Why fight about Religion?

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  1. Mikeydoes profile image41
    Mikeydoesposted 14 years ago

    Seriously why? Don't get me wrong I am sure this is a waste of time. I really need a forum filter, because I get fed up seeing all these religious topics all saying the same thing. Both sides are to blame. Many people say things just to get the other side mad, on purpose.

    It is fine to base your life off of God, go ahead. That is your thing, there is nothing YOU can do to change my mind, or anyone else's. God himself can change my mind at any point, if he'd come visit me. I never argue or fight about religion because the battle can not be won. I just want to do my own thing on my short time in this life. And that is spend my time on me, I will have an eternity to impress God and explain to him why I felt this way after I die. If he is smarter than me, which you guys all say he is(and I'd assume he is as well if he is out there), he will surely understand.

    MY friends are all religious, and let me tell you, they are much less ethical and have done things that will send them straight to hell, yet they will turn around and tell me I'm going to hell because I don't believe. Why is that? All I have done was say I am not a part of a church and I don't think about God or religion ever. That is going to make me go to hell? Does not make sense to me at all.

    I myself support religion and have no problem with it, but can't you see that you all are going out of your way for nothing? I have found that many of my family members can not live without God and I realize this. So why would I tell them to think otherwise. I support them and will even go as far as pray with them if it gives them comfort. It is no sweat off of my back.

    I just read that  from someone here "it is my duty to inform the non-religious and try to convert them." No, it isn't. Sorry, your duty is to go through life and make yourself happy in whatever way possible. Live life to the fullest and stay out of people's business, especially if it is something that absolutely does not interest them.

    If it were not for these forums I would NEVER, I mean NEVER think about religion, or have it cross my mind. Instead I cling to learning about our stars, atoms and the things that make us up. To me, there are no road blocks or anything to stop my creativity. It is where I get my own spirituality, along with many other people.

    The idea of God is fine for everyone, don't get me wrong. But in a complex world I personally know that there is more to life than going to church and reading a book. Two things I did not like doing, not even when I was religious.

    If you can take one thing away from this post, take this. Here is one fact that you guys should know. All of our brains are different, EXTREMELY different. Just like our muscles, our brain grows stronger in areas that we use more. If you live off of God and think about him every day, it will become more real and more a part of your life.

    If you don't think about God, then your brain does not grow in that area, and you can easily live without it. I have learned to accept religion and I think it is great. Whether you want to believe that is up to you, but please you will find much more peace if you believe what you want and don't try to change people who are happy.

    Instead of telling us non-believers how wrong we are, how about you go do your own thing and be happy with it? That is what I do.

    1. simeonvisser profile image64
      simeonvisserposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It now exists! Search the forums for Edweirdo's addon for Firefox and Chrome, that allows you to block the religious discussions (among other subforums if you wish).

      1. Mikeydoes profile image41
        Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Lol, yeah I know I def, need to find it. I'm fine with some of the religious topics, but some of these people(both sides) are just ridiculous.

        1. pennyofheaven profile image83
          pennyofheavenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Why read them?

          1. Mikeydoes profile image41
            Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I don't, I used to, but when there are 10 every day on answers and on the forums, it baffles me. I never argue about it with anyone, because all it does is create enemies or conflict. Two things that can easily be avoided.

            1. pennyofheaven profile image83
              pennyofheavenposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. Right On Time profile image61
        Right On Timeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah I agree the religion stuff is putting me off the forums, every 2nd question is religion this or religion that. zzzzzzzzz they do it to engage with each other as a love/hate thing boring..

    2. Zubair Ahmed profile image76
      Zubair Ahmedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Mikeydoes,

      I don't want to preach religion to you, because that is not my job.  However I have one question for you, that is you state:

      "..Instead I cling to learning about our stars, atoms and the things that make us up. ..."

      So what makes up and controls the "things" that makes us and the universe up and maintains it in optimum operational condition at all times?

      From your writing above it reads like you are science focused in which case I am sure you also know that 'Something' cannot result from 'Nothingness' in life and in science there is always a 'cause' and 'effect'.

      Anyway all the best

      1. simeonvisser profile image64
        simeonvisserposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        My serious answer to that would be: we don't know what "nothingness" looks like or what properties it has. When people think of "nothing", they think of a vacuum.. but there is still something there, namely the fabric of space. None of us has any idea what truly "nothingness" looks like and whether it is impossible for something to come into existence from "nothingness". We just don't know - it may very well be possible, we cannot dismiss it so easily.

      2. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Here is you answer Mikey. A religionist says he is not going to preach religion at you and then proceeds to argue his case.

        And his case seems to be the usual religious garbage that, "sumffink cannot come from nuffink - but it did - therefore majik called 'god,' made sumffink from nuffink."

        The belief in a god rots your brain and will always - always - cause a fight. sad

        1. h.a.borcich profile image59
          h.a.borcichposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Mark, It looks like they had respectful dialogue to me...One hubber interested in what another hubber had to say, then respectfully commenting.
          The hostility is evident in your post...judging the hubber as a religionist, then talking down to that hubber. All the while accusing that hubber of  starting a fight when it is YOU who is doing the instigating.
          I thought the thread was doing well with honesty and being respectful before that.
          My opinion on the op...Fighting about religion seems to be what some hubbers desire, but there are plenty of other hubbers who are just looking to explore religious topics with each other, too. I think it is great by the way that you can keep your relationships healthy despite the religious differences between you all.

          1. Zubair Ahmed profile image76
            Zubair Ahmedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thank YOU! h.a.borcich,

          2. Mark Knowles profile image59
            Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Have you seen this person's profile page? No - apparently not. Too lazy to do any work like all good religious people who already have all the answers. They are here to do one thing - spread their religion. Which makes them a religionist.

            The fact is - this person said one thing and did another - as their religion teaches them to do - this is why religion always causes fights. And always will do. But the argument was as I stated it - and it deserves no respect because it promotes ignorance and ill will. When someone makes the "sumfink cannot come from nuffink therefore it is majik and I no wot god sez," argument - I will make fun of them.

            Not sure why you felt the need to once again attack this point of view. The truth hurts, I guess, and you always fight on the side of the religionists - why is that? They are never in the wrong are they? wink

            Are you understanding why your religion has caused 2000 years of wars yet?

            1. h.a.borcich profile image59
              h.a.borcichposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Call me lazy, but I do not investigate a persons profile prior to responding on a thread. Who knows why anyone is on hubpages - nor does it matter. On the forums we are people discussing things and sharing view points.

                Sounds like the hubber got under your skin, you rushed to judgements and now you want to fight it out. Sorry - all I saw was an interesting thread with interesting dialogue.

              Guess about my motives, what hurts me, why I am here, etc and blah, blah, blah. Now I seem to be the target of your hostilities - oh well.
              The observation I made is only supported by your reaction to my post.
              Hope you are doing well,

              1. Mark Knowles profile image59
                Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Your observation that I think you did not bother to look at this hubber's profile page before attacking me for stating that they are a religionist?

                When their profile page makes it clear they are here in order to share their religion?

                And this is "making you the target of my hostility?"

                And I am the one doing the provoking here? I suppose you are merely defending the weak from my vicious attack? lol

                But - whether you like it or not - I will continue to point out religion's hypocrisy and show that this is one of the many reasons religion always causes a fight - if you want to see that as a personal attack - that is your choice. wink

                I am doing well thank you - I hope you are also.

                Now why not address the point that I made instead of accusing me of something else?

                Do you not see why religion always causes a fight?

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Call it , The fight club,
                  Now, don't talk about the fight club

                2. h.a.borcich profile image59
                  h.a.borcichposted 14 years agoin reply to this


                    No matter what is said - you will forever twist each and every word I say. In any case, I am going to continue to post to threads I am interested in, even if you take it as the first shot in a religious war you strive to promote. Deny you are hostile - your tone is clear. Deny you talk down to all but atheists - the proof is in your posts. And no - I will not jump to your challenge that I "prove" a darn thing. You like to be rude on religious threads. Deny that?
                  Odd isn't it...I am not fighting about religion here or dogma....I am just fighting for my right to have a different opinion than the almighty Mark.
                  I still think this thread had wonderful sentiments in the OP - someone who is able to see the people and relationships being of more value than to fight out belief or a lack of. This is how I see people in my life. Holly

                  1. Beelzedad profile image58
                    Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    When it comes to religions, Mark's opinions would never even exist if you didn't have the right to express yours. smile

    3. CarolineVABC profile image69
      CarolineVABCposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Mikeydoes,

      You have a very strong point here:

      "MY friends are all religious, and let me tell you, they are much less ethical and have done things that will send them straight to hell, yet they will turn around and tell me I'm going to hell because I don't believe. Why is that? All I have done was say I am not a part of a church and I don't think about God or religion ever. That is going to make me go to hell? Does not make sense to me at all."

      It is a sad fact that many religious people thnk this way just because someone does not believe what they believe in and do not do the things they do, they think that person is going to hell, which is wrong and they are being very judgmental.

      "I just read that  from someone here "it is my duty to inform the non-religious and try to convert them." No, it isn't. Sorry, your duty is to go through life and make yourself happy in whatever way possible. Live life to the fullest and stay out of people's business, especially if it is something that absolutely does not interest them."

      Many Christians or religious people that it is their duty to "convert" other people because they don't want anyone to go to hell (especially family and friends).  What I believe in is that I pray first for the person and if they do approach me about my religion, that is the time I speak with them about it.  Because to me, it will be a waste of my time to talk to someone who has already made up their mind being a nonbeliever and my point will not be accepted, anyway. 

      Although please let me explain to you what I've noticed in these "religion" forums.  From my experience, when I state my belief or happen to agree with someone's point of view (particularly Christianity), some people think that I am already trying to convert them into Christianity-that's not what I'm about at all.  I just happen to state my opinion and agree with some of the Christians out there and some people see that as trying to convert other people.  It is true that many religions have caused many wars because of groups of people trying to convince that their religion is correct and not the other, and rather than focusing on the similarities, they see the differences.  I've tried to explain that I'm not here to convert other people into Christianity, I just happen to agree with some of the "hubbers" here who believe the same way as I do.  I do not try to tell other people what they believe in or lack thereof is wrong and that they should believe the way I do.  But as soon as I state an opinion regarding Christianity and just so happens that I agree with someone's point of view, there will be some people who will say something like this: "Stop trying to get your nose into other people's business" or "you're both (referring to the other hubber and myself) going to hell."  My point here is both Christians and nonbelievers "attack" each other.  I thought forums are here for "open discussions."  To me, if someone does not like one of the forums or does not believe in what they say, why go to that one? Why waste your valuable time attacking the other person just because they believe (or not believe) a certain way? Why can't people find another forum that they are interested in and have an open discussion with them? I believe, it's a "no win" situation.  Everyone will believe what they want to believe, anyway or if someone wants to stay as an aetheist or agnostic, they can remain that way, too.  Some people are not into "religion" and I respect that, but on the other hand, I believe that "everyone's" beliefs should be respected.  I do agree with you that if someone is happy the way they are that people should leave them alone.  My belief is that being a Christian is to be kind, loving and accepting of anyone who comes across their path because "actions speak louder than words." 

      Anyhow, I believe that forums are here for open discussions and if "both sides" can do that without making the other side mad, and have a wonderful discussion without being judgmental of the other people, then that's great! If not, I think people should stay out of those forums that they do not particularly believe in.  Well, that's my "two cents" worth:-).  To me, go ahead and believe what you want to believe and stay happy!:-)

      1. Woman Of Courage profile image61
        Woman Of Courageposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Catherine, I agree with you. Very well stated! big_smile

    4. profile image51
      zdatikposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I feel your frustration and I partially agree with you, but...I don't know how to identify myself. I believe that God wants completely different things from us,people- believers or,non-believers, it doesn't matter for Him. He is a Creator and an Observer in my understanding...I might be 100% wrong.I believe that God created the Universe  for fun and excitement.To create even more excitement, He made sure this world would put up a decent fight with those trying to do His will, carefully balancing matters so that anyone with sufficient resolve would eventually come out the winner.In fact,the challenges themselves are only meant to bring out the inner powers of the human protagonist.Complex,true. But you've got to admit ,it's a lot more exciting than watching a planet of robots acting out their factory default settings.

    5. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Good question, but haven't we been fighting over religion for thousands of yrs?
      Why quit now?

    6. profile image0
      just_curiousposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm 100% with you on this one. I think this site is pretty cool, in that you seem to be able to ask any question you want, but if it was me, I wouldn't click on a question on religion, if I wasn't religious. I don't have any fashion sense, so I haven't looked at any of those forums. I guess I could bounce in and make fun of them, but it would make me feel like a jerk. With all the questions and discussions, everyone should be able to find a friendly conversation, if they are looking for one.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome to the forum Just-curious

        I Thought this forum was really pretty cool too, first time, still do

        Stay curious

    7. IntimatEvolution profile image72
      IntimatEvolutionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.

      However, most people need to know that what they believe, has to be right.  Nobody likes to admit being wrong.  Thus, forcing their beliefs onto someone else is a weird way of them justifying what they believe.  And there are those people who do believe so strongly, that they become blinded by their beliefs.  This blindness corrupts their thought process. 

      Example- the Puritans and the Salem Witch Hunt.

      Christians fight with others because they have built a religion based off little to no evidence, and threads of faith.  So...., on any given day of the week, they themselves would look upon another person, who might be doing the very same thing but for a different situation, and have that person committed by force if need be, to a state run institution, such as the nearest funny farm. 

      It is hard to believe in something based off nothing.  Anytime people feel uncomfortable about something, or insecure they become aggressive.  That's a fact.  Which is all because it boils down to the fear factor.  What if..........., we are wrong?  So we fight to be right.  I'd say that is true of all people who believe in something.

      1. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

      2. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Since a religious person requires extreme faith or blind faith to believe they will go to heaven. Because no body have any evidence they will make it to heaven and it’s impossible to know unless you have experience being in heaven.

        Bible quotes heaven is extreme happiness, I can only imagine, it could relate to being on earth’s funny farm.

        Hey what do I know or anyone else knows what heaven is like.

        I believe in an afterlife and God, is it not fair to challenge people to get a better understanding of their views of both afterlife and God?

        Since imagination is most Godlike to me, I would never tell people heaven is a lie or stupid, just that I don’t understand it and I may never, will.

        I wouldn’t want to be a member of a club, where everybody is actually like me.

  2. kess profile image60
    kessposted 14 years ago

    The man with a false identity will need to protect it...
    The One who understands his True Identity need not protect it...

    Therefore we see why the fighting cannot Stop....

    1. simeonvisser profile image64
      simeonvisserposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It seems the religious feel the most need to bring the subject up again and again. Are they insecure about their identity...?

      1. Right On Time profile image61
        Right On Timeposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    2. pennyofheaven profile image83
      pennyofheavenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Makes sense to me.

  3. Mikeydoes profile image41
    Mikeydoesposted 14 years ago

    Not knowing does not bother me at all. In fact it intrigues me, if you take God out of the equation and how we came to be, it really is amazing to me.

    Scientists claim dark energy/dark matter. But they know nothing about it, or if it truly exists, but it is still very cool.

    I've come up with several explanations in my head after hours upon hours of thinking, however it is almost impossible for me to explain, and I will spare you guys, because I'm not sure I'm even correct.

    1. ediggity profile image59
      ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So, you've come up with several explanations, why not join science in the endeavor to find an answer for creation?

      1. Mikeydoes profile image41
        Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It intrigues me, but there is no way we are going to find everything out in my life time. I have a blast watching and learning on "through the wormhole" "the universe"

        I have so many other things on my plate, I only spend a little time on it. It isn't something I need to jump in to, many people are doing that for me. Maybe eventually, right now I need to find my own capital.

  4. aphrahman profile image39
    aphrahmanposted 14 years ago


    Simple answer from me is - it happens due to conflict between both the group/parties on "True belief" and "Wrong belief" and its understanding and expressing it.

    But one thing is most of them are aware and accepts (including conflict groups) that there is God (Super natural power).

  5. topstuff profile image59
    topstuffposted 14 years ago

    I agree with you totally,its just meaningless to fight in proving your religons efficacy to others.And by no way someone is entitled to impose his thoughts to the other.

  6. Right On Time profile image61
    Right On Timeposted 14 years ago


  7. Naim Hasan profile image82
    Naim Hasanposted 14 years ago

    religions are like operating systems to us, they construct our core system, then we add education, culture, politics, philosophy and many things. computer operating systems are not all alike, even the same company produces different versions of OS, and not all of them are equally good, but yet not all people use the same operating system, some use xp, some 7, or snow leopard. regardless of quality, we need an operating system for our PC, so is the religion for ourselves. if you give a closer look, you will see religions have deep effect on many aspects of our life. and why we fight for religion? we human like to see that others are also believing and doing the same as we do. thats why americans want others to drink coke, and listen to rock n roll, just kidding lol. as religions talk about serious things, and we also take them seriously, conflicts arises. as my religion is telling me what i believe is the truth, and your religion is saying what you believe is the truth but both beliefs are contradicting at some points, we have to choose from the alternatives but again since we all believe that what we believe is true, we dont want to give up. and we fight.

  8. CarolineVABC profile image69
    CarolineVABCposted 14 years ago

    Thank you very much, Woman of Courage-I truly appreciate your kind words of support! Always be blessed!!!:-)

  9. profile image51
    Elisah1957posted 14 years ago


      As a servant of G-d it is my task to offer this message inspired of G-d through the Holy Spirit.

    It is very important that one understand G-d our Father and His son Yeshua our L-rd, our redeemer, our savior the Messiah purpose for the new covenant and the understanding of the cross. People, stop arguing over things that gives no purpose but only open to arguments, fierceness, anger and rage, such things being who is G-d favorite group, celebrations, laws and rules. This form of behavior is the distraction used by way of the adversary to hinder G-d true message. Our G-d, Our Messiah Yeshua wants for all to be saved and earn their reward and rest bringing glory to His name. Our G-d, our Messiah is not one of injustice but of fairness; if not, Our L-rd would not have allowed for the deliverance of the Gentiles (the prodigal sons) to share in the new covenant. Our G-d allowed for the behavior of those than, being His beloved (the Israelites) to act as such for this deliverance; so that a chance can be giving to His other children, the lost sheep whom first wandered away from G-d.

    All is been done! First G-d allowed for the deliverance of the Gentiles, now a separation is being performed. The Gentiles are now performing as some of the Israelites during Yeshua arrival in the past, blaspheming His name, the disbelief and laws and rules. A separation of those whom truly belong to Him is in affect. As written by His word saying: Luke 12: 52-53 From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me and two against—or the other way around. A father will decide one way about me; his son, the other;mother and daughter and daughter will disagree; and the decision of an honered mother-in-law will be spurned by her daughter-in-law. This is G-d now spiritually chosen those He accepts as pure in heart, those sincere. From both the Israelites and Gentiles there will only be a few that are redeemed of G-d (passing the test). Remember the time of Noah, a servant of G-d, for during that time out of the populated world only Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives were the sole survivors, so yes, G-d is being merciful to offer such a chance; for during the time of Noah G-d did not tell Noah to spread the gift of His salvation but only to build the ark before He destroyed man without warning. Yes our L-rd is now being  very fair and merciful to multitudes.

    Our L-rd said to pick-up your cross and follow Him, He being the first (the example) allowing all to witness and understand by doing so, we too will live again but in perfection as He rose, earning your reward and rest through the Father and His Son generous worth of grace. Yeshua chose to be the first to show G-d the Father is not a lier, that you too will rise again and there being no fear. For the words given in inspiration from Mattahew 10:28 Don't be afraid of those who can kill only your bodies—but can't touch your souls! Fear only G-d who can destroy both soul and body in hell. This mean spreading the word of G-d salvation without fear and allowing oneself to be a follower in His example, one whom was despised, rejected, acquainted with grief, for there will be many whom will not listen and scorn the words of the Holy Spirit, accusing you and cursing your attempts. All messengers and prophets of ancient such those being Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph and Moses and the many others were all spiritually and/or literally nailed to a cross being despised, rejected, acquainted with grief for trusting and faith. One is given the chance now to submit to the will of G-d and test his worth to G-d, therefore receiving blessings of the reward and rest during the first resurrection mentioned in the Revelations but some will choose to under-go the more horrific trails of submitting to G-d during the period soon to come under the rule of the anti-christ and false prophet. I pray many choose now, for the testing of G-d is at present less severe than in that soon coming day; for the persecution from the ruling anti-christ and false prophet will be great against those submitting to G-d. Those whom submit now and do not falter, will not share in the days of the anti-christ, for G-d has promised to take them from this time of tribulation. (The first resurrection). Those under the rule of the anti-christ will be under such adversity and trauma that multitudes will plunder under his rule and fear the acceptance of G-d and by doing so seal the disaster awaiting them after the L-rd our Messiah bring about the end of satan rule. They and their off-spring will suffer for a thousand years the plagues spread upon them for serving the anti-christ.

    I'm a servant of G-d and by doing so suffer greatly. I have been spiritually nailed to the cross. I have been despised, rejected, abandoned, accused and acquainted with much grief but G-d sustains me through my faith, He gives me wisdom, power, strength and peace in my sufferings and allows me to see wondrous things that awaits me. Therefore, I fear not because my treasures are with G-d and yes, I have seen! And have been blessed to share in the words spoken by the Messiah to the disciples  from Luke 10:23-24 Then turning to the twelve disciples, he said quietly, “How privileged you are to see what you have seen. Many a prophet and king of old have longed for these days, to see and hear what you have seen and heard. G-d is awesome and His power beyond comprehension and in your walk with G-d the Holy Spirit will tell you many things known of G-d and the Son. The L-rd will reveal to you much Glory.

    To all, walk away from senseless evil confusing arguments and allow G-d to renew your spirit. He will give you strength, wisdom and understanding and allow His attendants of “Truth and Mercy” to walk before you. He will keep you from stumbling with His grace and power (you will sustain). Think of your future children in your future inheritance whom will be able to say one day “Oh my parents, if not for your obedience and faith we would not have been here to share and enjoy this wonderful life in the presence of our L-rd.” Let your children in that time be able to say (You are blessed), for they would not have shared the fate of this world but through your example by way of our Messiah sacrifice (your own sacrifice) will render the joys of your offspring. Therefore do as our L-rd commanded when saying “Follow Me”!

    G-d and our Messiah presence has arrived and there is not much time. “You Decide”! Go before G-d through His Son our Messiah and ask Him to work in your life to do His will so that you will share in His Glory. Take these words giving to you today being a gift from G-d and share them with others, thus pleasing our L-rd, showing your attempt to please Him through faith, being one with Him, therefore not His enemy.

    May our Father, Our Messiah be with you forevermore.

  10. 2besure profile image82
    2besureposted 14 years ago

    Religion is a very intimate subject to people.  When you disagree with them, it is almost as though you are coming against their 'God!'  The truth is God does not need us to defend Him.

    1. profile image0
      Over The Hillposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The idea is not to defend God but to convince others that there is a God.He does not need our puny attempts to defend Him. Only to share His love with all humankind.

  11. Rastamermaid profile image68
    Rastamermaidposted 14 years ago

    I carry my God in my heart.

    I do not argue or discuss certain things with people,religion or politics,there will always be an uproar.

    I pray that everyone has a religious belief,whatever it may be.

    If you don't believe in something you'll fall for anything.

    So whatever you believe is your choice as it should be.

    Blessings all!

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      To believe in something is healthy,
      To believe in the bible, it becomes the be all and end all, forget about believing in most anything else

      There is no half way to hell, only here on earth.
      On the other hand, Hey!!! What do I care

  12. Right On Time profile image61
    Right On Timeposted 14 years ago

    I believe in live and let live...and just tune out when religion is taken seriously. cool


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