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HubPages Ad Program: Getting My First Payment May 2012

Updated on July 31, 2012

More on the HubPages Ad Program

Finally, I earned enough on HubPages to get a payment on May 2012. It's funny, that it always takes one longer to earn the first time around. That happens because you are learning and testing methods to increase earnings. Once you learn how to do it, you tweak your methods to rinse and repeat at a much faster pace. So, since I am sure you want to learn all the details of my journey, I will get started!

How long did it take you to get your first HubPages payout?

This question is complicated to answer. When you look at my profile, you will see I joined HubPages in 2007. However, I didn't create my first hub until 11/30/09. For two years, I only had a profile visible. Doing some research for a post I was writing on one of my sites, I came across a hubber that earned several hundred dollars by creating niche hubs and linking them together. I decided to give it a try. I wrote 10 hubs in 24 days. I earned money through Kontera and adsense, but it wasn't enough to get me here full time. The following year, I gave it another shot. This time I wrote 16 hubs in 9 months. Once again, I earned from adsense. The interesting thing was I started generating Amazon sales. I still didn't give it a full effort because I was earning steadily from adsense, advertising and blogging from my other sites. The passive income from HubPages continued to trickle in. Ebay was what lured me back. I started earning nice commissions from Squidoo, but was hesitant to join the ebay publisher program using any of my personal sites. I read that HubPages had a new ebay partners program, so I joined. Unfortunately, other internet endeavors took my attention again. When I came back, I read about the new HubPages Ad Program and decided to test it out. I earned a few dollars a month, even without adding content. Almost every month, my earnings increased. Logically, I made the commitment to get my payout. So, I started out with 24 hubs that were written from 2009-2010. April 2012 is the first time I am active on this site since writing my last hub on Sep. 27, 2010. So you can either say it took me 1 month to make my payout (since I wrote 4 hubs this month) or 9 months since I joined the HubPages Ad Program (while earning passive income).

Where did the majority of your HubPages Ad Program income come from?

I started earning pennies a day since I joined the Ad Program on July 6,2011. I was accepted into the ebay partners program on December 2011. Since most of my hubs didn't have ebay capsules the majority of my income came from hub views. In April 2012, I added ebay capsules to some of my hubs (where appropriate). My earnings increased from ebay click earnings, but I still haven't made any sales yet.

Did you do anything special to help you reach the payout quicker?

Here are a few things I did to increase my page views in a few weeks:

  • I published 5 hubs in 11 days.
  • I updated 26 out of 28 lenses.
  • I voted up some great hubs by fellow hubbers.
  • I left meaningful comments on hubs that I found interesting.
  • I built backlinks to my hubs.

How much is the most you have earned in a month on HubPages?

The answer is April 2012. Today is April 21, 2012 and so far I have earned $13.00. The month isn't over yet, so I will earn more. I noticed that I earned more money on the days that I published new hubs. So, I will be publishing content regularly. Be sure to subscribe because I will be sharing all the sites I use to make money online. So far, hubbers have loved reading about how I get paid to blog by Blogsvertise. I have also received positive feedback on Amazon Affiliate Program: How I Made 93 Sales in One Day. Check out some of my hubs and let me know what you think. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

There are two ways you can reach your $50.00 payout quickly.

  1. You can increase page views by either getting more traffic to your current hubs or publishing new ones.
  2. In order to earn the payout even faster, I am going to publish hubs about products and monetize them with ebay capsules.

Seriously, I can't stand having money sitting in an account because I have to reach a minimum amount for payout. That is the ultimate motivation for me. I have 7 kids. There are things I can use that money for, so I just had to get to that payout. LOL! There is no secret trick to getting your HubPages Ad Program payout. All you need to do is take action. Now go write some hubs and make some money!

I hope that I encouraged you to continue creating hubs and earning money. Please, take the time to share this with your followers by email, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or other social bookmarking site. Don't forget to leave any comments or questions below. Thanks for reading!

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