HOW TO generate TRAFFIC ????

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  1. princeserrao profile image66
    princeserraoposted 10 years ago

    I have 5 featured hubs.. Can anyone suggest me wat to do in order to generate more traffic to my HUBS ?????

    1. itknol profile image76
      itknolposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Stop craving for money, sit down, and write 50 more. Then go on a vacation and once you're back you'll see that Google has picked up your articles and sent traffic over them. Should be making about 5 cents per day (at least) from them.

      1. itknol profile image76
        itknolposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        And don't forget to make them at least 900 meaningful, well-formatted, easy to read WORDS and before publishing please check for typos, mispellings, etc. I am sure that if checked your post here, you'd found at least 3 things wrong with it.

      2. sunilkunnoth2012 profile image62
        sunilkunnoth2012posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Good answer and to the point.

    2. Writer Fox profile image33
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have been on HubPages for three weeks, have written five Hubs and two of them are about how to make money online.  Posting this question on the Forum indicates that you might have a credibility problem which Google also detects.  (Google is the main source of traffic to HubPages.)

      1. princeserrao profile image66
        princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Can you please explain me what does that mean ?????

        1. psycheskinner profile image84
          psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It means you should write hubs about subjecst you are actually expert, or at least competent, in.

          1. Pamela N Red profile image81
            Pamela N Redposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I second that motion.

    3. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
      AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think you'll be seeing any traffic for those hubs anytime soon...or Ever.
      High competition + No links + New account = No traffic.

      Have you read the guides from the Learning Center?
      Read those!

      You didn't credit the images on your hubs. You own them?

      1. princeserrao profile image66
        princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Is it necessary to credit?????

        1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
          AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          If they are copyrighted, you have to take permission from the owner to use them, or he/ she can sue you.
          If they are under CC, you have to credit the owner.
          Go to the learning center!

        2. lovebuglena profile image85
          lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          If the images are yours you don't have to, but if they are taken from someone or somewhere else than you have to do it.

    4. lovebuglena profile image85
      lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      In order to try and generate more traffic you can try sharing your hubs on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Tumblr. You can try sites like Reddit as well. Try use good keywords in your hubs and don't over use them. Yes, your hubs should be free of errors and the pictures should be credited but that won't necessarily increase your traffic. It all depends on what you write about and if people search for it or not.

    5. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      On HubPages, like the rest of the internet, most of your traffic comes from Google.  Your sub-domain is like your own website - and right now, it's far too small for Google to care about. 

      That problem is easily fixed - keep writing. Unfortunately you have another problem - English.  The majority of readers on this site are from the US and they will not read Hubs written in poor English.  So even if you can get people to visit your Hubs, they will leave very quickly, which gives you a high "bounce" rate.  That tells Google people don't like your Hubs, so Google will ignore them.

      You need to improve your English first, in order to have success.

    6. Jean Bakula profile image87
      Jean Bakulaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It's pretty difficult. My traffic dropped down to almost nothing during the summer, and I was making a decent payout every month. Now today on my profile page, I cannot "feature" pictures of 6 hubs like we were able to, at least last night I had 6. That helps bring attention to them. I usually freely change the hubs I want to feature on my profile page pretty often.

      As far as Editor's Choice hubs, I had 2, and my traffic dropped like a stone. I waited 2 months, and when my traffic was picking up again, decided to opt in again. I don't know if it's because of the EC's or because people are Christmas shopping, but have little traffic again. I write on other sites and they are all slow. But not as slow as here.

    7. Hikapo profile image74
      Hikapoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

    8. outlookrepair profile image59
      outlookrepairposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Try to wrote more quality hubs in different topics. You can also share your hubs through social media sites to generate instant traffic.

  2. zoey24 profile image67
    zoey24posted 10 years ago

    The more you write, the more traffic you will generate. Try sharing your hubs on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.

  3. Hamshi profile image66
    Hamshiposted 10 years ago

    Publishing more hubs doesn't guarantee more traffic.

    You need to do these 3 things:
    -Keyword research
    -Check grammar/spelling and get someone to proofread your hubs.
    -Credit the images on your hubs.

    1. princeserrao profile image66
      princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Who can do such PROOFREAD's ????

      1. lovebuglena profile image85
        lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You can use Microsoft Word spell check but that will only get you so far. Get a friend who is proficient in English to read it and let you know if there are any mistakes that need to be edited.

  4. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 10 years ago

    At this time of year, I've always found that when in doubt it sometimes pays to advertise a Christmas Party at your neighbor's place and then offer free parking, if they read your hubs more than once...  big_smile

  5. LeanMan profile image79
    LeanManposted 10 years ago

    There is no point appealing to the traffic elves at this time of year as they have all been drafted in to help Santa..

  6. coolcasing profile image61
    coolcasingposted 10 years ago

    Hey <personal attack snipped> the original poster asked for help not crusifiction! <personal attack snipped> and help him/her or go away.

    princeserrao i will say friendly to you that this place will not make you any money. Don't waste your time and start your own blog. Remember, google is your best friend. This place is good to leave a backlink  and thats all.

    1. LeanMan profile image79
      LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Coolcasing,

      If you do not know what you are doing (yet write about the subject!) and are unable to make money on HP then it is highly unlikely that you will make money from your own "blog"......

      HP may not be perfect but it is a VERY easy platform to use from which to start to learn how to make money online. It is the first that I used where I started to make money and I am pretty sure that without that learning experience I would not be earning elsewhere.

      However people expect that all they have to do is write and they will suddenly be an internet millionaire, then they complain when it does not happen overnight!

      It takes work! Start with the learning center and work out from there - quite frankly if you cannot manage to find your way there and follow the advice there then you may as well just go work in McDo..... as you will earn much more!

      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      2. princeserrao profile image66
        princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        If you are comfortable, can U tell me How much do you normally earn from HP????

        1. IzzyM profile image88
          IzzyMposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I can't speak for Leanman, but it's never a good idea to ask a hubber how much they are earning! It's a bit like asking which hub does the best, so I can steal it.

          It is still possible to earn several hundred dollars per month on HP, perhaps a lot more with affiliate earnings added too.

        2. LeanMan profile image79
          LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I earn a living online.... not a fortune, but enough to survive... Not all from HP, lots of eggs and lots of baskets........
          As Izzy says you will not find many hubbers who will tell you what they earn or what earns for them. I have more than 1 account, and I have other sites etc... nothing in itself earns big money but added together they are ok - but it takes work!!

          1. princeserrao profile image66
            princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Okay, thankyou for providing me with so many informations and even I am srry for asking your income.

      3. donotfear profile image83
        donotfearposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. Pamela N Red profile image81
      Pamela N Redposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The truth isn't always pleasant but personally, I'd rather someone point out what I'm doing wrong than to blindly continue on the same path getting no where.

      1. gitachud profile image67
        gitachudposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        My sentiments exactly.

  7. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 10 years ago


    A Prince indeed. I have read your swimming hub from end to end and promise always to keep my knees erect.

    Also, this is especially fine advice:

    'Avoid not to over exerting during swimming as this can make you feel unconscious.'

    1. sallybea profile image80
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Five featured Hubs - quality control at it's very best.  I would love to be kinder but I am not sure how these slipped the net.

      1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
        AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That's why Google doesn't trust HP smile

    2. princeserrao profile image66
      princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you........

      1. princeserrao profile image66
        princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Will Apse,
        Do you find anything wrong in it ??? If yess, do let me know I can explain you the reason to write such lines in my hub. And about that statement it was just a mispelling in the word overexerting.

        1. sallybea profile image80
          sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Please put these few short lines into a spell and grammar such as word - to see the results for yourself.  There are many errors.
          I believe that English is not your first language and understand that this is not easy for you.  Perhaps it would be easier to write elsewhere in your own language.

          1. princeserrao profile image66
            princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I admit that there can be mistakes in my sentences but that does mean I should stop writing in english and I suppose you did not learn english as soon as you were born. Then also thankyou for commenting .

            1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
              AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Or you can improve it!
              I am sure she didn't start writing hubs as soon as she was born.

            2. sallybea profile image80
              sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              No I did not mean that - I am not known here for being unkind to people.  i have about 8 short posts on Bubblews and they have earned me almost as much as it has taken in a year here.  They seem to encourage people whose first language is not English.  i write all my posts in word so that I have access to a spell and grammar checker.  I recommend that everyone who writes here and there, does the same.
              Best wishes,


              1. princeserrao profile image66
                princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Srry for my harsh words. I lost my patience for few minutes and thankyou for helping me

              2. princeserrao profile image66
                princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                But there are many reviews about bubblews telling that they do not pay. I would like to know it from you, Do they ie actually pay?????

                1. IzzyM profile image88
                  IzzyMposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  So long as you do not break any rules, nor have a post go viral , they do pay.

                  1. princeserrao profile image66
                    princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Thank you.

                2. sallybea profile image80
                  sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I received payment with no problems.

                3. lovebuglena profile image85
                  lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes bubblews does pay! I've been paid three times! And they say three's a charm.

            3. Marisa Wright profile image84
              Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              HubPages, and other revenue-sharing sites, are places where you write for money.   In that respect, it's exactly like a job. If you want to do the job, it's expected that you have the basic skills when you start.  If you need training, then that happens in the back office. 

              No business wants to offer its customers second-rate goods.  It reflects badly on them.  HubPages doesn't want to offer its customers second-rate articles.  You are not a good enough writer yet to get a job as a writer. 

              HubPages is generous enough to offer you a free place to serve your apprenticeship, but you won't start earning money until you've learned the skills you need.  People are not being harsh here, they're being honest.  Would you rather we said nice, encouraging words that fooled you into thinking you can make money here in a few months?  You have a long road ahead to get to the right standard - if you want to go for it, go ahead, but bear in mind that making money on HubPages is a long-term investment.

              1. lovebuglena profile image85
                lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I find that a person can be a great writer and still take forever to earn money on here to be able to redeem...

                1. Pamela N Red profile image81
                  Pamela N Redposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Some are great writers but lacking in marketing skills. Unfortunately, we have to be very good at both to make in online.

        2. Will Apse profile image90
          Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I reckon your hub is pretty much perfect. I would not change a word.

          I can also say that it brightened my day.

          I think I have come across your work before, but must say that this is the first time you have genuinely hit the bulls-eye.

          Well played, sir.

          Rook them all!

          1. princeserrao profile image66
            princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you..

    3. princeserrao profile image66
      princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      And rather finding my mistakes and laughing over them, it would be nice if you will help me to grow than pulling me down. And @Amazing thinker, Dont think that you are perfect in writing even, you are also a human being the way I am...

      1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
        AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        What did I do?

        1. princeserrao profile image66
          princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I know what you meant by typing your last statement. Then also leave it. Thankyou for helping me..

          1. sallybea profile image80
            sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You might find that Bubblews is more suited to your type of writing, shorter posts for more money.  Many writers here - write there too.

  8. yourbodyweight profile image77
    yourbodyweightposted 10 years ago

    Try to write something you are expert at, and keep posting regularly and don't forget to share your hubs on social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus...

    1. princeserrao profile image66
      princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for helping me....

    2. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Take care sharing your hubs around on social media platforms. It can be seen as spam and people will unfriend you. Best to only share links you really like and think others might enjoy. If you write your own hubs well enough others will share for you.

  9. CaptainJoeySweet profile image62
    CaptainJoeySweetposted 10 years ago

    Continue to re-read your material. It's like working on a painting, sometimes you have to walk away from it for a few. When you return you often will see things that can be improved or added.  The biggest thing though is NEVER give up! Good luck and keep trying!

    1. princeserrao profile image66
      princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for helping me....

  10. gitachud profile image67
    gitachudposted 10 years ago

    Please listen to what the contributors are telling you without reacting in an overly emotional manner. Even though some comments may appear harsh, the message everybody is sending you is:

    1) Write about things that you are competent in
    2) Do not use other people's work without their permission
    3) Address your target audience in a language that they understand
    4) Proofread your work before submitting it for publication
    5) Do not be obsessive about earning
    6) If to you it's all about making money fast, there are plenty of sites willing to pay good money for lower quality.

    We are all human and are bound to make mistakes every now and then. The learning process is very important to every person and that is how we progress as the human race. A person who is not aware of his/her mistakes cannot learn or is not open to input from others cannot learn much.

    My advice to you to decide what you want from HP. If you want quick cash you must be open to ideas from people who are making money from HP. If your objective is to learn, there is a lot you can learn from this platform.

    Lastly, be prepared to get nasty comments from people who are amused by your level of knowledge. Remember, you are engaging with an audience that is from a different culture from yours and what may appear offensive to you might be normal to the other person and vice versa.

    Bottom line? Learn and Improve.

  11. princeserrao profile image66
    princeserraoposted 10 years ago

    I have one request, I have just written a new post about ACNE, so can anyone just review it and tell me how my latest hub is?? I promise I will accept any kind of comments for it, but give me a genuine review if possible, please. Hoping for the best

    1. gitachud profile image67
      gitachudposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think your article answers the question of acne remedies well. It is your best article and with continuous improvement on punctuation issues can only get better. I am not an expert on the English language but can point out a few small errors:
      - Mixing capital letters in the Middle of a Sentence like I have just done
      - Some sentences appear to be incomplete
      Acne affect teenagers more than any other age group and maybe that is your target audience. As someone posted here, do not give up and continue improving. Good job.

      1. princeserrao profile image66
        princeserraoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you and I will try my best.......

  12. profile image0
    orangeowlmediaposted 10 years ago

    Have you been promoting your articles through social media like, facebook, twitter, pinterest, google plus or reddit?

  13. ziyena profile image89
    ziyenaposted 10 years ago

    I can only think of two options for you.  Write write write and friend friend friend ...  smile

  14. MomsTreasureChest profile image85
    MomsTreasureChestposted 10 years ago

    Try promoting your hubs on sites such as StumbleUpon, Pinterest and Facebook.

    You might try joining sites like WebAnswers and Bubblews to earn money online while practicing your writing.  They require less writing per submission than HubPages so this would give you a chance to work on your writing style and content.

    Good luck!

  15. TFScientist profile image78
    TFScientistposted 10 years ago

    Write more high quality hubs.

    Wait a year

    This is not a get rich quick scheme

    I have 96 featured hubs and 83 editors choice hubs. I only make $2 a day on average

    1. Jean Bakula profile image87
      Jean Bakulaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Since it seems hard for you to understand all the rules right now, why don't you try writing on Bubblews for a few months? The rules are easy. You only need 500 characters, that includes letters and spaces and punctuation, not Words. It's like a long paragraph. If you look on anybody's profile page here, at the top of the page, it allows 500 characters to show. So that's an example of how long a Bubblews post has to be.

      I have always been paid there. If you use a picture (and you should) write where you got it from. You can't just take somebody else's pictures and not give them credit for it. When you get more confident writing there, come back here. Then you should read all the rules. There are a lot of them, and you won't understand them all. It takes time and effort to learn. But I think it would give you practice until you are ready to come back and write longer articles.

      Many of the questions you are asking make it sound like you didn't read the rules or understand them. And I understand that, when I came here I jumped right in and wrote too. But it's not the best thing to do. Plus online writing keeps changing, and you have to change with the rules. Sites like Bubblews are not depending on Google. Google is the reason why Hubpages makes so many changes, because they don't seem to like this site as much as they used to. If you decide to stay here, you have to read the rules, and you probably won't see any money until you write at least 50 pieces. Good luck to you, whatever you decide.

      1. DrMark1961 profile image97
        DrMark1961posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Jean I do agree that if you do not know how to write correctly and follow simple writing instructions Bubblews is the place to go. However, you may or may not be paid for it, depending on the mood of the Bubblews Gestapo or your geographic location.
        Failure to credit pictures means they will have an excuse not to pay, crediting pictures and following the rules does not guarantee they will pay.

  16. Melinda Longoria profile image67
    Melinda Longoriaposted 10 years ago

    Thanking MomsTreasureChest for her tip on StumbleUpon. I listed half of my hubs on that site yesterday and this morning my traffic had a huge surge!

    1. Jean Bakula profile image87
      Jean Bakulaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Dr. Mark1961,
      So far I have successfully received four payouts and am working towards a fifth one on Bubblews. It does take long. I think Paypal doesn't even trust them, because most of the time after I push "Redeem", it takes 3-5 days just to get the notification that Bubblews acknowledges they owe me money. Then Paypal doesn't clear it for at least 5-7 days. Then it has to be moved into my own bank account to clear. So it's a long process.

      My last redemption was on 11/30. I FINALLY got a notice from Paypal that it cleared there last night, but we are talking 11 days until I was able to move it electronically to my bank account. I don't trust them. Once I push "redeem" I don't write anymore until I get the notification that Bubblews has paid an e-check to Paypal. I aim to get one payout a week. It's been slow lately, I guess because of the holiday. But it's a good place for a beginner in online writing.

    2. MomsTreasureChest profile image85
      MomsTreasureChestposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You're Welcome Melinda!  Glad it helped!

    3. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
      AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You will get penalized!!

  17. Jatinder Joshi profile image73
    Jatinder Joshiposted 10 years ago

    I too have a similar question. I have done every thing that is possible. I have 16 hubs in all and all of them are featured; two are 'Editor's Choice'. I too have a problem of low traffic. Also, I am not being approved by Google Adsense - they want more hubs. How can I get over this problem?

    1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
      AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Read this hub: Tips for new Hubbers by Wrylilt
      Hubbers from India have to wait 6 months before signing up for Adsense.

      1. Jatinder Joshi profile image73
        Jatinder Joshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you AMAZING THINKER.  I have read the hub you have mentioned. Very educative - thanks for showing the way.

    2. LeanMan profile image79
      LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      If you want visitors then their has to be people searching for what you are writing about - consider your titles...
      How many people do you think type the following into the search box on google every month?
      Restoring an Extirpated Species
      This Backyard Bird is a Bully

      Find the google keyword tool and look at how many people search your subjects and the keywords that you use....

      Then look at the competition in the search results (Do the search on google). If the first page is all dedicated and well established sites, .gov, .edu etc sites then you will be very very unlikely to outrank them on the search results.

      Good luck!!

      1. Jatinder Joshi profile image73
        Jatinder Joshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you LeanMan for your valuable inputs. Yes, these articles were not written with Google in mind!

        1. LeanMan profile image79
          LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          If you want traffic then you have no choice but to consider Google as most searches are done through them.......

      2. Jatinder Joshi profile image73
        Jatinder Joshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for your comment. I understand what you mean.. the hubs above were not titled with google in mind. Thank you for taking the time and sharing your valuable thoughts on the subject.

      3. Jatinder Joshi profile image73
        Jatinder Joshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Just changed the title of both articles. Hopefully, they are more google friendly. Thank you for your help, LeanMan

  18. TFScientist profile image78
    TFScientistposted 10 years ago

    Reading these posts annoys me. People with very few hubs, that aren't SEO optimised, and have only been live for a few months are expecting riches.

    Let me re-iterate

    The ONLY way to drive traffic to your hubs is to

    1. Write high quality (1150 words, 3 legal images, variety of multimedia, good title tha has been well researched) hubs
    2. Write lots of them. The more hubs you have on your sub domain, the better your views will be in google
    3. Wait. It can take over a year for a hub to mature
    4. Edit hubs to improve quality
    5. Write niche. Nobody is interested in your hubs if they are already covered elsewhere. Write about what people are already looking for. Nobody (in general) cares about your artistic hubs in terms of volume of traffic.

    A dozen hubs with a couple of featured is nothing.

    I have over 80editors choice hubs and only get 690-1000 views per day. This is the norm. You are not going to retire on hubpage earnings.

    The success stories of this site all have the same things in common- >300 well written, optimised hubs, that have been live for years.

    Repeat after me, 'I will not get rich quick with hubpages'

    1. Writer Fox profile image33
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The Editor's Choice designation does not necessarily equal high traffic.  Everyone's traffic numbers are different, but it certainly doesn't take years to have a highly ranked Hub on Google.  It can happen inside of 30 days.  You have 90 Hubs and your views are 690 – 1,000 per day.  I have single Hubs that get that much traffic per day and I only have 37 Hubs, all but two of which were published since May.

      The 'success stories' you mention which used to be featured on HP have been removed, because they are no longer accurate.  They were success stories before the first Google Panda algorithm was introduced in 2011.

      Today, it is definitely possible to make $1,000+ every month on HubPages but, from what I've seen here and from the comments of others, it takes more information to do that than what appears in the HP Learning Center and the advice given in the Apprentice Program.

      1. TFScientist profile image78
        TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        1. At no point did I equate Editors choice with high traffic. Others had and I was pointing out that it is nothing to be that proud of. It is an easy accolade to achieve

        2. I did not say it takes years to have a highly ranked hub on google. I said it CAN take years for a hub to mature. This means editing, backlinking, organic backlinking, advertising all to their maximum. We have all had hubs which have had traffic explode out of nowhere because of google updates too

        3. Congratulations on your high traffic achieving hubs. This must give you a warm glow inside. Once again, if you read my comment you will see I was stating that my views were around average for the site. It was to provide perspective for those expecting thousands of views off their first few hubs. Its great that you have a few that manage that, you seem to have cracked the formula (not that you seem to be sharing any actionable advice here) but that will not be the norm for the rest of us.

        4. I take it from your statement that it is possble to make more than $1000 pcm that you are making this? If not then it is odd that you make such a bold statement. If so, then why not contribute to the discussion by telling us all how to achieve this great milestone.

        5. If you have so many hubs that achieve thousands of views per day, you may wish to provide actionable feedback, rather than simply disagree with all aspects of someone elses post.

        6. I think there is a lot of bluster in your statement, but precious little to back it up. My post, on the other hand, is based on the learning centre articles, the apprenticeship programme and the received wisdom of these forums.


        1. Writer Fox profile image33
          Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I presume you mean $1,000 income per month because I have no idea what a pcm is. I was within $150 of that for total November earnings including affiliate sales.  That's how I know it is possible.  I was also quoted in an Interview in the HP Newsletter a few weeks ago: "My success from 36 Hubs proves that publishing hundreds of Hubs – each implementing successful SEO – should produce a full-time income."

          And I do contribute advice in the Forum and my methodology is outlined in my 'SEO Tutorial' Hub.

          Some people ignore the best advice when it is handed to them on a silver platter because they just don't accept the possibility that they can earn good money on HubPages.  Maybe people like that will never be able to do it.

          1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
            AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            And that's for 36 Hubs.
            If you know what you are doing, it's very possible. Unfortunately most people don't, and they ignore the advice from those who do.

            Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.
                                                                                                                  - Bruce Lee

            1. Barbara Kay profile image74
              Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I think the right niche topic is needed. Once you find that niche, you stick to it. I've been writing about various topics all along and it is still the one niche that brings in all the traffic.

          2. TFScientist profile image78
            TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            pcm=per calendar month.

            I will take a close look at your SEO tutorial hub and see if there is anything that can be applied to my own work.

            It is still unlikely to be universally applicable. From the look of your hubs you are offering sound advice in a few areas, but seem to be using HP in a very unique way - namely as a marketplace for your card designs etc. This has clearly been very successful and you are writing about what you know.

            I write about what I know, but science topics are unlikely to be such impressive drivers of revenue as your topics. A sad fact of life. My articles are for educational access from my students and tutees. HP offers a hosting platform for that.

            I am sure you do contribute advice, but on this thread all you have done is criticise, rather than giving actionable feedback. If I did this in my job I wouldnt be very effective. You can hardly say you are offering advice on a sliver platter, when you expect people to 'know' you have an applicable hub published and they need to seek it out.

            There is a section of the community here that are naysayers, and who always through up barriers to good advice. But saying anyone can earn $1000 simply through SEO is not sensible. Not all content, regardless of SEO, is searched for. Some content is extensively covered elsewhere and so you will never reach page 1 of google. Some fantastic content is ignored because of the mysteries of Google.

            You are a success. That's great. But not everyone will be. Even if they do follow your advice

            1. Writer Fox profile image33
              Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I don't sell cards. I don't market card designs.  I know nothing about it.

              More than half of my Hubs are educational and are linked to by teachers.

              It seems to me the criticism is coming from you, not from me.  My Hub has been discussed several times on this Forum and has been linked to and shared by other Hubbers.

              On the contrary, not using SEO is what is not sensible if you want to be successful on HubPages. What I said was: "Some people ignore the best advice when it is handed to them on a silver platter because they just don't accept the possibility that they can earn good money on HubPages.  Maybe people like that will never be able to do it."  Reading comprehensive is a valuable skill to learn. I think it is posts like yours which have turned off other successful Hubbers from giving their advice on the Forums. Some people just don't 'get it' and never will; and the people who do are wasting their time trying to help people like that.

              1. TFScientist profile image78
                TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Would you please point to any advice from you on this thread?

                "Reading comprehensive"


                First, it is 'comprehension,' second, you are just as guilty of cherry picking statements from my posts smile At no point did I say one shouldn't use SEO. Please read what is there. After all, a great person once said "Reading comprehsive is a valuable skill to learn"

                "More than half of my Hubs are educational and are linked to by teachers." Congratulations. You must be very proud. I may even link here at some point.

                Yes. I am criticising you. Well done for noticing. That does not preclude you doing the criticism though. Do keep up old chap.

                I'm sorry you feel that me listing several actionable points is not helpful. I guess we cant all help through mystical psychic powers.

                1. TFScientist profile image78
                  TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I have congratulated you on your success. I am merely pointing out where you could be more helpful, and where I disagree with your advice.

                  I am allowed to do that. It is called debate. Not everything everyone says is agreed upon by all. But if I am offending you by pointing these things out...

                  O well

                  Life, I am certain, will go on

                  1. Writer Fox profile image33
                    Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    This is not a debate and trying to help you is hopeless. Maybe you should seek advice from your Apprentice mentor.

    2. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
      AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Over a year to mature?? Why not just get a few links so they can rank well faster?
      As WriterFox said, you don't have to write a lot of Hubs to rank well, it depends on how much traffic you can get. Instead of writing 10 low traffic hubs, why not write a good one and work on getting some links?

      About making money on HP: Get more traffic, and make more money. If you can write hubs and make them rank in Google. I don't see why you won't make money. I know it's 60% of the revenue, but still, it is something!

      1. TFScientist profile image78
        TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Throwing around backlinking? If it were that easy, anybody could make money here. Google is smarter than that. You need to grow your backlinks organically for sustained traffic growth. For example, submitting to Stumbleupon or reddit will only increase traffic temporarily, and often this traffic comes with a very high bounce-back rate. This will not improve your revenue.

        If we knew the magic formula to write an amazing hub, i would take your advice. As it is, 10% of my hubs provide 90% of my traffic. They have little in common with each other that they don't share with the rest of my hubs. Most of my hubs were written under the apprenticeship programme and so have all of the high quality elements needed to apparantly 'succeed'.

        Not all did. It is hit and miss.

        I do make money on this site. I am stating it is very difficult to make a LIVING from this site. Very few find the magic formula to make a passive income that you can live off. Most who earn a living online have lots of revenue streams from many websites. Fingers in as many pies as possible.

        1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
          AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Google is really smart! It wants to provide it's users with the best content. Is your content worth ranking at the top?? If yes, then why would you have to fool Google into ranking your hubs? You deserve it right?
          Getting backlinks for poor content won't work, and nor will getting no links for good content.
          I wasn't serious in writing here for HP, but recently I am starting to get good results, so I am going to put some more efforts. Let's see where it takes me.

          You think getting links is easy? When was the last time you asked a blogger for links? It works because no one will link to your site if it's not worth linking, and those who sell links get penalized.

          1. TFScientist profile image78
            TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Good luck. I agree; as long as you focus on high quality writing, the links will come and so will the traffic.


          2. TFScientist profile image78
            TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Getting links is very easy. You can link on your own blog(s) there are blog indexers that provide a link. Twitter, Facebook, content farms are all easy ways to get backlinks. If it wasn't easy, there wouldn't be a whole awful industry based around it.

            1. TFScientist profile image78
              TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Admittedly, those places take it too far and are penalised by googlge. But they soon spring up again. They must make money in the short time their sites are live...

              1. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
                AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                By getting penalized, I meant they lose the value of their links. Selling links doesn't affect their search rankings, just the ability to vote for other sites. Getting links from these sites is of no use.
                That penalty is permanent!

              2. Writer Fox profile image33
                Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                googlge. giggle.

                1. TFScientist profile image78
                  TFScientistposted 10 years agoin reply to this


                  Its the ham-fisted version of google.

                  Usually found on touch-screen devices wink

                  1. Writer Fox profile image33
                    Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    LOL.  And this is ham-fisted, too: "i"

            2. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
              AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              You said it yourself; Google is smart. It has some of the brightest minds working for it. Don't you think they know that. It's a little more complicated, and I am not writing a Hub on SEO or traffic until I have enough of it to prove that my methods work.
              I guess, I will have to wait a few months. cool

    3. Jatinder Joshi profile image73
      Jatinder Joshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your inputs, TFScientist. Your reply gives me some idea of what it takes to get about 1000 views a day.

    4. susi10 profile image95
      susi10posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well said TF Scientist! I completely agree with you and your tips are very useful. Thanks! smile

  19. Free2writ3 profile image60
    Free2writ3posted 10 years ago

    Try to write interesting hubs...try sharing your work..avoid boring topics...research and enjoy what you are writing about.

  20. Dawn Denmar1 profile image69
    Dawn Denmar1posted 10 years ago

    SEO was what it was all about in the past and it's great to know Writer Fox is achieving success on HubPages using this system. It seems to me that the HP advert system pays us around $2.50/1000 views at present (based on the income I'm generating from the few hubs I've posted). If all writers jump on board SEO techniques and begin generating thousands of search engine page views for this site then I wonder how long the HP advertising system will be in place? Google is notoriously fickle and will rank articles for a while and then penalize the article.... the writers..... the site.....

    I think the advice to write about what you know or to research niche areas and provide valuable information that brings back readers is the most important instruction to any newbie writer. I would rather see my articles grow and develop links and page views over time. I'm enjoying watching the colors on my stats change to reflect slight increases in search engine traffic coming to the work on here. It's a pity there's not more Yahoo! and Bing searches coming in at present because, in all honesty, I don't have a great deal of confidence in Google any longer. And I expect the owners of this site have the same opinion, if they were prepared to discuss it.

    One good thing I'm seeing coming out of Google now is Google Authorship which will hopefully help to stop all the plagiarism on the web eventually and when writers achieve rankings on there, then the readership will begin to develop confidence in author credibility.

    From my own (slightly limited .....) experience posting article links to some sites - Stumble? - creates spikes in views but they used be "no follow"? which I believe means that any ad clicks a reader makes on this site will be unpaid or they are impossible because they are not generated on no follow links? From this perspective writers can go out and social network their hubs to a number of sites, generate page views but presumably no income for HubPages or themselves. I don't know if this is still the case.

    As has been mentioned here, writing online is a difficult way to make a living. It's great Writer Fox seems to be achieving good money from a handful of hubs but if we all jump on this bandwagon it would not surprise me in the slightest if this site begins to lose some of the credibility that I understand has taken it a long time to achieve.

    I'm sorry Writer Fox I have not read any of your articles so I am not posting from knowledge of your work other than reading a few titles the other day. This is just my opinion of what's been said on here and I am not trying to knock the levels of payments you're receiving. It's great news for you! Dawn

  21. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 10 years ago

    They are plenty of different ways to make money here. As a resource it makes bubblers look pitiful.

    The problem is you need to be able to think clearly and also be prepared to try stuff.

    The obvious change in the last few year is that are there are no SEO tricks of any importance these days beyond the few recommended in the learning center. (keyword research, titles, social media)

    What matters most is choosing your topics well.

    As to WF. He is creating a stir but he won't help anyone much because his success is so narrowly based.

    I am also guessing that the pages you see on his HP account have been boiled down from a lot of others on Squidoo. When Squidoo hit the rocks he brought the few successful ones here.

    1. Dawn Denmar1 profile image69
      Dawn Denmar1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, thanks. I am sure if writers create a lot of hubs that are achieving search success in their own right then success will follow from adclicks and the other revenue options on here.

      I'm reluctant to rush in on this site or any of the others I'm checking out now but am quite positive about Adsense (despite mixed feelings about Google!)  from the perspective of seeing my pitifully low ££ income generated over a couple of years double to a - still - pitifully low ££ income over the past six weeks or so. I know a lot of formerly successful writers moved into websites and other forms of publishing after Google Panda and I am just about ready to test the waters a few years on.

      I joined HP a year or so back but the requirement for long hubs and other input did put me off a little and it's taken til August this year to actually throw my first hub up on here. It's great to see income start to grow over the past couple of weeks and I feel the need to keep posting just so I can see continued growth. In all honesty it was bubbling and starting to post to my own website that got me back into the frame of mind to check out residuals article writing again......... smile

      1. Will Apse profile image90
        Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Shorter pages will get published if they have some value.

        Longer pages just happen to do better here and staff encourage them.

        1. Muttface profile image80
          Muttfaceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          This is true. I started doing this recently and to my surprise they were all published even though they were under 700 words.

    2. pocono foothills profile image44
      pocono foothillsposted 10 years ago

      #1-Use Google Keyword Planner and look for keywords that have decent traffic, but low competition.  You don't want keywords that have millions of hits, but maybe 1,000 to 5,000 per month.
      #2-Write about something you know about for starters, it'll be easier.  Nearly everyone knows a lot about at least one thing.
      #3-Read all the rules for creating a good Hub, and try to follow them as best as you can.
      #4-Check your spelling and grammar.
      #5-When your Hub is published, promote it on places such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Digg, Tumbler, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, etc.  If you are writing on a manly topic, don't ignore Manterest and DudePins.
      #6-Comment on other relevant Hubs and follow those Hubbers.
      #7-Carry a pocket notebook/pen with you, so when you get an idea in the middle of.nowhere, you can write it down before you forget it.
      #8-Read everything you can find on SEO and Long-Tail Keywords.
      #8-If you write book review or music review, pick something that isn't mainstream.  Don't waste time trying to review Stephen King, because you will be competing with the New York Times and such.
      #9-Remember "Content is King, Comment is Queen."


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