B site 2015

Jump to Last Post 1-13 of 13 discussions (29 posts)
  1. PinoyMom profile image73
    PinoyMomposted 9 years ago

    Are you willing to give Bubblews another chance?

    1. PinoyMom profile image73
      PinoyMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you all for your answers.  I think I will no longer spend my time there.

    2. peachpurple profile image81
      peachpurpleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      i haven't been there for a week, I focus on HP right now. I am fed up that Arvind is ignoring our pleas and am trying to delete my posts there, bring them over to persona paper.

      1. PinoyMom profile image73
        PinoyMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I believe that PP is much better than B site in terms of transparency.  He made a post earlier about his feelings.

    3. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      With what in mind?   Anyone who sticks with Bubblews to earn money is wasting their time.   As we all know, sites need Google traffic to make money.   Bubblews was a rare exception for a while, but only because it was paying out far more than it was earning.

      Now that it has a fraction of its membership, internal traffic won't be enough to pay well, and the whole setup of the site isn't Google-friendly - so it can't possibly "recover".

      Where it might find a niche is as a social networking site for writers, where people share snippets of writing for fun not money -  but whether the owners will be satisfied with that is another question.

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image85
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago


    Well, that was easy.

    1. FatFreddysCat profile image85
      FatFreddysCatposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I decided that I was too hasty with my reply yesterday so I slept on it and now, I've re-considered my answer:

      HELL no.

      Yeah, that's much better.

      1. PinoyMom profile image73
        PinoyMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I could feel the frustrations of unpaid writers.  It's really hard to earn the $50 threshold.  Much more if your loss is more than that.

  3. profile image0
    Snakesmumposted 9 years ago

    Never used it, and after reading all the negative PR, don't think I'll bother. :-)

  4. littlething profile image97
    littlethingposted 9 years ago

    I've never used it, but from what I hear, I'd be  better off staying far far away.

  5. janderson99 profile image54
    janderson99posted 9 years ago

    No, No, Never!!!!

  6. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    The openly admit to being delinquent on payments, so of course not.

  7. Austinstar profile image85
    Austinstarposted 9 years ago

    They let in too many scammers, spammers and creeps when they were first building the site. They paid these people a lot of money. Over a million dollars according to Arvind. They took way too long to figure out that the scammers were destroying the site. So, how can you trust them to make it right now, when they are totally out of money?

    1. LeanMan profile image72
      LeanManposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Austinstar you are listening too much to what Arvind is saying and not using your own eyes and brain.

      As Arvind himself said in his last post; the site and all of the users benefited from the manipulators and spammers. It did not matter that people were posting plagarized material or joining little groups to like each other and other issues; they all still generated views for the advertisers and the site was paid.

      Him keep mentioning the spammers etc was a smokescreen to hide the fact that they just could not / would not pay.

      From the very start they knew what they were earning. They knew that they earned less than they gave away to the users. This is why from the very start they had problems paying many people and people were told that they were not paid multiple redemptions due to rule infringements that they could not identify.

      At the start this was easy; there were many people that would give up before they reached the payout and others that would break the rules that they would not pay. So they were able to pay the majority of the users.

      But the promise of 1c a view did what it was intended; they hyped up the site, showed how easy it was to earn, even Arvind went onto Youtube and boasted of users that can earn up to $1000. So the site grew and grew until it was exceeding a million views a day. There were media interviews with Arvind where he is boasting about the traffic, plus you can estimate it just from the number of posts they were making a day (more than 2000 an hour at the peak!) - they grew and grew that site massively.

      By this time they had many regular users that were posting their 10 a day and heavily socializing on the site to maximize their earnings. These vastly outstripped the new starters that abandoned the accounts and the spammers that they would not pay, so how could they pay?

      So they stopped paying! Simple as that they just stopped paying all but a handful of people to keep the illusion that the site was still paying (and to avoid lawsuits in the US..)

      They started in June/July and said that their servers had lost all of the redemption information. Then they paid for a few weeks then they stopped again - especially for anyone not in the US. They promised that they would process the redemptions and pay them; after 30, then 60 and then finally 90 days. Of course at the end they just said that they would not pay!

      All of this non-payment happened at the height of the site when they were getting over a million views a day. So if you assume that they were getting $3 per 1000 views you can see that they were raking in around $100,000 a month. So if they did not pay anyone for just 3 months of that 5/6 month period that is a very healthy amount in their pocket.

      Now finally they are adjusting the payments to what they are actually being paid - which means that they are paying 1c for around 5-10 views.

      Meanwhile all you can say is that either it was a scam right from the start to make them big money or they are completely inept and incompetent at their jobs in a MAJOR way.
      In my mind they had the following aims;

      Build the site big and sell for a massive profit like all of the other big sites - but any buyer would see the flaw of them buying the traffic for more than it earns.
      That failed so stop payments at the height of the site to rake in advertising money - which they did!

      Call me a skeptic but I don't think that the realization that they were paying too much was not something that suddenly came to them - anyone with half a brain could see it right from the start - and they had the actual numbers right there in front of them!! - SCAM and FRAUD!

  8. SmartAndFun profile image97
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago


  9. LeanMan profile image72
    LeanManposted 9 years ago

    Fool Me once - Shame on You!

    Fool me Twice - Shame on Me!

    1. PinoyMom profile image73
      PinoyMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose...

  10. Paul Kuehn profile image94
    Paul Kuehnposted 9 years ago

    I entirely agree with Austinstar.  I was on Bubblews right after they improved the site in July of last year.  It's amazing that at that time a lot of spammers from Vietnam and other Asian countries joined Bubblews and were consisting earning $10 for every article of trash they published.

  11. relache profile image65
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    Because now that they've admitted they are a pyramid scheme....how would that be different?

  12. Mark Ewbie profile image61
    Mark Ewbieposted 9 years ago

    I have just joined the ranks of deleted Bubblews users.  Seems Arvind likes to talk crap but is less keen on listening to it.

    1. Writer Fox profile image37
      Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Does that mean that you are happy or sad?

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image61
        Mark Ewbieposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Happy.  Addiction cured.

        1. Writer Fox profile image37
          Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          As you know, I was never on Bubblews.  But, my favorite quote about what happened there is this from Arvind: "We reported lots of money that we didn't have. The money that you "earned" never existed. We didn't "steal" it and go on vacations to Aruba or buy motorcycles. It just didn't exist."

          So you see, it was all a fantasy anyway.  It never existed.      It was just a dream . . .


          1. Mark Ewbie profile image61
            Mark Ewbieposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Nice stickman.  That non-existing money was a brilliant wheeze... some of their more misguided users are buying it.

            1. Writer Fox profile image37
              Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I stole it.

              That quote from Arvind was one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Here's a quote I like:
              “There are two things that are infinite, the universe and man's stupidity..... And I am not sure about the universe.” – Albert Einstein

    2. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      Any chance on seeing a copy of your post that triggered the event? big_smile

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image61
        Mark Ewbieposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        It was more a series of comments on Arvinds latest philosophical garbage that probably caused it.  But only questioning what reason anyone would have to join the site when the money and trust has gone.

        Quite reasonable I thought.

        1. LeanMan profile image72
          LeanManposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I left a comment on one of the staff's bubbles asking why no one noticed that money in was less than what they promised to pay a couple of years ago..

          I was deleted (again) within the hour..

          If B was a country they would have secret police that dragged dissenters out of their beds at 3am and removed them..

  13. Rik Ravado profile image85
    Rik Ravadoposted 9 years ago

    I don't write at bubbles any more but I keep an eye on it to see how many days it survives.  I noted Mark Ewbie's forced exit for daring to criticise Arvind and I suggest this is a sign.  Just like the ravens at the Tower of London or the apes on the rock in Gibraltar, with Mark gone the site is doomed!

    Another sign of the bubble bursting is a rapid increase in the number of posts advertising Escort Services (prostitution) on that site (with links to adult sites).  I used to flag them but noted the 'staff' (singular?) was very slow to remove them.  Now they are so busy banning good writers like Mark and LeanMan, they allow the spam to grow unchecked.

    The sad think is those who are left continue to believe that the site has a future even though Arvind has not promised to pay anybody any more.  Arvind's continuing ability to inspire confidence in people in general, and the global poor in particular, is sickening. sad


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