use in the wood cook stove that was used to cook meals.) They did not have refrigerators to keep their food at proper temperatures. They had to can the food they raised.Thery did not have food stamps;. modern medicine, etc. But, the things that todays youth are missing out on is survival skills, common sense, family values etc. The folk of ago were so much stronger, and I dont mean physical than compared with todays generation. Oh, I could go on and on with comparisons. But I think you get my meaning.
The story I heard is that Satan only wanted one power, and that was the power of discouragement, because with that, he could rule the world.
I think you're really grasping here, Brenda. Information moves through the air, through space, wood, brick and concrete. It moves through copper wires and glass tubes. It moves through empty space and even through the biological nervous tissue of your body.
speaking of 'twisted knowledge;...
so, what, only farmers and people who do manual labor are hard-working and contribute to the betterment of society?
i hate to break the news to you, but farmers and other 'backbone' members of society use technologies in their lives. you make them sound like a bunch of ignorant hayseeds.
Mmmm, you raise a good point. I still have to agree with her when she implies that farmers, fishery workers etc, are looked down on or made a target of ridicule. This is at least true, it seems to me, in the countries I'm familiar with, (perhaps not in the US?)
Please stop writing things I agree with Brenda
Ah yes, the old "technology is evil" supposition! If you check, you will find those who think so are very selective in which technology they say is evil! As long as they use or need it it is fine, but if it goes against their beliefs, it is evil!
I need the internet to make a living, and I live in fear that if I become dependent on it for my livelihood, that it will disappear, and where will we all be?
So I also grow my own food, and save every penny I can get my hands on...just in case.
Being a farmer and a survival expert, I too am prepared for the worst, even though I doubt it will ever get that bad! But who knows? Some of us like to study survival techniques for the sake of knowledge and for the security this knowledge brings to us!
randy, survival skills, in todays teens eyes, that would sound so lame. But to you and I, we see it for what it is, necessary.
Todays youth are being taught everything they need to know EXCEPT how to survive in a disaster. Do disasters happen, some would ask.
Look around. You tell me.
Only in some teen's eyes, of course! Some are very interested in the ancient ways of survival. Sure, there are plenty who aren't interested in the least, but it has always been this way!
Ah, but have you seen the programme about the internet that I saw a few months back - everything a person ever searches for on the internet is stored, and as an experiment on this programme they took random search history from Google headquarters to see if they could use it to trace the exact person - they succeeded and went knocking at her door....
That doesn't bother me personally, the advantages of the internet far outweigh the disadvantages for me.
Considering all the ways in which technology saves lives, protects lives, makes real scientific knowledge possible, can keep people closer together, and any number of other meaningful and positive ways in which technology has improved quality of life, understanding it, and understanding the Earth and Universe; I'd say that a restaurant person's not being able to open a cash drawer is a pretty minor thing.
Maybe, instead, (if there were a Satan at all), it's work would be to make people feel progress and technology and make them want to return to a time when people lived in so much more ignorance than they do today, and when there was nothing anyone could do about diseases, conditions, injuries that today are curable (or at the victims are able to be helped by technology in some way).
If you know what you're doing in this life you can have technology AND still have family values, common sense, and any number of other desirable traits/behaviors.
That would be ideal. But look at who or what controls this technology.
Do you think that by removing technology that these people would be unable to do anything 'evil'?
Far as I can tell people looking to cause hurt and grief for personal gain have managed to do it through out history, long before any of what we think of as technology.
People who thrive on suffering or have fear fueled greed will always be a problem, with or without technology.
Yes look at that. The answer?
We do!
As the old dishwasher add used to say "Your fingers are soaking in it!"
Do you understand what you just said? We are dependent on technology for all of that. What if it was suddenly gone, or you could not get access to it? It's already being done by insurance companies and doctors refusing the latest (and most expensive) technology to help people who can't afford to pay for it.
And what does that have to do with family values, common sense, and other desireable traits/behaviors? We're not talking about how YOU control technology, we're talking about how technology controls YOU.
I don't know about anybody else, but I more than understand what I just said. If something were to happen that technology wasn't available (or working) we'd all do the next thing, the same way we do when there's a hurricane or other devastating natural disaster. In the meantime, it's up and working and not likely to go anywhere. Whether or not insurance companies make decisions about who gets what treatment (technological or otherwise) is a separate matter. That's not about technology. That's about the heatlhcare system and insurance companies. Besides, just because something is available doesn't guarantee that everyone can afford it. I'm not saying that money should decide who gets what treatment; but it does. Money decides who gets the best house, the best schools for their kids, etc. etc. Again, all separate issues not related to the role of "Satan" and technology.
Technology doesn't control me. It has an effect on my life, yes. If the restaurant person can't open that cash drawer, then it looks like I need to go home and get a peanut-butter sandwich (or something). It's up to me to make sure I have some dry goods in my home, in case there's some natural disaster or some widespread issue with cash machines.
In the meantime, I didn't have to let my kids play with video games when they were four. I don't have to use speed dial on my cell phone because I believe I'd rather try to keep my brain active and exercised by remembering my own kids' phone numbers. I don't have to use any of the technology available if I don't want to. I'm happy that technology has done what it has in medicine and science, and I'm even happy with the fact that most of the time I can go to an ATM and get cash. I remember the days when I had to have two checking accounts - one with a bank near work (because the banks all closed before I could home, and one with a bank in my town, because the banks had short hours, and I wanted to sleep late on Saturday mornings.
People who have "family values" and common sense and whatever other positive traits there are don't/won't let technology change that. They will raise their children with the same values, put them to bed on school nights at a decent hour, limit how much tv they watch or how much time (if any) they spend on the PC or Internet. Having been raised before technology came into the full swing it's in now, and having had my own children after it; there is little difference between the values I learned and the values I taught my own children.
So, if I go to the ATM and find out the network is down I don't see that as big thing in my life. If I'm smart I'll make sure I keep a little cash somewhere anyway. Yes, we're dependent on technology for things like medical procedures, communications, or whatever else we are; but it has so vastly improved all of those things I don't see it as a bad thing. If something happens that that stuff isn't available we'll figure out a way to live with that, the same way we lived with before technology was around.
I had the advantage of knowing a world that had very little technology. I don't see it as a "big, scary, thing" that plays more of a role in my life (or anyone's else's) than it does. If the lights all go out, we all bring out the generators. I also don' t see it as "a god" and I don't see it as something people can't live without. Would it be inconvenient if "technology went out"? Sure, but people would bring out the bikes and the candles and the stamps and envelopes and do these the same way they did them before technology. Sure, everybody could pretend we don't know about technology, get rid of it all, and return the days when hospitals and banks didn't use technology; but what on Earth would be the point of that? We may as well take our chances, be happy with advances that have been in technology, and know we can deal with it if anything were to happen to it.
People of the past were "controlled" by the things that technology has since helped eliminate. One way or another, there are times when people don't have control over their lives. That may be because of earthquakes or hurricanes. It could be because of some giant power outage. None of that kind of stuff is good, but why make fear of losing technology the biggest one? Maybe people of a generation that doesn't know life without technology are more likely to be afraid of losing it, but mankind and the world existed and functioned long before technology ever showed up on the scene.
You know what happens if the power goes on in the control towers at airports? The planes don't fly. You know what happens if the planes don't fly? Someone can't take his trip. You know what happened in the 1800's when someone could take a trip to get somewhere fast enough? They didn't go. It was lack of technology that controlled the situation then, and it would be lack of technology that would control it now. People should be grateful for the technology that makes life better now, but they should also realize that the world and people have functioned long before anyone came up with it. As I said, I understand exactly what I said.
Technology can do a lot of things to help mankind but a lot of things being manufactured are not for the pursuit of knowledge but are the pursuit of trivia( to drive the economy and feed people lust for pleasure)
Technology is not evil no is any other inanimate type object, its the people and uses they come up with for technology or whatever that can be evil, use anything to an evil intent and its you thats evil not the thing you use. Of course you don't have to use the word evil if you don't hold with religious concepts, call it destructive and its the same. Use something with the intent of being destructive to others and its you thats destructive not the thing, technology or otherwise
The devil does not make us do 'it', our own week, fearful and greedy natures make us do 'it' and no devil exists to be our scapegoat. We are responsible for ourselves, period.
Alright I will get off my soap box now and go think about dinner and relaxing
I once had an evil 8 track stereo.
Sometimes the song would stop and the track would change and start up again.
It was of the devil.
Ever try playing it backwards?
I bet there was some sort of subliminal message, sure!
You sure you are not under some diabolical control?
music is the devil! just kidding. idk if i believe that. no offense, to you as your entitled to your opinion. however i think people hear what they want to hear when doing that. you hear satan saying subliminal messages while i hear nothing but noise. sorry. just food for thought there.
You must be very very young.
That was a joke.
Ask your parents about 8 tracks, they will probably understand.
My old LP's and 45's were all scratchy. Do you think Satan did that?
Tell me about it!
But then again the alternative would be to be responsible for ourselves and each other, and thats just unthinkable!
ROTFL! Yeah, pretty bad, since he doesn't exist.
So far technology has been good to us. Just the medical alone substantiates that.
I am concerned, however, of a 10% probability over the next 50 years or so of one or more of the following:
The wrong person gets their hands on The Button.
A medical virus experiment goes awry and/or gets loose.
A genetics experiment goes awry.
A quantum physics experiment has an unintended result.
Our worldwide, internetworked computer dependent society does indeed experience a long duration collapse as the result of an unrecoverable computer glitch/hack.
We discover how to do something that was best left undiscovered.
There are no doubt many more examples (aka booby traps) out there that most of us don’t even know about.
(Note: This post was made by a tech person no less.)
"We discover how to do something that was best left undiscovered."
I think people who write malicious viruses have already done that.
True. And they have created truly evil manmade medical viruses as well; enhanced smallpox, anthrax, Ebola, etc. And, of course, the ever popular nuclear devices as well.
What I was referring to in my earlier post was of an entirely different order of magnitude. As an example: consider the nuclear explosion matter-to-energy conversion as X. A fusion energy experiment could very well result in the “discovery” of a 10000X version of that. The good news is that there would only be one such “discovery”; since none of us would be around to do a second one.
Have a nice day.
Technology falls into the same category as money. Money is the root of all evil, It's not the money itself that's evil, but what people do for it.
As is a knife, one person makes meals and feeds people using it, another will kill people with it, the knife is just along for the ride.
Technology drives efficiency. Without technology society would have suffered a great stagnation. It is great that simple tasks can be made easier by great advancements in technology.
Very naive assessment, IMHO. Technology has destroyed more jobs than it has created. A machine can do the work of more people, so those people are not needed anymore.
I once worked for a lawyer who wanted a two hour job done in 30 minutes. I told him I couldn't do it in 30 minutes, and he said "Can't you just put it into the computer?" I said, "Yes, but I only type 90 words a minute, and I still have to type it in, you have to edit it, and I have to make the corrections, then print it, copy it, and assemble it. THAT will take two hours." People do not understand that WE are not machines, and machines still require human interaction to work.
amie, gotta run a few errands. This is a great forum idea. You hang in there. Do not let others talk you into the idea that you are just paranoid. You are not. Instead you are concerned. With very good reason.
I was, at first, shocked that someone was thinking the exact same thing as me. But, you know, karma, it has a way of getting the message out.
Yes, technology has some very good points, but, as you just pointed out, it takes human knowledge to do the input into the computers.
If a family is going on a trip, and the two kids in the back seat are arguing, he hit me/no she hit me......the parents scold both to correct the situation. Sure they may have to be quiet for awhile, but more than likely, they will arrive at their destination at least a little more safely. (You know, the driver might just be able to concentrate on driving).
But, as always, there is and always will be opposing opinions.
Good talking with you.
Amie, that can be said of every tool ever invented, from chipped stone arrow heads on.
Technology does not destroy jobs; it changes them to something more productive. One farmer can now feed 100 people, but someone makes his tractor, refines his fuel, and makes fertilizer and water pumps for the crops.
Technology actually increases numbers of jobs, just different ones than we are used to. It also increases productivity to what would have been unbelievable levels only a few years ago. My wife packaged computer chips for shipping, and I am an electrician, wiring schools and businesses. 30 years ago her job was non-existent, and 100 years ago so was mine. At the same time recent improvements have made me far more productive than my predecessor only a decade or two ago. It is a changing world, always.
"The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment." ~Warren G. Bennis
Actually, I do understand your point and concern. But...
Who built the factory?
Who made the machinery?
Who provides the raw materials?
Who transports the finished product?
Who repairs the equipment?
Who programs the software for changing products?
Who provides replacement or different equipment?
Who sells the production of the factory?
Who provides security, both physical and electronic?
The list goes on and on.
I find it amusing how the person using Hubpages, the Internet, and a computer to post in an online forum is so anti-technology. Amie, Just the fact that you are here makes you a hypocrite.
In one breath you said technology has taken away more jobs. In another, you mentioned that machines aren't people, and people are needed. There's always been changes in how work is done. Women of my grandmother's generation did things like take in sewing or go out and clean houses to make extra money. Young mothers today can write online, have a website, or go out in work in a comfortable office a few hours a week. My mother used to start dinner at - like - 2 in the afternoon in order to get a meat-and-potato meal for my father (and us) ready by 5:00. Somewhere along the way people no longer required hours to get dinner ready, and instead could spend time with their kids (or work in an office) or whatever. Change is good.
You know what? Those same people who have all that time to spend with their kids DON'T. They stick their kids down in front of video games while they go onto Facebook or Twitter, or this forum. My mother spent LOTS of time with me, even though we did not have a lot of technological gadgets. She taught me to read, to write, to play piano, to embroider, to crochet, to quilt, to cook, to sew, to build a fort, to grow a garden. My dad taught me to play baseball, to swim, to make a tire and rope swing, to fly a kite, and to build an awesome sand castle, and personally walked me to every new school I went to (which was a lot) on the first day of school. He helped me build my science projects too.
If my mother hadn't had to cook, I would have been fed fast food and never learned to cook. If we had had money for fancy clothes, I would have never learned to sew. If we had been wealthier, I would not know how to grow my own food.
Parents spend time with their kids because they WANT TO, in spite of everything they have to do. Parents who want to be with their kids make everything they do into an opportunity to spend time with them.
My sister is a lawyer. She works 60 hours a week, but she spends every other second she has doing things with her kids. Oh, and she cooks all her own meals too, plus keeps her own house and does all their laundry, etc. She has two of the best behaved kids I have ever seen, because they don't have to vie for her attention. They know that when she is not working, she will be with them. I really admire her. I can't have kids, but I spend as much time as I can with her and her kids, because it's just magical.
"Are we too dependent on technology? Cashiers now cannot even count back change without a computer telling them how much it is. Went to a restaurant and they would not serve me because their computers were down. Seriously. They could not even open the registers."
You do realize this has NOTHING to do with Satan? Please tell me you know this because..........., that's pretty out there.
There is a quote from someone that says something like "Technology is Satan's Way of Destroying the World". I can't remember the exact words, or who said it. I thought everyone had heard that line. Sorry if I confused you.
Thank God.
Oh, you had me seriously worried.
I guess the jokes on me.
Though I can't tell you how relieved I am.
Excuse me. It does have everything to do with evil, doubt, whatever label you choose.
This is the year 2010. We are accustomed to money. We handle it every day. By the time a person is old enough to get a job, he/she should KNOW how to make change. If you are a restaurant owner and a customer comes in (during hours) and gets turned away because the clerk did not have enough knowledge to say to herself, ok go ahead seat the customer and later take her a receipt, even if it is a hand written one or better yet, give the customer a free meal due for her inconvience. PLEASE do not tell me that satan is not in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!His job is to spread doubt in any way he can. Open your eyes to what is being said.
Bad people have always existed in the world and so have good people. To place the blame on an imaginary being is not being honest with yourself. Animals catch diseases the same as man! Does this mean they are being tempted by Satan? Of course not, it's just easier for some to place the blame on gremlins when things go wrong and give credit to the gods when they don't.
Stuff happens, or else everything would be perfect and boring as hell! Technology can be used for good or bad purposes, Satan has no say in either scenario!
Ummm....not sure what to say, exactly. Power cuts can mean that tills cannot be used and will not open. Plus, in such cirumstances, one does not know how long it will take for the problem to be fixed - perhaps not for several hours.
Trust me, staff are usually perfectly capable of adding up, yet modern registers still require the exact information to be entered. Till rolls are also used for stock taking, not just for receipts - they store information of everything that has been sold. The most common reason for a cash register to be down is due to loss of power, and in these circumstances credit/debit cards cannot be used either. I think it has very little to do with Satan.....
I agree with everything you say except that staff are usually capable of adding up. I find very few employees that can make change for a $19.77 charge when given $20.02. At best they could return it from a $20 bill. No, too many can't add it up.
Oh, well I'm just speaking from personal experience as a person who once worked in the industry and can add up - perhaps that's because when I first began working cash registers were very much simpler and you were a bit lost if you couldn't do mental arrithmetic!!
Yes, me too. I worked at a gas station in the 60's that had about 500 buttons on it, but didn't give the change amount. Very few credit cards - everything in cash (good customers only and they often wanted "change" from the check) and you better be able to make change!
Heck, I think most high schools now allow calculators or even computers on arithmetic tests. No wonder the kids can't add anymore!
All the kids I know have literacy levels way above the previous generation. it must be a local issue.
I have never seen better educated or more well rounded children than the current bunch.
Nope, Earnest! It's sad to say but American kids, for the most part, are not being educated in the manner they once were!
Remember the earlier posts by one of our educators? Nuff sed!
That's because you're in Australia.
Different story over here in regards to education. Sad story in the States in particular regarding education.
I must say, in my life I've lived without electricity, running water or any modern comfort at all and I now live a totally techno life in the city.
Simple fact is that people adapt to whatever circumstances they find themselves and it is only humans that cannot adapt that will face problems if the world suddenly changes.
There are many, many people in the world who live quite comfortably without technology at all. However, what city people call 'survival skills' are certainly things we should all learn.
These skills should be taught in school and not forgotten. After all, it would only take a month at most to teach this invaluable knowledge.
So as for technology being *evil*. Nope, don't believe that but if you do then simply change your life, go *off-grid* and don't live in a place that relies so heavily on technology.
I know lots of people living *off-grid* in North America who never give technology a second thought.
Just my opinion.
rfox, I agree totally with you that survival skill should be taught. I think it should be a course that is required to have been passed before anyone can get their drivers license.
The only problem with that is, most or many of todays teachers are barely out of school themselves and are of the new generation. My point, how can they teach something they have no clue of?
If I open my eyes to what you're saying, I would assume the year is 201.
Is that trident really electronic and plugged into the flames?
As with all "evil," when governments overstep their bounds, the populations throw them off. Granted there are often decades or even centuries of opression, but they end, as always. There's no Satan about it. It's just humans and tools by which power is obtained. From sharp sticks to information technology and all the mechansism in between. Nothing ever changes but the tool.
Satan is the excuse some will make for why they don't actually do something about stuff they don't like. Much easier to sit on the couch and lament that old Satan running around being mean. "Gee, Ma, not much we can do 'bout it. I reckon ole Satan is too powerful fer us. Jus' gonna have ta sit here and bitch about it and pray ta God ter save us."
Technology is for benefit of the humanity; it is its misuse that makes it bad.
We should pray that the humans being with the modern technology they have; while morals on the decline, may not destroy the human race off the globe.
Paul is dead...Paul is dead....! Ring any bells for you oldsters?
Of course he's dead why else would he be barefoot?
...well...we could simply look at how 'grocery stores' are "Satan's way of destroying the world"...we depend on them...what if they close?
What if?
What if?
What if?
.....I like your response Lisa HW....(errr....Helen!)
xo Gladys
not good in a lot of cities Earnest, to many social engineers interfearing with so called well intended education plans, instead of letting and demanding Teachers be teachers, and not social directors.
They go by state aproved tests to measure progress, and the system has turned to teaching a test, not teaching how.
The idea is turning into-"Get em through the test, and on to next grade", That way you get more Monies for the school district because you passed more Kids . Does not matter if they can not read or do math, they passed the state Test, ie..Unions get raises for teachers and School district prospers. its a lousy formula, that is not working.
After several years of it now, The Kids are loosing interest at High School level, and thus they show up but learn nothing.
You have a great climate for education in OZ, and parents can be parents there. if you try that here, they call it abuse! The Kids know it, and push it.
it is not all the Kids, but the numbers are growing.
It has gotten worse since Dubya was elected! The US followed the Texas example of teaching the kids to pass tests instead of actually learning what the answers mean! Our school books are even corrupted with creationism in some states! It is a tragedy, of course!
I had no idea it had gotten that bad. I hope it changes quickly!
We don't allow creationism in our classrooms fortunately.
We have great schools here, and I thought you did too! A sad lesson for me to learn.
to the OP, do you really, truly think an evil supernatural entity is methodically and sneakily destroying the world with technologies? then why are you using that very technology to type your post? shouldn't you throw away your computer and other 'tools of the Devil'? it seems to me that would make you an accessory. also, you stated that technology destroys more jobs than it creates. how many jobs have been created in the telecommunications industries, computer (software, hardware, firmware), POS terminals, automobile technicians (new computerized systems), robotics to build and assemble new vehicles, satellite networks, not to mention jobs to handle the infrastructure that support new technologies. once upon a time people were afraid of the telephone and the telegraph, saying the same thing you did, that these things were the devil's tools. anyway if you believe this you had better get rid of your computer because you are in cahoots with Satan.
I know you don't want to read the whole thread, but I said there is a quote by someone to the effect that "technology is Satan's way of destroying the world." That's all I mean by it. You obviously did not read the entire original post.
Don't you just hate people who don't read the material, then ask all the wrong questions, and give all the wrong answers? I do.
Mankind controls technology. Mankind created it. Mankind is mixed with good and bad. No one is an exception. We are all both good and bad. Therefore, technology is going to be used for good and for bad, just like any other thing on the planet. The threat is man's ego, not a supposed Satan. When man will tame his voracious ego, then there will be less conflict.
If you are afraid that Satan has control of technology, then just imagine if technology had a complete meltdown and see how that would play out in your life. I think you'd find a lot more drawbacks than benefits. Going back to the stone age is not necessarily better for mankind.
Its funny how u r blaming Technology with the help of internet technology. Try living without it (Technology), u will understand who is evil & who is bliss...
I have lived without technology. I was raised in the bayous of Louisiana, with no electricity and no running water. We hunted for or grew most of our food. I didn't have a cell phone, laptop, or even t.v. We spent time together, played music, danced, sang and played games. We enjoyed life, and truth be told, I was a lot happier than I am now.
Childhoods & teenage lifetimes are meant to be happier no matter how hard they were. Except some unfortunate people, we all miss those good old times but it has nothing to do with Technology. Its funny that how we thank God for everything good that happens to our life but we never thank Edison or Tesla for inventing electricity, we never thank Louis Pasteur for inventing the first life saving vaccine...rather we give credit to God which should have been given to them. Its just ungratefulness at its pick!
People who blame technology is just ungrateful to human marvels & civilization. I dont want to be rude but if they think its the root of all problem then they should leave away from civilization.
We thank the Creator-God Allah YHWH and all these great persons who served humanity. many threads have u posted on science or on these great persons? How many times u showed ur gratification to these persons on ur thread against ur gratification to mohammad or allah? I cant remember a single post of urs. Dont pretend to be someone u r not!
OmFG! The title is hilarious. On a serious note, no, technology is not Satan's way of destroying the world. I actually do believe, however, that excessiveness is. Adulatory behavior should be considered a crime.
Looking at this historically, this is an old, old concept, not necessarily "wrong" but old ..
Consider Genesis 4 from a strictly "epoch literature" view point:
Observe the progression ... cities and livestock centers, then manufactured instruments and then metallurgy ...
Based on these stories, Cain was a murder and the father of urbanization and technology.
Do what you will with it, it's an old, old belief and an old, old story.
How did that have anything to do with what I wrote? I was talking about excessiveness and adulation.
I think Satan is behind de-caf coffee, cheap trash bags, and Black Widow spiders on grapes.
...styro foam and plastic's taking over and doesn't break down....
"please allow me to introduce myself....what's puzzling you is the nature of my game..."
I'm Satan to my own PC. I just made it unresponsive! So much for technology being the one that's Satan, right?
I have owned several computers that had satan in them.
For example (true) I fixed my grandson's computer an hour ago. I looked inside it and apparently just frightened the bugger off!
I have no other explanation for why it is now working.
I sure hope that's what happens to mine, but I pretty much doubt it.
Lisa can you help me? I think I must have lost the plot.
I just reported a spammer who is no longer here.
Did you happen to see it to confirm? Or am I going nuts?
I see this post, and I see my last post (and, whew! "praise be to God! My PC magically fixed itself!! ) 'Then I saw your spammer poem (cute, by the way). That's all I see.
OK............ now I'm a little scared! time to speak to a seasoned adviser. I'm off to talk to Asha the older twin.
Since they turned 5 she reminds me of the little girl in "The Adams family" I take any serious mental issues I have to her.
Believe it or not, there were computers before Bill Gates.
I knew that technology would not let a Satan like me hurt it! (Although I have to admit I thought I'd really done it this time. )
Software? It takes satan herself to fix them bugs!
I cannot believe I'm back on here from my regular machine now. I did nothing to fix it. The machine did it all. It just took longer this time. (Got nothing but the black screen, no booting up, no lights - nothing. I was not quick enough to update an Adobe thing. Oh well.... all fixed now. I LOVE technology. )
I really do love technology, but computers are electronics and all those electrons can behave badly at the slightest provocation.
This thing (I learned in all my emergency searching) is an Adobe thing that says you need to update. It says there's an error and asks if you want to keep running/quit - whatever. Apparently, whatever you click results in the machine becoming unresponsive. Live and learn...
earnest, read your profile, shocked to see you work on vehicles.
Now tell me what shocked you about that?
Just from reading your post. If I had to define you, from what I have read, I would have said many things, not mechanic.
Are you a good mechanic? Too bad you are not here, I'd send my ride your way.
I don't work on cars myself, I have owned and operated several very successful automotive businesses, including designing mechanical components for racing and road use.
I am a mechanical engineer, not a motor mechanic.
You may find type casting is a bit difficult with me, I have many and varied skills as most business people do I guess.
Racing fan I see? I have friends that own a race track. well, they are friends of a friend.
Please remember, I am in the country. No offense intended.
Type casting. I got you. Business people, mercy. I have been self employed for most of my life.
My talents are with glass. I owned/operated an auto glass company from 83 til 04 and closed it when my parents passed. Being self employed is like a marriage.
Technology is good for the human being; only its misuse makes it bad.
Do you not agree that over-dependence on anything is bad?
Yep, too much of anything can be a bad thing....
Got to reading the post here. Lots of different views. I have a question. That country where the pyramids are, do you think they were as advanced in technology as we are, less advanced or more advanced? Just curious.
I think they, and the folks who lived in the time of the Roman Empire, were proof of what people can do without the technology we have today. They were also, however, proof of the fact that some things cannot be done or understood without the technology we have today. Science is something that has been built on what has been known/learned before, and I think as issues associated with technology arise, it's on those issues that mankind will learn better how to manage and use technology.
They didn't have the kind of knowledge that advanced science and technology has allowed us to have today; but I think the pyramids are an example of how resourceful and clever humans can be regardless of the time in which they live. In other words, we lived without technology in the past, and we could live without it again (after some adjusting to a return to the past). I don't think it's fair to try to compare people who didn't have the benefit of what we have since learned with people today, or vice versa. Having said that, considering what the pyramids can do, and considering what technology can do, I'd say, in general, technology is more advanced than even the most intriguing and impressive pyramids.
I disagree.... Anything can become bad if it is misused. Technology has helped us in many ways over the years, and made life a little bit easier for the people who take advantage of it.
For me being self employed started very young. I lived my dreams, and made big money doing it.
owning my own businesses for me meant taking a few months off whenever I felt the need. I learnt to delegate very early in my business life.
I had a mentor, always a good idea in business.
My life has been one long buzz always doing whatever I wanted to do even when I was poor.
I have had cancer and all sorts of losses along the way, including my beautiful daughter-inlaw in the last few years but I see that as par for the course, why shouldn't I get cancer or lose loved ones? I'm not special.
I reckon it's how you look at life. I just love being alive!
by Castlepaloma 13 years ago
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