Dropping Scores

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  1. pagesvoice profile image74
    pagesvoiceposted 9 years ago

    Why does my Hubscore drop every single time I interact here? Does this happen to others? For crying out loud, I've seen people who haven't been active for months, if not years and their scores are still in the high 90s. What the heck is going on? Is this platform even worth it anymore? Just sign me someone ready to can this 5+ year Hubpage experience. They have essentially sucked the fun out of loyal hubbers who can't be active all day long.

    1. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Interaction on the forums etc no longer count nor does traffic for hubscore. I've been here for 5 years too and my score isn't much better than yours. The site is getting frustrating.

      1. pagesvoice profile image74
        pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes it is getting frustrating. I have been pulling and deleting my articles that aren't featured and will be posting them elsewhere. I feel as though I was loyal to Hubpages and in turn they have put the knife in my work and turned it. I'm very close to pulling everything and leaving.

    2. peachpurple profile image83
      peachpurpleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sad to say that the hub score and the traffic are driving me crazy too. But, if i remove my hubs and put them on my blog, the earning is worst than here, that is why i still stay put

    3. kblover profile image76
      kbloverposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      To this day, I never understood the purpose or the point to the hubscores or author score at all.

      I'm in the 90s and...so what? What is it doing for me? If I was 72 instead of 92...what?

      Why does it matter, and if it doesn't, why is it still here? What's the point?

    4. Sherry Hewins profile image88
      Sherry Hewinsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are onto something. When I left for six months, and did not log in at all, I had a hubber score of 100 when I came back.

  2. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    Relatively speaking you have a good score.  They way it is calculated changed a few weeks ago and most of us took a hit.

    1. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I just don't understand why it seems to always go down once I interact on this sight.

  3. Venkatachari M profile image85
    Venkatachari Mposted 9 years ago

    The scores do change daily depending upon activity and google quality analytics. Nowadays, HubPages are more worried for google quality standards and try their utmost to meet their requirements. That is why we are seeing such changes every day. I think all of us are experiencing the same position.

    1. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I believe you are correct, but in the process Hubpages is turning off their loyal base.

  4. janderson99 profile image51
    janderson99posted 9 years ago

    The willy nilly wanderings of the hubberscore do not make sense. Why should they change daily when nothing changes? Silly and demoralising! Rogue software is to blame. The capability of the author does not change that quickly - within 24 hours, or day to day. It needs fixing. The quickest way to see your score plunge is to publish two or more hubs on a single day (despite topic of last email rev up) or to follow more friends. You would think that publishing more hubs and interacting with the community would be rewarded, but no. Have a look at the 100-club, authors with a 100 score. Many have not published for months or years, have few hubs, have little engagement or activity with the community, but HP loves 'em.


    1. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I wish they'd update the traffic numbers as often as they change the hubscores! It has been days at a time lately.

      1. pagesvoice profile image74
        pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        It feels as though we are punished for taking part in the HB community and those who haven't contributed for a long time are the ones rewarded. It is a very confusing method.

    2. Venkatachari M profile image85
      Venkatachari Mposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't control my laughter, Janderson!!! Your post is very funny and amusing. But, I appreciate you turning everything so amusingly. I wonder, how did you get these snap shots.

    3. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent point and quite discouraging, as well.

      1. Helen 110 profile image75
        Helen 110posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I only have one hub but as soon as I decided to be more active, my score started to drop. This is not very encouraging. I am planning to create more pages but hope that they don' meet the same fate.

    4. chasmac profile image79
      chasmacposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Just to add to the confusion, I have to say that in my case, frequent publishing has had no noticeable effect on my score.  It's been around 99-100 for well over a year (maybe over 2 years). After publishing virtually nothing for most of 2014, I began publishing again frequently from September to early Feb - about 3 or 4 Hubs per week and my score never changed much (It did drop to 98 once but just for a day).  After Feb, I published nothing, but I started again last week and have published 6 Hubs including 2 on the same day ( a first for me) - Still no significant change in my score.
      I'm sorry I have no insights to offer; I'm just writing this to counter your suggestion that frequent publishing automatically reduces the score, as for me, that hasn't been the case.
      I've probably jinxed it now by writing this and it will plummet shortly.
      As for following people causing a reduction in the Hubscore, you may have a point there. I rarely follow people and am not very active on the forums (although not completely inactive).
      Now, if only my earnings were as impressive as my score, I'd be very happy smile - But they're not sad

      1. pagesvoice profile image74
        pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I'm sitting here with my 2nd cup of coffee and scratching my head in total confusion. I certainly understand someone having a low score if they exhibit poor grammar and don't follow some of HubPages basic guidelines. However, the confusion comes into play when some see little to no fluctuation in scoring and others are dropped like a bad habit. Oh well, time for a 3rd cup of coffee.

        1. Venkatachari M profile image85
          Venkatachari Mposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Dear friend, worrying or scratching your head does not solve the problem. You may try to edit your hubs and include any other left out capsules, something like that. I also experience the same thing here. But, I do not worry. I hope some day will be mine. Until then keep on experimenting.
          (For your information,I drink coffee or tea alternatively after every two hour break in between meals.)

    5. Thelma Alberts profile image93
      Thelma Albertsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Lol! Those are funny photos above. It is indeed not motivating to see those scores. It is going up and down and it´s frustrating.

  5. Sharp Points profile image69
    Sharp Pointsposted 9 years ago

    I am trying to stay away from the website although I am trying to make the most of my free time. I know I'm probably going to lose a point for this comment but I just agree that it makes no sense.

    1. Helen 110 profile image75
      Helen 110posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am trying to improve my score and was told that my low score is a result of inactivity. I have edited and joined discussion but it doesn't help. Anyway, I will continue to learn what I can and see what happens.

      1. pagesvoice profile image74
        pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Believe me, I feel your frustration. I was always in the high 90's and rarely dropped to the low 90's. However, now I can't get my score to 85. I'm really irritated and am very close to pulling everything and posting it elsewhere.

        1. Elsie Hagley profile image69
          Elsie Hagleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          You have some very interesting hubs, but I just went and check out one about making Sloppy Joes (which I didn't know what that was).
          If you rewrite it and remove all that writing in capital letters, your score may go up.
          You are spamming the reader by writing lke that.
          Hope you don't mind me pointing it out.
          Have a nice day. smile

          1. Venkatachari M profile image85
            Venkatachari Mposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, just now, I also viewed it. It is very short in content and the capital letters are disturbing it. These both factors affect the scores much.

          2. pagesvoice profile image74
            pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I have been here over 5 years and this is the first time I heard that capital letters were considered "spamming the reader." Honestly, that's a first for me.

            1. Venkatachari M profile image85
              Venkatachari Mposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Sorry, if it hurt your feelings. I respect you and expressing only my attitude.

              1. pagesvoice profile image74
                pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                No problem. I've been writing far too long to get my feelings hurt from helpful criticism. Not to toot my own horn, but I have had featured articles published in a national magazine sold and distributed in Barnes & Noble and Book World stores throughout the United States. Accordingly, HubPages certainly doesn't have the power to hold be down or hold me back from being recognized as a writer and author. What is troubling to me is the fact editors of a national publication recognized my writing and consistently published my works and yet, HubPages keeps dropping my score. It isn't passing the smell test to me.

                1. Venkatachari M profile image85
                  Venkatachari Mposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  I appreciate your skills and talents. But there is a saying, you know. Even mountains should take the tiny form to fit into a mirror. It does not mean that the greatness of mountain is gone.
                  So, if somebody is unable to bear with your great form, and if you want to keep terms with him, you may have to adopt to his tiny perspective. I am simply  giving an example. We can pretend to be innocent to please others or to make them at ease.

  6. Barbara Kay profile image76
    Barbara Kayposted 9 years ago

    Google doesn't like all capitals either.

    1. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm learning something new today about the use of capital letters. Interesting.

      1. Barbara Kay profile image76
        Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I had my site with all bold years ago. I thought readers would be able to see better. I learned that was a no-no also. All the rules get tiresome after awhile.

        1. pagesvoice profile image74
          pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I agree, Barbara that the rules do get tiresome and they stifle a writer's creativity. That is the primary reason I am seriously considering leaving HubPages. As writers, we should have the flexibility to freely express ourselves without all of the constraints and punishments imposed by HubPages. All kidding aside...let's call a spade a spade and ask HubPages what great written works have they produced? What novel (that was NOT self published) have they written? Can you tell how irritated I am with them? Ha, ha, ha.

  7. lisavanvorst profile image65
    lisavanvorstposted 9 years ago

    I interact in these forums as well. I would think the opposite, that even if you have writer's block at least you are still interacting and so the scores should go up, not down. I wrote two new hubs two weeks ago and received the most comments I have ever received on hubpages, yet my score went from 80 to just 81. Personally I do not get how they score us.

    1. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps it is HubPages hook in an effort to keep people contributing,  hoping their scores will increase. The harsh reality is knowing this isn't a sight to make any serious income on. The only people earning a real income are those who run HubPages. The contributors here on HubPages are like those people who purchase "Powerball" lottery tickets. Everyone is on a wing and a prayer that maybe their newest article will be the one paving the road to riches.

    2. Helen 110 profile image75
      Helen 110posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      With Squidoo we got points just for participating so this is a change. Anyway, when I went into edit mode, I do see pointers for improvement. My hub is rather short is comparison to some I see and I will be doing some updates soon and creating more hubs.

      1. Benny01 profile image50
        Benny01posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I don't really understand the standard of hub ratings because some of my hubs are really long  and of good quality but it has low rating.

        1. Helen 110 profile image75
          Helen 110posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Now, that is something because I thought that increasing the length and quality should help. They probably look at the followers you have and how people are interacting on the pages.

          1. Helen 110 profile image75
            Helen 110posted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I just noticed that my hub is a featured hub so that's a start.

  8. Sharp Points profile image69
    Sharp Pointsposted 9 years ago

    My score went up by 3 since I have stopped working on here this week. During the most active period of editing and creating on here attempting to polish each one of my hubs & check grammer etc. - my score dropped from 94 to 83. This may seem a bit "bass ackwards", but that's only because it absolutely is!

    1. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I've seen the same thing. Crazy!

  9. Tammy Cramblett profile image66
    Tammy Cramblettposted 9 years ago

    I will toss in my two cents here. I have also noticed that when I am inactive for long periods of time, my score goes into the high 90's. When I write and interact with the site, the score drops into the mid to low 80's. It is very frustrating and confusing. I enjoy the format of HP but only write here when I have nothing else to do. I was hoping this site would become something more for me than a cure for boredom.

  10. cperuzzi profile image93
    cperuzziposted 9 years ago

    If you've been here for 5+ years, you should know that any new hub you put up is going to be at a lower score.  The more hubs you have the smaller the difference you'll see in the drop.  The point is to make new, better, interesting, and well-marketed hubs that will do to bring your scores up consistently.  As the newly submitted hub gains prominence, your score should improve.

    Example: I hadn't put up a new hub in over a year and I've watched my hubscore both escalate and drop - Why?  Some hubs essentially lost their evergreen status and the volume of the lesser hubs brought my scores up (hovering between 96 - 99).  When I started to resubmit new hubs they started somewhere in the 70's range and eventually went up.  However, because I had about 150 live hubs, the dip in score was marginal and as the new hub gained popularity my score went back up.

    1. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I've been here 5+ years and haven't written but 2 new hubs in the last year. I have however updated at least half of my hubs. The hubscores seem to go up, but not the author score. My niece hasn't done zero, zilch, nothing for over a year. Her author  score is 99.

      I'm beginning to believe there isn't much profit as far as author score goes in improving hubs or deleting low scoring ones.

  11. profile image0
    mikeydcarroll67posted 9 years ago

    I notice that they seem to fluctuate regardless. Yes it sucks if and when they do, but as long as you are earning something, I really don't see why they would cause a lot of problems for people.


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