Do you try writing on Post Any Article (PAA) ?

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  1. profile image0
    KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years ago

    Hello Everyone!

    Opportunity alert! yes, this is a new writing site. The owner and founder was the founder of Full of Knowledge (FoK) and Expert Pages (EP). PAA was like bubblews but it needs 100 words per post and it also allows republishing. The CPM now is $9.59 per 1000 views, it my fluctuate but the highest CPM i have seen there was $41 per 1000 views. And it's really easy!!!! And its quite addicting now! Join the site and community smile

    -isolation- my name there.

    1. liesl5858 profile image81
      liesl5858posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What website is this called? I never heard of PAA. So, it is a good site for writing only 100 words per post. KenDean, have you heard of WebAnswers? It is also a good site for asking and answering questions.

      1. profile image0
        KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Nope but you will love PAA more smile
        if you cannot search the page try messaging me on facebook here my profile link : <link snipped>

        I'll give the sign up page

    2. yougotme profile image90
      yougotmeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not quite sure if I'll be joining. The page does not seem to look pretty legit and let alone appealing. Still, thanks for sharing this to us!

      1. profile image0
        KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        it is powered by wordpress, and quite simple but it's totally legit.

  2. Rik Ravado profile image84
    Rik Ravadoposted 10 years ago

    I can't find it on Google under PAA or the full title.  Can you be more specific about how to find it without posting a real link?

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Just search for postanyarticles(.)com

  3. earner profile image84
    earnerposted 10 years ago

    I am a member - but not written my first post yet.  It's on my To Do List, but not super high priority today.

  4. NateB11 profile image86
    NateB11posted 10 years ago

    Sounds good. Thanks for the info.

  5. TurtleDog profile image82
    TurtleDogposted 10 years ago

    I was thinking of trying it

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome there smile

  6. Kain 360 profile image92
    Kain 360posted 10 years ago

    This site looks pretty simple, but almost $10 per 1000 views is extremely high. But is it difficult to get 1000 views? High CPM is good, but means nothing if traffic is low.

    Never heard of this site till now.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I gained 1000 views in my 6th day there with 48 post. If you are starting the views are slow but as the journey goes on, the views is totally increasing. try it smile You must post your own content, you can republish there

  7. Muttface profile image79
    Muttfaceposted 10 years ago

    Who owns the content after posting?

    1. Kain 360 profile image92
      Kain 360posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good question.

    2. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You own the content, you will maintain its copyright wink You can speak freely there, like bubblews wink The site pays 28 days after the month, like your earning on Oct. will be sent on nov.

  8. Joel Okimoto profile image61
    Joel Okimotoposted 10 years ago

    This seems interesting, I think I'll give it a try.

  9. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years ago

    Visited the site but did not see any where how to include your Adsense info. Does anyone know how you get paid if they do not have this information?

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You dont need adsense there, you get paid per views and the pay rate for this month is $9.59 per 1000 views

      1. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
        LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you

      2. earner profile image84
        earnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        When I am logged in it says $4.11 per 1,000 views (1/10th of the August amount).

        1. profile image0
          KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          yup the pay rate had declined this month but last august it was 41$ and september $13

  10. Barbara Kay profile image75
    Barbara Kayposted 10 years ago

    I'll have to give this one a try once I find out how payment is made. Thanks for the info. I don't see anything about creating an account either on the front page of the site, nor a link to do so. When clicking through the pages, all I'm seeing are advertising links.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Payment is sent through paypal , the email address you had registered. They earn through adsense and other advertisement programs. The site has a high paying rate and there is no payment issues, everyone is getting paid

      1. Writer Fox profile image32
        Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The site has been online less than two months.  Have you actually received a payment from them?

        1. NateB11 profile image86
          NateB11posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I'm wondering this too. It's a site I don't trust totally yet, but maybe just because it's new.

        2. celebritie profile image68
          celebritieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I have been paid by the site

        3. profile image0
          KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Some people have been paid already, I am new there but lots of people are happy there.

      2. Barbara Kay profile image75
        Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        But I couldn't even find any articles on the sites, just advertising links.

        1. janderson99 profile image54
          janderson99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          postanyarticle(dot)com  - note singular !!! 'article'. Searches => post office

          1. MarieAlana1 profile image69
            MarieAlana1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I will have to look this up!

          2. Barbara Kay profile image75
            Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for the right link. I was wondering about that.

        2. profile image0
          KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          it's on the main page. when you post an article you will see on the post section the articles youve published, and all the articles. Are you familiar with wordpress?

  11. ChitrangadaSharan profile image91
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 10 years ago

    This sounds interesting! Thanks for the information!

  12. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 10 years ago

    I may try it and will attempt to connect with any of you already there. Thanks!

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Isolation is my username there patty. See yah there! wink

  13. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 10 years ago

    OK< I'm SpaceWriter over there, but have not figured out how to follow anyone yet. But I will.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      still the site was on improvement. We will soon have that. smile see you there

      1. MarieAlana1 profile image69
        MarieAlana1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        How much information do people need to give away about themselves in order to get paid there?

        1. profile image0
          KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          it depends on how much view you earn its like a social blogging site too same with bubblews. but it doesnt have payment issue, your information? you only need email, and link it to your wordpress

  14. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 10 years ago

    Webanswers and all the other similar sites are good, yes smile but ... if somebody is reporting you for whatever reasons tongue it's a loss, and yes, it's happened/happening to me. Why? no idea.


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