Through the humbleness of our tears the Lord cleanses us as we go through the fires of our lives. He cleanses us through the water, and through Jesus's blood.
Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder characterized by either a greater, or to a lesser degree of impairment in language and communication skills. The most notable symptom of AS is the obsessive interest in a single object, or topic leaving all others alone. They want to know everything...
Bedwetting has been misdiagnosed by parents for years. Learn about new techniques and devices that help this age old problem of children.
Burkitt's Lymphoma is a children disease. This cancer affects male children more than female children. It is fast acting, but is curable with intensive therapies.
Kubler-Ross introduced five stages of Grief in 1969 in her book, On Death and Dying. Learn the five stages of the grief process and how you can come to terms with all of them.
We are like an uprooted plant, taken from the earth and used for His Glory. God is uprooting and shaking us, then He sets us on firm ground.
There are ten regenerating creatures that can grow their limbs back if damaged,from distraction for survival to adjustments outside the body while regrowing the new limb, natures supplies it all to certain species.
Angels are among us, they are sent to warn,help and guide us when we call on God. God sends his ministering angels when they are needed.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that affects the optic nerve in the eye. Your side vision is usually the first to go. Undiagnosed and untreated can lead to blindness.
Retinal Detachment is when the Retina pulls away from the back of the eye. Learn the risks and symptoms of Retinal Detachment.
An eye stroke is a stroke of the optic nerve, and strikes in one eye, and can progress to the other later. Any sudden changes in vision should be reported to an eye doctor immediately.
Learn the symptoms of a stroke and seek aid within 3 hours of symptoms. Getting help as soon as possible is the key to a faster recovery.
When your loved one suffers Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder suddenly, stay calm and speak reassuring to them that they can get immediate help.
Depression means that you have unresolved issues in your life, past regrets, and unfulfilled desires that were never dealt with. Deal with the source of your depression by seeking medical help to work on the issues that brought your depression on. Structure your life with meaning and settle old...
Learn how to cleanse your liver and get rid of high cholesterol by using this home remedy of ordinary foods and minerals.
An organic recipe straight from the Throne of God for healing and well-being. Asked for a remedy for serious ailments, this wholesome and healthy drink was given in answer. Seek and ye shall find, ask and it will be given.
Learm how to help your loved one face their last days by listening to them if they want to unburden themselves. Help them resolve their past issues by telling them it is time to forgive themselves, and others.
If you have battled fear all your life, and not been successful in overcoming it, it is time to seek help from God, only He can help us conquer what we have been unable to do.
There is no way you can train your cat to be slap happy. It is either in them or it is not. You can let them know when their behavior is unacceptable and discipline accordingly.
You can train your cat to come for massages by being consistent in methods and timing.
When you enter someone's home, you can tell whether the occupants are peaceful and serene, or whether strife,discord and disharmony live there. If the later reigns, take authority over these spirits who are trespassing and use your spiritual weapons to rid your home of them.
Getting car jacked in any city is not only terrifying and life threatening, but there are things you can do to increase your chances of surviving the experience. Call on God is the number 1 thing to do, staying calm is the second,and don't take matters into your own hands is something you should...