What do you buy a woman who has everything?

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  1. Julie2 profile image60
    Julie2posted 13 years ago

    What do you buy a woman who has everything?

    I have this problem every year when it comes to my mother for her birthday, Mothers day and x-mas. It drives me bananas. ughhh

  2. JBeadle profile image81
    JBeadleposted 13 years ago

    Something simple like a single rose or a fruit smoothie.

  3. wannabwestern profile image94
    wannabwesternposted 13 years ago

    My first thought was "a bigger closet." But that isn't a real answer, so assuming that your woman who has everything doesn't have a great storage system in place for all of her gizmos and gear, organizational items would be a must!

  4. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    It is hard to believe that even the wealthy and fortunate have " everything"..........give her something to appeal to her sentiments.

  5. stricktlydating profile image85
    stricktlydatingposted 13 years ago

    A woman can never have too many dresses and handbags. If you're not confident chosing these for her, try Perfume, jewellery or a Christmas food basket.

  6. profile image0
    fashionjewelry10posted 13 years ago

    Another fabulous trip around the world. One can never get tired of a new adventure.

  7. profile image0
    Giselle Maineposted 13 years ago

    Gift certificate for a half hour (or one hour if you'd like to spluge!) therapeutic massage at a salon or day spa. It's a wonderful stress relief and probably not something she'd buy for herself.

    Or a box of chocolates (generic I know, but always appreciated & also not something she'd get for herself)

  8. tinyteddy profile image60
    tinyteddyposted 13 years ago

    flowers  flowers and more flowers  no woman will get tired of  them

  9. vox vocis profile image80
    vox vocisposted 13 years ago

    My first thought was ''another pair of shoes''...glitter shoes

  10. awoodog profile image61
    awoodogposted 13 years ago

    Thats a hard one, especially not knowing the person. But you know what I like, and are amoung the best gifts I have ever recieved? My wife and kids would write something special to me and either frame it, or create a card. Those mean more to me then any gift money can buy.
    Merry Christmas to you.

  11. wingedcentaur profile image62
    wingedcentaurposted 13 years ago

    If making something for her is not plausible for you, the next best thing to do might be to get your mother a gift certificate to her favorite store, so she can get what she wants.

    Perhaps, if she lives in the northeastern United States -- where it is cold this time of year -- you might buy her tickets (her and your dad, etc.) to someplace warm for the season. For example, I've always wondered what Christmas in Hawaii is like.

    Why not have a star named after her? This may sound a bit silly, but there are those whom this is done for, who are very moved by this.

    Maybe you could donate as large a sum of money as you could manage, to your mother's favorite charity, if she has one and in her name.

    Good Luck in coming up with something!

  12. Julie2 profile image60
    Julie2posted 13 years ago

    These are all great suggestions. She isn't rich but collects a whole mess of stuff. She only likes one perfume that has been discontinued. She does have the organizing system, I actually got that done for her one year. I have made things for her. As for the trip, I wish I could send her somewhere but she has a fear of flying! LOL. I will definitely try some of your suggestions though.Thank you so much...

  13. wealthseeker profile image61
    wealthseekerposted 13 years ago

    How about a make a small album together just her and you/siblings. My mom sort of loves this stuff when my sister put it together.

    Simple hug and take her out for special dinner maybe. Donate something she believes in for her.

    My problem is my mom does not many things I buy for her, dinner thing she liked, maybe yours will too.

  14. Sullen91 profile image72
    Sullen91posted 13 years ago

    Research her interests. Buy her something that will cause her to be surprised because it is thoughtful about something she is passionate about.

  15. G Miah profile image78
    G Miahposted 13 years ago

    If she is scared of flying then why not buy her a cruise ship holiday for a week or two for two people? Maybe herself and a friend?

    Or maybe you can accompany her?

  16. EllenDean profile image72
    EllenDeanposted 13 years ago

    It's certainly not for everyone....but, you could make a donation in her name to a charity or a cause she believes in.  Some brides do this for their registry and I've had family members do this for me for birthday gifts, etc.

    Usually, charity groups will have a certificate or card they can send that will say a donation was made on behalf of the recipient.

    Good luck!

  17. Transfer Today profile image61
    Transfer Todayposted 13 years ago

    I would give her something that she herself can't buy, something that has sentimental value. Maybe it could be as simple as a framed picture of the two of you together or a letter or a poem. It definitely should be something creative but at the same time, you should not spend hours making it.

  18. profile image0
    esatchelposted 13 years ago

    We have the same problem with my mother-in-law. It isn't that she is rich and literally has "everything" so much so that she has pretty well amassed the things in life that are important to her, is satisfied and if she wants or needs anything - be it a book, or clothes, or well, whatever, she can afford to purchase it and isn't waiting for someone to give it to her.

    Perhaps if she like to travel, a weekend at a bed and breakfast, or pay her travel to visit a sibling or old friend or even you or your family.

    Does she have family pictures that need to be organizes, put into photo albums? My inlaws had video from their wedding (from an uncle withe an old film recorder). We had stills taken of the wedding, including guests - many of whom are family now long gone.

    It think often, what mothers want is time with their kids, grand kids, or older family and friends.

    Good luck!

  19. Nkem Nwosu profile image60
    Nkem Nwosuposted 13 years ago

    No body has every thing,she can only buy what money can buy,in that case, buy her a flower.The cost of a flower bought by yourself to yourself is not the same with that bought by another person for you.

  20. livinfree147 profile image58
    livinfree147posted 13 years ago

    something both of you can do together! she will treasure that more than anything ! like taking her out to eat and where yall first met or a picnic or something sweet like that!!

  21. Iontach profile image67
    Iontachposted 13 years ago

    Go into a shop, close your eyes, twirl around with your arm pointing out. Whatever you land on that's what you buy her! haha.

  22. Jaymeyaroch profile image61
    Jaymeyarochposted 13 years ago

    For Mother's Day every year my whole family gets together and we do my grandmother's garden, cook for each other, and share the love.  We don't need appliances or clothes or jewels to express how important our mothers are to us.

    We give the greatest gift of all: time.

    Every year for Christmas I try to give something different.  Last year it was homemade blankets, before that it was a new cookie recipe and poems my sister and I wrote together.  This year I'm giving short stories and cooking a new desert.  I'm giving of myself, not of my wallet.

    Things pass away, but it's the love that always stays.  I'd rather remember a good meal than try to remember who gave me which pair of socks.

  23. Rob Hanlon profile image61
    Rob Hanlonposted 13 years ago

    Ask your Mother ?

    There is a famous saying, and a song, that says "Your Mother should know"

    If in doubt .... ask Mother :-)


  24. TCM Specialist profile image60
    TCM Specialistposted 13 years ago

    hmmmm..Good question, I go through this every year. So many great responses are provided here to choose from. Im going to take someones advice this year and provide Mom with time together at her favorite eatery. Just us girls. Thank you for posting this question, it has helped me alot.


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