by Larry Conners 14 years ago
[] Following the earthquake in Haiti, the United States rushed in to help - with money, medicine, and manpower. To date, we've already given over $179 million in humanitarian aid... but Barack Obama ordered all U.S. installations to take down their American flags, lest we be seen as an...
by Holle Abee 14 years ago
Remember that Washington University poll about the Tea Party and anti-Tea Party that everyone was talking about? Here's the rest of the poll - the part some liberal journalists neglected to report. For example, Joan Walsh wrote a piece on Salon that stated 41% of Tea Partiers felt that blacks were...
by lady_love158 13 years ago … rupts.htmlThis is an excellent that articulates precisely why liberals behave as they do, what they want, and why they want it. Read this and you will understand why I say liberalism or progressivism or socialism is EVIL!
by John Wilson 7 years ago
Hi Hubbers,I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Facts That May Shock Liberals. What can I do to improve? Thanks!
by Doug Hughes 13 years ago
******* posted 2 days ago in reply to this"Yawn? .......our two ideologies will not be reconciled. I detest liberals and I don`t mind saying so. I am an extremist constitutional conservative and I see a day coming when we will need to forcefully defend our liberty once again from tyrannical...
by Tracy Morrow 14 years ago
Why did I receive negative feedback for the following...?The question was "Should guns be restricted to the military, police, and security guards?" My answer was "Absolutely not. Our forefather's fought and died for us to have the right to bear arms and the reasons they did...