
Jump to Last Post 1-50 of 156 discussions (281 posts)
  1. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I got this message-
    Please review the moderator set alerts below, and correct any problems they identify if possible.

    Unrelated Links or Products


    Deceptive Title, Deceptive Capsule Use, or Miscategorized

    This Hub has been submitted for publication, and will be published once it has been reviewed by the administrator-
    will you help

  2. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 7 years ago

    If you look at the email there should be a special link which you can use to post on the forums.  Without that link, we can't see your Hub to help you.

  3. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    here is a link-

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Can't see it. You should have a message with a link you can click on and it will automatically post here.

  4. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    what message

  5. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    is anyone going to help

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Probably in that message you quoted above. See if they've included a suggestion for you to post in the forum. If you look at the threads here, you'll see some that say, "I'd like feedback on my hub...." they are automatically generated by clicking a link. I can't be 100% sure - I've never had one.

  6. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    It says I cannt do that right now

  7. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    are you people are to help?

  8. mariacolomy profile image78
    mariacolomyposted 7 years ago

    I'm sorry, I don't think anyone understands the question.

  9. firstcookbooklady profile image85
    firstcookbookladyposted 7 years ago

    The hub is no longer published, David Simmons. Try again later.

  10. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    okay how do I get adsense up

  11. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 7 years ago

    You can't plug into AdSense until you've got at least five featured hubs published. "You people" is us, fellow Hubbers, not employees, who volunteer to assist newcomers. None of us get paid for this nor do we have any influence over HubPages decisions, except to flag obviously unsuitable articles for removal, but the decision is up to admin.

  12. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    could you guys comment on my hubs

    1. SmartAndFun profile image94
      SmartAndFunposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your profile page says you have zero hubs.

      Find the email that HubPages sent you to tell you your hub was substandard. In that email, there's a link to use to post in the forum for help. Click on that link and follow the prompts. It will post a new forum thread with a special link to your unpublished hub. Once you do that, we will be able to access your article to read it and give feedback. This is the only way we will be able to read an unpublished hub.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We can only help you if you make an effort first.  Follow the advice in SmartAndFun's post. 

      Also, if you've written other Hubs but we can't see them, it may be because they're not Featured.   

      - Go to "My Profile"
      - Click on "Edit Profile"
      - Scroll down to the section that says "Show only featured Hubs in my profile"  and change it to "No".
      - Click "Save Changes"

      That may let us see your other Hubs if you have any - but it won't let us see the specific Hub you're asking about.

  13. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    does that help?

    1. SmartAndFun profile image94
      SmartAndFunposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      No, unfortunately. Your profile page still says zero hubs.

  14. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    so how do I show it?

  15. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    here the email I got-
    As you are part of the HubPages community, we want you to succeed, so we want to let you know that your Hub is unpublished because it contains unrelated links or products. If this is the first time you've gotten an email like this, don't worry! You'll have an opportunity to fix it.

    Not sure what counts as unrelated? It could be:

    - An Amazon product that is not related to your Hub's subject, or is not explicitly referred to in the text of your Hub. If you are using keywords for your Amazon capsules, make sure that the resulting products are what you mention in the text of your Hub.
    - Links to other Hubs (your own included) that are not related to the subject addressed in your Hub.
    - Links to sites (personal blog, social networks, affiliate partners, etc) outside of HubPages that are not related to the subject of your Hub.

    Bottom line: all links and products listed in a Hub must be germane to the content of the Hub. For more information, please visit this Learning Center guide: … d_22733035

    When you have finished editing your Hub to comply with our Terms of Use, please click the "Submit for Publication" button. We will then review your Hub and publish it if it is no longer in violation. Please note that repeated violations will result in the banning of your account. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Terms of Use and our Learning Center before publishing again: … d_22733035

  16. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    is anyone going to answer

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That's not the first email you mentioned. Post the one you mentioned at the start of the thread - the one that says:

      Unrelated Links or Products
      Deceptive Title, Deceptive Capsule Use, or Miscategorized

      We are doing our best here to help you. It would be nice if you were a little more polite and appreciative of our efforts.

  17. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    first I've been very polite-and it wasn't a traditional email it's in the hub-here it is again-edit
    submit to a HubPages Network Site

    Please address the moderator set alerts below before submitting this Hub for publication.

    Unrelated Links or Products


    Deceptive Title, Deceptive Capsule Use, or Miscategorized

    This Hub needs to be revised before it can be published.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, OK, that's why we're misunderstanding.  We assumed you'd received an email, but it sounds as though the Hub is breaking some fundamental rules so it can't even get that far.

      I suggest you go to my profile, look on the slider and read my  Hub on "The Basic HubPages Rules".  Then study it carefully.   Those are the rules you must obey, if you want your Hub to be published.

  18. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    question about Duplicate Content -if I retell things is that okay

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If you mean simply paraphrasing something that is already published somewhere else, then no that is not okay. Your Hubs should be your own original work.

  19. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    that's not exackly what I mean

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry, David, but you'll need to explain more than that.

      Can I ask, are you a writer?  Forgive me saying so, but I'm not getting a sense that you are good at expressing yourself in words.   

      HubPages is a place where people write long, informative articles on subjects, based on their knowledge or research.  To be successful on HubPages, you don't need to be a professional writer but you do need to be able to express your ideas clearly, so you do need good writing skills.

  20. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I'm not professional-however I've done it off and on for a number of years-If for example I tell a riddle

  21. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I mean if I tell a riddle is that allowed? since it's clearly in writing somewhere else

  22. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    yes I looked at that --however I'm wondering if I could get a straight answer?

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You cannot use other people's work except for reference. You cannot rewrite it, or copy and paste it.

      A hub should inform or entertain. The writing should be of a good standard: original work, expressed well and punctuated correctly. A good hub is at least 800 words long, and preferably longer. The title should reflect the content accurately.

      There should be no self-promotion, and it shouldn't link to dubious websites or contain too many Amazon capsules.

      If you read those links I gave you properly, all your questions are answered there and you'll learn a lot in the process. We can only help you up to a point - a good writer will spend time on research.

      Does that help?

  23. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    okay it seems we're having a break down in communication let me put it this way here's a paragraph I wrote is it okay- I heard this one a few years ago and don't entirely agree with the reasoning behind it however here it is-a man is driving a cross a bridge the total weight of the truck he's driving is 13,000 pounds and the can only hold 13,000 pounds so he's at the limit if a bird lands on his truck a half mile in the trip will the bridge break -answer no it won't -reasoning well the reasoning I thought about is that is that the bird is in the air so he doesn't affect the truck -however the reasoning behind it is that if the the man already drove half a mile he used enough gas for the bird to fit

    1. galleryofgrace profile image70
      galleryofgraceposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That paragraph is totally devoid of grammar and punctuation. It would never be approved.
      How could you possibly make this riddle a 700-800 word article?

  24. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    if say I use 4 or 5 riddles like that is it enough long?

  25. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    long enough I should say

  26. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 7 years ago

    But, the grammar, punctuation, and spelling problems remain.

  27. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    wow you people sure  function as a unit one of you continues were the other one left off -what if fixed these other little things

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That's because the advice is standard across HubPages. Are you going to keep asking the same question until you get the answer you want?

      Your riddle is copied from another webpage. … ridge.html Therefore it is duplicated, plagiarised content and will never be approved.

      Passing someone else's work off as your own is illegal.

    2. Rupert Taylor profile image96
      Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We offer similar advice because we are all accomplished writers; if you don't want to listen to it then don't ask for it. Bev and Marisa have given you some excellent pointers. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes  are not "little things" in our craft; they go to the core of your credibility as a writer. Sorry, but from the way you conduct yourself in this thread suggests to me you are not right for HubPages.

    3. psycheskinner profile image82
      psycheskinnerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We function as one unit because we are telling you the truth, which is the same for everyone.

      I suspect Hubpages is not the forum for you because it requires technically correct language and the ability to decipher and follow the somewhat complex rules.  We are happy to help you understand those rules but this process does not seem to be working for you.

  28. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    listen to me very carefully I heard the riddle in real life so it's not plagiarized -it's just an accident it's on that other page and I did try to put my own spin on it by disagreeing with the reasoning

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Of course it's plagiarised - whether you heard it or read it. … lagiarism/

  29. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    okay I see your point-what if I told a personal story

  30. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    there's one thing I don't understand this blog is less then 800 words … ng-country how did they get away with it-

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That's not a hub - it's in the Q&A section of the site.

      Personal stories are fine as long as you put them into the correct category - which depends on what it's about.

      HubPages is not a blogging site so your story has to be able to work as a standalone article. For example, "My Fight to Overcome Depression".

    2. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      As raggededge said, that is not a blog.  It's not a Hub, either.   It's in the Question and Answer section of the site.

      If you'd like to take part in that part of the site, you won't have to meet such stringent standards - but you won't earn money there, either.

      But to be brutally honest, if you are struggling to write 400 original words, then you're never going to write the number of Hubs you need to make any money at all.

  31. SmartAndFun profile image94
    SmartAndFunposted 7 years ago

    David, check out this article for an example of one that passed the quality assessment process. It doesn't tell riddles, but it is similar -- it offers the reader math word problems.

    Study how this article is set up. It has excellent punctuation and grammar, there are no run-on sentences, it is broken up into small paragraphs of one, two or three sentences, and subheads are used generously. It lays out each word problem separately and clearly. Also, note that the word problems all have a common theme -- fish or fishing. Illustrations add so much to an article as well, but keep in mind that they must be your own illustrations or photos, or you must have a legal right to use them, and then cite the source.

    At HubPages, it is up to the author not just to write out what they want to say, but to do so in a way that is attractive and easy to read. HP authors don't just type in their words -- they also arrange the page layout. Walls of text with no subheads, paragraphs or punctuation give the reader reason to close the page -- in fact, you are just about guaranteed that no one wants to read a wall of text that has no paragraphs or punctuation.

    And of course, the words must be your own. No copy-pasting.

    edit: also note that the article has a short introduction. It doesn't simply launch into the first word problem.

    Hope this helps.

  32. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    well I did have the problem that my last writing group didn't act as one -the first person would have one idea and then the second person another concept and so on-so maybe I just need to get used to following rules-anyway i''ve started a hub about prime numbers is that original enough

  33. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I'm up to about 400 original words is that pretty good

    1. SmartAndFun profile image94
      SmartAndFunposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It needs to be longer, preferably.
      Read this: … tellar-Hub

  34. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    it would be very nice to get a reply to that last comment

    1. greenmind profile image95
      greenmindposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi -- 400 words is too short. You won't get much traffic or readers if it's less than 1000.

  35. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I post somethingna it says its a duplicate

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Where did you get the information for your hub from?

  36. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    wow that shows a lack of trust-I wrote it myself

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      By asking you where you got the information, I mean where's the source, not that you copied it. If it just came out of your head, it cannot be duplicate material unless it is very generic and well-known.

      Okay, so have you published it before?

      Copy and paste a section here - a paragraph will do.

  37. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    it just come out of my head and yes I've published it before here -the first paragraph or so-The Devil's Dare

    A Creepypasta Based On The Devil Game, by InfernalNightmare333

    The classroom bell rang and a horde of students washed out into the halls like a school of fish

    swimming upstream to their final resting grounds. Amongst the stampede, a smaller boy fought his way

    through the crowd to reach his locker. He slowed as he noted the popular group of kids standing in front

    of it yet again. With a deep sigh, he stopped in front of them and quietly asked if he could get through.

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This text appears on Wattpad: … mgladiator

      That's why you got the duplicate content message. It's either someone else's work (plagiarism), or it's your own. In either case, you can't reproduce it on HubPages.

  38. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    that doesn't look like the same thing

  39. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    what about a new story?

  40. Michael Kismet profile image90
    Michael Kismetposted 7 years ago

    I really must applaud the efforts of my fellow Hubbers, bending over backwards, investing their time to try and help someone who is clearly intent on cutting corners. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but after getting my content copied so many times, I've adopted a zero tolerance policy when it involves plagiarism.

    Only a small minority have any measurable degree of success writing on Hubpages, let alone the entire internet. Welcome to the majority, David. You do not strike as a person who is ready to invest the substantial amount of time it takes to churn out original work.

    But, I could be wrong, thus, I dare you to prove me wrong!

    1. SmartAndFun profile image94
      SmartAndFunposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I'm done here. Everyone (including me) is bending over backwards trying to politely help this guy, and he is not hearing a word we're saying. I don't know if he is trolling for laughs, or not willing to put in the work, or simply unable to comprehend the situation, but here we are on page 4 of this thread and zero progress has been made on his part.

      One last try (futile, I'm sure):

      David, you can't copy-paste here. You also cannot publish your original material here unless it has never been published online before, or unless you first remove it from all other online spaces. Shoot for a magazine article when writing here; produce articles which are in-depth, entertaining and/or informative. Read all material in the Learning Center before proceeding with more forum questions or more attempts at writing here.

  41. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    so you wrote that?

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      How did that word-for-word story come out of your head? Your one and only excuse can be that you wrote it originally. From your response, it appears you didn't.

      This is not the place for you. In all likelihood you will be banned soon if a mod reads this thread. You cannot steal work from others.

      I've tried to help you but you obviously can't, or don't want to, help yourself.

      I'm done here.

  42. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    yes I wrote that

  43. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    when I said so "you wrote it that?" was a question in case you didn't notice the question mark

  44. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I mean the "so you wrote that?" quote

  45. FatFreddysCat profile image95
    FatFreddysCatposted 7 years ago

    According to his profile, the guy who started this thread joined HubPages two years ago.

    If he hasn't figured out the basics of how this site works in all that time, then he's not going to.

    Either that, or it's a troll account and this entire thread is a prank.

    1. greenmind profile image95
      greenmindposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      yeah I smell a troll. But I'm still entertained.

    2. NateB11 profile image86
      NateB11posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, seems like a joke to me. Well, it's the funniest thread I've ever read, I know that.

      1. makingamark profile image69
        makingamarkposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I was thinking troll about half way through prior to getting to that comment. I've seen similar many times before.

  46. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    no see I sighed up 2 years ago but I've been gone for over a year

  47. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    okay here's my  hub do my like it -

  48. DavidSimmons1776 profile image60
    DavidSimmons1776posted 7 years ago

    I mean do you like it?

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      One last time - we can't see it, so we can't tell you. 

      If you're too lazy to spend some time learning how to use HubPages, you will never be successful here, so I suggest giving up now.  You've been offered plenty of advice and there is a whole Learning Center on this site to help you.   I have several Hubs about Hubbing on my profile which you could read, for a start.

      Being a writer on HubPages requires more than just being able to write.  You have to be prepared to learn how the site works. If you're not prepared to do that, then stop wasting your time asking questions.

      1. Rupert Taylor profile image96
        Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Marisa. Bless you for trying to help, but it's time to give up on this guy.

  49. firstcookbooklady profile image85
    firstcookbookladyposted 7 years ago

    Upon reading the comments, and asking the question - 'Is this guy, David, for real, or is he a clever troll' - he sounds like a troll, writes like a troll, HE is a TROLL. Ahahhh!!! He's getting everyone's GOAT, that's for sure....

  50. FatFreddysCat profile image95
    FatFreddysCatposted 7 years ago

Closed to reply

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