What about wet dreams where we have no control?

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  1. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    Religion teaches people that sex before marriage is wrong.
    Religion teaches people that same sex, sex is wrong.
    Religion teaches people that masterbation or self-gratification is a sin.

    As a very religious person myself, I agree with these teachings.

    What about while you are sleeping and you dream about some person and become sexually aroused and end up having a "Wet dream". Is this also something considered a sin?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      According to the bible you were born a sinner, then you become an Adult Man (in my case) then an average  man thinks about sex every three minutes or has plenty of daydream thoughts  about it everyday..

      Face it, you are scr*wed, if you truly live that stuff.

    2. CMHypno profile image82
      CMHypnoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      How on earth can a perfectly natural bodily function be a sin?

      Don't let religion control your life, there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex - married or not!

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sex is not sinful if carried out properly:

        1.  You must have a partner (and no, your hand is not a partner).  Should you sin while asleep you are required to seek absolution
        2.  Sex must be with your church married spouse.  No boinking the neighbor!
        3.  Sex must be with a partner of the opposite sex.  Should you be a hermaphrodite or homosexual no sex is possible.
        4.  Sex is to be for procreation purposes only.  Limit enjoyment as much as possible, particularly for females.  Clitoris removal is commendable and should be considered.
        5.  The actual (disgusting) act shall be carried out in the missionary position only.  All Kama Sutra copies should be burned worldwide.
        6.  Manual or oral stimulation is specifically forbidden.  Keep it clean and not perverted.
        7.  Any form of contraception is forbidden.  The rhythm method is preferred, but only as a means of promoting pregnancy.
        8.  No toys or aids are allowed.  If you cannot do this God's way then don't do it at all.  A small amount of KY is permissible but borderline - make sure it is being used to populate the earth and not for pleasure.
        9.  Observation of certain photographs is forbidden.  This is a form of sex (even without complete consummation) and must not be engaged in.  If she isn't covered from neck to ankles cover your eyes and turn the page.

        This is Gods will.  Or maybe just the churches.  Or least the local shamans.  In any case, go and sin no more!

        Do you get the idea that much of the human race is in serious need of psychological help?  Because I sure do...

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Can anyone really get turned on that way, by the book?

        2. CMHypno profile image82
          CMHypnoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          In medieval Spain they really did have night garments that covered every part of the body and only had a hole in the relevant spot so that procreation could take place.

          Why do some people want to take the fun out of everything? Life is supposed to be enjoyed, life is supposed to be a pleasure!

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Where they allowed to smile, or did the holly book turn them on.

            How in the world did they work that out,

            Too funny.

    3. IntimatEvolution profile image76
      IntimatEvolutionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh please...., seriously?

    4. djoutsider711 profile image61
      djoutsider711posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ... Molesting alter boys is beyond sinful ... but apparently it is okay. Sorry, but anyone that thinks sex, sexuality, enjoying sex in any way is "sinful" ... they are severely damaged.

      Look at it this way... The more you refuse what is natural, the more your body and your mind desires it. Why else would Catholic priest, supposed Holly men, resort to violating children? They deny themselves what is natural and turn to things unnatural or even worse, absolutely twisted.

      1. recommend1 profile image59
        recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Because the job naturally attracts weirdo's in the same way that being a singer attracts attention seekers and soldiering attracts people who think (mistakenly usually) that they want to be heroes.

        No normal person would accept a life of celibacy unless normal sex was already not an attractive option for them - or their preferences were for some other form of release.

  2. R.S. Hutchinson profile image71
    R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years ago

    There is no scientific answer as to why we dream at all.

    There is scientific theory based on studies that wet dreams occur in men because of too much seminal build up. The male body can only hold so much and if there is no release then the body  finds a way (nature always finds a way) through the dream. Most often, a wet dream is attributed to not having sex... and most often wet dreams occur in male teens gong through puberty. So a teen that isn't having sex, building up semen and not releasing it (masterbation) otherwise, according to studies, is more likely to have a wet dream. Because of this, I tend to think that a wet dream is more about self preservation and a physical function (reply) of the body rather than a "sin" one commits while in the dead of slumber due to thoughts of perversion that may or may not exist.

    The leading scientific theory is that we dream (in general)because it is our mind's way of protecting us. That it is a defense mechanism to show us what COULD happen in our lives so that when/if we DO face those scenerios we will be better prepared. This theory would support the idea that a wet dream is the mind's way of showing us what would happen if we engage in sex. (again, keeping in mind that normally a wet dream only occurs with those NOT engaging in sex).

    It also been studied that people whom have wet dreams- yet also have very religious or otherwise strict views on sex in general- will, instead of dreaming about a person, in fact have a wet dream about an object. Because of this, one has to believe, again, that this is purely a physical reaction that even in the dream the mind (which caters to the strict views) tries to tame so as to appease the religious or strict views of that person's way of living.

    The studies also include women, though less frequent- still occurs -with a human or an object.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's about the size of it.  God has given Man a body that will sin with or without our conscious orders to do so.  If it can't get orders to protect itself from damage it will take steps while we are away (asleep).

      As Castlepaloma says, we're all scr*wed.  I hope Hell isn't too hot!

  3. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    Women have them too and not necessarily due to lack of sex.  big_smile

  4. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 13 years ago

    klarawiek is right. And I'm shocked in this day and age anyone would worry about the question. Dreams are dreams. Just enjoy them.

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Anyone else here who doesn't mind getting woken in the middle of the night by a hot woman who has just had a wet dream and would like an awake encore? smile

      1. profile image0
        Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well, not me Ernest. I'd be a little confused if there was a hot woman waking me up in my bed.  lol

        1. earnestshub profile image73
          earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I can understand that being a bit of a shock! smile

  5. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    Sex is enjoyable for a reason. That reason is to be able to enjoy it.

    Having babies is another matter altogether and needs a heap of consideration and a pile of money! smile

  6. Taleb80 profile image78
    Taleb80posted 13 years ago

    Sure, it is not a sin.

    I think God gave us this to push the religious people to have sex the right way (Having a family) so human being kind continues.

    Otherwise, many will stop having family to avoid the responsibilities.
    It is like a massage telling "the pleasure you will get worth the responsibilities you will handle."

    1. recommend1 profile image59
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      a 'massage' for pleasure is exactly what it is big_smile

      1. Taleb80 profile image78
        Taleb80posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for your kind way of understanding & accepting other's viewpoints.

        1. recommend1 profile image59
          recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          injecting (or inseminating) these ridiculous threads with a bit of humour seems to be the only reasonable response to any adults belief that natural bodily functions can be a sin !

          1. Taleb80 profile image78
            Taleb80posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You can see that may first sentence on this post was "Sure, it is not a sin." so maybe you missed "Not".

            1. recommend1 profile image59
              recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              My criticism is of the thread not your post.

  7. recommend1 profile image59
    recommend1posted 13 years ago

    This kind of logical question must be torment for the religious inclined who like to think they can control everything and that their book still makes sense a couple of thousand years later.

    I realise that most religionists are by definition unable to reason very well, I would hesitate to say stupid, but why is it taking so long for education to get out to them ?

  8. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    "Religion teaches people that sex before marriage is wrong." Do you realize that if you follow this teaching and die before you get married, you risk being forced to have sex with a terrorist? Either someone didn't think this plan thru or they believe in acting as a pimp for terrorists.

    1. recommend1 profile image59
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this


      and on these lines, does that book specify whether the virgins waiting for them would be male or female big_smile

      such practices bugger belief !!

    2. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes women can be enough like mental terrorist, but I can't imagine making out with a real terrorist

      Too hot for me

  9. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    reco, Jeff Dunham has a great skit where he convinces Achmed that he really is dead. Achmed is really disappointed when he looks out into the audience and realizes most of his virgins are ugly dudes. Simply hilarious routine. The part I was referring to is at about 4:40 into the routine.

    <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EOrvTstfc28" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  10. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    sorry dont know how to post a link in a comment

  11. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Well here's the alternative to using humor. I would assume that these people also consider watching porngraphy to be sinful. About 10 years ago I contracted an STD from someone I thought was a friend. She had been divorced for awhile and and was under some serious pressure to remarry from her religious family. I had no interest in getting remarried and she knew this. She finally gave up on getting me to marry her and left town for awhile. She came back for a new years eve party and called me and asked if I was interested in going with her. I agreed and we had a great time partying. We ended up in bed and I ended up with herpes. She later appologized for intentionally not saying what I was going to catch. She was mad at me for making her feel bad about her religion. Kind of hard to hold a grudge since she died of cancer about a year after that. The point of this story is this, I currently have two choices. 1, I can do the same thing she did to me to others or 2, I can watch porn regularly and masterbate. I dont feel I have the right to risk infectring another and chose the second option. Any of you holier than thou a$$holes who think I am doing something wrong can all kiss my infected a$$. The arrogance of some of you people amazes me. You never consider anything but your own petty crap and look down on everyone who thinks a little differently. According to most of you I should get remarried and infect my partner so you can sleep a little better at night. Screw you and your rediculous rules and beliefs. How many of you would be willing to sacrifice the pleasure you get from sex for the benefit of others. Most of you refuse to do anything that doesn't include complaining about thing you don't know a damned thing about. You sit there in you ivory tower and look down your noses at all the people you feel are beneath you. Hows that for kindly accepting the view points of others?

  12. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    With you all they way on this one.

    I don't have any std's at this time, because I am lucky would be my best guess.

    To hell with other people sticking their heads in with moral diatribes against sex.
    Life brings all sorts of situations.

  13. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Thanks Earnest, I am wondering why there is no self righteous, holier than thou comments from the god group.  I hope they will remember this as their looking down their nose at me, if my partner gets pregnant it's a 50/50 chance that the baby is also infected. Now I am waiting for one of them to tell me again how I'm  going to hell for masterbating.

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Your good morals and decency is visible to me at least.

      Many would risk someone else's health and not be strong enough morally to do the right thing.
      My respect. smile

  14. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    I have already repoprted the post from christianshoes, this same crap was posted in another forum 1 minute before it showed up here.

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes they don't last a second if I see one. smile

      Nice speaking with you and hearing your honest and gutsy response here. smile

    2. profile image0
      klarawieckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Do these christian shoes allow you to walk on water? hmm
                                                         ...I wonder

  15. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Thanks again Earnest. As you can imagine it's not something i discuss very often. I do on occasion get fed up enough with the mindless crap they spew, I lose my cool. This is only the second time I have mentioned this online and the first time in a public forum. . I do wonder if anyone will manage to respond. For the time being I seem to have shut them up, lol. Peace and thanks again for your kind words.

  16. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    BTW, this should explain why I have so much time to spend on here, lol. Not exactly a great opening line when trying to get a date.

  17. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    That;s interesting, the OP has been back on Hub Pages for over 30 minutes. Responded to other forums but neglected to comment on his own. I wondered if I would get a response from anyone. I guess masterbation ain't so bad after all.

    1. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Stump,

      The OP only started this thread, because of his own comments in another thread.

  18. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    hello cag, not sure what you meant by that one, lol. I did take a look back and noticed he hasn't left the first comment in here, hmmm. He was the one that decided premarital sex and homosexuality were both wrong. It's only masterbation that was listed as a sin. I've never known a pastor to hide from a religious discussion they started. I was so looking forward to hearing how I am morally weak for making the choice I have made. I suppose not answering is the same as admitting he doesn't have an answer, Amen.

    1. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Stump, check the this thread.


      Like I said, he made a comment in another thread, which he asked this exact same question. I answered it, but then he opened this thread.

  19. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Mr Matthews doesn't seem to have much to say about the subject. One question and a slam at the catholics and he dissapeared. Same thing here, as you said he repeated his question and seems to have vanished. I have seen him comment on other forums today and yet he refuses to tackle my comment. If I had known he had no intention of. or lacked the ability to respond, I would have kept my private life private. So much for a preachers ability to explain the bible or the christian faith. Must be a mighty small church. I am guessing just him and his family, sort of like the westboro baptist private family church.

    1. recommend1 profile image59
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I take it he has really p!$$ed you off then big_smile big_smile big_smile

      On a more serious note, the commendable behaviour you impose upon yourself is what a true christian would be about in any kind of reality.

  20. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Thanks reco, that wasn't what I posted it for but it is appreciated regardless. I do get tired of hearing how atheists such as myself have no decency or morals. It did feel good to let a few know just how damned wrong they are for a change. I dont expect any to admit it and that's ok. I kmow that they that I know most of them couldn't do it. In the last 8 years I have met 2 women who admitted they had the same problem. As I said before it doesn't come up in conversation very often.I have accepted the hand I was dealt and I'll be damned if anyone is going to tell me i can't use one of the two I was born with to get some relief :-)

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Stump Parrishposted

      Honesty is the best policy even a after a tragic mistake, in which we all make plenty of mistakes in our lifetime. There are other ways to have protected sex under your condition, Stump,.good friends will stand by you anyways/

      I have been lucky in life that way, yet I do see how often this kind of trap is set. I produce some sculptures for films and my friend asks me to work on movies called: Freddy vs. Jason. I watch one episode features clips from Freddy. Freddy who in this story was a former child molester torturing and killing kids within their own nightmares.

      I thought, how very sick, considering in real life there are one million (mostly undetected) case of Clergyman molesting children in America. So on ethical grounds I declined doing the film, and nothing to do with Christian morals. Which in turn has the church protecting these clergymen from the courts, and then many of these Clergyman still continue their monstrous suppressed release problem on more victims as open honesty is not their policy

      Thanks for sharing Stump; a few of us can easily forgive, because really, it is not your fault, you just trusted the wrong person.

      1. GrowingDeeper profile image59
        GrowingDeeperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sex is like a fire. Perfectly fine and enjoyable as long it is contained within the proper framework of marriage and heterosexuality. Outside of the right parameters and boundaries it can destroy the home and the lives in it.

        But, with "wet dreams", we can not control our emotions which are probably the basis for dreams. However, we can control what we do with our emotions. For example, I may be attracted to any random female. But, if I am married, i must chose to not act on the attraction. The attraction in and of itself isn't committing a sin. But, if I choose to indulge in that fantasy or the actual act, then I have now allowed the line to be crossed.

        We must learn to distinguish between the nature of sin and the act of sin. Our bodies and minds have sinful natures and tendencies meaning that we could never live up to God's Holy standard of righteousness. But, to commit a sin, we must act on these dispositions as opposed to yielding ourselves to God's control and not giving ourselves over to the thought, idea, emotion, etc.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Allow me ask you something, GrowingDeeper?

          We know 98% males must release themselves, and maybe many of the other 2%, are lying.

          Is it better for these males to go to a website called Jerkin for Jesus and release themselves over photos and scripture of Jesus, or allow them a few dirty photos of women, to do the job.

          For me Jenkins for Jesus is too gay, or do you have even a better solution?

          1. GrowingDeeper profile image59
            GrowingDeeperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You said must. That is where you are mistaken. If they must, then why doesn't the penis just explode if you do not.

            1. Cagsil profile image71
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Actually, if you have no hormone release, it will affect your mind. So, it is a MUST.

              1. earnestshub profile image73
                earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                and if you want wet dreams, try not to smoke dope after about 4pm.
                If you can get your hands on some amineptine (a relatively clean tricyclic) you will even have spontaneous orgasms several times a night for the first couple of nights.
                The brain is the main sex organ I believe!

              2. GrowingDeeper profile image59
                GrowingDeeperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                In what ways? If I am not mistaken, the only hormones released in an orgasm are oxytocin and prolactin. I have never heard of either making anyone crazy.

                1. Cagsil profile image71
                  Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  That's not the point. The point is to have the connection and release, which is physical, mental and emotional.

                  Suppression of sexual urge completely will drive one insane.

                  1. GrowingDeeper profile image59
                    GrowingDeeperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    So are all of the nuns and priests who  keep there vow of celibacy living in mental institutions? I am pretty sure Mother Teresa was pretty sane. If not, maybe we should all go insane and give our lives to serve others. Hmmm

                2. R.S. Hutchinson profile image71
                  R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Read my response uptop.. men build semen.. the semen MUST escape. It is built up the same way urine is built up. Once the semen cpacity has been reached, then the body either gets rid of it by dripping out of the urethra, or by having wet dreams.  Semen doesn't move backwards. Thats just science....

                  As for scripture ..perhaps read Deut 23:10-11 (if you are unclean b/c of nocturnal emission then you must be cast out. [until] You bathe yourslef, then may be allowed back into the fold.)

    2. DoubleScorpion profile image78
      DoubleScorpionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Stump- My hat is off to ya bro.

  21. Greek One profile image64
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    as a middle aged man, i haven't had a wet dream in 25 years....

    the closest I got was when my team was in the NHL playoffs a few years ago, and I imagined myself scoring the Cup winning goal

    1. GrowingDeeper profile image59
      GrowingDeeperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Stump, I have no intention of looking down my nose at anyone because I am not over and above anyone-period. But, I do still say it is a choice made in how we respond to whatever situation we are faced with. Is masturbation right or wrong isn't my job to answer. Is it wrong to lust after someone that isn't your marital partner, yes. We all are guilty of it. That does not give me or anyone an excuse or free license to do as we please. But, if I were you I cant say I wouldn't do the same. Christians aren't perfect, and we do agree that "we" can be holier than thou. So, I am here to say hate it for you. Perhaps, the right lady can come along and meet your needs emotionally and physically, maybe even turn you on to Christ wink

  22. Mikeydoes profile image44
    Mikeydoesposted 13 years ago

    I would never spend any of my time pondering this anyway. Much better stuff to do in life, like have sex.

  23. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with masturbation. It's simply a moment of intimacy with yourself. No harm there. If you can't be honest with yourself, who will you be honest with?

  24. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    GD, I understand your comment and I will state that ny comment was directed at the pastor who started this thread. The fact that you personally dont look down your nose at me and a host of other people, in no way indicates that the majority of so called christians seem to do just that. How do you feel about the fact that homosexuality is a natural occurring fact of nature? I support the rights of homosexuals and I have to ask wheteher you look up at them, meet them eye to eye or down your nose at them? Lustful thoughts are a normal part of human existence. I had no problem with my ex pretending I was another in bed. What ever increased her pleasure would be a benefit to me in the long run.
    Thanks for the thoughts that there may be someone who could be the right one for me. I do belive the saying that there is someone for everyone is true. The problem is that I doubt I have the ability to be the right one for anyone today anymore than I did years ago when I was married. I am aware of and have acceptted my limitations in this area. Not everyone is cut out to be in a long term relationship in my opinion. That there is a chance this might change is something I can't deny. By not worrying about it I have found that I am able to become a close friend with women I meet. removing the possibility of sex has allowed me toi grow as a person and as a friend. Not the way I had thought my life would turn out but I have learned to make the most out of it.  I also doubt that there is a woman who could turn me back onto christ. I am referring to the effort it would take on my part and not stating anyhting about any women out there. if a person can't accept me for who and what I am, I have no desire to be around them. I have had enough of people trying to change me. All I seek is acceptance for who I am. Interesting that this is all homosexuals seek as well isn't it. Perhaps this is the heart of the problem. Too many christians lack the ability to accept people as they are. They have the need to change everyone into a clone of themselves before they can accept them. I'm sorry but I would hate to be in a world filled with people just like me. There would be no chance to learn anything.

  25. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    You put that very well. smile

  26. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Thanks Earnest,

    BTW GD, I erased a snarky comment about  celibacy and preists. Just showing I can be respectful every once in awhile.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Acceptance for who we are and what is.

      Good for you stump for accepting yourself first.

      Now let them try to box that and then try sending it to hell

  27. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    Just wondering .... why would anyone want to control a wet dream?

    Natural release and sometimes a sensational amount of pleasure! smile

    1. recommend1 profile image59
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That is the point though - they don't want to control theirs - they want to control yours big_smile

      1. earnestshub profile image73
        earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lol Spot on!
        My wet dreams are a highly valued addition to my life, and if anything do not appear often enough!

        Fantasy should not produce guilt like reality.

        That is why it is called fantasy! lol

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If I am having a wet about mermaids, could that mean I am dating women who are not bathing right.

          1. earnestshub profile image73
            earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            There's something fishy about that, but I can't quite put my finger on it. smile

            1. CMHypno profile image82
              CMHypnoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Without fantasy there wouldn't be any great fiction in the world.

              But Earnest, do banana gods dream? And where is Greek One? Usually a thread like this is right up his street?

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                “Fantasies can be healthy, as long as you don't take every word as true from the one and only ultimate truth book

              2. earnestshub profile image73
                earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                lol Yep! The banana god has dreams as big as the state they grow bananas in.
                As for the Greek one, he may have run out of bananas. smile

                You are right about fantasy....... it is the source of great fiction.
                As long as it is seen as fiction it's all good. smile


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