I am being stalked. He will post garbage in my hubs. He followed me here from another social network. I deleted his email from all my contact lists and email programs. Is there anything hat I can do to rid this creep from bothering me here too? His name is Lay Dominican.
I had a stalker to and notified hubpages and he is still hitting my profile and has been there 19 times and is coming in through one of the search engines, I will not disclose however he is being monitored, he has used aliases and made comments on my letter to Satan but do not fear them as we are all here for you and we understand. I am still going through it, however I am not shutting down my account for a fool.
I read some of his comments towards you on one hub and those are a little creepy. Not only was he insulting you, but if I had been you I would have just deleted his comments. If you delete his comments after awhile he might get tired of commenting knowing that he is just going to have to retype his rants. You could always report him to team@hubpages.com if you feel he is following you too closely.
That does not work. He has been stalking me for the last few years. Sandra Rink told him to leave me alone and it worked for a little while and now he's back. He will not stop. If he doesn't get his message in comments he will conact me through my profile page and send me mail that way. He has already done this once. He thinks it is a game and if I say anything to him or deleted his comments he thinks that I am goig to play again.
I don't know what else that I can do. It is not like it just started but has beren a long time now. I think he may be posing as Brie Hoffman and possibly Embracingthetruth---only possibly. I don't know his IP address and how to check to see where the others are coming from.
Like I told Sandra, each time I see his name now I get all uptight. He just will not leave me alone.
You can see his IP address under any comments he makes on YOUR hubs only (beneath the Approve/Deny button). You will be the only person able to see them LG. I hope this helps, as you will know what to look for. Not sure if this applies unless he is registered with HP though.
Thank you. I just found that I was stil a fan of him and I defanned him and also reported his comment as spam. I hope that he gets the message and I am not sure how the spam works, but I hope it stops him.
I am sorry you are being stalked by someone but yes I would be careful about using hubbers names as possible suspects. That could be a bad move, you should talk to HubPages team about this. I read one of the comments by one of the hubbers you mentioned and to me it seemed to be based on a religious difference, but I could be wrong.
Guys, consider not bandying about people's names (even if you strongly disagree with them) as "stalkers." There is life outside Hubpages, ie, and calling people these sorts of names or likewise in any way trying to damage their reputation through images or anything else(even if this is very unintentional) could have all sorts of ramifications for the person--career-wise and in their personal lives.
It just isn't cool. I don't care if they are 'controversial' or what.
The listing of these other people's profiles seems just a bit paranoid (and I'm sorry for that label, too, but ?). This could hurt those people if this turns out to be a false accusation.
Report this person you talk about through the proper channels if you believe he is a genuine problem.
Lita, did you not read my original post and then my response to Sweatiepie. It is beyond a difference of opinion. Way beyond that!!
I did not use this person's name, I just found the comment he left creepy. Personally I would have just deleted it and I think that would take care of the problem. However, LG says this would not help, so this is up to her.
When someone like this person send you email everday for a bout a week and it is all the same kinds of stuff that he is writing in the comments on my --and only my hubs, except for the ONE hub that Sandra wrote, it is annoying at first, then he startes writing those things on my other groups and then on other networks and then comes here and the first one he did was to write me privately on my profile and then on my hubs,,then it becomes stalking. He has been asked to leave me alone many, many times. It is not just on Hubpages but he has followed me here too---that is stalking and he is not a member here anymore--he was but he couldn't delete his account..........
I am sorry tyhat I am not making myself clear. I and my husband do not take this kind of stuff lightly. These are not falso accusations. He has done it elsewhere not only on hubpages.
So, forgive me, L.G., in a serious situation I don't think I would post more things to draw attention to myself, or even for advice on the Hubber's Hangout. I think I would report it to someone who has the means to correct it.
No offense to you & I think any damage done (or perceived to be done on my part) was probably unintentional on yours. It's just--if I were one of the people you mentioned, I know how I would feel.
Well I don't know who to contact and tht is why I posted this here. He probably won't red this, so that is safe.
You can email the HubPages management team at team@hubpages.com.
This is the best way to deal with problems of all sorts. Email them letting them know oyur concerns. I am farily sure they can ban his IP address from your hubs. That way he can't bother you anymore here.
UninvitedWriter gave great advice about the emails.
I just sent team hubpages an email. Thank you all for the help.
If you mark all of his emails to you as spam eventually you won't see them.
Also LG, I just checked on one of my hubs, and the IP address shows up on unregistered users too, so whether he posts under his registered name, or without logging in, you can see if the IP address is the same.
LG - he's only stalking you online- its not like he's actuallyd dangerous - probably a kid anyway! I'd check the IP adderss - delete and spam all his comments - ignore all emails - set them to get spammed if you are using gmail - that could cause his account to be banned :-)
Ignore and make sure all his stuff ends up labelled spam - if you have a blog install askimet and spam him there too - these people arent very bright and as I said you are probably dealing with a kid anyway
I used to be friends with him Lizzie and he isn't a kid. Not in a long shot.
AEvans recently had a serious stalker who began compiling personal info from her various hubs and threads and threatened to take her child. She reported it to hub pages and the police and they are taking it seriously and actively investigating.
In general, to handle a cyberstalker, record times, IP addresses and specific threats (or even vaugely frightening statements) and turn them over to both hub pages and the police.
This is why I don't use my real name online - it's amazing how much information we unknowingly reveal about ourselves in both your writing and in forum posts, if there's someone loony enough to spend time analyzing it all. There's a couple of Hubbers that I reckon I could find, if I went to their home town, just based on what I've read here.
The best way to handle a stalker is to shoot him between the eyes. I have many rifles if you would like to borrow one. Just let me know.
Well he is back. His IP Address is:
Now that I have reported them to Hubteam, it seems they haven't done anything. So how would I report him to ---who would I report him to to make him stop?
I just spammed all the comments he made on my hub Is Music the tool nof Satans and did so for 13 of the same that he left sometime last night---on the same hub.
Is this IP different from the one that was shown before?
The other one is IP Address: 68.45.130,188
Yes I looked it up and this is the guy who is stalking me.
This last one is just a spammer. He even said that he likes spamming. The first line of spamming was like at 2 this morning my time so their time he would have had to be up pretty late last night...........Possibly maybe this spammer could be in a bording school??
Lady Guinevere,
The will get involved trust me , they do not take these things lightly also e-mail them directly as they will definitely respond.
The IP address is originating from a school in Huntington Beach, CA
the registrar info is as follows:
Registrant Email:domainmaster@iusd.org
Admin ID:GODA-242016478
Admin Name:Martin Danko
Admin Organization:Irvine Unified School District
Admin Street1:5050 Barranca Pkwy
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Irvine
Admin State/Province:California
Admin Postal Code:92604
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.9499365164
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin Email:domainmaster@iusd.org
Tech ID:GODA-142016478
Tech Name:Martin Danko
Tech Organization:Irvine Unified School District
Tech Street1:5050 Barranca Pkwy
Tech Street2:
Tech Street3:
Tech City:Irvine
Tech State/Province:California
Tech Postal Code:92604
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.9499365164
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech FAX:
Tech FAX Ext.:
Tech Email:domainmaster@iusd.org
My goodness and there is your info got get em, contact the school immediately and it is only 1:30 in California.
That is not the person who is cyberbullying me, but he may have gotten some to do it for him to throw me off.
I set the comment section to not allow anyone but those who are registered can comment.
Thanks for all that info though. Maybe I can get the guy who is stalking me's IP address and you could look that up?
Here let me give you the link I used:
And also:
You can find thier city and who owns the IP address from the info in those two links.
Guinevere, why don't you set the Comments capsule so that comments don't appear until they're approved? That way he will never get to see his comments in print (which will be more effective than having them appear until you delete them).
All quiet last night and this morning--so far. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you everyone for the help and suppport. T'is VERY much appreciated!
HUGS and more HUGS to all.
The spammer is still at it--oh I am not getting any comments but 33 visits in one day!! It is the same hub!
Sorry, but I find the whole thread very disturbing,
I have the opposite problem. One of the hubbers here is calling me a stalker. She is threatening to go "talk" to my boss if I even look at her hubs. She even accused me of giving her negative ratings here and so endangering her "career". I did not do it, but of course I can't prove it.
I think it is totally wrong to give out IP-addresses here. I know that if you really want, you can track all visitors to your site with software. But to make it so easy here by giving out the IP-address of all your commentators, is just unethical. What about privacy?
I find it totally wrong that the person mentioned in this thread has been traced to his school. After all, we only have one person's word that he is a stalker and some people are paranoid.
A person can not know for a fact that you've looked at their hubs.
They can't tell if you've given a negative rating. And one negative rating isn't going to hurt anyone's career aspirations. Just the same as a positive rating won't help it either.
But if you post a comment, they will know your IP address.
So don't post any comments.
Thanks to knowing what a persons IP address is it has allowed me to know when the same person has posted in the comment capsule, under different names. And I reject those submissions.
I tend to agree, Izzy--
And believe this thread is something of a cry for attention in itself. (Though I am not trying to accuse anyone here, either.)
This is the dictionary definition of 'stalker:' "Someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission." Last time I checked, Hubpages was a public space, not private.
Harassment and intimidation is another thing, of course, and usually involves harm of another--their person, their property, or their reputation or career. Actually, in the way you just described your accuser. She sounds like a nut.
And you have always, always scared me, TMG! Just look at those dark shades and that tattoo.... Gonna report you to the hub police!
It is getting time for a picture change. I feel so outdated between you and Misha and Mark mixing it up every once in a while.
Is that San Diego in the background? No worries! You look fine--I'm kidding.
City Heights to be exact on 41st street. It is one seriously scary place, but I love it. The nightly gang shootings the crazy prositutes and the friendly drug dealers, and the crazy old lady. You can't pay for entertainment like that.
I've only seriously hung around the Gas Lamp district and the ocean front there. But! I know the places you are talking about. You live there?
At the time of the Picture I did (Don't knock it, that house cost like 500,000 dollars) And people don't understand how messed up real estate is in SoCal, when a ghetto house like that cost a half a million dollars. I redid all the iron and put in a cool bathroom and still managed to sell it for a profit. That was even more perverted.
Anyway, about a year ago I bought another house (a repo) in Murrieta, Ca it is about an hour up the 15 from San Diego. I love it at that house.
Now, I am building a house in Texas just north of Odessa in a little town called Andrews. I am going to move there sometime in the future to cut down on all of this damn flying I have been doing. My oldest Son is 18 and in College he is going to rent my house in Murrieta from me. Nothing like exploiting your own progeny. LOL
I'm aware of the real estate market in CA. It's very similar here, unfortunately.
Some of my land is around Dallas/Ft. Worth. A little town called Hillsboro, incidentally.. Middle located is ideal, I think, for that very same reason. I'm thinking of Kansas City. Amazing, the real estate market in MO. Even I can afford & hope to own at least one soon.
So, what happened to Mexico??
I still have that place I go down about twice a year for about 3 weeks at a time. I tidy up the place relax, eat watermelon's and drink Tequila by the gallon. Get the really hung over and a good case of the runs. It is the truly the best 6 weeks of the year. I plan to retire there in 5 years.
Yes, she is certainly paranoid and frankly, I don't even feel like browsing Hubpages in case I stumble over one of her articles and get intimidating letters again.
I'm about to sign out, as it is after midnight here... But check with hubber London Girl. She is a barrister in London and active here.
AN IP address is logged at almost every site you go to - it can be seen by all levels of staff at these sites, your ip is logged by stat programs - it is shown with comments - it can even be found in every email you send...I know the ip of every visitor to my sites, everyone who clicks on an ad etc. -it is not a super secret private tracking number - doing a whois search only leads to your ISP or domain registrant information -it really isnt much of a concern - those who wish to hide their ip know how to - if one is really concerned about privacy they should look into this
mountains out of molehills here
I certainly hope there are no foolish laws of this sort -
I dont know the merits of the initial issue - but publishing the IP of someone who you feel is stalking or harassing you shouldnt be treated with such alarm and should actually be encouraged - people may act a little more appropriate when they realize they are not anonymous
I'm not justifying or defending this other person, I don't know who it is. But who's being paranoid?
You can browse HubPages all you wish, and if you happen to visit a page by this person, they can not know that you have been there. Unless you leave a comment.
And I'm unaware of European Union Legislation, but this site is hosted in the US. And The IP addresses are not being displayed publicly, only the author of the hub itself.
I am an American. I am not subject to EU laws. My forebareers killed and died for freedom from Eurpoean tyranny. (Granted it was so they could replace it with American tyrnnay ... but that's another matter. ... ) where was I ... oh yeah .. Eurpoean tryanny.
As for me, give me freedom to display IP addresses or give me death!
Ask not what you can do to display an IP, but ask what the IP display can do for you!
Seriously though, it is silly for you to think that I as an American care about EU laws, especially in regards to freedom of expression.
Geeze Izzy ... I have enough to worry about with thinking Homeland Security is giong to break down my door with the Patriot Act for not voting for Obama without worrying about whatever the Eurpoean's current version of the Secret Police is knocking down my door for helping a friend uncover a stalker.
Are you a bit jealous, Misha?
You can always report me to the hub police. After all, I am very dangerous. Been known to attack small children, even. !!
LOL of course I am - every girl around should look at me and only at me!
I like it down town, and on the water front. You might have seen one of my other homes while you were there. The big grey Aircraft Carrier with the big Number 76 on it!!!
TMG- You are giving way too much information in a public forum. Are you game if someone stalks you?
Yeah, I could just skip over to San Diego... And I've got him! lol
And as Misha knows, I'm dangerous!
I am actually in Chicago right now, at the Holiday Inn Express at the O'hare Airport Complex. I left my room key in the lobby with instructions about stalkers.
If there hot tell them I am in room 410(Give them the key). If not tell them I am in room 212 (They guy I work with).
I'm still around, lol... But you have a nice time at Shoeless Shoes, and let's hope you meet a shoeless hot girl who likes stalking,
I am sure you must have been a dare devil when you were in the Navy and the same spirit continues
I view all homo Sapiens the same in that regard if they can eat me first they deserve to get me. We all got to go sometime, I don't spend anytime worrying about that kind of stuff, I am fully aware that my bathtub is the second most dangerous threat to me after my Car and Motorcycle.
Truth is I used a Tax Payer Bailout to Purchase that one. I figure I will sell it on Craigslist to the Chinese for 450 dollars in a few years. That should be about the same return we all get on this AIG deal.
I think I might just be talking to myself. You know it is bad when even the internet walks out of the room on you. On that note I am going to Shoeless Joe's the bar next to the hotel.
Lita- I don't know whether I would describe my interactions as "flirting" but he is having his dinner while watching TV(he eats slowly and meanwhile leaving me with some time to be with my hub friends)
IP addresses fluctuate often also and my IP migrates from one city to another without explanation. I would not think too much about IP addresses, and if somenoe is still coming to your hubs and posting odd messages just delete these. I am just curious how one hubber could know another hubber was looking at their pages and tell them not to look at these. How on earth did this happen?
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- IP addresses, string of numbers that identify computers on the Internet, should generally be regarded as personal information, the head of the European Union's group of data privacy regulators said Monday.
Germany's data protection commissioner, Peter Scharr, leads the EU group preparing a report on how well the privacy policies of Internet search engines operated by Google Inc., Yahoo Inc., Microsoft Corp. and others comply with EU privacy law.
He told a European Parliament hearing on online data protection that when someone is identified by an IP, or Internet protocol, address "then it has to be regarded as personal data."
http://www.privacylawyer.ca/blog/2008/0 … sider.html
I certainly consider my IP-address as part of my personal data.
Of course I know IP-addresses can easily be changed. So even knowing who is posting will only help for a short time.
I hope the law comes into force stopping IP-addresses being made public.
But enough of this, I have wasted enough of my serenity on this issue. If I am the only one here finding it disturbing that all IP-addresses are published, then my opposition to it is useless.
Sure if the entire system was changed to somehow hide a users IP from everybody ..I might see it as private data - my IP just shows that I am a Time warner customer in the central ny area - if one was to check my registered domains they would be at an address that i lived in a decade ago -
I think any attempts to hide a unique identifier would cause havok on the entire ad structure of the net - which would put me out of business - so no, not a proponent
I do not agree with people typing IP addreses on here for everyone to see. It is one thing if hubbers see these privately, but typing out an IP for the world to me seems to be a waste of time. That was all I meant about the IP, but I was wondering how on earth a hubber could be know you were looking at their page. Maybe they were making this up? I have received some pretty wacky messages via hubpages in the past by the way, and I think these people were trying to trick me into believe I knew them in real life.
This just goes to show that Euorpean politicians are every bit as ignorant as American politicians. They make laws about stuff they have no clue about ...
I guess what im saying is ...whats the difference, everyone sees your IP all the time..entire offices full of people see your Ip , every place you ever comment, every email you get and receive, who is that blog owner, hub owner, ad manager -can they be trusted, what are they doing with our IPs!...whats the difference of having one posted in forum
I agree with what you are saying also. However, what I do not understand is why IP addresses were posted to the forum. That was probably not necessary.
Have you noticed the IP addresses keep changing and are not consistent. I had a stalker recently on HubPages, I followed the valuable information provided by my buddies on HubPages and am not being stalked anymore, thank you Misha, BDazzler, Eye, and to all others I forgot to list.
To clear some misconceptions up here. The hubber is someone that I have known for 6 years ---way before Hubpages. I know him Personally!
The hubber was sending me IM mesages of derogatory things, before we even knew of Hubpages,
The Hubber was doing the same to my e-mails--all my accounts,
The hubber was a MSN Group Manager--long story there that I don't care to get into. He was also berating me there and he still called us friends...He spread lies about me.
The hubber was not a hubber until I came here first.
The hubber in question needs to be stopped. I have tried several ways to stop him and so have the friends that we have in common. It is only this ONE person, not anyone else and it is not only a few comments, but elsewhere too. When is the system going to look at the victim, and not as some of you posted your comment, be on the perpetrator's side just because you don't know the whole story nor the pain this has caused my family for over 2 years now.
I did delete his comments, and then he went and used the contact me and sent me a nasty message that way. So when does it stop? How long should this go on and on and on and how long does it take for it to become harrassment? years??? There are friends that I have that are not on hub pages because they don't like the treatment that I am receiving and that he is doing as well.
I wasn't trying to bring the attention to myself, but what the heck does that matter anyway----you all do the same things! How is anyone going to read your hus if you don't bring attention to them.
Enough said.
block his IP/handle - you can certainly do this on skype and I assume other IM services
get new email accounts - use a throw away yahoo or gmail account for your "real" email and foreward other emails to it.
I doubt that means he's technically competent - probably doens't know how to configure email! He's a loser - not worth worrying about
Spam his contact via hubpages and block further contact. Set your hubs to only show approve all comments before they are shown. Take away the interaction - that's his gratification - he never gets a reply from you - never sees his writing on your hub - he's going to get bored
To be honest the cops probably have larger issues to deal with than some nasty emails and im's. Unless he is threatening physical violance - then report it, but again nothing will happen. Take the measures above which means you don't have to deal with him and more importantly don't give him the contact that he obviously wants.
Move on and stop acting as a victim - thats what he wants - he has no power over you unless you allow it!
Lissie, I have done all those things and he still finds a way to get to me.....................he will be back..................I have stopped everything as you have recommended...................we will see in a few months to how long it takes him to find out a new way of getting to me. You don't understadn.............it is a game to him.. You have not read my replies either .............so I will let you drop until you do ........................I have lost most of the friends that I wonce had in groups because I cannot allow him to see me anywhere----anywhere!
Wikipedia quotes that Cyber-bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. The practice of cyberbullying is not limited to children and, while the behavior is identified by the same definition in adults, the distinction in age groups is referred to as cyberstalking or cyberharassment when perpetrated by adults toward adults. Common tactics used by cyberstalkers are to vandalize a search engine or encyclopedia, to threaten a victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety.
A pattern of repeated such actions against a target by and between adults constitutes cyberstalking.
That could be an avenue to use for this stalker. try to contact :
http://www.ncpc.org/ National Crime Prevention Counsel.
Forty-four states now have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within stalking or harassment laws.
In California, the law (Cal. Penal Code § 653m, Penal Code §§ 422-422.1) protects individuals who are harassed by electronic devices, including telephones, cell phones, COMPUTERS, video recorders, fax machines, and pagers. For the full text of the law, go to
I hope this helps.
Hi LG,
By pure coincidence, I happened to see some of his comments after reading a hub by Sandra Rinck. I sorta stalked him for a minute (i.e. read his profile, hubs, and other comments) because I was intrigued by someone who claimed to be devoutly religious and yet was so angry and hateful in his comments to others. If it's a real life situation as you describe, then you should have a pretty good case to at least get an order of protection, which would make it easier to prosecute in the future if it continues. The fact that he has done it on HP makes it that much easier because they would be able to provide examples of the harassment. Personally I would suggest having someone you know introduce his knees to a Louisville Slugger until he figures out that he has better things to do with his time, but that's just me. The appropriate laws are:
West Virginia
I would suggest you call the local police wherever he lives and file a complaint. Just a visit from the Boys in Blue alone may be enough to discourage him. If it comes to it, you probably would have to prosecute him in Pennsylvania where he lives, but jurisdiction can be tricky with the internet. It might even be the home state of Hubpages. You should be able to get advice about that by calling the D.A.'s office in your area. I would suggest you file some sort of report at least so you have a formal record of the incidents.
Thank you very much. He lives in NJ though. Let me tell you about a year ago I would get 3 or more nasty e-mails a DAY from him. It was to the point that it upset me so much that I just didn[t get on the computer--let alone the internet--at all, Then, before I knew how to get him off my Instant Messamger, he would constantly contact me as soon as he saw I was on-line and say nasty things. If he couldn't get me that way he would e-mail me. In the beginning we disagreed on Religion, but it has gone way over that. He is on meds for something and I kind of made excuses for that, but my husband who is a counselor told me that he KNOWS exactly what he is doing. Then I couldn't make excuses for him. He just went bonkers!
Ih those comments you read--they were mild compared to what he used to write me.
For the last time---I KNOW THAT and have been trying to get him off my contact period!! Doesn't anybody read here! Geesh!
I am done!!!
obviously you are distraught over this. These are things you should be telling a counselor to help you work through how this is affecting you, not a internet forum full of many people who've never experienced what your going through and very few that have.
Every post your making here, and that is being replied to is just fuel to his fire. Your gonna need to let it go and move on. You've been given some good advice on steps you can take.
I can tell you, that one way to get rid of him is to completely abandon your online persona. Stop using your LG account. You can continue to earn on it and just create a new one as well. Do this everywhere you've signed up.
Then, don't give out your locations, any information that he can connect the dots too. Any screenname you've used in the past he can google search to see where you are active. Abandon all those accounts and start up new ones. In the beginning it may seem like he won because you had to start over, but in the end you win because he can't find you online.
If you really want freedom from him, stop replying to this thread, I assure you if he follows your movements, he's loving the attention he's getting from this thread. Do not reply to this thread anymore.
If you continue to reply and speak about it, then your not just someone this is happening to, your a participant.
I said that I was done. I am walking away fromt this. Thanks everyone who gave me encouraging and sincere help. I am finished, done, finito....................BTW my husbandIS a Counselor and Social Worker and an Addictions Counselor................
That's ass I will be feeding into this thread. You all do as you wish................................
HEY LG look, see your not nuts and deserved the support others have no idea the pathetic pain these few loud stalkers warrant.
I say this now having been stalked for 6 months. Not missing a moment to pass along to ban 3 people. I was amazed that thread instantly became about copying content and 'victims as it were just relax, it will blow over. We have all done what we can to protect ourselves and others. HP actually closed the most recent thread to reply. Stating no reason. The very people that mock 'of this was true' or ' just rise above it are some of the very people who enjoy feeding it. I was shocked to find this thread and others even further back, trying to expose the same bullies. I never knew this was a serious offence, I have sleeked council and have more proof than I would have ever thought. What lies ahead is in HP hands and you are far from alone.
Far from silent will I be again.
To the poster above you, it's your kind whom scare me more than the criminals
And a fool.
by Elizabeth 11 years ago
For several months now (almost since I joined hubpages) I have been getting harassing, threatening and ridiculous comments from the same person. I originally encountered her in a forum, and she has not left me alone since. She repeatedly leaves me harassing fan mail, none of which has...
by Keith Schroeder 13 years ago
On a small number of hubs I provide regular updates. For a few months now, everythime I publish an update, said stalker comments his anger and sometimes even verges on threats. At first I published the comments, allowing his opinion. Now I delete everything. I'm sick of the guy. Amusment has turned...
by ChasingKhaos 11 years ago
Have you encountered one reader that became obssessed with your hubs and reliving every poem you have written?i've been receiving abusive comments from my hubs from one hubber..actually, he's not a writer or hubber here in HP but he had created one account so as to keep track with my writings. he...
by Kathy 13 years ago
Is it possible to block a hubber from visiting your hubpages? if one has been particularly offensive, can they be "banned" from one's hubpages?
by David Stillwell 12 years ago
How come when people leave comments I can see their IP address?I have not noticed this before today, but when I was approving comments an IP address was listed below the approve/deny button. Twice, two separate IP address? Why?
by Keith Schroeder 13 years ago
Lucky me. The idiot is back. Merry Christmas, Keith.
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