Your favorite vacation?

Jump to Last Post 1-43 of 43 discussions (47 posts)
  1. What's News profile image64
    What's Newsposted 15 years ago

    Mine has to be St. Augustine, FL. It's rich with history.

    1. profile image51
      geewhizposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is Florida. Warm weather, nice beaches, lots of things to do. If your coming down to Florida, think about Daytona Beach. I've stayed at the Daytona Bahama House and had a great time. They have nice rooms with a balcony that overlooks the ocean and beach. Even though there are alot of activities and shopping, I'm more into relaxing. With the great sunrises, walks on the beach and nice views from the balcony, it's a great place to unwind and relax. Check it out at and see for yourself.

    2. profile image0
      eer2eternityposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I mainly opened up this forum to see if anyone would say St.Augustine, and, it's the first one. I fell in love with this place the first minute I was there. Over the years, I have probably been there maybe ten times, and, I look forward to the day I go back. I just love it there.

  2. Princessa profile image77
    Princessaposted 15 years ago

    Very difficult to choose...
    I have good memories of all of them, each of them has been very special for one reason or another, but the most memorable ones are:
    Peru: During a vacation in the Peruvian Andes I met my husband; later on during a vacation in Scotland   I got married.

    My first vacation in Rome was also my first vacation as a mother which made it very special.
    My first time in Paris made me realize France was the place where I wanted to move to.

    Dominican Republic was also a great place for a vacation as I went into many adventour tours and off the track trails! 

    Lake George (USA) was also a great family vacation. 
    Los Angeles, where I met wonderful people.

    And the list goes on.  I just cannot choose only one place.

  3. Eileen Hughes profile image60
    Eileen Hughesposted 15 years ago

    Mine has to be the one  I am having now.  I bought a caravan and am travelling around Australia for twelve months.
    Wish I had done this 10 years ago.

    It is magic, great inspiration, scenery, fun, fishing, sun, sea, rain and wind.,

    What more could you want to go and see our own country before it is too late.
    Have a merry xmas and a safe and happy new year

    1. What's News profile image64
      What's Newsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's the kind of vacation to have. The one where you are able to discover new things and have time to reflect on them, all while on your way to the next adventure. I can see myself taking that kind of vacation.

      Catch a fish for me.

      Good luck out there and Merry Christmas. I hope that where ever it is that you find yourself that it feels like home.

  4. Junkster profile image60
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    I'd go with my family trip to Boston and Cape Cod, I went a few years ago and had a massive 11 hour flight, going from Manchester to Belgium (why?!) then to Boston, we hired a car which was an experience with my dad having never driven in the states before, felt bad that he had to make a large drive from Logan to just outside the city at rush hour at the peak of the renovations and roadworks a few yerars ago!

    Anyway a few days in Boston then a week around Cape Cod getting to visit a few interesting towns on the way: Martha's Vineyard, Provincetown (for the whale watching which was ace) and lots of small villages.  The best part of which was the people, as a brit I am well used to people keeping their head down and getting on with their day but in Nantucket a woman jogged past and said hi, I said hi back and she asked how my day was going!  You don't get that friendly and accomodating attitude over here for sure!  I felt like I should have joined on her jog just to be polite and answer her question! smile

    Anyway, we went in the summer and it was beautiful, a really amazing place and we even managed a few remaining days in Boston to top off the holiday. 

    I've been to New York twice but Boston was definitely more varied especially since we got to go all over the place and not stick to the city.  I thoroughly recommend it to anyone in Europe as well as anyone in America too!

  5. ocbill profile image54
    ocbillposted 15 years ago

    It would be New York City ( Manhattan) lots of action, lots of food, things to do, lots of electricity. Although, I do recall the trip to Brazil was great too. Ohh wait......Madrid, Spain was excellent too.

  6. Junkster profile image60
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    The best bit of New York was staying round the corner from Bryant Park and it was in the summer so you could sit in the park and watch a bunch of broadway show performances...for free!

    I also saw Ringo Starr play in the park for a morning TV show, woke up at half six to get a space but was so worth it to see a living legend!  I saw Shania Twain where the Apple Store is now (it was just a big concrete concourse before the glass cube when I went) so that was a great day, two live music performances in one day, and all I had to pay was a short taxi ride!

  7. TravelMonkey profile image61
    TravelMonkeyposted 15 years ago

    My favourite vacation was a camping trip to Nefyn, North East Wales. We camped on a plot of land which had a private pebble beach less than 100m away. We would build camp fires each night and watch the sea lions playing around in front of the sunset.

  8. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    I don't have a favorite! 

    I love traveling--no matter where you end up, it always opens up your head.  The colors and light, food; everything is just a little different everywhere you go.  I love noticing these things.  I like to bring my camera with me and write about whatever image I capture.

  9. britneydavidson profile image61
    britneydavidsonposted 15 years ago

    i love natural beauty...i would love to go where there are very less people....i mean not very favourite place.peaceful environment,no pollution, no work tenion nothing just me n myself,in between all natural beauties

  10. Journey * profile image67
    Journey *posted 15 years ago

    I'd have to say Bermuda.

  11. WHoArtNow profile image81
    WHoArtNowposted 15 years ago

    Anywhere with decent snow and lift coverage, I don't care where in the world, as long as I can ski it!

  12. ocbill profile image54
    ocbillposted 15 years ago

    favorites:  Madrid, Spain
                   Manhattan, NY
                   Sedona, Arizona.
                   San Francisco

  13. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 15 years ago

    I love to be in the countryside during holidays.

  14. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 15 years ago

    Top Five I've done
    1. Hawaii - Maui
    2. Sequoia National Park
    3. Yosemite
    4. Paris
    5. New York City

    Top Five I want to do
    1. Yellowstone National Park
    2. Banff National Park
    3. Italy - Amalfi Coast
    4. Japan - Tokyo
    5. Australia - Sydney

    Notable Trips I've enjoyed
    1. Whistler, Canada
    2. London
    3. Oregon Coast

    1. aka-dj profile image66
      aka-djposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      5. Come on down!
      Never been a better time to visit. US$ = AU$x1.5 (ish).
      Perfect weather. (Well, maybe not. Bushfire season around Sydney etc)

  15. SeSharer profile image61
    SeSharerposted 15 years ago

    Good topic.

    I am planning to write on the niche of China vacations, anyone interested in it?

  16. neophytebevs profile image59
    neophytebevsposted 15 years ago

    My favorite is Spain! big_smile

  17. phuketindex profile image56
    phuketindexposted 15 years ago


  18. AshleyVictoria profile image61
    AshleyVictoriaposted 15 years ago

    Bath, England.  GORGEOUS, classic and very stylish.

  19. ChrisSnil profile image60
    ChrisSnilposted 15 years ago

    My favourite vacation so far - travelling to Pittsburgh, via Washington DC and catching some awesome 4th of July fireworks, with a group of friends in '06

    Places I'd love to visit the most in future - Japan and New Zealand smile

  20. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    I went hiking up a mountain in BC... loved the view... and tried following a mountain goat then was terrified with the view straight below, lol lol

  21. DonnaCSmith profile image81
    DonnaCSmithposted 15 years ago

    I wrote a hub recently about one of my favorite vacations - to Kentucky Horse Park. Of course NC's Outer Banks is always a favorite destination for a vacation or weekend trip.

  22. sunforged profile image74
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    Appalachian trail

  23. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Any.  I haven't had a vacation in so long I'm embarrassed to say how long.  smile

  24. rambo87 profile image59
    rambo87posted 15 years ago

    Madrid in Spain is great, always something to see or do and loads of wonderful food on offer, quite cheap as well!

  25. dagny roth profile image69
    dagny rothposted 15 years ago

    My husband and I were married on Macchu Pichu i nPeru.  I think it has to be my favorite vacation so far.  We are such hippie dippy's.  We were married by and Incan Shaman who had to sneak his ceremonial equipment (drums, leaves, beads, flowers, and other musical instruments) on site as they don't officially allow weddings.  It was a beautiful place.  Magical!

  26. pencil2pen profile image54
    pencil2penposted 15 years ago

    Well, whatever is on the other side of the hill is my favorite place to travel. The place that was really interesting and surprised me was Seoul, South Korea. The DMZ (Demilitarized zone between North and South Korea) tour was scary but oh so interesting. The most awesome adventure I ever went on was taking a boat up the river from Phenom Phen, Cambodia to Siem Reap and then traveling around to see the 40 square miles of ruins of Ankor Wat (the oldest religious ruins in the world)-- this totally fantastic trip was just like being Indiana Jones myself!!!!

  27. footynut profile image60
    footynutposted 15 years ago

    Definitely Thailand. Theres so much to do there and the people are so friendly. The weather isn't too bad either smile

  28. ThePioneer21 profile image61
    ThePioneer21posted 15 years ago

    My favourite place ever has to be Barbados- its like a post card!

    All of the people there were so friendly and accomodating, and the beaches were to die for!

  29. Senyane profile image58
    Senyaneposted 15 years ago

    I'd have to say Mozambique.

    The seafood is barely alive and dirt cheap. The beaches are unspoiled and snow white. I enjoyed scuba diving and snorkeling (strange for a black dude, I know) for the first time off a pristine beach in Inhambane.

    It's great for a shoe string budget.

  30. scottyy11 profile image59
    scottyy11posted 15 years ago

    viva las vegas

    but i  would like to go to the south pacific to, looks awesome

  31. profile image49
    theiceprincessposted 15 years ago

    My favorite vacation place  was  South Lake Tahoe.

    I am going back  soon

  32. Pete Maida profile image61
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    I am a cruise person.  I've been on about eleven cruises and I don't think there is a better way to go.  You don't have to worry about where to go to dinner or about fighting traffic to get there.  The casino, the shows, and the bars are all a few decks up or down.  Yes you can get some bad weather but they are pretty clever about avoiding it, just don't go near the eastern Mexican coast in the summer.  There are always storms near the coast in the summer.

  33. AJHargrove profile image67
    AJHargroveposted 15 years ago

    I've been on a few road trips with my sister and had a blast. Our goal is to hit all 50 states... We're getting there slowly.

  34. MSdiva4life profile image60
    MSdiva4lifeposted 15 years ago

    Disney Cruise - We had an unexpected SWINE FLU SECOND SPRING BREAK in our school district. So we took that week to call Disney to see if they had any available cabins left. AHHH yes, the thrify shopper that I am saved $1000 from a booking that I had for the summer. I booked on Monday, left on Tuesday, had a blast at Disney the day before the cruise, enjoyed everyone moment on the cruise, and was happy to return on Monday!

    Oh yea, my family was blown away as well not only that we did something so crazy at the last min, but that it was an awesome trip.

  35. kea profile image69
    keaposted 15 years ago

    Great Hikes of New Zealand trip with Mountain Travel Sobek.  Excellent itinerary, great guides, great hikes, great food, great trip!  By far best vacation and I've been on a lot of them.  I highly recommend Mountain Travel Sobek and New Zealand is great.  We also did the Milford Track, which is incredible.

  36. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    Never been to this forum. Just checking in. Now checking out. I guess that's some kind of travelling. Right? Oh well, bye.

  37. FunFacter profile image50
    FunFacterposted 15 years ago

    Tahiti or Thailand or Japan.

  38. LRobbins profile image44
    LRobbinsposted 15 years ago

    Hmmm, difficult question, I'd have to say it's a tie between a marine conservation sailing holiday off the West Coast in Scotland and diving with sharks at Cocos Island, 600km off the coast of Costa Rica.  One thing my favourite vacations have in common is that they always involve a nature/animal element.

  39. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    I've done this several times and plan to do it several more times. I fly out to San Diego and rent a car and then spend a week or two driving up California's coastline and stop finally when I get to Napa and I spend a few days there. Some of my favorite spots along the way are La Jolla, Monterey and Carmel, the Big Sur and, obviously, San Francisco. It's such a nice change of pace from the East coast.

  40. profile image0
    promisemposted 15 years ago

    Hard to choose. Just about everything in the Caribbean, but especially the all-inclusive resort in Dominican Republic because of the great beaches and beautiful water.

  41. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Mine would have to be Paris.  Actually, my Hubpage photo was taken on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower.

  42. Isabellas profile image74
    Isabellasposted 15 years ago

    Wow this is a hard topic to respond to! I know that I have so many great vacations in my memory that it is hard to choose. However, I would have to say it would be the first time my husband took me to Gatlinburg.

    Now when we were coming into town with Pigeon Forge right before town I thought that was the place and I was very disappointed until I reached the surprise of my life in Gatlinburg and how nice and quiet the town is!

  43. profile image56
    untiedshoelaceposted 15 years ago

    Mine has to be Turks and Caicos. It was the vacation of a lifetime, but cost thirty thousand for the week. I hope my next vacation will be half as wonderful as Turks was. (I stayed at Beaches<--Great for kids) =]


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