The Traffic Sources under my account/stats is showing all Zeros for last 24 hours
Mine is fine. You need to report it. Something must be wrong.
The problem has been seen. Matthew says they are working on it and for us to go to Google Analytics if we cannot wait for them to update. He says the stats are behind occasionally, but this has been going on for a couple of months
Stats are behind 3 days or more right now
UPDATE: See post below
Under 'Traffic Sources', there's been no traffic at all to my sub-domain over the last 24 hours. All zeros.
No, it is not just some of the sources. It is reporting 0 for all of them, even hubpages.
Same with my site here. In face my traffic has dropped over 1/2 and revenue the same. I don't know what is going on here. My account is behind 18 hours now when usually it is only 2-3 hours.
All zeros for Google, HP, my blog, stumble upon etc.
After seeing this post, I went and checked mine; and, yes, all zeroes under traffic sources for the last 24 hours.
Thanks for the reports everyone!
The traffic sources information did not update from yesterday.
We are currently working to resolve this issue.
I will post an update here when the issue has been fixed.
Matthew Meyer, could you provide a status update, please?
....and as the traffic stats remain without an update more and more hubs fall into unfeatured status.
Not a happy camper at the moment.
HP dashboard says "Includes data from 3 hours ago and earlier" but all of the traffic stats from "1-day to ever" are exactly the same as they were 94 hours ago. I'm not believing the "... 3-hours ago ..." message, the process is still broken. If you are going to change the message at least change the data to, GOOD GRIEF!
What a relief! I couldn't believe it when I saw all the zeroes, because I had approved a few comments made today. Glad to know it's site-wide and that the staff are on it. Looking forward to the update.
3-1/2 days now without an update to traffic stats, 90 hours with no feedback on how my hubs are performing, please tell me why this is acceptable...
Beyond ridiculous. Working on new site today so I can start packing up and moving. I may or may not use adsense in the new one, but at least my stats will be updated on a regular basis.
same here, it has been 4 days now, still same although not zero
Traffic sources have been updated.
We are, however, experiencing a site issue right now, so the traffic sources page could be unresponsive right now.
You can find the site issue thread here.
No they are not, my traffic stats are exactly what they were 95-hours ago, page is responding but the stats are NOT updating!
The site wide issue has been resolved.
Doesn't seem like this solved the traffic issue, 95+ hours now without a traffic update ...
While my statistics page says it includes data from 6 hours ago, the actual traffic numbers of not changed from 3 or 4 days ago. I'm sure this is all very frustrating for HP staff, too - and I don't mind occasional delays - but it doesn't seem to be fixed.
This thread is related to the issue with Traffic sources and traffic sources for the last 24 hours have been updated.
My traffic sources have not been updated for 96 hours now, so the problem is NOT FIXED!!!!!
Definitely not fixed. I have 3 accounts and they all show exactly the stats they had before the updated changed. This update is not an update!
I see nothing any different from what has been on the stats page for days now. Why say you have fixed an issue when it is still a problem?
Furthermore, I have been having one heck of a tough time editing hubs today and even getting onto the site. What the heck is going on? Is this all due to the big changes you announced a few days back? If so I hope you are able to settle things down soon as this is very frustrating.
NOT TRUE! My traffic stats were last updated on Monday 11/17/14 at 8:00 pm, it is now Friday 11/21/14 at 8:00 pm ... this problem is far from being solved. HP, please solve this problem, it has been an issue for a long time!
OMG, it would be so nice to see the numbers change when I press F5 ... Monday 11/17 @ 8:00 pm is the last time my traffic stats were updated! REALLY!
Still no traffic stats, the last update I had was Monday 11/17/14 @ 8:00 pm, it is now Saturday 11/22 @ 6:20 am...what a joke, this problem has NOT been resolved.
Traffic sources HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED! My data has not changed since Monday 11/17 @ 8:00 pm, it is now Saturday 11/22 @ Noon ... 113 hours and counting. I'm starting to believe HP will never fix this issue.
5+ days without a traffic source update to my account. Last time my data was refreshed was Monday 11/17/14 @ 8:00pm, it is now Sunday11/23 @ 9am ... 133 hours and counting.
This discussion thread is also missing a participant, nobody from Hubpages has responded in days, just like the traffic stats HP support is also unreliable.
HP has always said that their stats are just for a quick overview and they've pointed those who want do any kind of traffic analysis to GA. I doubt things are going to change in that regard anytime soon.
You asked further back about measuring the effect of changes we make to hubs. In GA it's pretty easy to do because you can compare stats over 2 time periods - before and after - which is impossible with HP's stats.
Go to...
>> Behavior
>> Site Content
>> All pages
Select the page you want to analyze from the list. Then click the arrow next to the time period (top right). Select a "custom" and select the 1st date range. The click "compare to" and select custom again and add in the 2nd date range. Then click apply.
For reliable results make sure you're comparing the same days ie: Saturday to Friday and Saturday to Friday, not Saturday to Friday and Tuesday to Monday.
It might seem a bit daunting but it's well worth learning how to do this in my view as it's one of the most useful things you can do on GA.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into explaining GA.
I personally do not see GA as a valid solution to this issue. I should be able to get traffic statistics from the source, I do not want to invest all the time and effort that is required by GA. Plus, GA is always a day behind with their statistics so I cannot get intraday statistics with GA. Yes, I know GA has a "real-time" navigation however intraday statistics are not accumulated.
You're welcome - I hope you try the comparison
HP's daily stats are on a rolling 24 hour and so are pretty meaningless IMO. There's no way to compare 2 days accurately. The only way you could approach accuracy is to check your figures at the exact same time every day and write them down, but that is flawed because even when stats are working they're not updated at regular set times of day.
I know GA is daunting and totally overcomplicated but if you take the time to learn just a few aspects it can be so rewarding long term.
Actually I did try the comparison, but the directions you gave did not work, I got stuck at this point:
"Then click the arrow next to the time period (top right)."
There were no arrows next to the time periods.
I do not find GA daunting, just over complicated and unnecessary for my needs.
After you pull up list of hubs. Click on a hub. Bar at top shows PAGES Left and then Dates on Right. Example: October 24-November 22 Right there at the second date, November 22, you will see a small upside down triangle. Click on that and a calendar comes up, you set dates that you want.
Mine is the same, it has not updated for the past two days but I read somewhere in the forum that they are trying to fix it.
Just an update.
Traffic sources should be fixed now, but we are looking into an issue that may have caused some account stats not to have updated when the message indicated that they have.
There is a related forum thread here.
So far I have been fortunate. But if I see a hub become unfeatured because HP is not keeping up with stats, they get deleted and moved. I don't have time for the nonsense anymore.
going on the third day now without a traffic update. This has been an ongoing issue for at least two months now. Please find the root cause and eliminate it, this really cheapens the whole HP experience.
It is not uncommon for stats to be delayed occasionally.
If you would like more timely and granular data for your Hubs, we suggest using Google Analytics. … -analytics
I have to agree that I like to avoid Google as much as possible at the moment. They are not earning any Brownie points in my books. I like to have things handy at my fingertips on the sites I write at so I can see what needs doing where.
I have been doing a lot of refining, editing, fixing of links, and promotion and it would really be nice to see where it is working. It is extremely disappointing not to have any encouragement here on Hubpages.
I never rely on the stats at HP, as I know it is not updated on a regular basis. I believe those stats are updated from another area where they keep all their information. The stats even count your own views when you write a hub or update a hub. On Google Analytics, you can remove your ISP number from their statistics, so your own views don't count. I do look at the stats page occasionally,mostly to see my scores and to check for other problems. It is great to use GA for results.
I disagree, the whole point in having a HP dashboard is to get the important Hub-performance related metrics that I need on a timely basis so I can develop and write meaningful content. I should NOT have to click through multiple GA webpages to get what should be available at the source. Not relying on HP metrics/stats and accepting GA as an alternative is just encouraging a mediocre HP environment. Please fix this and stop being average, Hubpages can be much better than this.
How do you do that? I never knew this was an option!
If you are going to point me to Google Analytics then why do you even attempt to post traffic stats on HPs? Frankly I'd rather get the stats in one location and not have to click through all the GA stuff. GA is just another band aid to HP broken process, please fix it!
Glad to find this discussion on traffic sources. I have been thinking that I was just a big zero! I hope to see different numbers soon!
My stats still remain the same as they were 3 days ago!!
The only thing that's changed is the time . . . currently 5 hours.
I was in HP group and one hubber asked if anybody knew the answer to this one:
Does anyone know why a lot of my hubs's stats say View Duration: -still collecting data- ?
Stats have not change.
All is not well!
If I recall from another post a while back, it means there hasn't been enough traffic to measure this stat, but I'm not absolutely certain.
As far as hub stats, you'll get more accurate results looking at analytics. It's one click from your settings page.
Yes you can get to Google Analytics with one-click from the setting menu but from there it takes multiple clicks and too much time to get anything meaningful. What's the use of having traffic stats on the HP dashboard if the only answer to this issue is go to GA? Once again, GA is a band aid to a broken HP process, not a fix of the underlying problem.
I guess I don't see referring us to GA as an excuse or a bandaid. I would much rather click on my analytics account than complain endlessly in the forums. (not referring to anyone in particular) It takes less time and I get more info. Two clicks and I see an overview.
The problem is that some of us find navigating GA a bit confusing. I for one do. When i finally figure out something, I've been there for 15 minutes.
So do I. GA is not very intuitive. Even the help functions are confusing for a non-techie like me. If I understood all that stuff well, I wouldn't need a site like HubPages.
I understand that it can be confusing. If you're simply looking for a brief overview of traffic, you can find out a lot on one page. Once you're on your account page (first click), scroll down on the left sidebar to Behavior and click Overview. You get stats for each day. If you want to see a quick look at all of your hubs, click View Full Report (at the bottom of your listed hubs), and you see at a glance which hubs are bringing in the most page views, average time on page, entrance pages, bounce rate, etc. For me, it is much more helpful than looking at overall hub stats or individual hub stats on HP, although it is nice to see the info in the stats boxes if I'm taking a quick look at a hub.
You also need to know that GA is always 1-day in arrears, which means that you do not get information on how your hubpage is performing until the next day. There is a real-time navigation, however intraday statistics are not accumulated. What the HP traffic stats has allowed in the past is to get more immediate feedback than "next day" statistics. That is why I would like to see HP get their traffic stats process fixed, it is clearly better than what GA provides.
Thank you so much for this. I should be able to get my stats faster now i know exactly where to go when i'm in GA,
If GA is good for you then have at it, you are entitled to your opinion just as I am, but they are opinions none the less.
My "endless complaining" as you call it, seems to be the only way to get HP to respond to the issue, even though the response so far is to issue false "all clear" signals. If you do not appreciate the fact that I'm trying to get HP to take credible action then please just hit page-down or just don't read this thread. I'm not going to stop until it's fixed, what's the purpose of having traffic stats on the HP if they are unreliable and non-punctual?
Thanks for staying on them (HP) The whole thing is messed up and has been for some time now. I was getting .75 to .95 per day via HP ads and now .14 to .19 per day. I am not even sure now if that is correct.
Sometimes I would swear that the little traffic timer thingy changes, but the traffic stats don't. Even more interesting, I think sometimes the traffic stats change, but the timer doesn't. This confuses and befuddles me. But that is my normal mode anyway, so no problem.
HP wants quality content, plenty of content and I think we deserve a quality site.
"ncludes data from 5 minutes ago and earlier"
Surely you jest.
Yet traffic totals have not budged.
My hub that went online yesterday morning (11/20/14) hasn't had any page views listed (all 0's), and when I check the Stats,says that "No Statistics Have Been Gathered For This Hub Yet". The hub, a review of the 1960's Batman TV Series Blu-ray set, has been on the front page the whole time. Any hints on how to get the statistics for the hub?
Don't you love it!!!
Includes data from 96 minutes ago and earlier How about almost a week!!!!
Then if you click on the little question mark, this message pops up. I love the last sentence.
We strive to keep your Hub statistics as up to date as possible and the recency of our statistics are closely monitored. If you notice that your stats haven't been updated in a while, rest assured that we are aware of the issue.
You can expect that things will return to normal within a day or so. I wonder how long they think a day is!!!
Well, Linda - in the Bible it says that some people lived well over 200 years. I often have thought that back then a day was thought of as from one new moon to another - or something like that. LOL
Did anyone notice if there was a new moon on the day the stats had gone frozen? Just curious.
You are most welcome, dburkeaz. I have to pay attention to my HP account, I know, but sometimes it is best for me to just wait it out. I have faith in Matthew.
HP could care less about the stats or what we think right now. They are making that quite obvious.
I would like to remind everyone it is the weekend, and Thanksgiving is coming up. There are probably people taking vacations this week. The traffic will come or not come, whether or not it is reported. Let's be patient.
Fine to say if your articles are not being tossed into WIP for lack of engagement. It would be nice to know which ones are getting traffic and which are not so there is some forewarning going on here that I can focus on.
On Hubpages patience is not a virtue - it would seem that it is more of a liability.
I do understand your frustration. I've felt that way too other times when the stats were down. But I've come to realize that the world kept turning and the sky stayed in the sky while the stats were down.
I do have unfeatured hubs - a whole bunch of them, in fact. It was hard to accept at first, but I thought about the purpose of the unfeaturing. The reason they are unfeatured is that Google does not like it, for whatever reason. I know I don't write low quality hubs. From the research, webmasters have figured out that Google's looks at what they think are "low quality" to decide how to rate a particular site. We don't know why Google doesn't like something. So when Google doesn't like it, it is better not to show it to them. That way, the subdomain/ site looks better as a whole.
I know all that it will take it to get featured again is to make some small edit, but that only lasts a little while. So, in my humble opinion (I'll be the first to admit I know nothing about SEO and getting traffic), I'd rather not spend my time changing something minor in a hub just to keep it featured. I try to write the the best hub I can from the start, so there isn't much I can think of that will make it better.
Sometimes I will get a bright idea about how to make it better, and I will take the time to completely overhaul an unfeatured hub. But in the meantime, I let the unfeatured hubs sleep. The whole point of unfeaturing is to keep people from having to figure out what their bad content was and deleting it. Besides, it is easier for me to try something fresh and new.
Not sure what point you are trying to get across here but the one thing I get from this diatribe is that you couldn't do any of what you do without accurate and punctual traffic data which is what we do not have at this time. HP, PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE!!!!!
noun: diatribe; plural noun: diatribes
a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
I was not attacking or even complaining about anything in my post, only trying to be helpful.
Gee really? Thanksgiving is next week? People are on vacation? All valid excuses if this problem just occurred, but let me remind everyone THIS HAS BEEN A PROBLEM FOR MONTHS! If HP would have fixed it when it happened we wouldn't need to come up with these lame excuses. Just please fix it, and quit ignoring your customers.
I have realized that the page views for all of my Hubs have been static for about a week now. This despite the daily views having been updated the last couple of days. This does not inspire confidence that payments are correct. This especially as my Advertisement revenue has fallen despite getting many more views on Analytics (odd to say the least).
I think concentrating on mending what is broken rather than making the site prettier should definitely be the order of the day.
I'm afraid I can't find it for the life of me at the moment, but the hubber CalculusGeometry pointed me to a thread a few weeks ago where Matthew Meyer confirms that our earnings are not calculated using the statistics we see on our stats page.
That implies that the stats on our stats pages are meaningless!
Okay, so the traffic is not "directly" related to earnings (not sure what that really means), but what about status as a featured hub? How do we measure the effect of changes to our hubpages on an intraday basis (something Google Analytics doesn't provide)? I use the traffic stats to measure improvements to my Hubs, it's not always about the money.
Well, it's not quite that bad...
The hub stats page does not include views/earnings from our profile page, Q&A's, or referrals. It's just there to give us a quick idea of how our hubs are doing.
I just noticed the title of this thread. Looks like I have been posting to the wrong place.
I was thinking of the hub stats and not the traffic sources.
The problem with traffic sources was that everything was zero. They are not zeroes and I noticed that change before today.
Jayne our impressions are what gives us earnings, according to Matt at HP
This is a joke now. The powers that be at HP need to get their act together. No updates for several days on stats, no updates on earnings, and no communication that I'm aware of. I write because I like to write. I write on here because I've liked it here. But this is ridiculous. Hub Pages works for me....because whatever I write earns them money. Get it together HP...and come up with a way to communicate on a consistent basis with the people that are making you money.
Not a squeak from Matthew or HubPages. Shouldn't we be worried? Or Not!
They are in California, and probably are not in the office yet.
I've just emailed the Hubpages team, hopefully they might respond. Any news is good news in my opinion
I have sent multiple emails to the HP team, finally got a short response Sunday around noon. "...this is a known problem that we are working on to fix..." and referred back to this thread for notification of when the problem is solved.
Please let us know if you get anything different
by Sondra Rochelle 10 years ago
I have never seen this before! Analytics shows that I have traffic, but HP's traffic sources is showing all zeros. Anybody else having this issue?
by Mel Flagg COA, CPT, CHC, CNC 12 years ago
I just checked my traffic sources page and this is what I saw:Anyone else seeing this? It's a bit unnerving lol all the numbers at the top are completely absurd and are negative.
by Faith Reaper 11 years ago
Under traffic sources on your statistics page, from where does your most traffic come?My highest traffic source is from HubPages domain. I do not want to create discussion, just curious from where does your highest traffic come? Thanks for answering.
by John Hollywood 10 years ago
Hi, all!I thought I would ask a fun but useful question. What are your top 3 sources of traffic. What, if anything, do you do to drive traffic through these sources?For me, it's Google Plus, Pinterest and some social media communities.Thanks!
by multimastery 15 years ago
What are 3 of your top reporting traffic sources? Mine are Google, Yahoo and HubPages!Perhaps through this thread we can all discover new and exciting places to generate more traffic to our hubs!
by Drew Breezzy 15 years ago
What are your top 3 traffic sources? not including hubpages
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