How to brighten up your wife's day, pay a compliment, now!!!
How to handle your managers rants, use the Anti Rant Tool!
A Poem for our brave fighting sons and daughters in the war zone where evere it may be.
How I found out haw to make great "Garden Planters", it's easy anyone can make them.
Nonsence poetry, get some in!
Here is a poem for the unsong hero, it's our chance to say thank you.
Lists are great, my mom's list is great.....and useful. Ten things you just must know about food storage. "My mom's advice will keep you safe," she said.
Who Rang the theOrang-Utang is a nonsense poem of the first order. Hope it makes you smile, hope it inspires you to write you own nonsense poem, get the ball rolling.
Painting advice-A poem for an Artist. If your mind ever goes blank just before you paint, don't panic, this poem is for you. Some sound advice to get you through it.
iphone and iPad a thing of the future, no,they are here now! Free youself from the chains of the home computer, write on the go, anywhere, any time. Read my hub, set yourself free, now!
Safety advice for pub goers. Follow my list of safety rules for staying safe in a pub and you carn't go wrong.
Halogen ovens are getting really popular, they are quick, convenient and easy to clean. Read how my wife introduced me to our Hologen ovens, yes that's right we have two. We wouldn't be without them, use one and you become s convert.
Lists are great, my mom's list is great.....and useful. Ten things you just must know about eggs.
Vampires are a little known breed. This story is an insight into the world of Vampirism. And goes to show that not eveyone is as they seem.
My article, How to choose a book to read, will give you an idea on how to choose a book to read. The amusing incident in the library will make you smile I,m sure.
How to pick up money from the streets. This Is my simple guide on how to find money on the streets. Easy and simple techniques that once learned will pay you back, time and time again.
Poetry and Writing, a little advice. Read a couple of my poems and get some sound advice on writing and poetry,
How to pass through Airport scanners.... stress free. Follow my simple advice for a stress free flight.
Poetry and writing at it's best can be found in my book Landscapes and Wordscapes. The making of the book inspired me to write this hub, what will it inspire you to do?