Is it possible to have a healthy diet if it's comprised mostly of frozen entrees

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  1. jenscott profile image60
    jenscottposted 12 years ago

    Is it possible to have a healthy diet if it's comprised mostly of frozen entrees?

    I dabble at cooking now and again, but mostly rely on frozen meals as the staples of my diet.  I would like to be healthier and to lose weight.  I don't like cooking, but am now thinking I might have to if I want to get healthy!  But, I *love* the convenience of my frozen meals!  What to do, what to do?

  2. lilingz profile image60
    lilingzposted 12 years ago

    I usually try to take fresh foods especially fruits and veges. But your question caught my attention and I actually just learnt that frozen entrees could actually be healthier from the following article : … -healthy/.  Guess you are in luck … -entrees#:)

  3. catalystsnstars profile image62
    catalystsnstarsposted 12 years ago

    The answer is relative. Although frozen can potentially mean preservation of nutrients it can also mean killing of essential vitamins and nutrients.

    Another thing to keep in mind about frozen entrees is that most of them are processed to ensure preservation. Which means less nutrients and artificial fortification. Honestly you're probably better of taking natural vitamins to supplement what you may or may not be missing. Also some fresh fruits and veggies never hurt, if you really are starting to waste the fresh stuff then throw it all in a smoothie.

    Use these measurements and you should be okay

    3/4 fruits, 1/4 veggies.

  4. Matthew Ryczko profile image82
    Matthew Ryczkoposted 12 years ago

    TV Dinners can be unhealthy, full of preservatives and sodium. Make your own ahead of time and save time, money, and your health. Cook the right foods to lose weight too. read more

  5. profile image0
    trainer ben gamonposted 12 years ago

    Frozen vegetables YES. Frozen entrees NO.
    Just because they are called lean cuisine or similar names doesn't make frozen entrees healthy. They have too much sodium, modified corn starch and conservators. They do seem healthier though because they are in smaller portion, but they are still bad for you. try to it the most natural food possible. not frozen or genetically modified or preserved.

  6. mattforte profile image88
    mattforteposted 12 years ago

    I'm sure I'm about to open a can of worms here, but the answer is....Maybe.

    There was a time when TV Dinners were cheap imitations of food that did nothing but harm for us.
    However, thanks to the current trends in nutrition and health, this has changed. There are several brands of frozen entrees that you can eat on a regular basis and get by perfectly fine on. Can you survive off of nothing but these? Probably not, but you said "mostly" not "completely" so as long as you supplemented those entrees with whatever nutrients you might be missing, as well as a good vitamin regimen (which you should have no matter what you eat), then yes you can be healthy.
    As a matter of fact, even some diet plans such as Weight Watchers and the P90X nutrition plan suggest certain frozen entrees.

    Myth #2 - frozen vegetables.
    This is false. It has been proven otherwise. Being frozen does *not* harm these nutrients. As a matter of fact, some say that this is BETTER than eating fresh produce. Frozen produce tends to come right out of the crops, and flash frozen. Fresh produce is picked, sorted, shipped, and put on shelves waiting for you to buy it. THEN it sits around even longer waiting for you to eat it. During this entire downtime, nutrients are breaking down and degrading.

    I myself prefer fresh produce, for a number of reasons which have nothing to do with this topic - so I have no reason to explain this aside from it being truth - but as far as health is concerned, frozen veggies may be the best way to go.


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