Walking a labyrinth path is the perfect way to integrate and find meaning in our experiences old and new. We can walk the path to meditate to honor our feelings. This article will walk you through a process for creating desired changes in your life, one day at a time.
I wrote these three Autumn haiku after raking the labyrinth path in my co-housing community and then completing a walking meditation on the path. Gifts from my Muse.
This is a collection of acrostic poems written from a prompt while participating in an online gathering of artists. They feature descriptions of nature ripening and blossoming, humans harvesting what has ripened, and the transition from summer to autumn in North America.
In addition to adding flavor to fish dishes and pickles, dill boosts our bone health and immunity. Learn more about this versatile herb that's essential to have in your herb garden or on your spice rack.
Originally grown in Arabia, the aloe vera plant has been used medicinally for thousands of years. This article covers some of the ways the pulp of this plant soothes, heals and protects us.
Lavender has earned a much-deserved reputation as an herb that lifts the mood and soothes the soul. Learn how the herb can be used to care for ourselves, and for extending that care to others.
Though the folklore around Parsley is a bit dark, her reputation has since been redeemed and now we know about how parsley benefits our health. Add this refreshing herb as an ingredient or garnish to your meals.
Five nature haiku written at different places along a forest path at Tower Hill Botanical Garden in Boylston, MA.
A small collection of poems inspired by nature and life's blessings. Written as a gesture of gratitude for the beauty and love in my life, with the hope that they will lift your spirits and make you smile.
When the world has turned upside down, where do you turn to make sense of it all? This article suggests that to process all of the feelings the world's turmoil has brought to the surface, take shelter in walking the labyrinth path as a form of walking meditation.
Solstices and the dark phase of the moon, just before it starts waxing each month, are the best times for beginning a new project. A labyrinth walk is the best way to find inspiration for where and how to start. As a bonus, this article features a ritual at the end.
Time spent with nature often yields moments of awe, when we feel our connection to the web of life most deeply. Walking a labyrinth path with our memories of those moments integrates them into our life's journey in a way that is reflective and restorative.
Walking a labyrinth path as a form of meditation helps us release the distractions of the outside world in order to give our intuitive wisdom room to rise to the service and guide us toward achieving our goals and dreams while integrating the mind-body-spirit connection within us.
Mint spreads out and graces our gardens all summer long. From mint juleps to garnishing iced sun tea and salads, mint helps us celebrate these longer days and sultry nights by adding a cooling touch to all the foods and drinks we set out on our tables.
Any food prepared with rosemary is a comfort food. It has a distinct flavor with a calming essence. Find out more about the history and nutritional value of this herb, and try the recipe at the end.
An encouraging message and benediction for a wondrous new year.
Thyme has been a symbol of courage since ancient history, carried into battle by Roman soldiers. It was also used to heal people touched by the Black Plague. Included in this article is a recipe for a tasty side dish of mushrooms sauteed with butter, thyme, and lemon juice.
Is mugwort an invasive weed or a medicinal plant? Are you inclined toward eradicating it or harvesting the leaves for their medicinal value? Read more about how mugwort benefits human health and well-being.
Balance is the root of all healthy relationships, including our relationship with ourselves. Our experience of wholeness depends upon our accepting ourselves, both our conscious minds and our unconscious "shadow" self. In this article are tools to help you.
Start your day with a colorful garden vegetable omelet. It's packed with nutrients and flavor, and it's filling and tasty, too!
Spaghetti squash is a fun and healthy alternative to serving starchy pasta. It can be eaten with tomato sauce, melted butter and herbs, or a variety of other toppings. Featured in this article is a basil pesto sauce that I designed, and tested successfully with my fussy daughter.
A green tea latte is a soothing way to wind down your day on a chilly evening. This recipe adds a teaspoon of pure raw honey (not on the original detox food list but fine to include in this treat), but it's the perfect balance to the slight bitterness of the Matcha.
Start your day in style by making a coffee latte to kick off your morning! Just three ingredients and a milk frother are needed to create this satisfying boost to your morning energy.
This magical beet salad recipe can be multiplied to feed as many people as you'd like. Includes nutritional information and a video of the author preparing it.
Try this recipe for a cucumber parsley whey protein smoothie. Includes a video of the author preparing it.
Introduction to a series of recipes and food preparation articles about my journey through a month of detoxification. Eating from a list of limited foods brought my glucose numbers down, and from it I have emerged feeling so wonderful that I want to keep going.
Mr. Magorium leaves his magical toy store to Molly Mahoney as a legacy when he dies. When she begins to believe in herself she finds the magic within to keep the store alive.
Vincent van Gogh's art pulsates with passion and vitality. Presented here are mages of my own art, the stories behind them and how they have been inspired by Vincent.
After the initial rush of being in love, how do we build a lasting relationship? The art of staying in love means learning our partner's favored love language and "speaking" it every day.
A new year is a fresh opportunity to start making self-care a priority every day. Here are some ways to reduce stress and forge a path to your best self.
I've included my step-by-step process of creating a backyard labyrinth near my garden beds for use as a walking meditation.
This article expands on Malcolm Gladwell's idea, from his book "Outliers," that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert through developing and practicing skills in a specific subject area.
April is National Poetry Writing Month. This article is inspired by the annual in-gathering of poets everywhere to share their craft and encourage each other to keep their lyrical pens in motion.
Simple steps we all can take toward lives filled with wonder and pleasure. Implementing these tips will make you feel more connected to our world and inclined to protect our natural home.
Bubble wrap may be the best stress-busting device ever invented! Dancing, hopping, or rolling on bubble wrap is an excellent way to relieve stress and bond with friends and neighbors. Try it!
Is work the same as employment? Is someone who is unemployed not working? Is someone's career the same as their purpose? These are important questions to ask in the 21st century.
A new Pampered Hamster has risen and her name is Elsa. Enjoy Elsa's reflections on living with a human family in this sequel to my hub titled "Adventures of a Pampered Hamster."
This poem is more of a litany about the benefits of walking labyrinths as a form of meditation. The Sacred Geometry of the labyrinth reveals patterns and integrates a walkers' body, mind, and spirit.
A poem about April snow showers dusting flowers in New England. In honor of NaPoWriMo 2016.
The animated film "Home" carries some timeless messages about friendship, sharing our planet peacefully with other species, and understanding what motivates the actions of others. It also has a wicked fun party track!
Anita Diamant featured the customs around the Red Tent in her book and a movie was based on it. There is now a modern movement inspired by the book that honors the history and spirituality of women.
As a member of a community where the work is shared and the blessings are many, my family raises our chickens for the eggs, which are delicious, and we learn so much from them.
My favorite way to return to health after a cold involves round-the-clock mugfuls of soothing tea, fresh ginger, and raw honey. I usually bounce back with full energy after a week or so.
In honor of the current UU campaign for "Standing on the Side of Love," I have published a poem hub that expresses my commitment to love my fellow creatures and my planet.
Do you ever wonder what your pet thinks? If that pet could write, what would s/he say about his/her life in your care? Here is one hamster's perspective on his life at our home.
My daughter and I were inspired to make banks using coffee cans as the foundation to build upon. Enjoy reading about the process we used to make these banks for big dreamers.
An angel comes down from heaven to observe the aftermath of a cult mass suicide, which he tried to help prevent. Includes tips for protecting yourself from cult involvement.
In June, I took an inter-generational vacation with my mother and daughter on Chincoteague Island in Virginia, where the island life welcomed us to slow down & enjoy the scenery, culture & history.
Fireflies are attracted to other small lights, and a small hand-made lantern will attract them to you if you light it and carry it with you between 8pm and midnight during the summer months. Enjoy!
Spending time appreciating beauty will clear your mind and heal your heart. Join Seafarer Mama on a short journey through the beauty that can be found in each season.
Being a home-schooling parent means that my family and I are frequently on-the-go, so it helps to have our things ready to go with us ~ in bags!
Percy Jackson and his friends demonstrate the importance of developing one's strengths and holding to important universal values. We mortals can take inspiration from them for the work we have to do.
Ever wonder what future archaeologists would learn about the 21st century when digging up our remains? Learn how to make your own slab of fossils to use as both a garden decoration and a time capsule.
On June 21, 2013, I was pleased to meet fellow hubber Kathryn Stratford in Boston. This is the story of how we came to connect in person.
Chocolate chip cookies evoke feelings of safety and unconditional love. We all have a spiritual connection to their taste and smell. They form a bridge of love between us to be shared over and over.
Returning home to Massachusetts from a week in Florida, I bring with me the memory of warm days and lanes of palm trees. This pantoum is dedicated to the warm memories that palm trees evoke for me.
Love is the powerful force that makes our lives whole and brings us all the happiness that the world has to offer. We can live the most amazing lives we can imagine by making ourselves forces of love.
After some hours of sleeplessness and a case of "midnight munchies, " the protagonist of this story finally answers the call of the fridge and faces a sweet temptation smiling up at her.
The Kitchen Goddess and her friends perform a Mummer's play in the town square and host a Twelfth Night celebration. Served at their party were baked polenta cakes topped with savory black beans.
Karen the Kitchen Goddess and her faithful apprentice Esperanza host a Winter Solstice feast. Candles were lit. Paper bag puppets were made. Afterward, they walked around town caroling for neighbors.
Have you ever wanted to travel back in time to give yourself information that you wish you knew at a particular age? This letter is my hope and promise for a dawning new age on December 12, 2012.
The Puppet Showplace Theatre is a unique nonprofit organization that is located in Brookline, MA. They offer puppet shows performed by talented professional puppeteers for audiences age 3 to 103.
The Hope Fairy Shop on Newbury Street in Boston is a magical realm of enchantment for all ages. Micheal the shop owner is warm and friendly, and children of all ages are invited to browse for hours.
"Blue Moo: 17 Jukebox Songs from Way Back Never" by Sandra Boynton and Michael Ford is a fun book and music album for the whole family.
If you like being treated like royalty when you walk into a shop, "New England Magic" on Essex St. in Salelm, MA is the place to go to explore the "witchy" side of life.
Louis Braille touched many lives when he developed a code using raised dots arranged into letters and words for blind students to read and learn by. This hub illustrates how braille books are made.
This original poem by Seafarer Mama is a shanty about gardening, inspired by her "pirate princess" daughter's arrangement of gardening tools into the likeness of a "jolly roger."
This hub answers a question posed by "Green Lotus" ~ If I were given a large chunk of financial resources for making home improvements, I'd start with the projects described in this hub.
A wet, rainy August evening is warmed and brightened with a new twist on a familiar dish ~ a quick new recipe that combines the simplicity of quesadillas with the comforting flavors of pizza.
The Kitchen Goddess serves sun tea with fruit and mint as she encourages a young lady to follow her dreams.
The Kitchen Goddess and Esperanza involve the neighborhood children in creating a delicious stir-fry dinner, which they share with their families.
Esperanza treats the Kitchen Goddess to an elegant birthday brunch of a garden veggie omelet topped with shredded cheese.
The Kitchen Goddess dishes about salads she loves to make for dinner or dessert on summer evenings. She tosses most of them with lemon or lime juice for an extra zesty burst of flavor in each bite.
Karen the Kitchen Goddess hosts a Midsummer party and campout for their neighbors on the shortest night of the year. They serve Ambrosia salad as a midnight snack along with some riotous fun.
Karen the "Kitchen Goddess" and her apprentice Esperanza invite the neighborhood children to the cottage for a fun day of painting and other crafts Features a recipe for magical mini fruit tarts.
Karen, the "Kitchen Goddess" cooks up a batch of enchanting English muffin pizzas, and shares a delicious meal with a new friend sent by a member of her small circle of reveling cohorts.
The Kitchen Goddess returns with a recipe for divine baked apples, which she prepares on chilly nights for friends and family. Gather round and enjoy some topped with fluffy whipped cream alongside your favorite brew of liquid warmth.
My husband and I raise our daughter in a way that is different from the way we were raised. We practice "Attachment Parenting." Enjoy the photo gallery of her early years.
How do I know that my husband is my "Soul Mate"? This hub expresses the many ways we kn0w we are meant for each other.
This hub answers a question about what "force of nature" I consider myself as being most like. My answer is - a summer breeze.
Falling in love is a wild ride, and where humans are involved it is guaranteed that sparks will fly. The best experience is finding someone we can feel at home with.
Book review of 4 picture books for children, written and illustrated by Brian Lies. Features summaries of the 4 books: "Bats at the Beach", "...Library", "...Ballgame," and "Bats in the Band."
A playful scene set in a cohousing village during an evening snowfall around the holidays.
A delightful story about a very colorful and festive New Year's Eve celebration with an unusual ending.
A description of two books that celebrate the spirit of giving from one's heart and hands at Christmas.
This hub offers a simple recipe for making a fruit wreath to feed the birds, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. during dark days around the winter solstice.
When the rest of the world goes crazy about Black Friday sales and spending sprees, this hub suggests a quieter, peaceful and more personal revolution as an alternative.
A fun rainy day in the life of a mother home-schooling her daughter.
A summer evening's fantasy of images and sensations.
A love letter to my favorite season, Autumn, and photos of some of my favorite places to visit during this colorful season.
A poem and photo gallery in honor of the many images of Father Christmas, who represents the spirit of Christmas to many.
Take a walk through the world of a young girl via her paintings, a few of them done alongside her mother (moi). Provided are whimsical but true stories behind the art of a seven-year-old child.
A photo gallery and poetic frolic along the memories of our fun 10th anniversary week in North Conway, NH with our daughter.
A simple step-by-step description of how to put together a worm farm. Includes photo gallery illustrating the steps of putting together your worm farm once all the resources have been collected.
The crew of the Pirate Ship "Starry Night" engage in further adventures, traveling from cove to cove and teaching peace through art with young people.
In this hub I share my journey of growth as a writer on Hub Pages, and my intent to keep going. Enjoy!
Loving tribute hub to the remarkable woman who founded girl scouts in the U.S., including a brief biography of "Daisy" Low.
A new set of beatitudes that bless those who strive continuously to make the world a better place to live each day.
A short story about a band of pirates who feed and entertain a group of orphans on the seashore.
Howling is a fun form of expression, especially for humans that can be used to explore the nature of sound and how it travels through space.
A short story about a pet dog who saves the life of his master and his son.
A new novel that tells the story of Vincent van Gogh's final days in the voice of Dr. Gachet, who befriended him while he stayed at the Cafe Ravoux in Auvers, France. A captivating read!
A review of the novel "Chocolat" by Joanne Harris, and a comparison of how the book differs from the movie. It serves as the "sequel" to my movie review hub written about this enchanting story.
This movie review of the film "Chocolat" outlines its uplifting story, illustrious main characters and universal themes.
Stitching with plastic canvas and yarn is a habit-forming pastime. Photo illustrations of the process and some examples of finished projects are featured in this how-to hub.
Step-by-Step description of how to create a Halloween chipmunk costume for a young child. Many of the items can be gleaned from your own home, or bought very inexpensively at consignment shops.
Recipe for a delicious pumpkin mousse dessert that is enjoyable all year round. Also good to eat if you have diabetes. Features enticing pictures of a batch made by the author.
A disciplined savings plan is your first step toward financial prosperity and freedom. This hub will help get you started on the path to financial health.
Have you ever wanted to make your own flag to fly proudly outside your own home? I designed one to make one for our local public library's children's room librarian. A talented friend sewed it.
The Yankee Candle store in Williamsburg, VA is one of two unique stores in the United States. In Santa's Village families warm up to the holiday spirit and purchase unique gifts for family & friends.
An article by a published author about the process of writing a book. The journey toward publication involved sweat, tears and the dedication of burning the midnight oil on many nights.
A written meander through some of my daughter's favorite places to frolic at Tower Hill Botanical Garden in Boylston, MA. Includes a Google map of the garden's location and a link to the web site.
A literary celebration of the recipe books in my culinary library, and a chance to order each on Amazon.com. Bon Apetit!
Having a sense of humor about the imperfections evident in the human condition can keep us honest about ourselves, compassionate and understanding toward others, and lengthen our life span.
The Out of the Blue art gallery in Central Square, Cambridge, MA is an exciting place to visit and learn. Once you walk in the doors, you will want to keep returning.
Cinnamon's taste and aroma are welcoming, comforting, and full of fond memories. Hub includes a brief history of the spice, a short description of its healing properties, and recipes for you to try.
This hub is a summary of one family's afternoon at a local sculpture park in Massachusetts, about 30 minutes outside Boston.
My daughter's sixth birthday crept upon us quickly without very much planning. With the help of lots of neighbors and friends my daughter celebrated a very joy-filled special day.
This hub presents a refreshing recipe for home-made orange soda that will perk you up on the hottest of summer days. Try it and enjoy.
A review of "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown, and a poem of my own for my daughter using her bedroom as the setting.
The RISD in Providence, Rhode Island is located in a pretty area of town. A group of home-schooling families took an engaging Mythology tour through the Ancient History/Civilization artifacts.
Old Shrewsbury Village in Central Massachusetts is a quaint shopping village full of delightful stores and small family eateries. An ideal place to visit in Autumn.
Indian Head Farm is an organic farm in the town of Berlin, Massachusetts. It is an ideal place to stop, stretch, and forage for fresh produce on your way to more leaf peeping on Mt. Greylock.
The best foods to eat are those that have stories behind them. Making pancakes using the recipe from "Curious George Makes Pancakes" was fun. Once you have enjoyed them, there are more you can try.
The history of the mandolin is rich, dating at least as far back as the middle ages. Its sound is bright and warm. Learn more about this beautiful instrument by reading this hub.
Highlights the personal benefits of forgiveness for the forgiver, and its role in bringing peace and love to a broken world.
The history of the Labyrinth dates back to ancient times. It was often used as a form of meditation, and is a timeless method of reaching our personal center for renewal and transformation.
Recipe for home-brewed sun tea. Features lovely pictures of ingredients and a sun-kissed jar of tea-in-progress. It is an eco-friendly process that tastes delicious. Read and enjoy!
The process of constructing a hub is as important as the content, for presentation is crucial to the hub's success. Here is an outline for the process to help you attain your hub publication goals.
Ireland is a land of enchantment. This is Seafarer Mama's list of 10 places to visit if you plan to jump across the pond to the Emerald Isle. Don't forget to sip a pint of Guinness. Slainte!
Summary of the many of the social and environmental benefits of living in a co-housing community. There are more intentional communities that sprout up each year. Read this hub to find out why.
Sometimes we delay completing a must-do task in favor of doing something more fun. This is often known as procrastination, which has its benefits. Read this article to find out what they are.
The author describes her experience as an assistant cook preparing a community meal for her co-housing neighbors.
This essay is a reflection on the evolution of my relationship with my husband - our courtship and marriage, now for almost ten years - with a little one who brightens our life each day.
Curiosity keeps us young and alive because it keeps our brain cells active, and our spirit of wonder alive. Here are some fun ideas for turning you life upside down in delightful ways.
A list of 10 ways that a family can enjoy a rainy day together. Having fun together strengthens our bonds and helps us live longer.
There is a good reason Twelve-Step recovery programs highlight the importance of Gratitude. It is a force of spirit that keeps us moving forward in our lives...and from that we can experience success. People have risen up from very low places because of it. Seafarer Mama discusses how gratitude...
A delightful interview by the author with a young mermaid princess (daughter) who lives in a cove (bathtub). Fun to read aloud to young people as they look at the pictures.
There are many ways to preserve planet Earth by taking some extra steps that enhance our health, and that of future generations. This hub covers a bunch of them.
Hub that features anecdotes about human interactions with wild creatures. Promotes respect for nature, and protection of nonhuman creatures through eco-friendly actions on the part of humans.
A group of Haiku about life with a newborn and toddler for the proud parents. Sweet, heartwarming, and humorous.
Hub summarizing the first (Kindergarten) year of home-schooling my child, and descriptions of the enriching activities we have done. Includes helpful resources and recommendations for materials.
Seafarer Mama's "hublog" for the 30-Day Challenge put forth by Sunforged in August 2010. Among the subjects covered are Creativity, Spirituality, Food, Travel, and Literature for Children.
Account of a visitation by an angel or guardian spirit, which brought the author peace at a time in her life when she needed it most.
Anecdote about one new homeowner's mistake of not securing floorboards in the attic above the master bedroom of her townhouse. The process taken to repair the hole is also discussed.
The leap into home-schooling my daughter was both joyous and uncertain. This hub outlines how it all began.
A poem about the character Cosette in Victor Hugo's classic novel "Les Miserables."
Set of 4 acrostic poems, a poem where the first letter of the first word of each line spells a word read vertically - often the title . The four subjects in this set are Moon, Dream, Pine, and Heart.
A reflection on the wonder and blessings of my world, and the gifts that humans bear one another when we approach each other with love.