Hubber Dinner Guests
In honor of 400 followers, and of
rebekahELLE’s forum question “Which Ten Hubbers Would You Invite to a Dinner Party?” I have decided to tell you which ten I would love to have a dinner party with. Here they are – in no particular order!
billybuc – also known as William Holland – or Bill to his friends, is the wonderful man that is starting the H.O.W. movement. (Read about that here:Humanity One World: H.O.W. To Get Involved!) He writes about a variety of topics, but all are written with great authority, and much is written with lots of humor. He also is a loyal follower, leaving wonderful comments on hubs he reads. According to his profile, he taught for many years and has worked in a variety of jobs. He has found that writing is his passion. He has also published some books that are available.
American View is another hubber I would love to have at the dinner party. He is, according to his profile, an avid woodworker, former firefighter, and sports freak. He writes a lot about political issues. I discovered him when he commented on a hub that I wrote. I began reading his hubs and found that, while I do not always agree with his views, we do share a lot of political ideas. What's Going On In School Today is one hub that he and I agree on.
I love reading the poetry of this wonderful writer. Lately, I have also rediscovered that he writes short stories that are just as great. His crime poems grip you and you can see the scenes he writes about. Not only do you see it, you feel it. He has written several eBooks that are available through different venues.
Epi is another great poet. He writes a lot! And I don’t think that there is any one poem that is not great. That could be why he has been HubPages Poet of the Year for two years in a row. Yes – he is that good. He is also a music aficionado. He has a Facebook group about music that shares his love.
Although you couldn’t tell it by her profile picture, fpherj48 is a mother, grandmother and, according to her, a GREAT grandmother! She barely looks old enough to be a mother! fpher writes about a variety of subjects, from family to writing and health issues. She also leaves great comments on things she reads.
Victoria would definitely be at this dinner party. She has been a teacher, social worker, worked in administration and now she writes about all of that and more. She is a very talented writer and knows a lot about a lot! She is very helpful to other hubbers and leaves great comments on hubs.
I have only recently discovered Betty, but already she is one of my favorite writers. She began writing for Hubpages just a couple of months ago and already has over 70 hubs. She has published several books and loves poetry. She is, according to her profile, very talented and sings and writes songs. Christmas Memories with Mom and Dad is a hub of hers that I really loved.
Cardisa is one very talented woman. She has many certificates in health, fitness and martial arts. She writes about a variety of subjects including SEO facts, food issues, skin care and just about everything. She has had a Hub of the Day – which just proves what a wonderful writer she really is. For an example of her talent, read Gift Ideas For Teachers This Christmas.
catgypsy is an animal lover and wonderful writer. She writes several blogs in addition to what she writes here on Hubpages. One of her hubs that I learned from is The Agony of Anxiety and Panic: What people need to know. Cardisa leaves great comments.
The Lord, Joseph De Cross is another great hubber. He has a great style of writing that draws your attention and keeps it. He writes poetry and other wonderful hubs. His hub about Hurricane Sandy really intrigued me. It detailed his experiences and kept us all up to date on the storm. You can read about it all here: When Sandy Came our Way -- Another Perfect Storm? He has also become really involved in billybuc’s H.O.W. project.
Of course, there are many other great writers here on Hubpages. Way too many to list here. But these are some of the ones that I would love to have at a dinner party. With this group of people, I could learn so much and everyone would benefit from the knowledge.