In which cases would you flag/report someone to Hubpages, or even ask that they

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  1. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 8 years ago

    In which cases would you flag/report someone to Hubpages, or even ask that they be banned?

    For example, if someone slandered your name, would you flag them? Here is a comment taken from a religious Q&A comment on Hubpages:
    "Compulsive lying with an inclination towards spreading intrigues. Something pre-psychotic or just plain immature, but definitely stemming from an inner chronic turmoil," Pitiable."
    Would you consider that bullying, especially if you had simply pointed out the flaw in someone's hypothesis, in a non-bullying manner? My understanding is that personally attacking hubbers is against policy, yet this person remains. Thoughts?

  2. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 8 years ago

    I never have and probably never will report anyone.  My method is to just put them on "ignore" and never respond to their comments.  That leaves their bully type comment for everyone else to see.  In my opinion it is better to just let everyone see for themselves what this individual is really like.

    Even if they are banned by Hub Pages they just come back with a new email address and user name.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      They do not necessarily come back. If they are not flagged, they are essentially being rewarded for bullying. I will always flag a bully, even on behalf of others. However, not commenting on their questions is
      the best way to go.

    2. profile image0
      Old Poolmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      With a bully getting reported can also be a reward.  Being ignored is to them the ultimate insult.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I understand your point, but the worst bullies actually delete all comments, which are usually from Christians, anyway----no matter how benign the comment. So, I don't they don't mind being ignored. They state that Q&A is a way to make money.

    4. Sgt Prepper profile image61
      Sgt Prepperposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      savvy, you nailed it as I am frequently told "take your meds", "adjust your tinfoil hat!", or "you should be in a rubber-room". My favorite is the totally unfounded "racist" just because I am a Bible-believing birther who knows 9/11 WAS an inside.

  3. Sgt Prepper profile image61
    Sgt Prepperposted 8 years ago

    Slander is a crime. However anyone asking questions or leaving comments should be thick-skinned enough to accept disagreement and criticism.  If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen! In Proverbs 27:17 it says "As iron sharpens iron so one friend sharpens another." & Proverbs 27:6 says "Faithful are the wounds of a friend..."

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The person who made the comment responded by bullying because he cannot take disagreement. I actually appreciate constructive criticism, but bullying is against all policies anywhere, including here.

    2. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Savvydating obviously has reinterpreted the 1st Amendment to mean we only get to post and publicize what Savvy Dating okays. See the tyranny in that yet? I always feel sorry for people who are all too engrossed in trying to control others.

  4. Annsalo profile image84
    Annsaloposted 8 years ago

    This by itself I would not consider bullying. I don't know the rest of the post or what it is in response to so I can't really make an opinion on it.
    I have called a couple people here immature because they were actually being so.
    In 6 years I can only think of 1 time that I have flagged a hubber because of something they wrote, and that was because it was a direct attack on my husband.
    I don't see any bullying in that sentence alone. Plenty of people get called delusional, liars, and immature on here.
    The best thing to do if you take these kind of things as bullying is to avoid the forums and Q and A. Personally most of the time it's more like a heated debated than bullying in my opinion.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The commenter was scapegoating. Besides, you wrote a hub personally denigrating a hubber years ago. Did she call you delusional, or was it the other way around? Anyway, she was banned. Guess it's hard to determine HP's rational for banning or not.

    2. profile image0
      Old Poolmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Leaving censorship in the hands of Hub Pages is not something I would do.  It is totally up to the Hub Pages employee who can ban or not ban someone.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, but they do not see the wrongdoing unless it is called to the employee's attention.

    4. Annsalo profile image84
      Annsaloposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote a hub in direct response to a Q, and that was the same person who attacked my husband. Not once in that article did I attack her, only her beliefs that led to attack onHubby.I didn't say person was right, just cldnt makedecision off 1 sentece

    5. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Annsalo, I agree that speaking about your husband is off limits. Don't remember your stating that she talked about him, but it was long ago.

  5. Aime F profile image69
    Aime Fposted 8 years ago

    I've reported 2 people, I think.  The first was someone constantly taking personal jabs at me and a couple of others whenever we'd say anything he didn't agree with (even if he wasn't involved in the conversation).  He was banned shortly after.

    The second time was someone who was making inappropriate comments about underage girls.

    I don't report personal attacks unless they're excessive (and it was only that once I've felt it was - and clearly HP agreed).  If a one-off comment bugs me I address it myself.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, if it is excessive, HP will do something. They did actually ban at least one of his Q&A's before. Same guy who wrote the comment above. As for the "underage" commenter guy--- what a slimeball.

    2. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Let me know how the persistent need to takeover over and be the only voice heard is not bullying. Either Savvydating has a serious problem reconciling her own bullying or she prefers to deflect that onto others. Either way, bad bad juju that.

  6. WordCrafter09 profile image66
    WordCrafter09posted 8 years ago

    Pretty much the only time I've ever reported/flagged a user on this site has been if they're clearly the spammiest of spammers (with - like - nothing on his profile but a horrible clump of words with links to some other site).  Other than that, I don't get involved with flagging anyone/anything.  This is HP's site, not mine.  BUT, some stuff is so, so, ridiculously spammy and/or, maybe, full of stuff that's obviously stolen,  I just can't pass it by without flagging it.

    I think people use the Internet at their own risk, but I don't really see the remark you posted as "bullying".  It's not like the same remark was made offline and/or behind your back when you have no idea someone made such a remark and don't have the opportunity to defend yourself and/or question them about their remark.

    It's an Internet forum.  Let the person's remark show up within the context of the thread.  If you really feel like it you can reply, say, once or twice before moving on.  (Sometimes there can be a little "twisted" satisfaction in replying to something like that with something like, "I notice you are someone who thinks you're in a position to 'diagnose' strangers in an Internet discussion; which, in itself, shows everyone here something about your ability to reason.  And, I notice you are someone who has difficulty with having someone else have an opinion that's different from  yours."  (And THEN move on - either from the discussion or from that person's remarks.)

    It can depend on whether it's worth it TO YOU or not to bother responding once (maybe twice, which gives the person the opportunity to get on track or else dig more of his own grave).  In any case, I don't see the example you gave as "bullying" to point of its being worth reporting.

    The person is obviously savvy/experienced enough not to just out-and-out call you a name and instead copy that definition that implies the name-calling; but sneaky as they may be, it's still obvious enough to those who see it in the context of the discussion.  Not worth reporting on TOS violations because this person obviously knows how to stay just under the line.

    Otherwise, just move on.  I just don't see that remark on a forum or in an Internet discussion as "bullying" or even an attempt to bully

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I will still flag those who pretend to be evolved & loving, yet live to mock others. They bring the whole discussion down and they are unacceptable. I still say they are bullies even if most people disagree. But, I usually don't reply to insults.

  7. fpherj48 profile image62
    fpherj48posted 8 years ago

    Yves..I can understand how U feel & why U want 2 know about the "report/flag" procedure.The real TRUTH is not something any of us appreciate,2 say the least.It is ugly, due 2 it's outrageous unfairness & lack of authentic concern by HP. It in no way follows a democratic rule.

    Regardless of what someone may say that U take offense to, if U reply in defense (as we have a basic RIGHT 2 do)...should U also say something that person takes offense to, from that point, it's a literal RACE to the "report flag!"  In other words, the individual who flags gets the attention & the person they flag invariably is "banned."  No questions, no investigation, no explanations...nothing. So U see Yves, they may have made a far more egregious & insulting comment, but the person whom they flagged becomes the person banned. Unfair & undemocratic?  Absolutely.  It's not worth UR precious time unless it's really over a line of decency, straight into horrible personal insult.

    This can be verified by numerous hubbers who have been treated this unfair way.There are many.Complaining about this has never resulted in any positive action or change by HP.

    In 5 yrs, I have reported very few people although there have been hundreds who surely deserved 2B reported.I simply can't B bothered most of the time.Even hubbers who have been banned completely from the site itself, simply turn around & sign up again under another alias & return 2 their TROLLING. We can all recognize them when they come back being their usual offensive selves.

    The very comment U have posted above is not a direct insult at U. it's merely a statement.They meant it toward U I imagine, but HP would not see it that way.Just by reading it I know exactly WHO it was that wrote that. It's very typical of many of their comments.U need 2 know that this person is reported constantly....but U SEE, they're still here.For UR sake, I would tell U 2 IGNORE & fluff it off. If it is UR post, U have the right to delete it.

    In the end it's UR decision. HP always "encourages" reporting, but they prove that they truly do not want 2B bothered handling these things.  Most hubbers who R here to write, read & interact & just establish their bonds, would tell U to ignore..ignore..ignore. I actually reported someone recently for a very SERIOUS issue & still have yet 2 hear a single thing from HP. Honestly Yves, HP really doesn't care. They're quite busy making money & looking 4 ways 2 make more. I have finally taken to just letting people have it w/ both barrels!   Peace, Paula

    1. Annsalo profile image84
      Annsaloposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Can u or someone say who it is? It's hard to judge a conversation based off one sentence. If it is a commonly known name that might help me understand the conversation. Savvy and I disagree on much, but she's always been civil, so curious who this is

    2. fpherj48 profile image62
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hey girl...I wouldn't take the liberty to say a name Bcuz I am "speculating." ( It's someone who insults ALL the time. ) Savvy could tell us who it is Bcuz she has quoted him anyway & eventually we'll see the comment.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Paula, I hear you & I didn't reply to his comment. He stated that is how my profile should read. He does this with everyone except his atheist friends. I usually ignore him, but the scapegoating gets old, especially when he claims to be "loving."

    4. Annsalo profile image84
      Annsaloposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's sad when there are so many ppl who fit that description I can't figure out who! lol. I just know I've never seen savvy be "rude" to anyone. so  I don't get why the conversation happened. Oh well. Maybe I'm just not in forums enough!

    5. fpherj48 profile image62
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      He said ~~That is how UR profile should read??!  Well, that's pretty damned rude. I can tell U what they hate more than being banned. It's having UR friends comment how RUDE or WRONG they are! send the link in an email. (Got ya Ann.)

    6. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Paula and Annsalo. He did say that was how my profile should read. I'll email you later tonight or in am, Paula. I still have the link, but I'll have to check if HP deleted the question or not.

  8. tsmog profile image83
    tsmogposted 8 years ago

    This answer is IMO as thoughts. I do not come to the Q&A except at the midnight hour, so a late answer. Regard the main question is only for spam.

    BTW . . . I have been here for over five years and seen HP social interaction evolve. A Hub could be written on that. For instance before there was Feature and Unfeature status I would have written a Hub for this question welcoming interactions at that Hub. Of course I would have selected answer with a Hub at that feature for the question.

    Regard the supplemental I personally am in agreement that was a bullying tactic. But a bully is something different. I will not explain or expand and suggest seeking for more. A note is there is no federal law regard bullying what-so-ever for guidance.

    I was once banned in the Q&A for a week pretty much for leaving lengthy answers on questions. That was in the day when I answered opinion questions.  So, bottom line I was reported probably for abuse by someone . . . I dun'no. I did have dialogue with a moderator, thus a new understanding. I even hesitate answering this question and edited it. 

    A short perspective is the only TOS restriction and prohibition limitation for HP regard social interactions I see is this statement:

    "Harass, threaten or intimidate Authors or others who use the Service".

    Next, is interpreting that, reporting, and must have supportive facts as documentation for the moderators to conduct an investigation.

    I hope that helps in some manner. I do know people I am friendly with who were permanently banned from HP, lifetime ban from the forums, and I have experience with questions that were closed by a moderator, queued to a moderator review at time of posting by algorithm, and as shared banned too.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for explaining things so thoroughly, Tsmog. I am sorry you were banned. I will review the rules again at some point soon.

  9. Jodah profile image91
    Jodahposted 8 years ago

    Hi Savvy, I am sorry this has happened to you. I don't really have an answer. We all react differently to situations. I personally have only flagged hubs that I see as spam or spun content. I have never flagged or deleted a comment, but, then I can only recall three occasions that I actually had disagreements with other hubber.. one being my own fault for not choosing my wording correctly and I upset a friend. that is one of the problems with communicating online....things can be taken the wrong way very easily. No body language or intonation to help judge what the person really means. We do need a thick skin, but I have not seen the particular Q and A so I cannot really give informed advice on this particular situation. I know you are one of the most amiable people I know so I can't imagine what could have drawn such a response toward you. That said religion vs atheism discussion often leads to this  type of thing. Only you can really decide the response required. Good luck.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Jodah. I am mainly concerned about others who cannot see though the narcissism. I am fine. My hope is that HP will see things clearly, as well. My point is that deception is dangerous, and that is the issue in this circumstance.

    2. tsmog profile image83
      tsmogposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Your welcome :-)

  10. bradmasterOCcal profile image48
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    The problem with hp is that the person that is reported will be banned without even knowing why. A computer gives a message, all your hubs go unpublished, and hp never gives any warning, or gives any dialogue. So anyone can take a trip on the bullypulpit and ban someone. Is that the American Way. Don't you think that the accused should at least know why they are banned, instead of the thought police just executing the alleged guilty.

    There are too many emotional, and unstable people on hp and they report anytime they don't get their way.

    I like Mike's  way, just ignore them. Delete their comments. Reporting is for the passive aggressive, who like to do their best work from behind.

    My opinion..

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Brad. I believe that Flagging with actual content is sometimes necessary, but being "flag happy" over a difference of opinion is unwise. This was an unwarranted attack. However, the context is missing here. He has since twisted some context.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image86
      MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think HP should explain to anyone why he/she is banned. After being a victim of office backstabbing, I don't like to see it being done to anyone. However, I think most trolls know why.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Miz....Perhaps if one emails the HP Team, they will give the reason. I am not sure. However, they will not disclose the reasons for others having been banned.

    4. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Flagging others who post facts and truth is good business for the media? So unless everything is written according to some bizarre CONservative ideology, well's just wrong according to these control freaks.

  11. GusTheRedneck profile image60
    GusTheRedneckposted 8 years ago

    Hello Savvydating - It is really not "bullying" to be truthful about someone, but who is to say what the truth might be sometimes ?  I have recently posted a lengthy article here on HubPages in which I refer to someone (not here on HubPages) as a plagiarizer, article thief, and quite the continual liar.  He owns a "writers' website - so he still calls it.  It has lost the bulk of its members.  He did not lose me - he tossed me out after only two days. Gotta be happy about that, would you not think ?  I really hope that no one would think of me as a bully.

    Nice to see that you have received a ton of replies to your question.

    1. GusTheRedneck profile image60
      GusTheRedneckposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I meant to put the URL for the Hub about the plagiarism in my reply, above. Forgot to do that. (I must be a really dumb bully...  So, here it is -

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It is good to point out the truth, but it should be done respectfully. The above comment about me was neither true or respectful. Perhaps I will look at your article. Thank you for commenting, Gustave.

  12. RJ Schwartz profile image87
    RJ Schwartzposted 8 years ago

    I don't think I would ever "report" anyone or ask that they be banned.  I believe in absolute freedom of speech, inflammatory or personal attacks fit into that category.  I've been in the other end of being reported and one of my best Hubs was unpublished for so-called hate speech in the comments.  I'm disappointed by it, but will not be moderating comments in the future.  If something I've written makes you mad, then feel free to voice your opinion on the comments.  I guess it's because I really don't write to generate fan mail or have a bunch of people agree with my work.  I'm quite honored and grateful for positive things, but the negatives can be taken in stride.  I'm a big boy and they just don't bother me.  Ignore a troll long enough and they'll look elsewhere for easy fodder.  Getting emotional is a natural reaction, and I've said some nasty things in the heat of an argument.  I may not always be right, but I don't want to give a moderator the power to decide what gets printed or not.  If someone is posting something you don't like, don't read it.  If they attack, then ignore them. 

    In political season, religion, and other touchy topics we all see people on high alert.  News sources are questioned, doctrines debated, and people resort to schoolyard tactics.  In the real world, that's how things can't censor an opinion.

    My two cents.....

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Ralph. However, I read what you said to Tsad where you told him to F off. That seems like an emotional reaction to me.  As you know, I will remove myself from the post, but the schoolyard thing is foolish. I agree with you there.

    2. RJ Schwartz profile image87
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If you're going to use something I said in a comment, please try to get it right. Here's the exact quote "  My religion is none of your F business. Live and let live by each their own standards."  No criticism of Tsad as far as I can see.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My point is that you were speaking to Tsad in that manner, because you disagreed with him, and your comment is not "taking things in stride," as you say you like to do. Just pointing out a discrepancy.

    4. RJ Schwartz profile image87
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Your point should be - I'm sorry for trying to mischaracterize what you said Ralph.  IT's OK - I forgive you for trying to make me look like the bad guy and trying to prove me wrong.  As I said - Live and let live by each their own standards

    5. fpherj48 profile image62
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Lu, I know U R a fair & logical woman.  Everyone has a limit 2 what they will tolerate. Tony pushes people beyond this all the time.  If u haven't experienced it yet,  You WILL. Believe what U feel.

    6. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I believe that Tsad is a very passionate man who loves the Lord. He may come on strong at times, and I see some people may take offense, but I choose to stick up for him. He has a thick skin and he does not use vulgar language when "countering."

    7. MizBejabbers profile image86
      MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      RE: conversation between Ralph and Tsad. Tsad was goading Ralph in a rather unchristian manner. If Tsad “loves the Lord all that much,” he would express his opinions without goading people. Ralph was within his rights, maybe leave off the "F".

  13. shanmarie profile image68
    shanmarieposted 8 years ago

    I handle bullies on HP in much the same way I did when I was a child in school. They aren't worth the effort or my time. If I can offer a diplomatic response here on HP, I will. You can tell by their reaction to the response if they are interested in an actual conversation or just trying to pick a fight. It takes two to argue.  I mean, I could go off right back, but why waste my time and energy? They go away, looking for that fight elsewhere.

    Now, on the other hand, comments having nothing to do with a hub topic and those that are inappropriate by moral standards (like he one I just saw in one of your replies that said she reported inappropriate remarks toward children) should most definitely be flagged.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I did remove myself from the conversation. However, enabling low level speech is inappropriate. Thus, the reason for the Flag button. Thanks for your input, Shanmarie.

    2. shanmarie profile image68
      shanmarieposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      After seeing more of this discussion, I think I read somewhere that it was told the slander should be your profile. . .I'd report that too. It's just plain rude. And purposeful.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you shanmarie. You are very kind. I realize that without context, it is sometimes difficult to assess situations. In truth, such words are unacceptable in any context, when all is said and done. wink

  14. El Shaddai 2016 profile image58
    El Shaddai 2016posted 8 years ago

    I am new here to HubPages and have only come across one individual who is very unpleasant.  This person likes to state opinions and then insults others who do not share the stated opinions.  We should be able to have intelligent, respectful discussions without the need to insult anybody.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome El Shaddai 2016. I agree with you wholeheartedly, and this was my experience, along with many, many others who dared to politely disagree.

  15. profile image0
    promisemposted 8 years ago

    I'm on your side. Calling someone pre-psychotic and a compulsive liar in a public setting is LIBEL and creates the potential for a lawsuit.

    "Libel: to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others." -

    It also damages the reputation and credibility of the site and discourages people from interacting.

    1. profile image0
      promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      SavvyDating, the lawyers at the media companies where I worked said we needed to remove libelous material when brought to our attention. Otherwise, we would risk facing a lawsuit as well, even though the comments came from someone else.

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. I told HP that the comment is slander. Furthermore, I work for a law firm. I"ll look into it further. I appreciate the things you have defined, very much.

    3. RJ Schwartz profile image87
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think you would have to show actual proof that they damaged your reputation, like if someone called you a pedophile and it cost you your job or something.  I'm not a lawyer, but libel is a tricky thing.

    4. profile image0
      promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ralph makes a good point. In your situation, I doubt anyone on HP believes a word of that person. You have to prove damage and HP has to refuse to act. Of course it would act. FYI, I'm not trying to stir the pot. Just explaining why the risk.

    5. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Sadly, those most invested in controlling others are also the ones who cannot distinguish between trying to "own their own truths and facts." We have a generation of 40 to 50 somethings trying to own facts and truth. Not going to happen.

  16. Sam Shepards profile image91
    Sam Shepardsposted 8 years ago

    +-Never (never done so, probably never will) for attacks on myself I mean. Mostly I don't care for my online image. Or someone should state that I do things that are illegal or lies that get me into trouble. They can call me crazy, sick and a million other things.

    (possibly if someone physically threatens another user or his friends or spreads rumors that could get the person who's getting attacked into trouble)

  17. Rochelle Frank profile image90
    Rochelle Frankposted 8 years ago

    Some people are afraid to flag a questionable item, because they think they are banning someone.  A flag is  not a ban, it is merely a "heads up" to the staff so they can take a look and make a decision.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed. Thank you, Rochelle. That being said, a ban may occur at some point, usually much later, if the bad behavior is consistent and if HP staff is aware of the unacceptable behavior.

  18. MizBejabbers profile image86
    MizBejabbersposted 8 years ago

    I have reported only once or twice. Those were hubs that really weren't hubs but regurgitated political hate stuff that I'd seen floating around in emails. They were very libelous and had no facts to support any of the blithering. HP quickly put a stop to that kind of posting.
    I will say that in journalism law classes they taught us that there were three degrees of libel against 1. a private citizen, 2. a gadfly, and 3. a public figure or politician. The only defense against slander or libel is truth, and the higher up the ladder one goes, the more evidence is needed to support the truth. In other words, it's a lot easier for Joe Citizen to win a case than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Good information. Thank you!

  19. tamarawilhite profile image85
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    There are too many liberals who consider any facts contrary to their "narratives" and expression of contrary opinions an assault on their pure selves, essentially saying their views are so holy that to counter them in any way is an assault.
    With such people, any contrary opinions or facts are seen as bullying / assault. And they retaliate by calling such points bullying while seeing no problem doxxing or threatening others.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Amen to that, sister. Everything is a personal attack with them, and yet they claim to be "evolved" "peaceful" "intelligent" & "spiritual." Right. And I've got ocean front property....

    2. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There are too many bossy, overbearing NeoNazi Conservatives who masquerade as the fount of all knowlege. As I recall, there are 1st Amendment Rights that do not ALLOW CONs to have the ONLY voice in anything. Enough with bossy control freaks. Ban them

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Ewent. Did you enjoy your time away after you were banned from Q&A?

    4. Aime F profile image69
      Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sure you ladies don't appreciate being painted with a broad "these are my worst opinions of the worst conservatives" brush so why do you feel it's okay to speak about liberals that way?

    5. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Savvydating...whatever gave you the idea "I" was banned? Do you always ASSume? I am never banned because I never post anything but truth and facts. You don't get to own your own truth and facts. Sorry ...did you enjoy thinking I was banned? No class.

    6. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, Aime. We are already painted that way. Did you not read Ewents comment? Tamara was speaking specifically about thin-skinned types who are easily angered by the slightest disagreement and I agreed.

    7. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thin skinned types or your brand of bullying you attempt to paint with a glossy coat of superiority? Sorry but you are the bully and just cannot admit that. Time to let truth about bullying mentalities out and transparency reign free.

    8. Aime F profile image69
      Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I'm sorry but in a post with a photo saying "no bully zone" I think you guys are doing a bit of bullying yourselves. Just because Ewent said something that you felt was out of line doesn't mean you need to throw it back at everyone else.

    9. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Again, I was referring to skin thinned types who claim to be "evolved."  They are generally New Age types who mock Chrdtianity. I did not say Ewent made that claim.  Don't know where her anger comes from.

    10. Ewent profile image68
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Ever notice how the least mature minded individuals in this country are also the MOST thin skinned? Just dare to tell them TRUTH or FACTS and substantiate with proof and right away they run to ban or censor. Then it's the victim card for them.


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