Is facebook good for 6th graders?

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  1. dogluver1 profile image58
    dogluver1posted 14 years ago

    Should 6th graders have facebook? Is it dangerous for them?

    1. Karina S. profile image60
      Karina S.posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think it is dangerous

    2. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      NO! Easy enough! big_smile

    3. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    4. Rpenafiel profile image61
      Rpenafielposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don’t think it’s good for children. I would encourage them to enjoy their crayons and learn to be creative than learn to explore Facebook at a very young age. As I see it, allowing them to use this social networking website is just like giving them a smartphone that can endanger their safety from the hands of people with evil motives for children.

      There is a right time for children to enjoy such things. For now, I would encourage them to enjoy simple stuffs such as crayons and a simple cell phone if needed.

  2. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago

    There's a lot of cyber bullying goes on ... I'd supervise closely. Also, you have to watch out for the random predators that target kids.

    However, even with the dangers (and they are serious dangers - cyber bullying has pushed kids to suicide and the parents didn't even know in many cases that there was an issue b/c it all happens at home in a bedroom with the door closed)- kids somehow need to learn about the online world.

    6th grade is probably too young for a personal facebook. Maybe have a family page instead?

    1. profile image0
      L. Andrew Marrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would say it isn't dangerous. I'm 18 and have had facebook for over two years now.

      You can limit the amount of information people can see on facebook, as well as decline people as friends so they can't comment you or see pictures or things like that. You can talk to your kids about not accepting anyone they don't know in person.

      If people try messaging your kids - which they probably won't - you can always block that person from contacting you or report them to facebook. Facebook admin are pretty hot on that sort of thing.

      In order for a pedofile to find your kids they would either have to randomly search through the hundreds of millions of people on facebook to find them, or know someone your kids know. With the second you can usually find out about that person as well and...'persuade' them to stop. If you get what I mean.

      Finally, it is important to remember that the internet has a reputation for being full of sexual predators, but, in all honesty, it isn't. It's full of nerds and average people like you and me. Having some faith in humanity can go a long way.

      Hope that is some help. If you have any further questions then please feel free to message me.


      1. h.a.borcich profile image59
        h.a.borcichposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I thought we were talking about 6th graders (apx 11 yr olds). You were 16 right? I think those 5 years are important with something like the internet. Holly smile

        1. profile image0
          L. Andrew Marrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Ah, indeed, but my entire school is on facebook. That includes 11yr olds. We live in the information age and kids are more clued up on things.

        2. dogluver1 profile image58
          dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks luke. smile

    2. marcel285 profile image66
      marcel285posted 14 years ago

      Facebook is a joke. It's a big LOOK AT ME carnival.

      Not good for young ones at all, because the internet is a lot like alcohol in the way that it can lower ones inhabitions. People will say things online, like when they are drunk, that they wouldn't say in reality. This can prove dangerous.

    3. profile image0
      Audreveaposted 14 years ago

      The stuff you give away about yourself online can never be taken back, so they need to be very closely monitored - never left on facebook or any chatroom / forum alone.

    4. Money Glitch profile image67
      Money Glitchposted 14 years ago

      I agree with everyone! I think the 6th grade is way too young for a social network site.  Personally, I think it is too young to be making decision about what to say or not to say on the internet.

      Kids become so excited when they meet "new" friends that they tend to tell that friend everything.  A predator could easily trick them into telling tidbits about themselves, like were they go to school, recreational facilities, what time parents are not at home, asking for specific pictures, etc.

      It's just too dangerous.

    5. profile image0
      blatvaposted 14 years ago

      Alright. Facebook is actually alot safer then you would think. All your information is set to private, accept for friends that you add. For me, I use facebook to talk to family and friends from school. anyone I don't know, I don't add.
      I think a bigger worry would be Myspace. It's too public, and too open. And honestly, You can get kinda swept away with it.

      Because honestly? When it comes down to it? There's just as good of a chance of someone seedy talking to them on as well. But most people don't consider a site like that risky. Though it is, if you think about it, A target place for predators and cyber bullying.

      When it comes to social networking sites, Yes theres always a chance That there will be creepers. But out of them all, Facebook isn't a bad way to go. I would suggest monitoring usage and people the 6th grader talks to. Also, making sure that You can talk openly with them about What's being said and who said it.

    6. profile image57
      R13Umsteadposted 14 years ago

      I don't think there really is a need for a 6th grader to have a facebook. One of the things a lot of people use facebook for is too keep in touch with people they don't see on a regular basis, and I doubt 6th graders would use facebook for that purpose.

    7. dogluver1 profile image58
      dogluver1posted 14 years ago

      Ok thanks guys that helped a lot! I appericate it! Thanks again.


    8. prettydarkhorse profile image61
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

      they are still too young for socialization in the Internet, grabs them of time to socialize in real world,

      1. dogluver1 profile image58
        dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this


        1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hey dogluver, can you share some of your dogs to me, I love dogs

          1. dogluver1 profile image58
            dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            lol I'll write a hub about them lol

            1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
              prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              ok I will read it

              1. dogluver1 profile image58
                dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Ok im thinking of a

    9. h.a.borcich profile image59
      h.a.borcichposted 14 years ago

      Too young.

    10. profile image0
      Audreveaposted 14 years ago

      It's a bit more insidious than that. They try to infiltrate a circle (social network) of kids b/c they're all linked up & it becomes a candy store for them. So gross. They're really sneaky and it has happened a lot.

      Another danger is that kids tend to share passwords and things. You get girls being super nasty on social networking sites, making up saucy rumours about each other or sending cruel and vindictive messages from someone else's account.

      That's not even the half of what goes on.

      1. profile image0
        L. Andrew Marrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        In the worst case senario, yes.

        Where I'm from everyone keeps themselves to themselves. Kids don't share passwords because they don't want to get f'raped(facebook raped - i.e where someone posts random things on your page like change your status etc. E.g. I once left my laptop in the common room whilst I went to the toilet. One of my friends emailed a lad in my class from my account and said "Come see me now, I'm gay for you." You can imagine I was not best pleased - I did learn from it though.)

        I went back to my primary school last year for work experience and worked with some 9 year olds there. I was shocked at how well informed they all were. I was told two of them had been in a serious relationship for two years, they knew all about the latest trends, they were even into really complex music. Yet when I was their age I thought girls had cooties and Happy Birthday was my favourite song.

        I was on Bebo when I was 12. Then moved to myspace when I was 14, before finally making the jump to facebook. Trust me when I say if I could work the internet back then, kids certainly can now.

        And I'm a technological retard.

        Seriously, you're looking at the guy who looked for the 'any' key the first time his computer said 'press any key to continue'.

        Kids are wise to the internet now. Trust me on that.


        1. dogluver1 profile image58
          dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this


    11. profile image0
      Audreveaposted 14 years ago

      You're right, but I think they get a bit over confident. The maturity has to catch up.

      I have to admit that I hadn't heard of 'Facebook rape' - I knew of the actions but not that it had a name.

      They get a lot of cyber safety education and have specialist police officers visit schools and give training etc b/c it is such a worry.  The curriculum in most places now includes ICT in order that kids can learn how to be online and stay safe. No getting around it, it's part of our lives.

      When we were their age, it was all really new. Imagine growing up surrounded by the technology we have today - it's incredible.

      1. dogluver1 profile image58
        dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It is incredible

      2. profile image0
        L. Andrew Marrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I grew up as the technological outburst was happening. It was terrifying. I could never keep up.

        Seriously, even now. You buy an iPod and then its obsolete. You buy the next generation and then it's obsolete. You buy a games console and then it's obsolete.

        Eventually you just say 'F**k it, I'll live with this one.'

        I agree that maturity has to catch up. For a girl maturity hits around 13. For a boy - well if he's 11 he's about as mature as he's ever going to get =P


        1. profile image0
          Audreveaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I have a Nintendo 64. big_smile

    12. dogluver1 profile image58
      dogluver1posted 14 years ago

      Luke I think maturitys hit differently like girls 11 and guys 13

      1. profile image0
        L. Andrew Marrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Haha, I was kidding with what I said before.

        Maturity depends on the person.

        You can't calculate when it hits.

        Basically, it's down to how much you trust your kids.

        1. dogluver1 profile image58
          dogluver1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          lol smile

    13. profile image0
      lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

      I think so if their parents implement the privacy code on it.

    14. Beth100 profile image68
      Beth100posted 14 years ago

      Depends on the maturity level of the child.  Also, you can set the privacy settings so that it is more safe.  No child should be left alone on the internet without supervision or appropriate software (such as netnanny) as a back up.  In this case, I suggest that you are added as a Friend, and that you have access to his/her account thereby you maintain control.

    15. cindyvine profile image66
      cindyvineposted 14 years ago

      Problem is kids share passwords and give way too much info on the net.

    16. dogluver1 profile image58
      dogluver1posted 14 years ago

      Thanks everyone!

    17. profile image0
      TheVerbalAxiomposted 14 years ago

      Cyberbullying= A sorry excuse for hyper-sensitive kids that can't take a joke for shit.

      Anyone can join facebook, because they KNOW what's up, everyone hears it on the news, maybe from their parents and whatnot.

    18. you and me profile image60
      you and meposted 14 years ago

      A book is great for a 6th grader.

      An outdoor adventure is great for a 6th grader.

      Face to face communication is great for a 6th grader.

      Parent child discussions are great for 6th graders.

      Teaching your kids about how facebook is unhealthy and a false reality, is great for a 6th grader.

    19. nadiaazhar profile image76
      nadiaazharposted 14 years ago

      i think let the 6th grader use facebook but keep a check!

    20. win7guru profile image59
      win7guruposted 14 years ago

      No Facebook is not good for 6th graders, just look at this article

    21. dish_network profile image60
      dish_networkposted 14 years ago

      6th grade is too early to participate in online community. they should be involved in outdoor games rather waste their time on this kind of indoor activities. because this is the ideal time of growth of the children both in terms of mind and body. so don't allow them to facebook/myspace until they will be on 8th or 9th grade.

    22. Ty Gillis profile image60
      Ty Gillisposted 12 years ago

      I believe that Facebook says that you have to be 13 to participate. If you allow your child to participate, then you are telling your child it's okay to lie, whenever it convenient.

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image79
        Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        There was another discussion of that going on. Under 13 is definitely too young

      2. Rpenafiel profile image61
        Rpenafielposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I certainly agree with you!

    23. knolyourself profile image61
      knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

      For myself facebook is not good for anybody. Their game seems to be to use
      people's personal information to make money for themselves.

    24. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
      Paul Edmondsonposted 12 years ago

      I'd let my sixth grader on FB, but I would create a rule that they can only friend people they know that are also kids.  One of our friends did this with their daughter and I think it makes sense.

    25. Elizabeth Ramer profile image54
      Elizabeth Ramerposted 12 years ago

      Here's the thing with Facebook. If you read their policies, and if you have a kid you should whether your kid has a Facebook or not, you will find that any child can sign up with a FB at 13 whether they have their parents permission or not.

      Scary concept.

      Of course, we all hope that our kids won't go behind our backs, but I was a kid many moons ago and I went behind my parents back constantly. If they want one bad enough, they can get one and mom or dad has no legal recourse. You can cut off their internet connection at home, but you can't prevent them from going to a friends house and logging on there.

      My son started bugging me for a FB at 10. I kept telling him no, but I did keep an open mind, signed up with mine (and had an old one from way back that I didn't use.)

      After he turned 13, he came to me one day and asked me again if he could have one. I told him I would think about it. This is after I found out about FB policies. I told him he could, but on my terms.

      My terms include:

      I get his password.
      I get every message he does.
      I am on his friends list.
      He keeps his profile private.

      My main concern is that he gets cyberbullied and I want to be able to take any steps I need to take and this includes any emails, messages, etc that he gets. I explained all of this to him and he agreed.

      Come to find out, one of his buddies had been trying to get him to set one up behind my back. He decided to ask one more time.

      Our experience with it so far has been fine. But of course, my rules apply.

    26. Beth100 profile image68
      Beth100posted 12 years ago

      All social media sites can be dangerous for those who do not understand how to protect themselves.  This includes 6th graders, college students and adults alike.

      Social media sites are a fact of life, and face it, what teenager doesn't set up an account?

      My philosophy is simple.  When my daughter was in 6th grade, I set her up on Facebook.  I used it as a tool to teach her how to be intelligent and smart on the internet.  I had full control of her account, including her password and knowing who her friends are.  Five years later, she's still using Facebook and I still have full access to her account.  She still abides the rules and whenever an unknown friend of a friend sends her a request, she turns it down.

      There isn't one person on her list that she doesn't personally know, and I have met 95% of these friends on more than one occasion.  On many, they spend the day at my house.  smile

      Greatest advantage I have over many of the other parents is that I know exactly what is happening in her life -- friends don't hide what they say, and you can learn a lot based on what is being posted.  Knowing that I am watching, reading and actively posting with her and her friends, her friends have opened up to me and we discuss topics that they otherwise would never approach with an adult.  It's been a win-win for all of us. 

      I've done the same with my other two and will begin the lessons with my next 6th grader.  That's success of 3 out of 5 children.  My experience with my sons is no different than that of my daughter.

      Sooner or later, they will get onto the internet and mingle on social media sites.  If not now, then they will when they head off to university or college.  For me, it's better that they learn the dangers and ways of the internet while they're at home with me, where I can support then and guide them to keep them safe.  As with all parenting, I hope that the values and knowledge that I've taught them, will remain with them as they head off and away to university.

      To answer your question:  yes it is good for a 6th grader on the condition that you, as a parent, uses it as  teaching tool and are actively involved in the usage of it while maintaining control of the activity of your child.


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