Scam or legit? Just Curious... Pros and Cons and everything.... If you are experience of any kind, please comment.....
Lol. This subject has been done to death on here. Have a look through the earlier pages of this forum.
Everyone has an opinion including those who have never been near the place.
I write there and earn roughly forty dollars a week for twenty to thirty posts.
Yup.. I already saw them and grabbed you too Wanted to know the latest trend with the rest of the people. That's why posted this here... thanks for the comment Mark
It is not a scam, but it is not HP either. What you write gets views, etc. then disappears. The money is the best online I have ever made, but it is temporary. I expect to run out of topics before long, at which time I will stop and concentrate on HP and my new blog.
I was of the belief the posts are kind of fly by night, but interestingly enough I must be getting traffic to some of my bubbles, because even on days I post nothing at all - like yesterday, I earned 90 cents. I did do some commenting and reading yesterday for a few minutes, but have been swamped with work most of this week. Somehow I'm still earning even while not bubbling. I've also been paid because I don't break the very simple rules - it's quite easy but it is NOT hubpages, the two are not even remotely similar.
Christin, you said in a nutshell. Bubblews is just plain fun and simple. I am being paid for just expressing myself and what is going on in my life with my family, pets, travel; you name it. Those people who complain about not being paid are those who break their simple rules.
Totally agreed with both of you.... have some experience already. just doing some research... thanks for the comments..
Works for me too, easy writing, easy money, just had my latest payout (redemption), no issues at all. Great site, but more about making short simple posts than articles.
I bombed out - payments stopped for no reason ($100 not paid; 3 paid 4 not;). I have not broken any rules. All 200 blubs extracted. It rots the brain somewhat.
Sorry to hear that. I guess been patient is the only thing you'll have now. Tried to contact them?
Hmm maybe I should try it for a bit? Maybe it's just slow.
I had two payouts this week, so its great. You do have to do a lot of reading and liking, commenting and such but as it such fun its not a chore, and yes its totally different to Hubs, and to write what we want is great. I love my Hubs for the research and the longer post which makes me feel like I am writing something worthwhile, but both are great.
I've received neither of the two redemptions I've applied for over the past two weeks, nor the emails they supposedly send within the first 72 hours of pressing the 'Redeem Now!' button. They've also ignored the two emails I sent them, and have deleted the comment I left on the wall/profile of BubblewsSupport2. I've just put another comment there, so let's see what happens. Right now I feel completely ignored.
Because I've observed their rules, and everyone I know who contributes there has been paid punctually, I'm a little puzzled. If I've overlooked or misunderstood a rule in some way, they could at least tell me instead of wasting my time and energy.
I think picture attributions is what trips up most people. They post their own or public domain pics, but forget to specify the source, etc. I stopped posting pics altogether so as to avoid that whole scenario.
My 'bubbles' are either with photos I've taken myself or none at all.
And you stated in each bubble with the pics that you took the pics and that you are the owner?
Yes, I did. A simple 'Photo(s) by me'. Or doesn't that suffice?
I would indeed think that would suffice. Beats me what could be wrong.
Did one of your posts sneak by you at 399 characters? I'm pretty sure B doesn't include spaces, titles, or things in quotes in their 400-character total calculation.
I always write in MS Word to check the character count (not including spaces). Most of my 'bubbles' are of about 500 characters, and all are of more than 400.
I would have thought that if there were something wrong with my account to the extent that I'd never get paid, they'd have deleted it. What I mostly object to is being kept in the dark and hoping for something that may never happen. BubblewsSupport2 apparently has time to delete comments on their wall/profile and write comments on contributor's 'bubbles', but complains of not having time to wade through a backlog of redemptions, nor contact the people waiting for them.
At least if I knew what might be wrong with my account, I could rectify it or cancel the account and start a new one if permitted.
I've also noticed how they love to say that nobody is forcing people to join Bubblews when somebody complains, but I think that once people have joined and kept their side of the bargain, Bubblews should do the same.
Bubblews also calls emailing more than once about unpaid redemptions 'spamming', but what do they expect people to do if they don't even aknowledge the existence of unpaid contributors?
I agree that B should specify what the problem(s) are so that we can fix them.
Meanwhile... Along with my never posting pics, I also now never post links. I know links are sometimes allowed, but I decided to just avoid that whole affiliate/commercialism booby-trap scenario.
I've never posted a link, either, for the exact same reason.
It also makes me wonder that many of my 'bubbles' are featured in Google Search and earn money regardless of whether I post. Therefore, I should be getting my share of that no matter what.
My next step will be to write a 'bubble' about my non-payment whereby I'll go through all the possibilities of what might be wrong.
Looking around Bubblews for similar cases, by the way, I discovered that we're not allowed to link to our own 'bubbles' since this would be a breach of rule 2 (Abusing our likes/views/comment system by partaking in exchange groups and requesting for them through other Bubblews' members) according to BubblewsSupport2. I've also read that 'tweeting' a bubble more than once is regarded as manipulation. Neither of these things are CLEARLY indicated in the ten easy (to bend?) rules listed on the 'Bank' page as far as I can tell.
Just out of curiosity, do you remember what days of the week you made your redemptions?
The first on a Monday and the second on a Friday. 09.09.2013 and 09.13.2013.
I am fresh out of theories.
The only hope I can offer is I've seen posts where it took a month for the person's redemption to be fulfilled. Better late than never I suppose.
I'm thinking this is Bubblews' business model. They're paying people for liking and commenting - which actually makes them no money at all - so they have to make their income somewhere else. They have to pay you while you're active on the site, but when you give up and walk away, they get all the continuing income.
I was thinking very much along the same lines.
Here's the most recent comment on the profile page of BubblewsSupport2 from a 'bubbler' called 'Jojomen':
"Each time I visit my account, my views keeps accumulating without posting any post. I was wondering if this (in-activeness) is a ground for not paying me. I stop posting simply because I was saddened about my redemption that was not payed up to now. Please have a look at it and be responsible enough to let me know that's wrong with my pay-outs. I still hope that my concern would be resolved in a positive way. thanks."
I just checked it out, and I find the whole thing confusing. I know there are people who have moved over to there from here, and others who write in both places. I don't know if I will write over there, as I said, I find it pretty confusing. It seems simple enough to use, I just don't understand how it all works, and then there are the issues people are bringing up about "redemption"...I don't know...
Write an original post, 400+ characters, make sure not to include any links to sites you make money from (including HP), add a legal and attributed photo, add some tags with '+' symbols immediately in front of them, then post the article.
Next spend time reading other posts you like the sound of. Comment on them, hit the 'like' button, share them, etc. Connect with people whose posts you enjoy and leave a comment on their profile page so they know you have connected with them (they might miss it otherwise if they don't check in for a few hours or more).
You will earn 1 cent per view, 1 cent per 'like' and 1 cent per comment. Easy money if your post titles and content are appealing.
Good Luck
(been paid twice now without problem)
Thanks for the advice, Misty. I wrote a couple, and I guess I will get the hang of it, the same way I got the hang of writing on here. It just takes me a while to get used to new things.
I'm on Bubblews and loving it. I read a post by the CEO explaining they have a small staff and do not have the time to respond to all of the emails they receive. The bottom line was: if you are not getting paid, you broke one of their rules! You will probably never know which rule, because they don't have time to explain why. In other words, don't bother emailing us!!
I will defend them because I am making good money there; no problems.
I'm enjoying the site. I reached payout after the first 3 days, then the second after just two days. I figure I can make $75 a week there, or at least $50. $200 - $300 a month is nothing to sneeze at. Besides, it's a fun place!
I've read that some people have trouble getting paid after their first few redemptions. I hope that's not true. I'm new there, so I don't know yet.
Will the Big B last? Who knows. But I'm having fun while it does!
By the way, I haven't given up on HP and see no reason why we should have to choose between the two platforms.
I met a very literate person today who, like me, hasn't ever received payment from Bubblews in spite of several 'redemptions'. The one thing we have in common is that we're both located in countries where English isn't the native language. It's also occurred to me that the majority of posters enquiring on BubblewsSupport2's wall/profile do not appear to be native English speakers.
The person behind BubblewsSupport2 found the time to write on his wall/profile today, but completely ignored my comment, although it wasn't deleted this time.
I started writing there around ten days back and have $10 in account. I know many people are redeeming everyday or every week. Your basic research scares me, as I'm from India. Hope they don't discriminate on demography.
I'm just exploring possibilities, since I can't see where I might have broken their rules and they don't seem able to tell me. Take a look at BubblewsSupport2's (responsible for redemptions) profile at the comments.
It's also logical that non-native English speakers might find it difficult to articulate their grievances.
I was on Bubblews!
Earned $75 in the starting and then later they stole all the redmeptions of worth $600 n more and never replied back with a reason for doing so although I was following all the rules.
So here is my conclusion:
1.Bubblews is not a healthy place to blog or write something serious. It's a rotten posting service. You won't enjoy posting there at all.
2. If your posts are seo optimized then they will surely not pay you!!! My written articles used to rank no 1 in Google and they would earn easily around $100-120 per day but that used to go waste since they used to steal all my earned money and hard work.
3. They will always try to come up with rules to steal away all your money. In fact the whole system is run by just 4 people who never answer people's query, Just think what kind of system is that.
4. The motto says speak freely but if you try to say anything about bubblews stealing or about incomplete redemptions then they will delete your post and even sometime delete your account.
5. Since bubblews has stolen from many, those frustrated come back and start spamming random people. The system is out of control! My advice would be to wait or just try it for once until you reach the minimum $25 and check if you get paid and if you are not then say goodbye to it.
Some good observations.
It was actually my intention to wait until the first redemption appeared on my Paypal account before continuing to write there. Everyone I knew at the time on Bubblews, however, was being paid even if there were occasional delays. Bubblews also made/make it clear that EVERYONE will get paid as long as no rules are broken. For these reasons, I carried on writing in good faith, but that has now worn very, very thin.
I also felt that time spent not writing was time spent not earning.
The bit of research I've done so far shows that they do bend the rules, especially BubblewsSupport2 who is responsible for redemptions, so I absolutely agree with you on point three. And I, too, get the impression that Bubblews has grown out of their control.
I enjoyed 'bubbling', because it gave me the opportunity of writing about things that wouldn't stretch to 400 words or more. It was very easy writing. Sad that it has turned out to be a scam as far as I'm concerned.
In view of what Marisa explains above, I will certainly be taking all my posts with me when I go. But first, I'm going to do all I can to get my redemptions paid. I'm now coming up to my third without having made any further contributions.
Any success for you till date?
I'm nearing my first redemption, fingers crossed..
I wish you good luck.
Neither of my 'redemptions' have come through to date, and I have $27.00 in my 'bank'. Not sure there's any point in 'redeeming'.
I got an email from Paypal yesterday that Bubblews sent me the eCheck for my first redemption. Hope there won't be any problem in clearing, it may take few days though.
My experience with Bubblews so far is that I've made 7 redemptions, and all 7 have made it to my PayPal account so far. I need the money and hope that Bubblews continues to be a good site for me to be an active member at.
I have successfully redeemed 3 times now, and heading towards my fourth. No problems with getting paid at all. Great site
I've redeemed twice now. I save up until my bank is at $50 or higher. My first redemption was very smooth and fast for $50+ and this last one took a little longer but did go through for $61. If you follow the rules exactly, cite your image sources properly etc. it shouldn't be a problem at all.
That's what's so puzzling--I have followed all the rules.
Did you contact support? They are not always forthcoming when there is a potential problem. If you want to plead your case or figure out what they deem the problem to be, you'll have to email them and hope they answer. For whatever reason, they may feel something is in violation and they are not up front about it. My one pet peeve over there.
I've emailed twice and written on the wall of BubblewsSupport2 and have never received a reply. Deleting the wall posts was the only response. I'm extremely angry, because they've completely wasted my time.
Yep they owe me $100 from 4 non payments, no response to emails. I was paid 3 times, then they stopped. No change to what I did. I did not break any of the rules. I started a new account, but would not pay for that one either. it would be interesting to know what percentage of the contributions they actually pay for - 50% ?
So odd why some people don't get paid. I have so far had 3 payments successfully and should be redeeming a fourth tonight. I know on one post they did say that sometimes people didn't get paid if the site crashed around the time they redeemed. Not sure if this is the case with people here who didn't get paid, but if all the photo attributions had been used, no back linking was used and all in all the rules were followed then this could be an explanation as to what went wrong too.
Not worth. It is purely a scam. They have this trick where they pay only certain users and the rest of the money goes into their own pocket.
I've just redeemed for the third time. For the record: $28.19, redeemed on 10.08.2013 at 15:34 GMT.
I wrote a post. Deleted it.
Hope to heck you get paid.
I have earned over 400 dollars so far - all paid no problems.
I have not had any problems either. The negative posts make me nervous though.
I so want to put B in the same column as HP as to reliable monthly income. But still too scared to do so because of all the negative posts.
I've not tried the site. I looked at it once, but I don't have time or energy to spend writing in more than one place. Hence, my blogs are also neglected at the moment.
However, I have read all the posts in this thread, and to those who are having problems, I looked them up on "whois" (.com) and here is the link to their information: http:// www. whois. com/whois/bubblews. com. (spaces added to disable actual link to prevent its being 'snipped.') Every website is required to have a legitimate contact person and physical address listed.
From there, you have the ability to telephone them and demand an explanation, or send them a letter of inquiry by certified mail...which they cannot (or should not) reasonably ignore.
Anyone in or near the area where they are physically located (San Francisco) also has the option of an in-person visit to make a face-to-face inquiry.
This is the latest post on the support 2 'wall' - Redemptions
"Please don't be offended if I am clearing my wall of queries. I am having difficulties responding those that need response if my wall is flooded. We are doing our best to check as many accounts as we can each day. We hope for your understanding and patience. Thank you to all the members who genuinely support the Bubblews movement."
They have virtually admitted that they can't keep up. Sadly non-payment may be related to this lack of resources rather than breaking the rules. Sad state of affairs is you are a victim of this.
I think it's a really fun site, but if you want to be serious about what you write, Bubblews is not for you. It's meant for small observations or something you can explain in 500 characters.That's about 8 normal sized sentences if you check it out on Word. I don't think they have much a business model, and don't expect the site to last long. I see way too many people saying they never got paid, Google them and you'll be shocked at the list. But I am new and almost at my first payout. I just write about whatever pops into my mind. Then spend some time reading and clicking "Like" on other people's posts.
Someone said it was taking their e-check long to clear on Paypal. That's normal, sometimes things don't clear for a week on there, even my payments from HP or Ebay.
I've just reported Bubblews to the Internet Crime Complaint Center for Internet fraud. For anybody else who'd like to do the same, this is the address: . You'll find the Bubblews contact information here (necessary to fill out the form): .
Hi Weekend,
I think the issue with Bubblews is just that they are slow--possibly because of staffing issues, it's not clear. They don't give out much info and from what I hear, never or rarely answer questions.
On the up side though, I've had 3 successful payouts and am awaiting a 4th, and I rec'd. the notification that my e-check is in the works and clearing at Paypal. It is my belief that people not getting paid are either breaking the rules, or more likely, not waiting long enough.
I waited 5 days last time before I rec'd. a redemption notice from Bubblews for my money. People are saying they are closing accounts, which they have built up for months now, and opening new accounts. I think they are cutting off their nose to spite their face, because they cannot be tracked if they keep changing accounts. A little patience is in order here. Basically after that 5 days, I had to wait 5-7 for the money to clear Paypal, and then my own bank. It can take as long as 3 weeks to see your money.
Also, the writing is not insightful or intelligent for the most part, it's a bunch of people writing quick blurbs to make money. If I want to write a serious piece, I would do it here or on my blog. I wouldn't be too quick to press charges for Internet fraud, if the issue is impatience. I may have missed something though, so do hope you work it out. There is a person on there, Adrienne Jenkens, who seems to feel she's the expert on everything about the site, you may want to ask her. I suspect she is part of the administration and pretending she is not. Good Luck.
I have waited more than three months and am owed three 'redemptions'. That I've waited this long is more than patient! Bubblews pays only the proportion of members it can afford to pay. You are one of the lucky ones. I, like countless others, am a victim of their scam. Bubblews is still profiting from my account to pay themselves and a sufficient proportion of members in order that they seem legitimate.
HI weekend,
Oh, of course, three months is ridiculous. In that case, I agree you must take further steps. There is an air of vagueness regarding the site, the moderators don't write much.
I said what I did because I see people closing their accounts and opening new ones, or doing other inane things, if they don't get that notification by the 76th hour! I have read a lot of bad things about the site. Actually, once I push the "Redeem" button, I don't write anymore until I get that notification. So I don't really trust them either. I can't even find rules, just that one woman who keeps "helping" everyone, but she comes off as a rude, know it all. She corrected my grammar once, and much of her "advice" seems self serving, like it makes her feel superior to others.
I hope you get your money. I check into HP everyday, so I'll be paying attention.
The woman who keeps 'helping' people sounds like somebody I encountered here--I'd be intigued to know who you mean.
I continued writing after redeeming because I was an understanding person: I'd heard they were very busy coping with a completely unexpected workload. I was sure I'd get my payments sooner or later. I'd never have thought in a million years that anyone would dare to perform such a scam on such a scale in such an obvious way. How naive I was. Even more astounding is that they continue their scam and are getting away with it!
I've never seen the woman on here, but I don't want to give names. She is obsessed with telling people they are using illegal images. I know we can look on Google Images, and if that wheel thingy on the right is clicked, and there's no copyright or info written on it saying it can't be used for commercial purposes, its OK. I write here, Wizzley, Inforbarrel, and now on Bubblews, and nobody ever said there was an issue with my images.
I got paid four times and my fifth redemption is pending. I waited for five days and mailed them regarding unpaid redemption, the CEO mailed me next day saying he will be looking at the issue.
I'm pretty sure I haven't broke any rules, I never plagiarize, never use photos from other sites except from wikimedia commons duly indicating the credits, never add links to other sites and never offend fellow bubblers.
Waiting for his replay since five days, hope I get some response saying what went wrong on my posts or a mail from Paypal.
This is what I've decided to do, because I just can't bear to watch Bubblews continue to earn from my efforts any longer. I don't know how long it will be before Bubblews deletes this post, should anyone here care to read it: … n-bubblews
It's certainly not worth neglecting other paying writing jobs/projects for--it's likely to only be more lucrative in the short term, if at all!
I've been writing enough to make $25.00 a week, but am starting to reconsider. I miss real writing, there's only little blurbs there. Many of the people don't speak clear English.
Plus it seems like the money builds up fast, but it really doesn't. It may have been because of the "Black Friday" Christmas shopping weekend, but last night I sat on the computer for hours to work up to the $25.00. Plus the site is very slow.
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It's not loaded for me for the last 2 hours - and that was after waiting 2 hours to post earlier this morning.Facebook's an update free zone.Twitter's an update free zone.What a shambles of an 'organisation'Anybody got the CEO's home address? I think we need to arrange a little chat...
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