Trump and his Administration, Not Normal

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image89
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    Had to share. Please read

    Dan Rather
    June 9 at 1:33pm ·
    As with many of my fellow Americans, I don't consider myself partisan politically - never have. I am a registered independent voter and have been for most of my life. With that in mind, I submit the following:

    Can we please get this out of the way? None of what is happening at the top of government now is normal. None of it. And no one should normalize it. No one.

    We have a President who lies without a second thought. Big bold lies that are easily disproven. That is not normal.

    We have serious allegations around obstruction of justice by that President. That is not normal.

    We have an FBI director fired for insisting to continue pursuing a serious investigation into the sanctify of our republic. It has never happened before in our history. That is not normal.

    We have a hostile foreign power attacking and undermining our electoral process. That is not normal.

    We have an Attorney General under a serious shadow of association with said foreign power, with indications that there is much more to this story than we yet know. That is not normal.

    We have Federal judges, our closest foreign allies, and the free press under scurrilous attack from the President and his enablers. At the same time we have despots praised. That is not normal.

    We have an Administration fanning the flames of division over race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and gender. That is not normal.

    We have an overhaul of our entire health care system being written in secret on a rapid time frame. That is not normal.

    We have a sordid confluence of the President's business interests and his political power. That is not normal.

    The list could go on and on. And feel free to add your own to the comments section.

    What concerns me even more than any of these items is the fact that they are largely being met by a shrug or excuses from most Republican elected officials. Even many Democrats seem overwhelmed and are inclined to let some of this just ride. That may be how politics works. But this is bigger. It's about our nation.

    We are shifting the goalposts for our democracy. We are failing to be outraged by the outrageous because there is something even more outrageous that always seems to hit the news cycle. And that is dangerous.

    What gives me hope is we have had waves of abnormality in our country's history. And we've had times when what we would consider now to be not normal, like segregation, was considered normal. What has centered and saved our country time and again is civic engagement. I believe that most people in this nation don't think any of this is normal. And they could very well vote out those elected officials in both parties who are normalizing these outrages.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing this, I concur in total.

      It is the GOP that engages in bait and switch to attempt to misdirect and change the narrative.

      I can only hope that all the protests lead to substantive organization with political connection to get the "do nothing" GOP congress of the way by 2018. That will have the effect of turning President Trump into President Dunsel.

    2. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It's amazing that the first concern during testimony is to protect the rights of the president.  If everything is fake, just tell the truth.  That will lead to expeditious resolution of the fake threat.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image89
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Diane:  It is their way of saying, "In your face."  They know they will not be held in contempt of congress, because they control the congress.  The only hope is Robert Mueller, the Special Consul.  I understand he has prosecutors power.

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          You're welcome, the question remains, does Mueller have any balls?

          1. dianetrotter profile image61
            dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I pray!

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Hi, Diane, nice to have you drop in.

              1. dianetrotter profile image61
                dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Cred!  TY!

          2. GA Anderson profile image88
            GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            That's pretty insensitive Cred. I heard he lost one in Vietnam, and the VA wouldn't give him a prosthetic.


            1. dianetrotter profile image61
              dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Are you serious???  I do know someone that happened to.

              1. GA Anderson profile image88
                GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Diane, I'm a guy. Do you think I would kid about something like that?


                1. dianetrotter profile image61
                  dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  It is certainly a serious matter. Ok!

            2. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              That is too bad, let's hope that he can perform as well with one as most of us do with a pair. It had better, as we are all interested in a complete investigation.

              1. GA Anderson profile image88
                GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I agree, but we should keep his handicap in mind. It's tough to stay strong when you are outnumbered  two to one.


                1. MizBejabbers profile image87
                  MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Y'all are killin' me! I'm about to laugh myself to death. I don't know whether to take this serious or not!

                  1. GA Anderson profile image88
                    GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    MizBejabbers], have you seen any of Mueller's public appearances? I don't mean to make light of this, but here is one example:

                    Remarks from Robert Mueller III - Jump to 3:19, watch as he walks one way to deposit his coat on the chair, and then walks the other way to the lectern Then watch as he shifts while he is speaking. He has a pitch to his body motions.

                    As he walked to the chair he had a slight right pitch, then when he chamged direction it became a slight left pith. You can also see that when he shifts at the lectern, whichever way he shifts, left or right, that same shoulder drops.

                    It seems obvious to see when it's pointed out.


                2. dianetrotter profile image61
                  dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Ha! Ha! Ha!  2:1   I'm looking for this video and reread this.  Are you a comedian on the weekends or during the summer.  I love it!

  2. Live to Learn profile image62
    Live to Learnposted 6 years ago

    I'm afraid that although I agree with what Mr. Rather has said I would disagree that it isn't 'normal'. I think Trump simply plays the game a little more clumsily than a polished politician.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I have to say L to L that the anomalies found in Trump and his administration cant be explained by his relative inexperience. So, I agree with People Power

    2. ptosis profile image67
      ptosisposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah like Baby Huey

      1. peoplepower73 profile image89
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        ahorseback:  You remind me of the saying, "My country right or wrong, my country."  Only you and many others are saying, "My president, right or wrong, my president."  How many times have you actually watched the mainstream media?  Just from your reply, I can tell you are just regurgitating the right wing propaganda line.  I watch mainstream media every day and sometimes I switch between Fox and CNN and they are two different realities.  Fox is in the attack mode while CNN is presenting the real news even with Trump surrogates on their shows, like Kellyann Conway, Jeffeory Lord, and Kaley Mackelhany.  I can't stand all three of  them, but I stomach their excuses that they make for Trump's behavior, just to see how far they will go to spin the truth about Trump and give "Alternate Facts." And it is truly amazing what they say.  Sean Hannity puts liberal shills on his shows so that he can attack and  tear them down.  I have seen him do that many times.  He has no journalistic background.  He was a bartender that made it big.

        You said:

        "But I do care how he steers the ship ,   how he accomplishes these needed changes , how he slices the bread .  And what he does with MY tax dollars .He was simply the better choice of leader when America truly needs  a leader , no an image ."

        Please enlighten me what leadership qualities does Trump have?  How has he accomplished needed changes?  What is he doing with your tax dollars?  How is trump not an image?   

        In my view, that's all he is, is an image.  He was supposed to have made a 350 billion deal with Saudi Arabia to sell them arms over a ten year period.  It turns out most of  it was just a list of items that his people  thought they might want. The remainder were contracts already put in place by Obama.  But he spouts, jobs, jobs, jobs while in front of the cameras.  it was all  an image.

  3. peoplepower73 profile image89
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    Live to Learn: I'm tired of hearing Trump supporters and the GOP making excuses for him.  Paul Ryan said that he is new at his job.  By the same token, Obama was supposed not have any experience and to be new at his job and the GOP and his opponents crucified him for eight years.

    1. MizBejabbers profile image87
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      When I heard Paul Ryan make that excuse for our unduly elected president, I turned to my husband and commented:  "That means that Trump isn't qualified to be president." He agreed and reiterated the old adage, "ignorance of the law is no excuse"

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        My husband is a registered Republican and has been for his entire life.  The election of Trump, and the behavior of Ryan, McConnell, and the majority of GOP politicians with regard to Trump, is causing him to defect from the party.  He is still debating whether to change to Democrat or Independent, but he no longer identifies as a Republican. 

        To be fair, he was already becoming disillusioned with the GOP prior to all this mess, but Trump, Ryan, and McConnell have sealed the deal for him.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          May I suggest Canada ?

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Suggest all you want.  He is a true patriot and will not abandon his country.  He will stay and fight for it, as will I.

            This is not the first time you've suggested Canada, and you received the same answer from me before.  Can't handle the truth?  Want the naysayers to just go away?  It's not happening, horsey, no matter how much you want it to.  Get used to it.

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent point. I continue to be puzzled and dismayed by the lengths some people will go to excuse his behavior.  I can only hope that the majority of Americans are not buying it and he will soon be GONE.  It's only June and we are all weary of the non-stop drama and discord.

    3. Live to Learn profile image62
      Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not a Trump supporter or a GOP supporter. I, personally, think 99.9% of all politicians are dirty liars. Trump is no different from the rest of them.

      Edit. But, if we are going to talk about what we are tired of I am tired of people who can't accept that the butt hole won the election and should be given a chance to do his job without this constant barrage of pettiness.

    4. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I make no excuses for Trump nor do most who voted for him , we're happy with his many, many accomplishments ,  what station are you listening to , The GOP is going to pay it's own price in two years for sitting on their a$$es and engaging in passive obstruction of Trump . You watch .

      Obama ,  what an unmitigated disaster and  a Cartereque existence and accomplishment , Now we get to pay him for the rest of his life . Why didn't he run for the president of France !

      1. Live to Learn profile image62
        Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think the 'we' you are referring to is a large majority. Trump won as much from the anti Hillary vote as any vote for him or his policies, in particular.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          But he won .....right ?

          1. peoplepower73 profile image89
            peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            ahorseback:  He won the election, but he has not shown me one thing that says that he is competent to run this country.  Are you paying homage to the man or the office?  The man has made a mockery of the constitution and the office.  They are one and the same right now.  Now he is talking about firing Special Consul Mueller.  This is not The Apprentice.  This is the United States of America.  Why would the President fire two people in the middle of an investigation that points to him and his administration.?  He is making a mockery of democracy as we know it.

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Peoplepower , All the mockery of the presidents office has been fulfilled way before now ,those who have stolen all the ethics , morals  and constitutional integrity  Bill , Barrack , Hilary's attempt ,  not a good time to get sanctimonious  now is it ?    Trump , the quintessential outsiders , perhaps  last outside chance to change the downward spiral of DC , IS what this president is .

              Time for a wake up call to liberals the world over , America is is NOT the one world order  you deserve , you haven't earned that and you cannot steal it . At this point i don't much trust any intended "outside investigations ", Mueller or not --All of the obstructionism from media , the left , the right  and the established muck dwellers of the DC.swamp people ,  You sir , have swallowed the media B.S. hook line and sinker ,  keep paying those subscriptions to MSNBC  , its well worth it , im sure .

              Read the latest harvard study on media B.S. bias against the truth , against Trump.? Be careful ,You might ALL unintentionally learn something

  4. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 6 years ago

    The Obama Administration illegally spied on Americans domestically and politically. … subpoenas/

    1. colorfulone profile image79
      colorfuloneposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Another official from Obama’s administration is in hot water after James Comey’s testimony revealed frightening new details about former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s probe into the Clinton email investigation.
      Loretta Lynch's Conduct to be Investigated by Lawmakers

  5. crankalicious profile image86
    crankaliciousposted 6 years ago

    You'd think his anti-Christian behavior would be more distasteful to people.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Crank, I have cut my donations to Christian organizations that bow to Trump.  I wrote to encourage Russell Moore for his guts to say what is true.  If we don't have truth, we have nothing.

  6. Kathleen Cochran profile image77
    Kathleen Cochranposted 6 years ago

    Was anybody paying attention during the campaign?  We are surprised = why?  We got what the majority of the electoral college wanted.  They are getting what they deserve.  "Pettiness"?  It's called the Constitution.  Take a look.

  7. peoplepower73 profile image89
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    ahorseback:  You remind me of my conservative relatives that say, "My parents were conservative republicans and by God, I'm going to be a conservative republican until the day I die".  You belong to a club that is against evil liberals and by God that's the way it is going to be until the day you die. 

    As I said before the enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.  You sir have that illusion by paying homage to that right wing propaganda machine and the illusion of this man who calls himself the Commander and Chief. 

    He will probably fire Mueller and the investigation will be left as an open story. That is the way Trump does everything, including the birther movement, the illegal votes investigation, Obama wiretapping, the collusion with the Russians, the tapes, and  his tax returns.  He doesn't want any investigation to come to a conclusion.  That's how he uses it to his advantage and divides and conquers.  Fake news and real news is a method for division of the media.  He keeps it weak so that it can't oppose him.  But you are O.K. with that...another illusion.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      If Trump  fired Mueller ;    would it be the last straw for you to finally listen to those relatives of yours
      who have tried to enlighten you for decades ?   Trump deserves  the loyalty of even the Obama hold -overs now that he has won .  Unlike the Comeys who obstruct any and all progress but only of the winning party,  Just read a poll that democrats in office are losing the influence of the working class , that the DNC is essentially dead ; How does it feel to be so politically superficial as to vote image only , as was the Obama  white house ? So you don't like Trump ,big deal , did not liking a boss make them less effective in leadership or you less effective in being an underling - nevermind that answer , I suspect I know already .
      -white house
      -and now the majority working class is shifting to the right . 
      Don't be the last hold out my friend .

      1. peoplepower73 profile image89
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        ahorseback:  The working class is working. Ninety six percent of the people are employed in jobs other than coal mining and steel working.  The 4% are the ones who are the holdouts who Trump and the real fake news has deluded just like you, who thinks those jobs are coming back and continue to support Trump.

        I saw a piece on CBS Sunday morning where the owner of a coal mine in Kentucky  realized the jobs are not coming back.  So what does he do?  He retrains and becomes a computer programmer and teaches his people how to program.  He then forms a company and is teaching coal miners how to program.  They have the vision of being the next Silicon Valley.  As programming is very much in demand.  That's what it takes to employ these people, not some pipe dream about Trump bringing back their jobs.  It isn't going to happen. 

        It's a very liberal quality to re-train and educate yourself into what is in demand.  It's a conservative quality to just want everything to stay the same and blame and attack the other side for everything.  Conservative means don't change, Conserve the status quo. 

        Trump has done nothing to bring back jobs and he probably never will.  It's all smoke and mirrors with him.  How many of his executive orders have become law?  Almost all of them are just statements to do something.  How about buy American?  How many things have you bought that are made here?  The things that he wants to do as law are either hung up in the federal courts or congress.  Why because you don't change federal law by just signing a piece of paper and showing it to the cameras.

        As far as the republicans being in control of the government, how is that unbalance of power working for you and the democratic process?  Let's just keep everything one sided with group thinking and see how fast this country becomes a third world country.  With Trump and company, it is already on its way.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Oh where to begin , the only "jobs "  the Obama administration increased were  related to  welfare and   entitlements spending , or increasing the size of the problems by increasing the size of government itself , the usual democrat way ! The health care fiasco sans  failure and by creating more legal jobs in DC., AND increasing the size of  the Pravda media by all of his activist controversies  Oh , well................ I almost forgot the arts ,   liberals always through billions of dollars at the arts , 

          Just look at the federally subsidized latest liberal arts job program , in NYC where Pres. Trump is being assassinated like 'Julius Caesar " ,  there are lots of federal jobs there .  Millions of working dollars in the arts programs to expand the minds of your kiddies expanding minds.   

          The increase in jobs , in corporate confidence , in  trade dollars ,in another  reduction in the  unemployment rate ,  repatriating of American jobs , dollars and mining , manufacturing , investments is ALL because of the return to nationalism in Trump's economic policies ---not Obama's  stagnation nation. "The working class is working "?     Thank you Pres. Trump

          The "retraining and re-educating  "  liberals always take credit for and you always bring up , is merely  welfare , liberal arts and stimulus spending on  bigger government programs , PAID for by ALL taxpayers for the benefit of the  entitled few .     if Pres. Trumps policies did bring us to your "third world country " status , it would still be many light years ahead of Obama's attempts to  make us like his dream  government ----the failed socialism of a country like Venezuela .

          1. peoplepower73 profile image89
            peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            ahorseback:  Everything you stated is your opinion based on wishful thinking. I will keep that viewpoint until you can give me verifiable proof otherwise. I on the other hand give you verifiable proof that you can take to the bank.  What I have stated are not my opinions, but actually things that Trump has done or not done.

            Let's cut to the chase. I read a book called "The righteous Mind, Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion.  I even wrote a book review hub on it.  According to the author,  Conservatives are much better at organizing and attacking the other side.  They are more aggressive and territorial than Liberals.   That's why they are in control.  Liberals are not good at organizing and  attacking.  They are good at progressive change for the better good of the country. 

            Even as we speak, McConnell and his group are working behind closed doors to pass bills to to repeal Obama Care and tax reform. It is all done under the table while the investigations are going on.  It is totally one sided. Republicans  are not for the working class.  They are for big corporations and big moneyed interest.  They just use the little guy to get the votes they need to get re-elected. 

            If liberals attack liked conservatives, the liberals would be in control, but it's not in their DNA like conservatives.  You, like most conservatives, live in the past so that you and they can blame liberals for everything in the past and then you gloat about being in control now.  While liberals don't live in the past, they live in the now and look toward the  future and are looking for ways to improve everybody's lot. 

            If Obama exhibited half of the bizarre behavior that Trump has exhibited thus far, you and your conservative friends would crucify him even more than you already have.  It's just amazing how you can see Trump as the anointed one, when in fact he is a broken person who's twisted ego gets in the way of him being an effective leader.  Conservatives called Obama the anointed one.  Do you remember that?

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              PeoplePower, This was a very timely and well expressed comment and there is so much truth in it.


              Let's cut to the chase. I read a book called "The righteous Mind, Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion. 
              This is another publication that I need to check out.
              I even wrote a book review hub on it.

              I will find it and read it
              According to the author,  Conservatives are much better at organizing and attacking the other side.  They are more aggressive and territorial than Liberals.   That's why they are in control.  Liberals are not good at organizing and  attacking.  They are good at progressive change for the better good of the country. 
              The y have to operate on fear with a foundation of insecurity which in the big picture show them as inferior and weak. They rally around their guns, their muzzling and control of others. We of the left need to learn to be more aggressive and less conciliatory without undermining the very thing that make us the more appropriate choice for the future.


              Even as we speak, McConnell and his group are working behind closed doors to pass bills to to repeal Obama Care and tax reform. It is all done under the table while the investigations are going on.  It is totally one sided. Republicans  are not for the working class.  They are for big corporations and big moneyed interest.  They just use the little guy to get the votes they need to get re-elected. 
              I never recall Obama in the creation of the ACA having to operate behind close doors. Conservatives and the GOP have always been engaged in the grand deception and they have always found enough stupid little people around that they use to get to the grand scheme of enriching the handful at the expense of the masses.

              If liberals attack liked conservatives, the liberals would be in control, but it's not in their DNA like conservatives.  You, like most conservatives, live in the past so that you and they can blame liberals for everything in the past and then you gloat about being in control now.  While liberals don't live in the past, they live in the now and look toward the  future and are looking for ways to improve everybody's lot. 

              The insane narrative proposed by the Right for the country certainly does not have the approval of most people, but consensus is not the way of the rightwinger. Control, authoritarian intimidation is what you find in their toolbox. Because they are inherently anti-Democratic and can never be nothing more than an impediment to progress, I say that they are a manace and therefore must be destroyed within all lawful and political means available to us.
              If Obama exhibited half of the bizarre behavior that Trump has exhibited thus far, you and your conservative friends would crucify him even more than you already have.  It's just amazing how you can see Trump as the anointed one, when in fact he is a broken person who's twisted ego gets in the way of him being an effective leader.  Conservatives called Obama the anointed one.  Do you remember that?

              Conservatives also manage to master another trait, that of hypocrisy. Someone like Trump would never have been considered qualified for the top job in a rational America. But, look, because progressives have been far too complacent, this is what we end up with. Sad....

              1. peoplepower73 profile image89
                peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Credence;  Thanks for your reply.

            2. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Maybe the real difference is this, conservatives  can read better that which resides behind the image ,  beyond the display of personality , through the expensive suit coats to the qualities hidden inside.   I have said many times that I DO NOT LIKE  Trump , we couldn't be friends ,  or co=workers , But ,  I can recognize leadership qualities where they  reside. That could be the real difference between us-- conservative and liberal .

              I don't care  how Trumps personally relates to people,   I don't care where he came from , how rich he is ,  how he talks in the locker room ,   I don't have  to wake up around him .    But I do care how he steers the ship ,   how he accomplishes these needed changes , how he slices the bread .  And what he does with MY tax dollars .He was simply the better choice of leader when America truly needs  a leader , no an image .

              Liberals will in time regroup from this messy situation , they always do ,  that is your cross to bare . In the mean time ,  we will all hold all these idiots feet to the fire in DC.  right and left,   One thing is true for sure , the mainstream media , less a couple of sources is dead to the conservative world ,  is has become so compromised to the shortage of truth  that it may never recover . thus ,contributing greatly  to this abyss between the parties.  THAT  is a major fault of the left .  like it or not .  The left should fucus much of it's work on what simple  truth really is.

  8. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 6 years ago

    196 congressional Democrats filed a lawsuit to hold Trump accountable to the Constitution.

    Your Congressperson, Rep. McSally, hasn't joined the suit. In the Senate, Sen. McCain hasn't joined the suit and Sen. Flake hasn't joined.

    Sign the petition: Tell your members of Congress to join the court case to stop Trump from violating the Constitution – or thank them if they already have.

    This is history in the making. Never before has so many Congress members filed a lawsuit against a sitting president.1 And with good reason – we’ve never had a president who has taken foreign money in the form of profits from their business enterprise.

    The Constitution specifically bans public officials – including the president – from accepting payments or gifts from foreign governments without consent from Congress.

    Trump still owns hotels all across the world, and his business empire presents a golden opportunity for foreign governments to funnel money directly into Trump’s pockets. This isn’t nitpicky legalese; the Emoluments Clause is a core anti-corruption measure written into the Constitution to protect the president and other officials from being unduly influenced by foreign countries.

    Trump, being influenced by a foreign power, where have we heard that before?

    Sign the petition: Tell your members of Congress to join the court case to stop Trump from violating the Constitution – or thank them if they already have. … 641.9ZHJkX

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I know that Buddy Holly is long gone, Ptosis, but what of the Crickets?  I read this article and I am adding my name to the petition. More powers to the Dems. I always said that we will get him, this Trump fellow. I would like to see the 'Great Negotiator' weasel his way out of this one.

      Not a peep from my rightwing pen pals, I suppose that they have all been stunned speechless. And, I thought that we of the left were lacking in assertiveness in the face of an intractable enemy, how wrong I was. What a pleasant surprise.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Delusional .......Period

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      How Politically shallow . Yet not one liberal would consider Obama's abuses of the constitution  impeachable?  His acts of increasing military violence across the world questionable ?    His political handed Alinsky -ism's offensive ?   

      Pres. Obama , couldn't have done more damage to America had he stood at the podium of Chairman Mao and torn the U.S.constitution to shreds , yet a businessman offends you ?   How politically shallow .

      "We're gonna get him "  please ,  the  forth grade political intelligence of the alt-left  cannot touch him .

  9. peoplepower73 profile image89
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    ahorseback: Impeachment has to do  with crime.  Again, you are voicing your accusatorial opinion.  (My new phrase).  Without proof of criminal intent Obama could not be impeached.  In his first four years, the democrats had control of congress. The chances they would turn on him were slim to none.  In the second four years, the republicans had control of congress.  Why didn't they impeach him?  Because he never did anything that warranted impeachment.  You may think he "tore the constitution to shreds", but there has to be proof...again, your accusatorial opinion. 

    In Trump's case it has to do with the emoluments clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8,  of the constitution: 

    “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

    There is reason to believe that Trump as president and as you say, "a business man" has violated that clause.  As far as impeachment goes, it takes the house and 2/3 of the senate to bring impeachment  charges against him.  So not to worry, they won't do that and sacrifice their being elected next much for, as you say, " How politically shallow."

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      If you actually read the first line that you wrote and then actually "thought" about that line   , You would see why Trump can't be impeached . But what Trump  can do is fire the head of the FBI ,  the special investigator  Mueller  and the attorney  general , If he so wishes .

      They all work for him .

      1. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Trump would be a lot dumber than I thought if he fires Mueller. Even his people speak against it as a political disaster. Right, just fire all of those tasked to investigate you, just as Nixon tried to do. You know, I really wish that he does, because the coming shytestorm just might be enough to get him out of office.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Mueller  is hiring investigators who were known Clinton donors for one thing  , how will that investigate out ?  For another ,   Mueller's  long term friendship with Comey is well known .  Sessions as well can put an end to such incredible and wasteful expenditures of tax dollars .....just to continue your "nothing burger" of false hateful rhetoric and of the leftist's  obstructionist mentality . 

          What Trump  sin exactly has proven out so far Credence !.....No actually  Zip capital Z.

  10. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 6 years ago

    Abby Normal

    200 senators and representatives are plaintiffs in a lawsuit alleging Trump is violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution.

    Senate voted 97 to 2 to approve greater sanctions on Russia for Election 2016 interference.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Your Trump obstructionism's  are really getting "out there " ,  what's this the latest Today's  Edition  of the anti- Trump campaign ?   In other words one more meat salad with no meat in it ?

      Bring it back to reality dude .

      1. ptosis profile image67
        ptosisposted 6 years agoin reply to this … _holt.html
        "And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself -- I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should've won.

        And the reason they should've won it is the electoral college is almost impossible for a Republican to win. It's very hard because you start off at such a disadvantage. So, everybody was thinking they should've won the election."

        Why does he keep saying "should've won?" Riddle me that Batman

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Your first problem is" Real clear politics", you wish it was , second , Lester Holt is a biased -media moron .  Third  ,  it sounds like you're still in shock , like so many , that Trump beat the pants off your queen  because of her dislike by ever center leftist's .

          Crystal balls , don't really work.

          1. ptosis profile image67
            ptosisposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I don't get what you are saying. This is the transcript of what the Teflon Don said.  Quoting Donnie and his words. Respond to Trump's words. You can't or won't so for distraction talk about anything but.

            Are you just spitting out words hoping to string a complete sentence? What do you mean by 'crystal balls'? Trump's? 


            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Your biggest problem is fake news ,   keep reading this space shot  alt-- news crap  and your mind actually grows smaller , it's a proven fact .    I don't know if you're a product of the Pat Poulsen  for president past or  perhaps  just think that whatever is in print on the net is biblical knowledge but try  to learn to think for yourself and not just you alt --left party .

              You lost --get over it !


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