I have found two places that seem to be ripping off loads of hubs.
rank 0 8 (dot) com - This site is posting ripped off Hubpages which they have translated into French. I have emailed Hubpages about this, and I hope they are doing something to help in the effort it may take to take these people down. Hubpages staff did tell me to file DMCA complaints, which I will do for all 44 of my articles if necessary. They are stealing hubs, Hubpages topics pages, and likely our profiles as well.
sayers j (dot) com If you just go to this site, there is nothing that looks copied. However, when I do a search for my titles, profile page, I find that this site keeps coming up in the google search. This site also seems to be stealing loads of Hubs. I did a whois search and found the blog writers email address. I plan to email him a complaint as a follow up to filing a complaint with Google.
Hubpages, please do something to help with the blanket thefts. I am spending more time filing DMCA complaints. I haven't actually published anything new lately, as this is sucking up my time, and frankly, why should I work hard if my writing is going to taken as soon as I post it. I know it is a factor of publishing online, but I wonder if there is more you can do to help the writers here. Frustrated.
Charles Farris
1609 Vandalia St
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What does Hubpages have to say about this?
Hubpages are dealing with their own copyright. Authors need to deal with theirs.
http://www.google.com/transparencyrepor … ank08.com/
I just had a look and it's a French Hubpages .It's unbelievable how they can copy the entire site like that.
Maybe we should file a "class action lawsuit" ? I have not checked the site yet to see if my hubs are there, but will do so now.
There are thousands of stolen Hubs here and they have also hacked the HubPages "H", but HP paid no attention to that info. Also HP latest weekly recap featured an item in French! In the forums Hubbers need to stop answering questions about traffic. See ParadigmShift related forum on the pirating of thousands of hubs on w w w car articles
Rank 08 is now a rip off of our hubs in English. No longer a surreal French ripoff; it's just a straight-up ripoff.
Actually when you click into the hubs themselves, it reverts to French with ? symbols all through it. It looks like it is decomposing.
Yikes. I don't know what is worse? French or English? Let's keep the word out so that people keep filing against them.
rank08.com seems to have been completely removed from all of google's search results.
Here is another site that has copied the hubpages hubs pretty thoroughly, and it is ranking alongside my Hubs: all-topics dot com
I found a bunch of my hubs on rank08. I filed DMCA with Google for web search.
Quelle horreur! Judi Abeille indeed!
Odd that most of it is in French, but the occasional comment shows up in English.
I'll file another DMCA (or two) in the morning. Thanks for the heads up.
Oh wow. Looks like a siterip all right. Now we have possible motivation for the spam storm of these past few days (attempt at degrading content quality so they can outrank the legitimate content with their copied versions).
EDIT: Sayers j is using a proxy script of some sort. I'm not sure if that negatively affects the site though, as people use proxys to surf the web all the time. But rank08 is, as mentioned already, a shameless siterip.
It looks like they took the topic pages/hubs and translated them into French. I see no ads. The hubs show up as they do on our site along with the comments. If you do a google search for the site name to translate, it actually comes up saying HubPages.com; Toutes Les Rubriques. First time I've seen this type. It shows the author name on the topics page, but not on the hubs. Strange.
My Amazon Affiliate ads are on their site and translated as well. I sent a notification to Amazon. Maybe they have more clout than wee hubber like me.
On my stolen Hubs, Rubriques has been a HubPages visitor found in my stats. They take our U.R.L. and simply add rank 08 on the front after the http. How easy that is to do using a "find " search, and "replace". The HubPages logo "H " is also hacked.
Question I found a website with some of my stuff on it. I sent an email and ask them to remove it. They demanded that I show them my website. I'm not sure I want to do that. What would you do?
File a complaint with Google and/or Adsense? I don't rely know. I am doing a bad job of figuring out this DMCA thing. I wish we had more guidance.
You can find out who the host of the site is by using this site:
You can then send them a formal DMCA notice (search for a template on line) and they may require the site owner to remove the article (or remove the site if there are lots of DMCAs about it). If the host won't respond you can file a DMCA with Google. This won't remove the site, but it will stop it showing up in search results. You can find the form here:
http://support.google.com/bin/static.py … page=ts.cs
If the site has Google ads, report to Adsense for abuse:
https://support.google.com/adsense/trou … 0500?hl=en
If the site has an Amazon affiliate account, report to Amazon for abuse:
https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp … es/contact
Donna, I've posted about this (and the cararticle.net site plus the two remaining hotel blogs) in several relevant groups on social media sites, so hopefully people will start filing DMCAs.
I say it occasionally, I'll say it again - HP you need to allow sticky threads for forum posts about hub thieves so that everyone is aware of them.
I completely agree with this! It is constantly coming up and needs to be taken more seriously.
I have filed the DMCAs but also a report with my local FBI. The thefts are on a grand enough scale that I am sure the FBI and US Treasury will not hesitate to get involved. If HP does not feel the responsibility to notify affected Hubbers or even protect their own property then the US taxpayers can. Since it is international theft of intellectual property maybe other agencies will join in.
Holy Crap! The entire site is on it.
Although I had to laugh when I saw all my Learn English as a Second Language hubs and zero English in them.
Wow, this site looks like a wholesale rip-off of the entire HubPages site, not just the content. They even use the HubPages favicon. If I didn't know that this wasn't an authorized HubPages site, I would be fooled into thinking it was just an international branch of HubPages. I think that dealing with this breach involves much more than just filing DMCA complaints. They have stolen copyrighted HubPages design features. I don't know much about webdesign but it appears as though they found a way to steal HubPages program code, otherwise how else could they get everything to look exactly like this site, right down to the fonts and color schemes. I hope the HubPages Team can look into this while the DMCA complaints are being filed. It looks like a pretty serious copyright violation.
I emailed HP staff about this. They said "thank you" and file DMCA. I agree that they should do more, especially in this case. The whole site has been stolen. I am not posting anything new until I see some improvement. So many of my hubs have been ripped off that it is disheartening.
...pardon my language. but that is TOTAL bullshit. This French site has stolen not only all of our Hubs, but HP's "look" right down to their layout and font style. In my address bar in Internet Explorer, it even shows the little HubPages "H" icon when I go to this French site... wouldn't that be violation of their trademark??
Yet ALL they can say is "Thanks for letting us know, now get to work sending your DCMAs?"
Hopefully they are doing more. They didn't fill me in. It is in their financial interest to do something, so I am hoping that they do. I have no idea how all of this works, so I am walking through the dark on blind faith that Hubpages will at least try to help us out here.
Well that was a surreal experience, reading hubs in French. Kind of amusing. The translation doesn't work all the time so you get bits of English mixed in. Seriously though, this is a major blow. Copying seems to be a growing problem. Hope it doesn't take too long to be removed.
Could this have any effect on our pageviews and the wild roller coaster ride I have experiencing over the last 2 weeks?
I never knew I could speak such good darn French! when i was checking out the different plagiarised hubs I saw some of my comments translated into french! pretty weird! wonder what 'shove it up your ass is in french?!
They've also stolen the forums. I had no idea I sounded so sexy in French. Damsels, beware!
Oui, le Paradigmsearch français est très suave.
"Shove dans le cul" according to Google this is the translation for "shove it up your a..
I wonder if this is why I have just lost so much traffic over the last few days. How long has this site been up? It has all of my hubs, and my account is only 6 weeks old.
I am 99.999% certain there is no way in hell that site will outrank HP for any search term whatsoever. And I'm pretty sure ditto for w . car article slime . net as well. Hang in there!
SayersJ looks like a proxy site: it shouldn't actually have copies of our info; it's just providing a gateway for websurfing that strips the user's browser and computer ID. People living behind firewalls -- including, say, savvy people in China -- use proxies to break through to the rest of the internet. (Some of this is good behavior, some bad.)
However rank08 is a complete mirror run through translation software. It's also using Google to host the images, which means we can report it to Google for copyright theft on multiple levels.
I'm on the phone with the domain registrar right now, but I'm stuck on hold as a hapless tech support tries to find a superior to help him deal with the problem. ....[20 minutes later] he's taken my name and phone number to pass on to their TOS team.
It might be better to email them.
When someone does this, I don't bother with the site owner. I go straight to (1) the domain registrar, (2) the host that's hosting the files (Cloudflare.com -- Google "cloudflared.com report abuse" as I just did on my iPad, there's a form), (3) any monetization I see on the site (Amazon account, Adsense) to choke off their funds, and then (4)Google websearch to report them via DMCA and get them knocked out of search results.
Thank you. I was trying to find the complaint form for Cloudflare and was unsuccessful. Hopefully every Hubber bombards all parties with complaints.
Here's the CloudFlare "Report Abuse" form. It's got a pulldown menu for you to submit a "Copyright infringement and DMCA" notice.
The more of us that do it, the more likely that they'll just shut down the account (i.e. killing the whole site, instead of just removing the URLs we report)
Here's Google's "report" form.
https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools … ?&rd=1
In this case, it's removing the content from Google Web Search. Lots of DMCA notices will also cause the site to be downranked / hidden by the Google algorithm even for URLs (i.e. other hubbers' articles) that we DON'T report.
[ETA: BIG TIP-- how to get a list of all the stolen pages' urls!
To get the URLs of ALL your stolen hubs off that rank08 site,
1) find your profile page there. (I did it by searching the web for site:rank08 [DOT] com Greekgeek)
2) Copy the url of the stolen profile.
3) Go to this spider simulator and paste in the stolen profile's URL.
4) Scroll down to the bottom of the results, and it will list every on the page.
Start after the URL that says ?filter=forums.
Then copy ALL the URLs down to (but not including) the URL that ends in #mycontent.
5) Now run your REAL Hubpages profile url through the spider simulator, and do the same thing.
Step #4 gives you a list of all the stolen hubs -- be sure to add the URL of the stolen profile to the top of the list -- and #5 gives you the Urls of your original hubs -- again, be sure to add the url of your profile to the top of THAT list for Google.
Thanks, GG, for this. It makes it very easy to compile an entire list that can be put into a single DMCA report, with both the copied content and the original source URLs. Well done.
By the way, I noticed that some changes I had made just yesterday to a couple of my hubs are already in the copies on the rank08 site. So they must have taken all this in the last 24 hours, or they are updating frequently with all our latest content.
I have never filed a DMCA report. I have followed all the steps above and found what looks to be ALL of my hubs copied on rank08. UGH!! How do you file this? I came to the first page of the report where it asks what google product does your page relate to. None seem to apply. I am a writer not a computer guru. UGH!
First box - check " web search"
Next box - check " I have a legal issue that is not mentioned above" (bottom choice)
Next box - check " I have found content that may violate my copyright"
Next box - check "Yes, I am the copyright holder ...."
Next box - check "other"
Next box - click on the bottom link "Please use this form"
You will then reach the copyright removal form.
Thank you. This would be a great help for filing the complaints. I have just visited this rank08.com. Holy Molly! All our writings are there in French. What is hubpages doing about it????
Oh wow... this is unbelievable...there must be just Thousands of Hubs in here... all of them are very familiar. I see they nicked Mark Ewbie's hub on drawn stick figures, including his own drawings, which still have his name on them. This is Grand Hub Theft on a large scale, all translated into French.
They have used software to scrape the contents clean from Hub Pages. This is the worst case of internet copying I have ever seen. But there are no ads on any of these articles. So why are they doing this, if they know they cannot make money from it?
This is the weirdest....
There are ebay ads in my hubs in this site.
Correction - the Amazon ads are appearing in these hub rip offs. The appearance and "look" of the Hub Pages themes have been duplicated exactly, the like the vote buttons, the whole thing, including the fonts and photos and videos. The whole HubPages company is gradually getting itself cloned onto this other website. The favicon is the Hub Pages "H" in black.
It looks like the whole,business has been gradually photocopied page for page on to this website. Lots of these Hubbers are very familiar to me.
This is pathetic....
Please don't overlook the other copied site healthylivingbox, it too is pretty much the whole site, though not as well executed as rank08.
The thread is Another site copying the entire HP site.
As a few of us have noted, the other site appears to be a proxy -- a tool that lets you browse the web anonymously without the NSA, Chinese government, or firewall sensors detecting, monitoring or restricting your web browsing. (In countries with tight government control of internet use, web proxies are very popular, because they let citizens get around government filters blocking them from parts of the web.)
A web proxy doesn't store data. Like a web browser, it simply lets you view pages on a wbsite through the proxy's window. It's not taking the content and storing it locally.
That French site, on the other hand, is copying and storing all our textual content on its own webhost (Cloudflare), then serving up our images by using Google as its image host. The urls of all the images are Google's image search.
PLEASE FOLKS -- the more people who report this site following the steps I outlined above, the faster it will get taken down!!!
it's tedious, but we are NOT powerless to stop this.
Greekgeek, I'm not referring to the proxy site (sayers etc) mentioned on this thread.
I'm referring to a site called healthylivingbox. net.
See this thread http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/115069. As I mention on that thread, this site outranked the original hubs on two examples I searched.
I have reported both rank08 and healthylivingbox.
Thanks GG for supplying this info for us! Maybe a new thread needs to be started with this info in the first post so others can see it more easily. It sure would be nice to see these type of of threads as sticky threads.
Suggested a sticky thread earlier: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/115102
Yes, I see...
Question for anyone who has reported this site with the CloudFlare form.
When I copied and pasted the rank08.com URL's from the spider simulator tool, it then asks for the proper URL. Did you place 'rank08dotcom' in front of each URL??
This is crazy. It seems HP could get involved since it affects the entire site.
I started filing against healthylivingbox also.
I accidently posted this elsewhere...
Hey, folks. I just went and did the rank08dotcom/a/yourprofilename thing. It's not a copy. It's a freaking almost-live feed!!! Or simultaneous translate iframe. Or whatever the heck the thing is... I'm not kidding. I rewrote my profile yesterday, and today I followed some people. The last follow being just a few minutes ago. The changes and the latest following total are all there on rank08.
Try it to confirm. Make a minor profile change. Proceed to rank08.
If this has already been reported, sorry about that.
Update: there does appear to be a time delay. The word "TEST" I just put on my profile is still not on Rank08 yet.
Update2: Google says was "copied" on 22nd. Had my today 30th changes and totals of only a little while ago. Just now modified my test phrase to "R8 TEST". Maybe it was just a timing thing. When I notice the R8 version has updated, I'll post.
I did the site name and my profile and found articles and my comment s in some forums as well.
So stupid of them really!
I notice my username isn't listed (surprise)
UpdateLast: 3 hours, still no "R8 TEST" on R8 version, I even did refresh, guess I got snuckered on timing, ending experiment so I can get rid of that tacky thing on my profile.
R8 site is down. Don't get too excited. Could be back. Voice of experience here...
Tis still there PDS, just looked. However, some pages appear to be missing from the topics pages- unfortunately not mine!
My French alter ego is still there - quel dommage!
Yep. Here's another tech symptom for whoever can use it.
When I attempt to access the site via Chrome Incognito, I get, "Error 502 Bad gateway".
When I access the regular way, it's still there. And I just noticed, THEIR ADSENSE IS NOT THERE ANYMORE! REVOKED!?!
Sayers J copied all my hubs, but when I do a Google search and a link to their version is offered, when I click on it, I just get a URL error code. That's a good thing (I guess).
Sayers J is a proxy and nothing to worry about.
http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/115054? … ost2446106
I have a hub about pet carriers. If someone goes to Google and types in "Silva Hayes pet carrier" in the search block, sayers J is the First Hit that comes up. If the searcher clicks on the sayers J link, they get a message "URL Error 111." At that point, if they become discouraged and quit searching for my article about pet carriers, then that DOES affect me, because they don't click on my legitimate link. Is there something else here that I'm not understanding? Help . . .
I just found my best hub totally copied onto ics21.com and now it isn't even showing mine in Google at all. No wonder my traffic has tanked. Can't find any contact info for them so have tried godaddy who are hosting the site...
I posted this on another thread, but I don't think anyone has seen it. There's another site stealing Hubs:
http: XXX //preetech3.blogspot.co.il
(Remove XXX and spaces.)
Fortunately, the blogging site is owned by Google so the take-down is easy. Just go here to file the request and choose the first item on the list, Blogger/Blogspot:
https://support.google.com/legal/troubl … 14905?rd=2
Looks like Hubpages is easy pickins' for thieves...why work when you can take it?
Google should have some software that alerts them when a duplicate article appears...I find it hard to believe they don't. Probably not worth their time.
Hub Pages is a wonderful platform, but I just found one of my articles copied word for word on another site. The thief even used the exact same photos. I would so appreciate it if Hub Pages could help.
by Arun Dev 9 years ago
Why are these HubPages subdomain urls being listed like this on Google search?jptrans.naver.net>Explore>Health>Health Care, Drugs and Insurance>Selecting a Procedure or Treatmentfcmalaga.ru>HubPages>Education and Science>Life...
by Muttface 11 years ago
Thought that might catch your eye...Anyway, the truth is I am not making that. But somebody else probably is. All, and I mean EVERY SINGLE HUB, has been kidnapped, translated into French and is available on this website: rank08 (dot) comGo there and get your money back!See this thread for more...
by Paul Edmondson 10 years ago
We've heard several concerns about Hubs getting copied and losing traffic and we know how frustrating this is for the author. Google tries to identify the original content creator and show that in the search results. If you have a copied Hub that is getting outranked in the search...
by Audrey Selig 13 years ago
There is so much of this going on that it may not be worthwhile to mention. Since I know that this site is not cooperative, I sent my DMCA complaint to Google. My hub is copied word for word with all the lovely photographs and even a link to another similar hub. It probably is my best hub with lots...
by Cynthia 11 years ago
As hubbers, we know that our content can and will be copied. We file DMCA complaints. We try to use CopyScape. We try to sign up for Google alerts.Is there any other way to help protect our content BEFORE it happens, rather than suffering the after-effects of losing Google traffic and having...
by Andria 14 years ago
Unfortunately (and quite by accident) I discovered another site that appears to have HP content duplicated upon it. I have found one of mine, copied within two weeks of when I originally published it. I have found other hubbers work also on the site. I have now filed a DMCA.I'm not going to give it...
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