Real Photo In My Profile Versus Clip Art- Huge Impact on Comments

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  1. Reynolds_Writing profile image71
    Reynolds_Writingposted 15 years ago

    Wanted to share an interesting observation with my fellow hubbers. For the first four months on Hub Pages, I used a clip art image on my profile. It was a painting of a woman who kind of looked my me- but not me.

    Yesterday morning I made a change-  I swapped out the clip art for a photo. And, I have seen a dramatic increase in comments in the past 24 hours, from both Hubbers and Visitors, both men and women.

    Perhaps this is a psychological thing.. visitors are more likely to comment to a real person versus clip art....

    Has anyone noticed something similar? 

    - Reynolds Writing

    1. Trsmd profile image57
      Trsmdposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Same Tactics I am observing regularly.. that is Changing the picture frequently.. once a month.. whenever there is change in the profile picture fresh traffic will float...

      I have observed and enjoyed the traffic..

    2. illminatus profile image52
      illminatusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I could probably relate. I think I'm going to ride this abstract art thing out for awhile and at some point I'll see if having a real picture helps....

  2. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    I think Ive always used my real picture - I now use it all over the net - its about building a "brand" - or in English - people recognise and relate to me! LOL

    1. Dorsi profile image83
      Dorsiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly Lissie. I have done the same thing, some sites I have variated a little with the pic but it's still close to my original picture. Brand building was what we called it in our franchise and it's very effective. Consistency plus your own pic gives it a more "homey" feel when readers read your hubs. Just like Ann Landers!

      1. Laila Rajaratnam profile image67
        Laila Rajaratnamposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Lissie,Dorsi..yes , I suppose I use my real picture to build a brand too!smile I don't see any other way for people to recognize you and connect you with your writings!smile(my opinion! ) smile

  3. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    Funny that, Reynolds!  Curious reaction. Maybe I'll change my blue clip there with a photo just to check out how goes it!   I'm a bit reluctant to use my photo up here, but I'm tempted to try just to see if the same happens to me.

  4. Amanda Severn profile image90
    Amanda Severnposted 15 years ago

    Like Lissie, I've always used my photo, so I can't say whether it would have made a difference. Personally i quite like photos, but I guess we have no way of knowing whether the photo is actually of the person writing the hub!

  5. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    I don't have a lot of photos of me..I get camera shy but thought it best to have my pic there .. suppose it does make a difference ...tongue lol

  6. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    Like a few others that have already posted, I have always used my own picture, so I guess I have no basis for comparison.  I'm camera shy so I have very few pictures of me, and most of them are terrible, but oh well.  It does kind make me nervous having my picture on the net, but hey, myspace does it so why not?  Besides, because of the fact that I usually answer requests as opposed to writing about my own topics, I kinda think of my articles as editorials or letters to the editor and theres ALWAYS a picture of the editor!

  7. Reynolds_Writing profile image71
    Reynolds_Writingposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the input so far. Elena.. let me know if you see a difference after you post your photo. Since I put this comment on the forum this morning, I've gotten abuot 5 more comments on hubs. It's crazy smile

  8. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    I've always used pictures of myself.  I put up a new one about once a year.

  9. profile image0
    terrygposted 15 years ago

    I have received emails telling me how my avatar reminded them of the Labyrinth by David Bowie.

    I agree with all the above about branding yourself on the net.

    My photo might be a bit scary so I'll stick with the hands.

  10. Anamika S profile image64
    Anamika Sposted 15 years ago

    I have never used anything else other than my own picture as avatar in all the sites i am part of. I do not know if it has anything to do with my page views. But i have had several people in networking sites telling me that they have seen several of my blogs and articles. That makes me happy though the only place i seriously have done some writing is HubPages.

  11. sylvana profile image60
    sylvanaposted 15 years ago

    Yep, I'm into the whole 'see the person behind the writing' thing. But if you don't want to let me see you, that's all cool bananas. I promise not to hold it against you lol (that's a pretty groovy pic of the hands terry)

  12. Teresa McGurk profile image60
    Teresa McGurkposted 15 years ago

    I'm in two minds about this -- first, yeah: show yourself (even though people could theoretically post a photo of anyone they like, and claim it's them); but second: some of the avatars folks choose are fascinating, and I recognize them and am cheered to see them. 

    I suppose the main thing is that we have the freedom to express ourselves as we choose?  Cool!

  13. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    I still not entirely convinced to post my photo.  I don't know exactly why the idea makes me uncomfortable, I've got it up on facebook and it's no bother.  Maybe because that is a "social" networking site so the photo kinda makes sense, but this is a writing site and hmmmm.  Still pondering smile

  14. desert blondie profile image57
    desert blondieposted 15 years ago

    I agree...I rarely become a fan of a 'clip art' avatar writer....what are they hiding, I think...but a 'real' person...that I can relate to.  BUT, how 'real' are any of us on the internet?

  15. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    Hi desert blondie!  You're right -- who knows what's behind the avatar, be it a photo or clip art!

    I wanted to ask you: Do you feel the same about any avatar that's not a person's photo?  As in,  photos of cats or dogs or that kind of thing is out too?  Asking just out of curiosity.  Thanks!

  16. desert blondie profile image57
    desert blondieposted 15 years ago

    Yes...I do feel that any photo or image that's NOT of the writer hinders viewers 'connecting' to the writer...and hence adding to one's readership.  Look at my pic.  I'm "ME," even IF I'm hiding behind sunglasses.  There are lots of highly rated writers here that have authentic photos, many very straightforward, and many --like mine--where the writer maintains some degree of privacy while still portraying an authentic human 'this is me' photograph. BE REAL...even if also seeking a bit of privacy.

    1. SweetiePie profile image79
      SweetiePieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good advice Desert Blondie!  To me I do not mind if my face shows in a pic, but I like the idea of having sun glasses because I love the way these look anyway.  One thing I will not put on here is my real name though, because unless I publish a novel one day I really do not want that all over cyberspace.

  17. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the answer, desert blondie!   For me, the image of a writer isn't really necessary to "connect", but I admit that sometimes my curiosity is piqued and I wonder what must this person look like.  Well, I guess I ought to find a photo that provides a visual and still makes me feel comfortable while displaying it.

    1. goldentoad profile image61
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Show us already!

  18. goldentoad profile image61
    goldentoadposted 15 years ago

    I think its fun to flip flop between real pics and clips, when I know I'm some what in hot water on hub pages, I show my face, cuz I don't want to get accused of hiding, but when I think of others who know me in my "real life" who have the chance of discovering I write, I hide.

  19. Mighty Mom profile image76
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    GT, What happened to the cute little guitar-playing frog that was on there for only a day or so? I thought he was cute!

    1. goldentoad profile image61
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The rednecks started popping up and it killed it and I felt like going Bruce Lee on them not sing a song for them.

  20. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    Having known someone who had their identity stolen on the internet (from Facebook), I resisted using my real name or a head-and-shoulders photo because all someone has to do then is get your birthdate and they've got enough to steal your identity.  I may have gone too far in choosing a back-to-the-camera shot that represents a "me" of several years ago.

    I hadn't thought of using sun glasses or a pose that obviously could not be re-used on a passport or driver's licence, however I'm hesitant to change it now because it has been my "brand" for a couple of years.

  21. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    Hi Marisa!  For what is worth, your photo is very attractive, catches my eye aplenty.  That would be the type of photo I'd like to display --showing something but not everything! smile

    GT, I'm gonna have to take a shot of myself with my crowbar, yeah? Laugh!

    1. goldentoad profile image61
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Steel toed boots and the crowbar would be perfect!

  22. Anna Marie Bowman profile image70
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 15 years ago

    I have always had some form of an actual photo of myself.  The last one I had was altered with photoshop, but I decided to change it to just a normal photo, and I have gotten good comments about it!  So, whether it generates more traffic or comments for my hubs...guess we will have to wait and see.  Not too concerned about it, though.

  23. Cris A profile image60
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    When I'm really bored, I change my avatar...and there goes my wallpaper too! cool

    1. goldentoad profile image61
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      When I'm bored I wonder about things like: what percentage of hubs are pictures of hot Indian chicks?

      1. Cris A profile image60
        Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        when i'm REALLY bored i try to secondguess what your next avatar would be cool

        1. goldentoad profile image61
          goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I'm always open for new suggestions but I hope you don't get that bored.

  24. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    Hey now what's wrong with steel toed boots and a crow bar!  (FYI I'm wearing steel toed boots in my avatar pic you just can't see them....and I wound up helping change a flat tire that day so I didn't have a crow bar in hand but I figure a tire iron is close enough!)  LOLZ

  25. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    Nothing wrong with steel toed boots Rainbow Brite!  Goldentoad would actually welcome an avatar of me in that type of gear, crow bar included!  Being the generous fella that he is, he'd probably welcome *any* type of avatar change!  Laugh!

  26. AEvans profile image75
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    If you read my article on A Wing and a Prayer you would see why however my Avatar eerily resembles me , the only real thing is that my hair is a little darker that is the only difference.
    I like some of the adorable Avatars as that resembles their Look at "Travel Monkey", "BDazzler", Lady Guinevere, that is what makes them wonderful and unique and this is why the Avatar issue does not bother me. smile
    I still recieve mass of comments and so do many others. smile


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