If you dont believe in it then what is death in your point of view? Do you think that death is the end of everything and there is no life here after?
Why would one even consider this question:" Do you believe in life after death?"
What is there to consider and why?
We are animals and all animals die. Why would we think we are something special that deserves a life after life?...Hmmm?
Every living organism has to answer for his/her deeds that is why there is another life............a judgement day. But if you don't believe in it no body is enforcing any opinion on you.
Why do you believe as you do?
It's easy to say oh yes there is and not give a reason for your belief.
When ya do that tho, ya just make yourself look like a typical, no knowledge, follower.
C'mon enlighten us. Tell us why ya believe in a supernatural divinity.
Most of the scientifically minded people here on HP say that they believe in evolution.
And if the physical side of mankind evolves the psychological side would have to evolve also. It would have to!
You say that humanity as a whole, does evolve.
Humanity as a whole operates much slower than an individual.
Can an individual evolve on a psychological basis within a single lifetime. And if not, then why not!
I think that it is intended for our psychological aspects to evolve within a single lifetime.
Evolve into the spiritual realm. What is that? Prove it you say!
We can't explain it or prove it cause we haven't evolved yet.
But those that have evolved do know and they would be over there encouraging us to come to where they are.
I know this to be true! How do I know you ask?
Cause I can feel their encouraging me to come to where they are.
And If I can get there I'll try to tell you all about it.
I believe in a super natural divinity because
1) look at the world, the order and balance in the mountains, sea, skies etc, can you say that these all have been created without a creator? If their is a creator then that creator willl be superior to human beings.
2) look at your body each and every organism in your body has been designed in such a way that it completes you. Can you say that all these have been created without a creator? If there is a creator then He is someone above human beings and has much more powers.
3) Science has developed but science even cannot solve the question of evolution and human beings and other organisms creation. Don't you think that htere is some one who has created everything who is beyond our imagination?
4) Time space and so many other phenomenons can you define them? Why people come into this world and then die at a certain time can anybody (human being) tell us the time when we will die?
There is alot of it that says that there is a God and He has created everything.
Then end this ridiculous thread now. Please.
This is not ridiculous I think, this is the most serious issue, this is about human beings existence and the most basic question about life.
I think its important too.
Most of the people in the worlds, greatest fear, is an afterlife
"Every living organism is going to answer for his/her deeds" By this logic are suggesting that I am going to live with snakes and lizards are all those unwanted rodents in my Paradise? Hell no!
I am going to live with snakes and lizards are all those unwanted rodents in my Paradise
Actually that is something to think about.
Not for the answer to the question .. But .. the avenues that are opened when ya think about it.
Time to go to work. By
because animal life does not end at death, Mr. Qwark.
If there were life after death, then there would be no death. It is an obvious and blatant contradiction.
we will die because God has given us limited time in which He judges our deeds.
To believe in something or to understand a phenomenon you have to make clear in your mind that there is something that we don't know or may be we are wrong in our belief but if you are sure that you know everything better than others than you cannot understand anything.
Believing in something and understanding something are usually two completely different things. It would be silly to state that one would know better than others because they understand something. That would only show those others had no understanding.
If you just believe something, it's fairly obvious one really doesn't know anything about it or have an understanding.
I don't only believe it but it is a fact dear.
Your believing in things is most certainly a fact.
Although there is no evidence whatsoever to support your claim, you emphatically state, with brazen confidence, that it is a fact. So just how do you expect to convince us of this "fact" without any evidence?
I don't desire this nonsense that some find to be so satisfying.
They have nothing but delusion, thats all.
I tried it, and found it to be downright foolish. I have no desire to partake in foolishness. I despise a belief in Bronze Age myths...and the primitive rituals are psychotic.
Again, how can you convince me of anything when you have NO evidence?
Making ignorant, childish statements is no way to debate things in the adult world.
Again, prove that my statements are ignorant and childish.
Then show evidence to convince me of the veracity of your delusional beliefs.
That's all you have to do.
I have been straightforward in my assertions. But why do you feel the need to resort to these childish methods.
Not only is it disrespectful, it also shows a lack of knowledge, and questionable intellect.
prove mine wrong, people have been trying to prove the non-exsistance of God for thousands of years, you can't either
And now here comes the evasive nonsensical circular mind numbing irrelevant stupidity.
OK. I gues you got me. I now believe you. But by your logic I must also submit to believing in unicorns, Santa, Harry Potter, Darth Vader, Jack & his beanstalk, etc...because since you now make sense, nothing else does.
Prove the non-existence of Jack & his beanstalk, people have been trying to disprove it for years. Can you?
If not, then you must admit, Jack & his beanstalk are REAL!
You state this abject nonsense as if it's a well researched fact.
It appears, in all likelihood, that when one dies, he is totally unconscious. Then the body decays.
This is what you are saying because we cannot see people who have been died
Can you describe a soul, then, can you back it up with some irrefutable evidence? If not, then your statement has no authority, and should be dismissed as delusional nonsensical drivel.
Like a child who believes Santa goes down all those chimneys on xmas eve.
so many want to judge Christian's beliefs, then accuse us of judging,
if you do not believe that is who you are
I never said anything about Christians being judgmental.
I fail to see any reason why I should allow myself to become a victim of a Bronze Age hoax. It is EXTREMELY clear that all religions are fraud. I find it hard to believe that I'm having arguments such as this with adults--in the twenty first century.
I swear, it's just like breaking the news to a child, that there is not really a Santa Claus.
Believers have NOTHING but faith, but faith in nonsense is invalid, and believers have no right to expect any respect for their belief in nonsense.
every one believes something,
I have felt the power of Gods love as well as seen it, I would go into detail but you would not want to believe what I have seen
I was saved when I was 10 years old. I have felt the power of "God" as well. As a youth I went to church regularly. I had a strong belief in Jesus, and thought He really existed.
But when I grew up, I became aware that what I felt, was all in my head. How is it that you can dismiss psychology, and pretend that there is a God "outside of yourself" ??
In my youth, the church members planted suggestions into my psyche. Then they guided me to the alter. You know the rest of the story. What if they had not planted the suggestions in my head beforehand?
It is clearly a psychological trick. Remember, a mind is a terrible thing.
I felt the need to go tell someone that was getting ready to the hospital for cancer, I had no idea what I was going to say, but told the person that every thing is way better than the Dr. said it was. and it was
this has happened to me many times, I would find my self stepping up to say something and not have any idea what I was getting ready to say, it all ways turned out true, I have spoke in tongue and I know I was not moving my tongue, I could go on and on but won't now
I can believe that there are things that cannot be explained.
It is when you automatically believe it was God, instead of rigorously investigating the events, that puzzles me.
And you expect me to confirm that your experience came from the Christian God, as if that really is logical. There are way too many religions to stop at just that ONE. It could have just as well been Allah, or Zeus or Zoltar.
So this assertion is narrow, and blatant conjecture, fueled by wishful thinking and willful ignorance.
so why judge any one, there are bad seeds in most churches, but that does not mean all churches
I gotta go getitrite, 6:30 gonna come soon here on the east coast
G/T, I highly doubt you were "saved" at the ripe ole age of ten. Since thousands of years earlier the event occurred.
As for the power of suggestion:
perhaps it was you who wanted those words to be suggested into you, to begin a journey or end another. To solidify a yearning of peace, purpose. Especially at that age, myself also, being very impressionable, came to rely on my skills of thought, yet still even with those thoughts came to "the altar". Today, some thirty years later have come to understand that altar call was nothing more than a basic spiritual desire to be what others crowed about, yet refuse to be.
My motto for years became: I still believe in God, but God no longer believes in me. This, I found to be a general consensus among many humans.
After years of ignoring a simple span of alone time with Creator, thoughts led me to believe other things. But coming back to just being --and being alone, fellowship with Creator, yielded things none of those crows could conceive and dismissed my negative thoughts of Creator believing in me as I believed in Creator...
There are many bad people in churches, a lot of the time they are running the church, but we can not judge all by the actions of the bad ones
I agree with you, I wasn't "saved"
Becoming saved is a nonsensical ritualistic farce.
Life moves in cycles, trees shed their leaves in autumn to return again in spring but the tree itself doesn't die
Does the tree return to life after it has died?
I was talking about the concept of 'life'(Leaves) regenerating, of course the tree dies in the end but a tree doesn't have a soul to live on.
I think this why some people believe in reincarnation
Maybe there is no death, we should call it a transition instead. Good point.
There will be life after death, I just won't be involved.
Let me tell you the truth that no one dies! Yes it is truth!
Just soul leaves his one body ( made of 5 elements) and take another new body in human bieng form only.
I really hope so! So many of my loved ones have passed before me--including a younger brother, several cousins, grandparents, and so forth. There was so much unfinished business, I'd like the opportunity to talk with these interesting people again--even my 11th grade English teacher.
Of course, I wish I could have been more of a brother, granson, cousin in their living years. Do any of you have regrets like that?
Given the nature of energy. and the unknown nature of consciousness, I would say that continued existence in some form is a certainty. This universe recycles EVERYTHING.
It's hard to picture myself like a light switch...But I think when I die, my soul and mind will go somewhere else...Do I think Heaven? That I honestly don't know. But I can't picture that one stops thinking just because they have left their bodies, which I will add , is no longer needed. But if we are asked if we want to come back again to this world. I'd say NO, A BIG NO!
"Do you think that death is the end of everything and there is no life here after?"
...hope not....not here anyway....
Yes, one continues their life after death. In Mommy’s Writings: Mommy, would you like a sandwich? a personal account is given in the storyline. Death is merely a steppingstone in understanding who one is in God. I know so very little. But there’s one thing I know–God exists. In my knowledge of this truth, my soul is restful and very much humbled in a heavenly creator’s love for his creation of which we are his own. Prayerfully, Mommy’s Writings inspire the love of God and uplifts the human spirit.
Suzanne McMillen-Fallon, Published Author (early 2011)
Existence is a never-ending cycle of lives.Death is not final to Wiccans; it is a confirmation of the continuing cycle, just as birth is. In a sense, it is another form of birth, as the deceased leaves one state & transits into another.
A crossing is a farewell to the individual, & an opportunity for those who remain to share memories & grieve for their loss.
Remember that we do not grieve for the person who's died; they quite naturally grieve for themselves. A crossing offers the chance to grieve with other's, & to ritually address the loss.
Actually, I believe in life after life after death... and it's not as easy as some people think.
nobody ever really dies.
you believe that?
well if not.
for you.
Its almost over now.
Of course, I cannot be 100% sure, but I have experienced things that have convinced me that there is in fact an afterlife. Nevertheless, we will all get the answer to that big question eventually, or maybe not.
my post is a song lyric . the band is n.e.r.d . song is almost over now ever hear it?
Everything we like to consider our soul or spirit or psyche is just the brain. The brain needs oxygen to survive. Once death comes, there ir no more oxygen for the brain, and it dies, decays, ceases to be, along with everything you call soul, spirit, psyche.
Any lingering 'energy' disperses into the universe unbound and void of 'life', 'memory', 'soul' or anything else which defined who we were.
Though that energy may be collected into another life form at some point after our deaths, it is no longer us.
What's that Qwark? Say it again, I like the way it sounds.
Cause the last time I said as much -on your immortality thread- you said I was just too unenlightened to see that we could evolve beyond that into bodiless brains floating aimlessly and carelessly throughout the universes or some such.
And they say, “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, “Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful.” Say, God causes you tolive, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the day of ressurection, about which there is no doubt, but most people do not know.
Quran, 45:24-26
I want to follow my elementary physics that matter can never be destroyed but changes state. I agree with Anesidora that the brain dies. Yes, but there is something extra-ordinary about the brain. I hope am talking to people familiar with "dejavu." The ability of the brain to transcend the sleeping body and be able to register the events is extra-ordinary. It could be that even at death the part of the brain leaves the body and ascends to a given destiny. I can not put my finger to it but I strong believe there is life after death.
Why in the world could/would you believe that we humans differ from all other life on the planet and will experience a life after life?
Pls explain this to all of us who are curious.
Hi qwark! I am sorry that with your kind of curiosity you must have expected a long and elaborate answer, however, I will keep it short. That I strongly believe that unlike other 'living organisms' we humans have a purpose to life. And that at a certain point we have to be judged according to that purpose.
we human beings are different because we are given with brains to think and then act secondly not only human beings but every living organism will be judged by God almighty for whatever they did in this life.
I want to believe that somewhere on the clouds another world exists.
Life after death is much like birth.
When you are in the womb, your world is starkly different that this world.
You are fully alive but you are floating in fluid that fills your lungs, nourishes your body and keeps you protected.
Your circulatory system is bypassing the normal heart flow.
The placenta and umbilical cord are your life line. With out them you would die.
Then instantly at birth your lifeline is now waste. A whole new you is born. You retain what is essential for the new world you have been born into.
Your blood flow changes track and your lungs must start retrieving oxygen for you.
You died to the world in the womb but were born into a more enormous world.
Some vital parts had to go. Because they are no longer useful in this new world.
Well personally I believe in spirits because of clairvoyants who have spoken to my granddad, but you will probably try to persuade me that this is cold reading or something.
The question of if one believes in an after-life is a very interesting one... remember that almost all religions believe in some sort of existence after death. I wrote a hub on this very topic a few days ago. Check it out.
Sooner or later, I'll know. I'm not going to fuss about it.
There is no life after death. You die and that is it until you are resurrected during the Second Coming. Even then, you won't be shuttled off to the hell were you found to be a sinner. There is no hell. No punishment either, believe me. Only you will not have a second life that will be awarded to a non-sinner. And, they would number very few considering all the people that have been born since Adam
Everything that happened to me today really happened.
I saw it happen. I heard it happen. I felt it happen ...
Got the message??
But I can not prove that it happened.
You wouldn't believe me!
It was real for me! ..
It isn't real to you! And that is OK cause that is the way that it really is.
True. But some logical evidence would persuade others who doubt you.
And if your reality violates the laws of nature, the evidence must be extraordinary. But if you can't prove it, I'm sure it won't stop you from believing that it really happened. I understand.
We; neither of us really care about what is reality for the other person.
Just like two different worlds really care what kind of reality is true for the other.
One has nothing to do with the other. They each have their own reality.
But then it seems to happen ocasionally... One universe encroaches the space of another.
Both realities strugle. The water sometimes boils.
Eventually ... One reality gains dominance .. or ???
a new reality emerges.
the two universes spin off from each other, each maintaining their own integrity.
There is no such thing as universal and absolute truth,
(in the physical realm) on the larger scale... Why should WE believe differently on the smaller scale
After stating all of this, you, somehow, find it reasonable to believe that some dubious scripture, written by dubious authors was instructions from an all powerful, omniscient entity who created THESE UNIVERSES.
Did I say anything about those things.
Can you comment on what I did actually say. Instead of jumping the gun and arguing against something that I didn't say??
There must be a show going on in your imagination while appearing to read a comment? OR Not?
Whenever you wax philosophically, Jerami, it is always in the back of my mind what your faith is.
It's difficult to seperate your faith from your deep thoughts.
It's a perplexing dichotomy--almost contradictory. It's almost like you are trying to be a believer in cognito.
I hope I've explained myself.
I do believe life after death. SO I do believe we have to do good things.
getitrite wrote
I hope I've explained myself.
- - -
More than you realize.
getitrite wrote
Whenever you wax philosophically, Jerami, it is always in the back of my mind what your faith is.
It's difficult to seperate your faith from your deep thoughts.
- - - - - - -
And therefore you are unable to recognize any truth in what I actually say. You do not even hear what is actually said.
It's a perplexing dichotomy--almost contradictory. It's almost like you are trying to be a believer in cognito.
- - - - - -
I am not disguising anything. Maybe my thoughts do not fit into the box that you put want to put me in.
The truth usually can be found about half way between the two extremes. Or many extremes for that matter.
It sometimes looks like a bulls eye, though it is hard to see especially when we are not looking for it to be THERE.
In this life we are always given punishments for our wrong doings then how can one say that there is no life after death and there will be no judgment day. If we are punished for our sins here then we have to pay for our sins there too.
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
What makes some people QUITE COMFORTABLE with the concept of death?
by maria sial 13 years ago
Do you believe on life after death and why?Please explain whether your answer is yes or No
by Theologian 13 years ago
More than the other theistic beliefs?
by Murphy 11 years ago
~ Why do you need to follow any religion? ~I am just curious as to why people need to, or choose wanting to believe in, follow, and participate in any religious affiliation? What drive people to believe in their religions? Is it simply because of tradition, upbringing, or an actual spiritual...
by Amanda Walker 8 years ago
Why do you believe God exists
by Highland Terrier 10 years ago
Why did God design life in such a way that to survive you must kill another life form?
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