Leesleez profile image66


Joined 13 years ago from New York

  • 24
  • 22
  • 4
  • Do You Hair Me Now?

    Do You Hair Me Now?

    6 years ago

  • Excursion (Chapter 63)

    Excursion (Chapter 63)

    9 years ago

    Sloan put away his cell phone. “We got some bad news. Longstreet won’t be coming until tomorrow. He said something important came up and to keep his boy occupied.” “Aw shit,” complained Harland. “We gotta baby sit for another...

  • A Child's Musings

    A Child's Musings

    9 years ago

    My writing career started quite late in life. I wasn't a very good student in school so I never in my wildest dreams could ever imagine becoming a writer and in all probability neither could any of my English teachers. That being said I think it’s...

  • The Penis Indictment

    The Penis Indictment

    6 years ago

    The dictionary describes man as “A bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) that is anatomically related to the great apes but distinguished especially by notable development of the brain with a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract...

  • Can we survive without Dr. Spock?

    Can we survive without Dr. Spock?

    6 years ago

    When I was a child, way back when, there wasn’t any such thing as “child abuse”. It was called discipline. I got hit each and every day, at least once. So did all my friends, it was a fact of life. No one talked about it, it was expected. It...

  • The End of a Legend

    The End of a Legend

    6 years ago

    After my mother died my father became very distraught and more and more depressed with each passing day. He didn’t know how he would go on without her. They had been together for 57 long hard years. I visited him almost everyday to make sure he...

  • The Vacuum Salesman Incident

    The Vacuum Salesman Incident

    6 years ago

    Kirby man, the doorbell rang again. Kirby man the voice on the other side of the door chimed. My father looked at my mother and shrugged. He lifted himself off the well worn sofa and ambled over to the door. Go away he shouted. We don’t want to...

  • A Tale For Timmy

    A Tale For Timmy

    6 years ago

    Once upon a time Timmy, we had male presidents running our country. Hard to believe I know but it actually happened. It all began with a man named George Washington. He was called the father of our country and in fact was a pretty good president so...

  • Who Bombed South Carolina?...We Did

    Who Bombed South Carolina?...We Did

    6 years ago

    It was a time when Russia and the United States were locked in a cold war battle to see who had the biggest baddest bombs and missiles. It was 1958, Dwight D. Eisenhower was president and Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the former Soviet Union....

  • The Goat Doctor

    The Goat Doctor

    6 years ago

    In the early 1900's a young man after graduating from medical school opened up a private practice in a small town in Kansas. He had to wait a couple of months before he got his first patient who was a farmer as were most people in this area. The...

  • The Plant

    The Plant

    11 years ago

    I was only in my new rental apartment for a few weeks when I realized I wasn't as solitary an individual as my ex-wife had relentlessly tried making clear to me. I actually missed her incessant nagging. Getting a pet didn't seem practical since I...

  • The Polluting of the Minds

    The Polluting of the Minds

    11 years ago

    As human beings we tend to be very fragile. Our minds are easily manipulated. We all have our views on various important or completely inane subjects. We make decisions based on others opinions and most facts lay untouched by the wayside. I have...

  • Is That a Chicken Joke?

    Is That a Chicken Joke?

    6 years ago

    Our sense of humor has evolved. Uncle Miltie, Groucho, even "Hey Abbott" doesn't cut it anymore. Now we use humor to slice and dice. Making fun of one another is the joke of the day. A thick skin is required to live in todays world.

  • Innovation or Desolation

    Innovation or Desolation

    6 years ago

    We think pretty highly of ourselves, our big brains bulging out of our tiny heads. We are the masters of the universe. No one can tell us any different, we are just plain wonderful. Our strides just in the last eighty years have advanced...

  • Coincidence or Planned?

    Coincidence or Planned?

    6 years ago

    The definition of coincidence is The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space. A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged. Deepak Chopra says: Coincidences are not...

  • The Wile E. Coyote Syndrome

    The Wile E. Coyote Syndrome

    6 years ago

    Road Runner has been eluding Wile E. Coyote for many years. As a child I laughed like crazy at those cartoons, even as an adult they’re still pretty funny. The elaborate inventions Wile E. came up with to destroy Road Runner would spark my...

  • I Hate to Walk

    I Hate to Walk

    6 years ago

    Hate is a very strong emotion so let’s just say my least favorite thing in the world to do is walk, especially long distances. It’s very tiring and at the end of the walk I’m always ready for a good nap. After four or five miles of trudging...

  • Ahhh to be remembered

    Ahhh to be remembered

    6 years ago

    There’s a fairly new mattress on the market with what they refer to as “memory foam”, a rubberized super enormous sponge that you lay on and it some how remembers your body outline thereby easing you into wonderful glorious sleep unlike a...

  • New Friendships

    New Friendships

    10 years ago

    What is this thing called “Meetup” and how can I get involved? That’s what I’ve been hearing the last couple of years. I’ll try and answer by saying that Meetup is a social interactive online gathering place that enables you to meet others...

  • The Bicycle Incident

    The Bicycle Incident

    10 years ago

    I think we all remember our very first bicycle, probably because it’s usually given to us on a special occasion. I got mine on Christmas. I never expected it, a total surprise. I was eleven years old and up until then I had been riding everyone...

  • Y'all Need a Receipt

    Y'all Need a Receipt

    10 years ago

    License and registration please. As drivers those are the words we all dread hearing. But how about license registration and receipt? That’s what I was up against a few years ago as I tooled along one morning on my way to work. At the time I was...

  • The Tee Shirt Incident

    The Tee Shirt Incident

    6 years ago

    My father was the most embarrassing exasperating person I’ve ever known. He was easily provoked into telling you what he thought of you good or bad, but mostly bad. Because it was very easy to get on his bad side he had few close friends. ...

  • The Lost Key Incident

    The Lost Key Incident

    10 years ago

    My parents lived in an apartment complex in Queens N.Y. It was a six story building built around 1930. They had a three room apartment on the fifth floor. My wife and I went there every Monday for dinner. On this particular Monday the elevator...

  • The Stench Connection

    The Stench Connection

    10 years ago

    When someone says "I'll cut you" thats when some sort of heroic intervention is desperately needed, but it's probably going to have to come from within.


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