Religious prosecution!

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  1. Sky9106 profile image68
    Sky9106posted 12 years ago

    There are these two questions that I have struggled with for many years , and since I have now seen quite a few believers on HP.  Give Thanks.
    I will go ahead and ask one of them, which may then may lead me to ask the other.

    In these present times, is it within good standings as a believer, to run away from any kind of religious prosecution?


    1. Quilligrapher profile image72
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Prosecution or persecution? Big difference.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Persecution? My human error on that , knew what I mean never looked it up. Now I did still have a problem, but to be jailed, hanged,  or  plain out murdered for their religious beliefs.
        Great respect to you both. Great difference with who you speak to in life and on this forum.

    2. sallieannluvslife profile image77
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You must rest on your faith and stand and fight for God's truth, but you must also have the wisdom to know when you are dealing with fools and be able to let it go.  Not all eyes will be opened to His truth - many are blinded by the God to see you through!

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        well said

    3. Dave Mathews profile image60
      Dave Mathewsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Before the question can be answered one has to know. Are you discussing Prosecution in a court environment or persecution?  There is a big difference.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry about that, not necessarily any court , but something in the lines of being outcast , like you should not speak about your belief in God and the Bible.
        Like in the days with Paul and the others, they had to hide.

        1. Dave Mathews profile image60
          Dave Mathewsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          This is religious "Persecution" a cross each and every believer must bare and carry. It may not be right, but one has to be able to defend one's beliefs and faith.

  2. Eric Newland profile image61
    Eric Newlandposted 12 years ago

    Kind of depends on what you mean by "run away." And "persecution."

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Like leave the country you , live and practice your belief, like I believe it was Sol and Paul who at one time had to hide so as not to be killed.


      1. Disappearinghead profile image59
        Disappearingheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well to be honest, assuming you live in the West you are not likely to ever face persecution for your faith. By persecution I mean being hunted down and killed, not being called names by work colleagues.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          lol , those here are teddy s with a giant roar and after this they are in hibernation.

          even then the battle and spiritual warfare will start , because a human here is same as one  everywhere.
          Children in trouble everywhere feel the same as if they were here.
          it's our God who is merciful and understanding.
          God is great..

          1. Disappearinghead profile image59
            Disappearingheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          2. A Troubled Man profile image59
            A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            It's all about battles and war with you believers. It's little wonder why the world is in the state it's in.

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              It is not! But you won't believe even if it's in the front of you. So how could anyone make reference , where could they come from to even start a dialogue that will be ion an even playing field , where you already have it set that they are at fault.
              The only common ground that you leave is being human and alive, but once the "whatyoumaycallit" starts you take that away , then it becomes what you want it to be. Because they won't have a chance, but you won't have a chance also because two wrongs don't make it correct.
              Feel me?

  3. poetvix profile image56
    poetvixposted 12 years ago

    There is, in my mind, a time to stand and a time to retreat and regroup, but there is never a time to give in or give up.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks poetvix , I somehow think we are family and I mean this ,because the truth is I have read this Bible , not for this specific question , and it see all signs point to standing and fight the good fight especially in these times. Because it truly don't take much to to see the strength of evil in these times.
      See quite a lot of knowledgeable believers , including yourself of course,.
      The second question are along those lines , but for real fight with guns, war!
      In these times can a true believer be on the battle field killing others.
      See how easy I surrender.
      A pleasure.

      1. Jason Marovich profile image82
        Jason Marovichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If an army marches into your homeland, would you fight, even knowing killing another person violates God's law?  Most would, because their family, friends, and the land they've known all their lives are at stake.

        I believe God knows our hearts, and I believe He judges individually.  A man who killed in defense of home and family would, in my opinion, be judged very differently from the man who killed for personal gain.

        Soldiers, who consider themselves faithful to their God, are still required to follow orders.  The burden rests on their commanders not to lead them into sin.  Needless to say, this is a very serious issue for many countries.  I doubt it is ever God's will that men go out to kill each other, but I believe that turning the other cheek doesn't mean to lay down before an enemy and beg for God's mercy.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          these are the answer that I seek not because they are correct , but they are definitely an effort in trying to understand and even share some light on what your answer is to that question.
          So I do appreciate your answer , though my mind reaches to Mohamed Ali. It's intertwined with the original question, of would you Run,because all those who believe must die!
          Thanks. Bless.

          1. Jason Marovich profile image82
            Jason Marovichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Ah, yes, the Ali case.  I can understand conscientious objectors.  I understand where they're coming from.  Soldiers in combat have repeatedly fired over their targets on purpose rather than harm them.

            The problem with running is that you're fine to let others go in your place.  Firing over the heads of enemies in combat gives them one more chance to kill the man next to you.

            If I were somehow indoctrinated as God's teacher (priest, rabbi, imam, etc), then, sure, I'd say, "Surely, you don't expect me to take hypocrisy to such a high level", but I'm not, so it's off to the trenches for me and my steady aim, I suppose. smile

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              ha ha ha ha ha , I guess I should get one of those smileys also , and every
              time I put it up means I am laughing. lol
              These questions are not meant to do anything to my belief they were sincerely meant , to find people like you on here , that will not already be in this defensive posture that I am observing on here, it feels to me like a disease.
              Now I have been around all kinds of people and the ones who make the greatest impression on me are the wise ones , and trust me I know how wise people operate .
              I can only say that from your response and sense of humor , that's a rare combination you see in everyday people , and it's not too prevalent on here either .
              So I will be looking out for more of your goodies.
              I know that there are some great people here , but then I think they know this and are busy making the money that's offered here. And that's fine. It's better than getting the redundancies.


              1. Jason Marovich profile image82
                Jason Marovichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                There are plenty of spiritual people on HubPages, and plenty who would like to debate your beliefs.  The thing about an international, all-inclusive setting like this is that we tend to misunderstand one another.  Many times this is where people get hurt on the forums, etc.  Also, there are people that aren't on the forums to be nice, they are there to debate.  I hope you'll realize that 99.9% of the people on here aren't personally attacking your beliefs (or mine).  I'd say by your writing on HubPages that you've positively influenced a few, and that's priceless, eh?  Keep on doing what you do, I know I will.

                1. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Jason you are way out, and you will see my next step, when I think someone is cool .

                  I love the way you see things , you are most definitely a positive influence.
                  The truth is I am in no way worried about the people on Hub Pages , especially on the forums .

                  First to begin with I am from experience,  a very tough cookie  all across the board, the reason I ask certain questions, the truthful answers , not the empty ones, should not be too far off my line of reasoning.

                  I am probably older than quite a few of the people on here. I mention age to show one point, and that is the life that I took on , the way to get to my present age.

                  I can recognize sincere wisdom without words. I use every situation I get into as inspiration, so where ever I go am like a kid in his favorite candy store.

                  I have learned some very uncanny ways to pay attention to detail, it's what I have learn and that is the detail of the man or the men next to me. Don't go further than you "need" to.

                  You do not judge and never call another human out of their name. But stay aware of every situation that you are in. Because if there is a choice ,always make the wise one.

                  You then look at the man among you that does those things you know that he should not and you have a profile, of what kind of life they live . 
                  Why that's important is exactly for the reasons you mention above as to the reasons people are here.

                  Here is what I know on the playing field, if  a person can't run their own home and have it in the shape that they know that it should, making it  the epitome of the life you see as best.
                  Don't even try teaching me , and how I will know  that you are one of those is by your level of frustration  you display..
                  I don't necessarily care to be around known Liars ,  especially those who are trying to teach truth.
                  That's the human side of me that I took with me since about twelve years old.

                  the person  I endeavor to be , because I know God exist, I would love to surround myself , not necessarily physically , but any which way available.
                  I prefer to have twenty great people I relate to on here than ten thousand and none even know me.
                  I don't need those who wakes up in a bad mood don't know why , and is just grumpy all day, trying to infect others , that's for children.

                  Much more , Bless..
                  I need those who understands their lives or are doing their best trying to do so..

  4. rasta1 profile image70
    rasta1posted 12 years ago

    Prosecution is a method of persecution. They Prosecuted Daniel for not bowing down to the statue of Babylon and He was subsequently persecuted.

    First thing, there is nowhere to run to. Babylon is the all seeing eye. Therefore, running will equal to the renunciation of faith.

    We not running nowhere, Fear no fleshly death. The most important factor of winning any war, is for the soldiers to stand their ground and fight. If you run, still have to fight again, but when you win with JAH then no more war.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Bless, I thought I had something correct, then because I am a humble man, I went to take a look at the suggestion that was made. I then posted this:

      Persecution? My human error on that , knew what I mean never looked it up. Now I did still have a problem, but to be jailed, hanged,  or  plain out murdered for their religious beliefs.
      Great respect to you both. Great difference with who you speak to in life and on this forum.
      And never hear from the man again . So After hearing similar words from Poetvix, here I met Jason , who repeated almost the identical words, that there are those who are not here for , the greater good as a great opportunity to spread good , but rather ulterior motive and intent.
      great response and as always great to see you. I do believe and I write it somewhere last night , I will take three wise ones speaking righteous and you can keep the masses.

  5. getitrite profile image71
    getitriteposted 12 years ago

    Over the years Christians and other religions have oppressed, abused and murdered millions of people, yet they pretend that it is them being persecuted.

    Just a short list:

    People of Color
    The Poor
    Native Americans

    Religions seem to focus only on the suffering of its followers.  The suffering they inflict upon others becomes totally insignificant. Heartless!

    Just psychopathic behavior.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So we are saying they should stand and fight for their lives , or just that they are the ones doing the unjust deed?


      1. rasta1 profile image70
        rasta1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Don't look at it that way Sky. Babylon always functions as a false religion with political and economic integration. Remember Christ did not belong to a church. Political systems have infiltrated the churches in order to persecute the people in the churches.

        The ones doing the unjust deeds are the evil ones. They are wolves in sheep clothing.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          So is that what he meant ? I asked trying to get a better over standing, because I pride myself on that. I know the infiltration and even manipulation if I may .
          But if this is what's meant , I could easily clarify , what he meant. Na feel no way , hence the reason for the question, instead of a conclusion.

          I told you and watch my word of your progress as the light shines.


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