Were you born a writer?

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  1. misterhollywood profile image83
    misterhollywoodposted 9 years ago

    I am curious - how many of you think you were born to write? Have always enjoyed writing, ever since you can remember? Do you have to force boundaries on yourself in order that you take breaks from writing?

    My own thought is that some people are born with a writing "chip". Are we freaks? smile

    1. Emma Vine profile image72
      Emma Vineposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I was always trying to write when I was a kid. Things come into my head and I have to get them down. I think I understand things better if I write it out so possibly it's a personal problem.

      1. misterhollywood profile image83
        misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I'm the same way!!! Interesting.

    2. Cardisa profile image87
      Cardisaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Come to think of it, writers are freaks. Someone once told me twenty five years ago that only mad people writer. At the time I was offended but they were right. You have to be a little crazy to be a writer....lol

      I was born to write. I can't remember a time I didn't want to be a writer, or a time I wasn't scribbling.

      1. misterhollywood profile image83
        misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Like your sense of humor. Behind every giggle is a bit of truth though, huh smile !! Thanks for sharing.

    3. Susana S profile image92
      Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I was definitely not born a writer. I find writing extremely difficult and time consuming (I won't tell you how long it takes me to write a hub!) plus I've never really enjoyed the process, even at school.

      The skill I was born with is the ability to teach - to break things down and make them simple - so I've used writing to meet that end.


      1. misterhollywood profile image83
        misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Oh come on - you have to tell now! How long does it take you to write a a hub from start to fish?

      2. Barbara Kay profile image75
        Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I'm the same way. I am a teacher and was teaching my younger sisters how to read long before they went to school. Since I was young myself, I think I am more of a teacher even though I did a lot of writing as a child.

    4. lady rain profile image93
      lady rainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think I am a born writer. I am writing because everybody seems to be doing it. smile

    5. OldRoses profile image95
      OldRosesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know if I was "born" to write, but I have only recently discovered that I am creative.  My creativity was stifled first by my parents and then by my now ex-husband.  They told me that I "wasn't good enough".  Now that the naysayers are all out of my life, I am enjoying trying new things to see what I enjoy doing without worrying about whether I am "good enough" at them.  Writing has always been something I've done, mainly journalling but as blogging took off, I started doing that which then led to more creative writing.

    6. easylearningweb profile image86
      easylearningwebposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I always loved to write and as a young child, I loved to write stories and poems. I still have some of my original works. As a teenager I remember writing pages and pages of stories and experiences I was going through in my life. 

      Does anyone remembers John Boy from The Waltons and how he loved to write but he used to hide his writing under his mattress? I always remember that. I think a lot of us have the ability and interest but sometimes don't have the confidence. Hubpages is a great place to start to showcase some writing, and it has definitely boosted my self confidence and I'm writing more.

      Good luck to all of us writers. :-)

  2. goatfury profile image92
    goatfuryposted 9 years ago

    I have always enjoyed writing. I'm also an only child. Coincidence?

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It will be interesting to see if others have that same characteristic. I have a twin brother and we are both writers. Lol

    2. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      FYI I just read a few of your hubs. Impressive. Have you ever thought of becoming a psychologist or counselor? Just curious because I can see these skills in your background.

      1. goatfury profile image92
        goatfuryposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I haven't really considered that, but I honestly think I could be pretty good at it (with the proper training, of course!).  Thanks for checking out the hubs.  Which one did you like the best?

    3. lisavollrath profile image89
      lisavollrathposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I've been writing since I was eight years old---and, I'm also an only child. smile

  3. Phyllis Doyle profile image92
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    Ah haha -- I do not think we are freaks, but we may be eccentric at times if not always.  I believe I was born a writer because it just came natural to me. I remember writing my first story on a roll of butcher paper. My Dad brought home a large roll of butcher paper because my sister and I loved to draw and color. My sister did most of the drawing and I wrote for two years or so on that roll. I wish I still had that. It would be interesting to read it, for I cannot remember it all. Since I can remember, I have loved the great writers of the past and always read everything I could on William B. Yeats, Poe, Emerson, Oscar Wilde, and so many others. I have always loved to write.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Phyllis!

      I loved your personal story and think its so cool you remember your writing experience. Yep, you were born to write!!!

      I don't recall my first writing experience but I do know that ever since I can remember, I was drawn to the pen (now a keyboard).

      What's interesting is how so many writers are introverts BUT when it comes to writing, they are total extroverts (in terns of self-expression).

      A friend of mine said it's all about your zodiac sign. Who knows!

      1. Phyllis Doyle profile image92
        Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        OMGosh, misterhollywood, you may be right. I am basically an introvert, but not when it comes to writing. I am a Capricorn.  I wonder if your friend is right about zodiac signs and writers. That is very interesting.

        1. misterhollywood profile image83
          misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Capricorns are the hardest working people I know! goats LOVE to climb to the top through good old fashioned work. I know that sounds really corny but it's kind of tru3.

          1. Phyllis Doyle profile image92
            Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            You are right about Capricorns. I have worked hard all my life and since I retired have put all my creative passion into writing and beading.  Both endeavors stem from the strong affinity I have to Native Americans plus spirituality and history.

  4. Alli Rose profile image63
    Alli Roseposted 9 years ago

    No, I didn't really start writing until I went to Iraq. I am a female, and a former Marine. I was very talkative, and outgoing, but my Humvee hit an improvised explosive device (IED). I now have a traumatic brain disease,  lost an appendix, gall bladder (eh, who needs them?) and an ovary. My partner and best friend died right beside me. I have never been the same, nor ever want to be. I can talk normal for the most part, maybe with a slight slur, and I forget nouns. This has caused me to be more inflective, which is not worse than being outgoing, just different. For many years, I could not talk about what happened, now I feel it cathartic.

    Don't feel bad for me, that would be the worse. I love my life, and it is what I make it to be, just like everybody else.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      Thanks for sharing and more important, thanks for your service. I must say I was deeply moved by what you wrote. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose someone so close. I am sure something like what you described would wreck most people. Your personal story is one of resilience and inspiration. I'm going over to check out your hubs now. Thanks again for sharing.

  5. Amaima Yawar Khan profile image54
    Amaima Yawar Khanposted 9 years ago


  6. Mark Ewbie profile image81
    Mark Ewbieposted 9 years ago

    No.  I only came here because I was trawling the internet looking to make some easy money.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, everyone has different motivations. That is why I was curious about the question, if people are born to write. Thanks for sharing!

  7. SANJAY LAKHANPAL profile image84
    SANJAY LAKHANPALposted 9 years ago

    No, I am not a born writer. It was my reading habit that made me a writer.

    1. Marie Flint profile image73
      Marie Flintposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Same here, Sanjay. Actually, I think I was born to pull weeds!

  8. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    I was a writer before I could actually write.  One of my favorite stories from my childhood was how I would scribble out "words" on lined paper and then read my stories back to my grandparents.  For me at least, I think it's hard wired.  I wasn't an only child, but I was a lonely child.  My sibling didn't come along until I was 10.  I was also a very early reader - naturally, it wasn't pushed onto me, but I was reading by the time I was 4.  That could have something to do with it to I suppose smile.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What a fun personal story. Love reading this! I do think some people are born with a desire to write. Other folks get the additional blessing of being able to write. Ha:)

  9. JenwithFlash profile image60
    JenwithFlashposted 9 years ago

    I'm not a born writer but my 14 year old daughter has been writing for a long time now.  She has written stories that are hundreds of pages long.  I find pages with long character lists on them and the first "short" story she submitted for 4-H was 23 pages long. She doesn't really like to share her stories with me much (probably because I like to edit them) but the pages that I've read so far have been pretty darn good. She really has a passion for it so I think she's a born writer.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like writing may be something that runs in the family then? Love the story about daughter! She likely as the "chip".

    2. Marie Flint profile image73
      Marie Flintposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Jen, my daughter doesn't like my corrections, either!

  10. Susan Zutautas profile image80
    Susan Zutautasposted 9 years ago

    Funny because I just took a quiz on Facebook called "What Career Are You Meant For", and I got writer. I've always wanted to be a writer and when I was a small child I would pretend that I was a famous writer.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Susan, my sense is that you came out of the womb a writer! You have confirmation from the universe everywhere. I love hearing these stories. Thanks for the share!

    2. OldRoses profile image95
      OldRosesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I took that same quiz and also got writer.

    3. Brite-Ideas profile image95
      Brite-Ideasposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Susan and that's what drew me to this in the first place was your posted poll quiz smile

  11. deathwalk60 profile image59
    deathwalk60posted 9 years ago

    I've been writing since I was eight years old in a composition journal. I was writing flash fiction and poetry.  At times, I had to take breaks from my writing to reword my life.  I use my writing to combat and aid me to live with bipolar disorder.  I write in my composition journal, poetry, personal essays, short stories, and in my blog.  All of it helps to keep me our of the mental ward,

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing. I have a feeling many of us have found writing to be an oasis that we can retreat to as part of our self-care activities!

  12. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 9 years ago

    "Were you born a writer?"

    More like hatched...

    When? Five years ago, come this October.

    Where? Behind the building at 95 Minna Street, San Francisco.

    Why? Destiny.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I love it!

  13. AliciaC profile image93
    AliciaCposted 9 years ago

    I don't know that I was born to write, but I did start writing as a child. I loved both reading and writing and still do. They were/are a major part of my life. If I couldn't find any paper to write on when I was a child, I would compose my stories by talking to myself and then write them down later.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am not a psychic but everything you are saying here tells me you were born to write. LOL, I don't think you had a choice. I bet if you look at some of your baby pictures, you will find a pen and paper nearby:)

  14. Brite-Ideas profile image95
    Brite-Ideasposted 9 years ago

    funny, I was just thinking about this - I remember when I was a little kid (maybe grade 5 or 6), the teacher went around the classroom and asked what you were going to be when you grew up, I said 'A Writer' - then when asked again in later grades, I changed it to Artist, Lawyer, Psychologist, in that order - and I am now doing what my most youngest version of self said, I Write. Maybe the kid in us does know best sometimes.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      I thought the story you shared was really cute. I also think you are right about the little kid in us kind of knowing best!

      1. Brite-Ideas profile image95
        Brite-Ideasposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        thank you, my reply below was suppose to be here, sorry smile

  15. Brite-Ideas profile image95
    Brite-Ideasposted 9 years ago

    makes me think about the first things my boys said when they were little (other than a Firetruck, lol) - hmmm..number 3 said 'A Priest' - he's quite a ways away from being that! - maybe later in life he'll head in that direction. I will not confess to him! lol

  16. profile image0
    swilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Through experience we all have a story. Having a gift to share your story makes some people great writers. I enjoy writing however... I really prefer writing about comedy.I prefer laughing.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing. Yes - laughing is always best for sure!!

  17. Suzanne Day profile image92
    Suzanne Dayposted 9 years ago

    I think I was a born writer and not an only child either! I was a total bookworm as a teenager and attempted to write The Great Australian Novel (failing miserably) but loved writing poetry and wrote hundreds of very involved poems that people seemed to like.

    It got to the point where I was winning awards, being paid $50 for publication and spouting poetry drunkenly on stage, but couldn't focus on a different career (needed because I needed to pay the rent), so let it go for a bit. Hubpages is the writing revival in me and I am discovering that I am able to produce longer texts these days with ageing and maturity. Some days it feels like work and other days I am burning with desire to make hubs.

    I am a bit of a patchwork blanket, also having skills in maths, biology, art and so on. I work as a graphic designer for my day job.

    1. misterhollywood profile image83
      misterhollywoodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Really great story and thanks for sharing. I have to say that I share the same feelings you do about writing. Some days it feels like work (a chore lol) and other times I am motivated beyond belief. If only it could be a burning desire to do it everyday.

  18. C.V.Rajan profile image59
    C.V.Rajanposted 9 years ago

    I don't think I am a born writer. My short stories in my mother tongue Tamil got published from my age 19 to 32. A couple of my English articles got published in magazines when I was around 30.  Subsequently it looked as if it is an uphill task to get published in printed magazines, and my interest waned.

    Then I came across blogging and web content writing sometime at my age 49. The idea of getting "instantly published" was a great attraction to me! Then I started writing quite a lot. Some 500+ articles in Helium, some 30-40 in Suite101, some 100+  articles in Hubpages and a few tens in other sundry places and blogs. Only Hubpages is surviving now!


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