Are non-tech savvy people slowly but surely being shut out of participating in society?
If you don't have an iPhone, or cable tv, or Netflex, or a Facebook account or Instagram, you might feel shut out. Now, if you don't have the right type of resolution on your computer, you can't share hub articles. Seems that everybody is not catching up and will be left behind. Thoughts?
I don't consider myself non-tech savvy, but I do not use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter because I like my privacy and I don't think my time spent on those sites is valuable time.
Nonetheless, I do feel shut out of certain things because I don't use Facebook. For instance, at my kids school, they post the pictures of activities on Facebook, but I cannot see them because I don't have an account. Same case for family. They typically don't send pictures by e-mail anymore. They just post it on their wall.
Charles Barkley has labeled those who use social media as idiots and losers. However, he is a millionaire and people pursue him for his opinion. For most of us, most people would not care what we think if we did not volunteer the information. Sometimes even your significant other may not want to hear that noise!
Some folks get immersed in books and mediation. If you go work and have no idea what other people are talking about that might be where you feel the lack if you are not wired.
Yes, feeling out of the loop in conversations is more prevalent because most chatter these days is linked to social media. Even tv news uses social media in their broadcasts. So annoying. But I do participate with Twitter when issue are trending.
To a certain degree this is true.
Those who refuse to adapt either get left behind or they're forced to at some point. Not long ago many folks refused to enter their credit cards online to make purchases.
Now just about everyone does it to order items from Amazon, book hotel rooms, car rentals, purchase airline tickets, and so on.
Today a lot of email accounts such as Yahoo and Google (require) a cell phone number to open a new email account.
Although my accounts were open before they made it a requirement they keep sending me a notice to provide my cell phone number to them in the event I forget my password they can text me...etc
Why does one need a cell phone to have an email account? I suspect they're going to sell this information!
At any rate eventually the vast majority of people do abandon their 8 track tapes, Sony Walkman, VHS videos, record players, upgrade to the latest Microsoft Explorer or Google Chrome whenever vendors stop supporting older technology. Change is inevitable!
Not at all. I had an argument with someone a couple of years ago that told me that all thelibraries will not be needed because there is no use for books. That will not be possible. There ae plenty of authors right her or have been here that still write books. Internet is not always possible either and that would depend on where you live and the terrain of where you live. That is not a choice about if you want intoernet or not. Bills still get out by the Snail-mail method and so do lots of spam mail from everyone includng laywers, Doctor's and coupon companies. That is moe society than the internet.
Valid perspective, Debra. Non-tech stuff is still happening and making the world go 'round. Good point about where you live as well. Small towns and pockets of places with their cultural norms and mores do seem to get on with life without iPhones.
There was a book years ago called, WHEN WORKS DISAPPEARS: THE WORLD OF THE NEW URBAN POOR by William Julius Wilson which states that those who aren't computer nor technologically savvy will be forced out of jobs. As they are forced out of jobs because of increasing computerization, there will be scant jobs without some type of computer and/or technological knowledge. Such people will be more than left behind, many will become part of the unemployed, even underclass.
People who are without computer and/or technological knowledge won't know what occurs as to news and other current events. With the increasing advancements in computer and/or other technology, shopping and ordering will only be done via computer and/or other technical devices. To tell the truth, yes they will be lost as there will be few things to be done manually. It is imperative and a quintessential necessity to have a computer or technical device in the post modern 21st century. The future is hear and in the words of the 1960s, be there or be square.
Those who will find it difficult to adjust to the new computerization are the GI (born 1900-1925), Silent(born 1926-1942), and some Boomers(born 1943-1960) generations. These generations, on the average, are not computer savvy as there were very few computers in the earlier part of the 20th century. It will take these generations longer to be familiarized with computer mechanisms. However, the 13th or GenX(1961-1981), Millennial (born 1982-2004) and Homeland or Digital(born 2005-present) generations are extremely computer and technologically savvy.
P.S. In order to find the share buttons on my computer, I had to zoom down to 75 from 125. I have 4 laptops, a couple of portable dvd machines to watch movies and listen to my audiobooks, and I am on Google+. I am learning as I go along. Yes, I am part of the pre-computer generation - a Boomer.
Just like anything else in life, you adapt or you die (in this case, socially). Ain't nothin' you can do about it, except decide whether you want to be relevant or not.
Succinctness is my specialty. Except when it isn't.
Straight and to the point. Thank you for your answer.
I think to some extent this is true, however there will always be room for those who prefer the written word over the technological methods of communicating.
The electronic versions will only last as long as we have electricity. Written records are permanent. That is worth pondering over. Especially if words are carved into metal or stone.
I like that observation, Stephen. Hail to the written word. Thanks for answering.
You make an excellent point! One electromagnetic pulse, from whatever source--solar flare or weapon--will take us right back out of our technological society. Those who can still use old ways will survive.
I watched a child, yesterday, who was not quite 2 years old. He was playing a game on his father's smart phone. His father said he simply started handing the child a cell phone 6 months previously, and the child figured out where to go from there.
My thoughts are: if a 2 year old can work with modern technology, why can't an adult?
Well, it's because a persons makes a choice not to participate. I have made that choice not to get a smart phone. I've done that because I see that people with smart phones ignore whatever is going on around them. Many teenagers spend 15 hours a day on their cell--listening to music and commenting on their friend's posts. I just don't need all that. But I will someday, because I expect some invention will come along that makes it necessary.
However, I do find that I must have a pInterest, a, a facebook, and a twitter account. I use them to advance my hub posts--and it works!
It's that whole"get with the times" mantra that everybody keeps wanting to be a part of. But in all seriousness, technology is moving at a rapid pace that in a way causes non-tech savvy people to become shut out. If you've never heard of things like Netflix or Instagram, people (younger especially) look at you funny. Many jobs and careers now require you to keep up with emerging technology, which is where people might be getting shut out the most. Companies want their employees to be updated and learn every year about new social media or tech tools related to the job.
What I don't like is people who become obsessed over all of this technology and need to use every new device and platform. There's a fine line between the tech savvy and the old fashioned, and that's where I'm comfortable staying on right now.
Ironically, I would consider it the other way round and tech-savvy people are being cut out of participating in society. Too many people are constantly on their phone or social media and as such don't attend social clubs, participate in a sport or other recreational activity and some don't even make time for conversation. So whilst these people are within a community on their phone, I feel they're actually isolating themselves from society and the people who are around them in favour of their virtual world.
I don't think it's any different now than it's ever been. Many people felt "left behind" when technologies like the telephone, radio, TV, and the internet itself were first introduced. Some people never felt the need to plug into the new technology of the day. Others finally got on board when costs came down, and they realized the new features could be useful to them. The cycle continues.
What is different today is the pace of technological change. Someone has said that the speed of change you are experiencing right now is the lowest it will ever be. I wonder if there is a limit to how much change a person can stand in a lifetime.
Interesting question. I consider myself tech savvy, however I am simply cell / smart phone illiterate. Yes, I feel somewhat shutout from society as I depend on my land line thus I am limited to having to be at home for the form of communication of instantaneous. I simply may not be included because of the simple fact I cannot be gotten a hold of when opportune occurs. I may be missing out of opportunities because of not necessarily being non-tech savvy, yet participating in tech savvy activity, e.g. texting.
Sometimes it sure feels like it.
I'm pretty good as a computer user, but spare me the inside engineering technical details. I don't get that at all.
I also suck at all of the things needed for understanding how to promote things online, from "meta tags" (whatever those are) to SEO. I 'sort of' understand SEO, but not well, and I'm not good at it.
Furthermore, I don't own a so-called "smart" phone, and I won't. The main reason is the cost. I don't have the budget for that. My cell phone is a simple NO CONTRACT, pay-as-you-go TracFone; it makes and receives phone calls, that is all. I don't see the point of "texting." You've got the phone in your hand, for pity sakes, CALL the person, and TALK to them! (But not while driving!!!)
As further advances are made, I'm sure my husband and I will be left behind. He's better with the techie stuff than I am; he used to work in the computer field. Nonetheless, we fought for years and years against buying a DVD player, and all our movies were on VHS tapes. Finally, we were forced into it by the shift in the industry; tapes no longer being produced, and only DVDs. Okay. We now have a DVD player and a large collection of movies...but we are fighting the same battle against once again being forced over to the "BluRay" technology. It's too expensive.
We are not the kids on the block who must instantly possess every latest gadget. We'd rather wait until it's been out some time, and either faded away after a brief flash (like 8-track tape cartridges), or proven itself, and all the bugs have been worked out a few years down the road.
I can relate to so much of what you said, MsLizzy. It cracks me up in the Tech forums when Matthew answers our questions, speaking in tech-tongues! (LOL) It's so funny how he thinks we understand what he's saying. Ha ha ha!
Computers made my mother nervous. She threatened to retire early if they replaced her electric typewriter with a computer. They liked her, so the typewriter stayed.
I could never interest her in anything-computer. She'd want to go home early.
I think some are, some have and some will be and as the rapid speed of change increases there will be more pressure on individuals to keep up to date with com-tech or suffer the consequences.
As a boomer I still remember life pre-high tech so can fall back on my hard core social skills when needs be! I am still vulnerable though - my hard drive crashed recently and I had to get a new laptop...(my old Acer actually warned me to get a new one or else....!). I felt lost and anxious without a laptop!! Sad.
It'll be fascinating to see how younger people react to increased pace of change. On the one hand they know no different - those born in the last fifteen years or so have been brought up immersed in the world of laptops, smart phones and apps and so on - using high tech stuff is second nature to them so I don't imagine many will get left behind or feel shut out.
On the other hand some of these young people may consciously start to reject high tech demands - they may want to know more about life as it was in pre-computer days!
Perhaps in the not too distant future we'll reach saturation point, that time when, in the front rooms of the average western person there'll be so much high tech clutter we lose touch completely with our humanity. We won't know how to speak to each other face to face without an app or screen between us.? That time when artificial intelligence and human intelligence cross over - the day we all turn android.
What a lot of thought provoking comments for this question! The one about the tech savvy actually being the ones cut out of society may be the most interesting to think through. My first thought on seeing the question was that with one click, so to speak, the grid, as they call it, could be shut down either temporarily or permanently. I've sometimes wondered what that would mean for the majority of people who have become so dependent on technology, but there are so many variables to the possibility that the best I could do is write fiction about it.
I am a middle of the road guy, not quick to jump on new things but eager to learn them as I choose. I do feel left out for about 30 seconds everyday. I can live with that. People that really want to communicate with me find no problems in doing so and I invite them to do so. I do not feel a need to "check on" statuses or constant minute changes in the day to day. Big and important matters are still handled in ways that have been around forever -- I suppose I include TV and radio, though I do not get any TV Channels so I suppose I have left that medium behind and get my "news" via the internet. In my mind going to far in either direction is to close out the other and that would a shame and would leave me out of something that I would rather be included in.
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