So lately I've been doing some digging on the real name of Jesus (long story on how I stumbled on this), and have found very conclusive evidence that his name was indeed Yahshua.
His birth name at least. Jesus is merely the transLITERATED name and not the translated name. Translation carry the meaning over from language to language while transliterate compensate by going by the closest sounding vowels/consonants.
It's already obvious Jesus cant be his birth name because there is no letter J in the Jewish alphabet.
So technically speaking, the name Jesus has no real meaning, Yahshua does.
Yah = God, Shua = Saves/Salvation.
Every christian (and I am christian but I'm having doubts in the doctrine as long as this little bit isn't answered) I've asked this to, which isn't a whole lot lol, has just told me that it doesn't matter what we call him by, because he knows...
Any other thoughts?
You are correct.
So, now that you figured this out, HOW does that affect your faith/christianity?
Also, Christ is not His "sirname"! What do you do about that.
This too is translated from Greek. It means exactly the same thing as Messiah. Anointed.
So, put it all together, you get Yeshuah/Yehoshua Messiah, and as you pointed out, already, God's Anointed Saviour/Deliverer.
It describes Him perfectly!
Now, do you believe, or still have doubts?
I still have doubts for sure. I mean in church we're singing songs about Jesus and I'm just having a hard time following a long.
His name would have been something like this : Yeshuah Bar Joseph, or Yeshuah Ben Joseph.
Thanks for a needed topic. It's important to know as much as we can about Yeshua, especially those of us who claim to be His followers. Many see no need to go any deeper than the dimly lit revelations of traditions handed down over 400 years ago by those who only speak English.
However, adhering only to English is asking the Blind to lead the Blind! Look around and you see over 5,000 different "Christian" beliefs/denominations. A lot of confusion and contradicts exists because very few study the original languages that penned Holy Scripture. Well---look at the results---Christians are falling all over themselves as they fall into the "ditches" of confusion, contradiction, and fragmentation!
Let's be honest. None of want a car mechanic who only knows a little about cars! Why? Because we want an informed mechanic working on our cars!
Jesus spoke Aramaic, not English, Greek, or Hebrew. His Aramaic name is Yeshua. In Hebrew it's Yehoshua.
It is vital to know the true essence and uniqueness of Yeshua. If we claim to believe in Jesus and also claim to believe in other ways to God, then we truly don't believe in the essence and uniqueness of Jesus! In other words, we don't truly believe in or on His Name. The "Name" of Jesus/Yeshua is His essence and uniqueness. When the Anti-Christ arrives, he'll easily deceive those of us who only have "shallow" awareness of the essence/uniqueness of the real Yeshua!
It is nonetheless true that we don't have to know all the various titles and deeper knowledge/facts concerning His name. We just need to be aware of and believe in His true essence and uniqueness if we profess to be following Him!
There is a disconnect between the followed and the followers. Much of what happened in Judea is a mystery to them. Even in what they consider to be "full acceptance" they are unschooled in the hidden ministry, which is fully explained in the Gospels. There is even more, and these have been passed over, as though they have no bearing. The fact that John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin, and James, his brother, headed the center of the faith in Jerusalem. Other brothers were also disciples, and Arimathea. the Joseph of the tomb may also have been a close relative of the crucified messiah.
First of all he was born Immanuel. But he went to the people in the name of the Father, Yah. Yehshua is a mistransliteration in any language. Yehshua does not contain the name of God, Yah.
Because Yahshua's parents were from Nazareth we know he spoke Aramaic, but he taught from the Hebrew scriptures, so he also spoke Hebrew.
If we are to call on the Name of and ask in the Name of humanity's Saviour as the Name above all Names,then surely the Name and how it is pronounced is of the utmost importance to people who believe in Salvaion through Yashuah Messiah.
YHWH Promised He would leave no stone unturned in mankind's search for Truth,so when Truth is revealed we should give thanksgiving for the revelation and listen and adhere to it's message,if one desires to progress in Truth and Light \O/
"Conclusive evidence" for a mythical being. LOL!
Notice you took your on-line name from biblical references. Your slip is showing.
Yes, of course. And, while the Romans, including Pilate, sent many people to be crucified, the entire story of Jesus of Nazareth, the resurrections, etc. was just a myth, like many of the mythical beings presented in scriptures.
Jesus is not a myth; but his dieing on the Cross; his resurrection and his ascension to skies is a myth carved by clever Paul and the sinful Church out of thi air is a myth for sure.
It is the same person Jesus whom Quran mentions as Essa/Issa Masih-Ibne-Maryam in Arabic which is a sister language of Hebrew and Aramaic.
In Kashmir-i language (language spoken in Kashmir, where Jesus spent most of his time after the event of Crucifixion) Jesus is mentioned as Yus Asif not much different from Jesus.
there are some accounts of ISSA in India...but so what
paar you are still insulting Jesus,
FACT Jesus NEVER went to India.
FACT. Jesus did die on the Cross.
sugest you learn more Paar, READ all of Bible not just bit's and piece's, as usual you are badly missinformed.
Prove from Quran ( your Holy Book)
Prove from Bible ( my Holy Book)
Prove that Jesus went to India, if you cannot then just SHUTUP with your lies!!!!
You are correct. Yahshua is the name.
And it does matter about the name. It says his name is above all others
There is no need to translate a name, as you would words.
Jesus has nothing to do with the name Yahshua.
Jesus is Hey-Seus which means "The Zeus"
Zeus is Ζεύς in greek which doesn't look to much like Jesus Ιησούς
Jesus is Ιησούς in Greek but Zeus is Ζεύς. Don't look the same to me.
I agree Deborah,as you rightfully said if the Messiah's Name is the Name above all Names,then to call on someone else i.e Zeus for Salvation would be futile... in that case we are truly being mislead if we use the name Jesus.
Would it matter if his name turned out to have been Fred, Bert, George, or anything else?
How does a person's "real" name change what they may, or may not, have achieved?
I guess I like to be pedantic and know the finer details of things, even when its not of major importance. I very much enjoyed learning the true name was Yahshua just cause its fun to be erudite from time to time
But haw many little things can we ignore until it begins to matter?
Acts 4:12
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
I think this verse sums up the importance of calling Yahshua by Yahshua and not some meaningless name.
Names are important, I have mine and I like to be called by it.
What's in a name? compare Adolf Hitler/Adolf Shicklegruber
Its important to note that adolf hitler was called by adolf hitler. "Schicklgruber" was the last name of his paternal grandmother. He never held that name.
If you want to give a comparison, try to give a name that compares with the son of God. If you can find me a name that has a close enough significance then I'll take it into more consideration as to "what's in a name".
True, Yahshua held many different surnames, but had only 1 name given to him at birth and only 1 name given to Mary by the angel Gabriel.
Hitler was his step father's name, and he was never adopted, which made it quite optional.
Again, it's not the name itself but the deeds which make the man (or woman.)
Because scripture says the name is sacred. A name above all other names. That's why it matters.
If one desires to live in Truth and eternal Light,then to receive Salvation from lies and darkness one has to call on the Name of the Redeemer Yahshuah/Yahuah HaMaschiac \o/
Actually no, I discovered this when I went to the Okanagan (BC) by myself (18 years old) and met an interesting man who had completely different ideas than Christianity and was protesting in the streets about chem trails, haarp etc.. Basically I did my own research from there.
"have found very conclusive evidence that his name was indeed Yahshua"
I'm curious as to what this evidence is. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious.
Indeed, Yahshua is his hebrew name and there was no letter J when back in his time. J is the result of a greek translation of the name Ieosus. In fact, but i can't prove this to be completely true, the name Jesus and Ioesus spawned from Zeus. This would essentially make Jesus' name a pagan root name.
Also, Acts 26:14
"And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" - king james bible.
So obviously he couldn't have said Jesus in this case.
Also, if you look, one of God's many names is Yahweh. Yahweh meaning God(yah) with us (weh).
Yahshua: Yah (God), (shua) saves/salvation).
Hope that helps...
Philipians 2 verses 9-10
9- Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10- That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
A name above every other name. His real name is important!
If you check the Greek name that Jesus was given at birth it was Iesous pronounced ee-ay-sooce
If he was called (ee-ay-sooe) at that time, The Greek name was translated to Jesus hundreds of years later,
So which name is above every other name?
Well, It should be assumed the name that God intended and not the name that was transliterated then translated.
Yahshua wasn't given a Greek name at birth.
His birth name is Immanuel and he came in his Father's name Yah.
Immanuel is Hebrew.
But he used Yahshua, his Father's name and the message that God saves
check the facts,
they spoke Greek at the time of His birth, not Hebrew
Yes, the Greeks did.
Jews spoke Hebrew.
Check the facts..LOL
then why write in Greek, if they spoke Hebrew
Paul wrote most of the new testament and spoke both languages. I guess when he was preaching to the Greeks and was writing those books of the bible he wrote them in greek since the greeks didn't like the hebrew language.
Matthew, Mark, and Luke were taken from "The Gospel of The Hebrews" which was written in Hebrew. Revelations was taken from the Torat ha Sod a Jewish Mystical writing, written in Hebrew.
James and John was written in Hebrew.
The other books were written by Paul and his scribes, like Luke..
that is why most of the New Testament was written in Greek, and not accepted by the Jew
well I'll Just stick to Jesus, after all why should I be different to the rest of the world, if it is Jesus in The New Americam Bible approved by Rome in 1970. That is to me a True Scorce and I'm happy with it.
The road to eternal life is narrow with few on it,the road to eternal destruction is broad with many on it,so if you choose to follow the "rest of the world" like you said Skipper be sure you know from Scripture the road you are travelling on,Know the Truth and it will set you free \O/
Can we say Hey-Seus sailed the oceans blue
and discovered America too.
Lets give credit where credit is due.
Just working on a poem
No offence intended.
Should Paul McCartney have sung Hey Yehudi too? ;-)D
In this strange way of putting it; I was kinda agreeing with Debra.
Should we be thanking George Jones for writing "Yellow submarine?? Would Paul mind?
On the other hand, If Yahshua were standing in front of me and I called him Jesus, I don't think he would torch me for my not knowing any difference. ?
I hope not!
I don't think the issue is which verbal sounds come out of our mouths. Whether we say Jesus, Iesus, Yahshuah, is not the issue. A name is simply a moniker which represents the person. It's what He represents that counts. If I was in some foreign exotic country, someone might transliterate my name to make it easier for them to pronounce when addressing me. Will I be offended or ignore them? No. I respond because I know they are refring to me.
When a policeman stands in the road with his hand outstretched to stop you, he stands in the name of the law. His own hand and body are nothing, but he represents the law, so the entire force of the legal system is behind that small gesture. So it is with Jesus. When we invoke his name, it is not the verbalised word that has the power, but the whole Kingdom of Heaven that stands behind our appeal in His name.
Then why does it say
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
The name does matter
name is simply identification mode...if all existing languages become extinct do you think god if real would become unknown?...if you call god by name of jesus or say end what you intend is more important...there is only one universal language and that is doesnot matter because language is creation of humans.....
Sorry, the name matters. A name is not language it is a name. Names aren't suppose to be translated.
If your name is Charles and someone calls you Tom would you turn and look to see whose calling you?
If you told them your name is Charles and not to call you Tom and they did anyway, would you answer?
If you told them your name is Charles and not to call you Tom and they did anyway, would you answer?..yes if i know that he meant me when he addressed as tom...i am human so i can't know but that limitation can't be applied to god...since god is said to know all...he knows person is calling charles by addressing as tom...also dont forget that person calling charles as tom is person whom charles/tom claims to charles wont mind being called as tom ....
whats there in name ? is given by humans to identify...other than that name doesnot matter...
In Hebrew the letters and words are extremely important. It was the voice of God that spoke words and created the universe and everything in it.
To the Hebrew words are very powerful.
If you choose not to use the name we are told to, that's up to you.We can only tell you how important it is.l,m
If you choose not to use the name we are told to?...who told you?...if you ask muslims , the name is allah...if you ask hindu name would be in consensus end what one believes one has right to believe...i dont believe in religious god but i fully support everyone's right to believe in what they since you say name is important is for you and i dont mind that...i think that fair enough..isn't it?
But you don't seem to understand what I am saying about God's words.
God gave us a map to follow.
Hebrew is not a religion it is a people and a language.
So you don't believe it, OK, I am done responding to you.
A closed mind learns nothing
i can say same thing for you too...let us openly discuss evolution of religion...dont start from hebrew start from where humans actually started...forget hebrew or sanskrit or anything..all those came very late in human domain and humans created it..if you are open may be even you can learn something...i am not expert but i dont rate humans as close or open ...
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