Repeating keywords in capsule titles

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  1. Colleen Swan profile image90
    Colleen Swanposted 10 years ago

    I read that we should not repeat the keywords contained our hub url in the capsule titles within our article. Hence, if I am writing an article called (how to make a meat pie) and I have 30 capsules about the procedure; must I ensure that all of those capsules must not contain the words "meat pie"
    Surely, writing an article when all your headings must not contain your keywords is not search friendly.
    I ask your advice on this because I am writing hubs and finding it difficult to make headings that don't contain the keywords associated with the URL title, and I believe this is affecting search engines finding my hubs.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think it depends on the number of capsules.  Repeating the same keyword 30 times in a capsule heading would definitely be seen as keyword stuffing by Google, but you could put the phrase in some of the capsules, use synonyms for some and then not use any for others.  For  just a few capsules I do not see a problem with repeating the keyword.

    2. Au fait profile image84
      Au faitposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have always heard the opposite, that if applicable, key words should be used in capsule headings.  Here is a hub that gets into keywords and when and how often to use them (last updated April 2014).  Maybe it will be helpful to you in getting the right balance.  Not too many, and not too few keywords and where to put them. … ge-for-SEO

    3. kenneth avery profile image79
      kenneth averyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      In my multi-capsule hubs, I use (e.g.) Step 1 for doing this project Step 2: in this project, etc. That works for me, but if you can find another way that will not trip the alarms at Google, let us know.

    4. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am curious as to where you even read that. As far as I know, the keyword in the title can be used in the capsules.
      It does not hurt traffic at all.

    5. classicalgeek profile image79
      classicalgeekposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      One way to help Google understand is to include a variations capsule:
      To convert this to shepherd's pie, top with mashed potatoes instead.
      To make a Cornish pasty, use this recipe but fold into a pastry and shape it like a large dumpling instead.

  2. Millionaire Tips profile image85
    Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

    I am no SEO expert by any means, but I try to think of what people will Google to get to my article.  Some may say "apple pie" for example, but others will say "dessert with apples" or "Thanksgiving recipe" or "dairy free dessert". Some might want "best" while others will say "delicious" or "healthy".   If I can find a way to put all those different ways to get to my hub into the headings, hopefully one of them will help the reader find my hub.

    I don't bother repeating the keywords - I would think Google would only need it once.

  3. Sherry Hewins profile image87
    Sherry Hewinsposted 10 years ago

    My understanding is that you should use keywords in a natural way. Repeating the same phrase over and over would not seem natural, but then neither would avoiding the subject you are writing about.

  4. Cardisa profile image92
    Cardisaposted 10 years ago

    Google encourages us to write naturally without thought of keyword percentage and such like.

    If you are writing an article about Meat Pies and you state that in your title, once in your ingredients subtitle and once in your method subtitle, you do not need to keep mentioning it.

    You can also use synonyms for keywords because the accepted keyword ratio is 2 - 4% maximum (I think).

    Imagine how an article would read if you were searching for a subject and in every paragraph and subheading the writer keeps repeating the same phrase.

  5. rebelogilbert profile image89
    rebelogilbertposted 10 years ago

    I agree keywords shouldn't be over repeated. I've heard many warnings about keyword stuffing. But many Hub writers have different experiences and opinions. Each of us needs to develop a format that encourages improvement.

  6. Dale Hyde profile image57
    Dale Hydeposted 10 years ago

    As an author online for about a decade, give or take, what I have learned with today's Google is that EVERY word in  your Hub/article is a keyword in the eyes of Google.

    You can write about apple pies, but if mention aluminum pans several times, that will show up in a Google search for aluminum pans.  Just an example.

    I have tried this on several of my Hubs here as well as articles I have residing elsewhere online, and words that would not be considered keywords in the older Google, will now show up.

    1. Au fait profile image84
      Au faitposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good to know.  Appreciate your experience and knowledge on this.

  7. LeanMan profile image73
    LeanManposted 10 years ago

    Use what is right for the reader so that they understand what each capsule is about, if that means using "meat pie" in the heading then do it.

    Just use the words naturally don't try to fit it in more than you need to. Use similar words also..

    If you write in a natural manner without trying to fit in keywords then it is unlikely that you will keyword stuff..

  8. Colleen Swan profile image90
    Colleen Swanposted 10 years ago

    Thank you everyone for your replies and advice about keywords. I will be more more natural in my approach and write for the reader rather than Google.

  9. Daljeet Kaur profile image60
    Daljeet Kaurposted 10 years ago

    If you want to create 30 headings then it is not necessary that you should add keyword in subheading. If you are looking to add 30 headings then obviously you have thirty different ideas in your mind that you will add under those headings. So, it will be good if you add heading that exactly defines the content has been added under it.
    Using one keyword most of the times leads to keyword stuffing which is not a good activity according to search engines and reader's point of view.
    Do not always focus on keywords , you can use more user focused and simple search queries instead of those targeted search queries. The benefit of using such queries is that user easily understand what you tried to convey .


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