Does any hubber know why I get disapproved with Google adsense for 15 months and

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  1. skye2day profile image68
    skye2dayposted 15 years ago

    Does any hubber know why I get disapproved with Google adsense for 15 months and running? Pls reply

    I went online 20 months ago as we needed extra income.
    I have built blogs, a website, and worked dilegently on a no money budget. I had a compuer that was a new used computer. It crashed. I purchased another "new" used computer and everything jives. Cert numbers so on. I have been to forum, groups, discussions,support, help,
    ad sense back and forth for months on end. I am sad I never violated a term or cond. Please if anyone can help I would be eternally grateful.  There are google ads  on hub pages I am a disapproved account one day the next day I am a disabled acct. Grateful for a reply.

  2. Koby profile image60
    Kobyposted 15 years ago

    nobody on hubpages can help you. try calling customer support for google.  Google is the only thing that can help you.

  3. rmshdc profile image56
    rmshdcposted 15 years ago

    I am really surprised that you were not approved / or disabled account even without breach of T&C.

    Did you try using  There you can create some blogs (original writing, not copy contents).  After you put up some 20 blogs, you can signed from inside for Adsense Account.  I opened by adsense through blogger only.  It was approved on the same day and started recording my hits.

    I have earn enough extra money from this and HubPages.

  4. mosfet22001 profile image61
    mosfet22001posted 15 years ago

    you can read Google Terms of Service and review your account information then contact Google if still issue

  5. online4income profile image76
    online4incomeposted 15 years ago

    We have to be cautious while using Google Adsense, accounts get banned for so many reasons and they don't give any satisfactory reason for it.

    It is better to read there terms and conditions. Sometimes they do disable accounts if they feel that any of there condition is violated. It can be due to clicks from some specific ip or problem with ad placement or contents of the page.

    Even if you contact there customer support there is not much hope that it will be reinstated. They don't listen to any argument. I've seen so many accounts banned for one reason or other and sometimes even without it.

    At one time (in 2007) they banned an account which was otherwise ok for them because it was not in accordance with there terms and conditions. (They had changed there terms and account holder didn't noticed it for 2-3 days). All the money in that account was seized.

  6. Pink Mingos profile image61
    Pink Mingosposted 15 years ago

    I'm not quite sure I am reading this correctly.

    Were you once approved, and then disabled/cancelled?
    Were you never approved at any time?

    If you have never been approved, then there is a chance to get approved and start making money if we can find out why you're not getting approved (ex: the absence of a privacy policy on your site, etc).

    If you were approved and had an adsense account set up and then for some unknown reason, you were all of a sudden disabled, that is a completely different story, and while we might be able to look at the sites your were promoting the ads on and offer some possible reasons why your account was disabled, it's highly unlikely that even President Obama could get it reinstated for you, even if you personally did nothing wrong.

  7. Acquilles profile image58
    Acquillesposted 15 years ago

    The main reasons for non-approval by google in the case of adsense is when it finds not up to the mark content on your webpages. Build quality content on your webpages and try to focus on a topic of your choice. Make sure the content is unique and is not copied from other websites. Try driving traffic with the help of quality content and be sure content rich website is the key to success with adsense. Now since you have not clearly specified whether your account was not approved at all or you were banned after being approved, I suggested you the answer in case you were not approved at all.

    If you were banned after getting an approval, it may due to several reasons. Google regularly checks sites it has placed ads on. If they find you breaching the policies and the terms and conditions, they may have banned you. Also the biggest reason may be that you may have promoted you website for the sake of increasing your revenues. This is against the policies of google. Read the terms and conditions.

  8. profile image0
    directsaurabhposted 15 years ago

    You need to follow google adsense policies . Check out … swer=48182 . Now, you need to contact customer support. Thanks

  9. athulnair profile image63
    athulnairposted 15 years ago

    I think once your account might have disabled by google, if so you may find it difficult to get a new account.

  10. profile image0
    Nate Kelleyposted 15 years ago

    It happed to me when I just started up, I submitted the incorrect URL, so all I needed to do is give them the correct URL to my site and they approved my request... All you have to do is reply to their email and they will help you..

  11. charlesroring profile image75
    charlesroringposted 14 years ago

    I don't know why you have been disapproved by Google Adsense. If I were you I would personally and politely contact Google to find out their reason. I know it's not easy or just say difficult because Google has millions of people who have Adsense account. Asking Google directly may be the fastest way to find out why your account is disapproved.

  12. skye2day profile image68
    skye2dayposted 14 years ago

    THANK YOU everyone for your support. I asked this question a long time ago. After much 'leg work' cstomer support so on, Googe took care of the matter at hand. I figure I missed around 4 months w/ google. My content is rated up and awesome for the most part. I never did figure it out. I just kept emailing support and one day one person checked into it. I am very grateful. Since I was a total newbie at tech stuff it could easily have been my error. Thank You again. Many Hugs!!!!

  13. christoss1959 profile image60
    christoss1959posted 14 years ago

    I've heard people buying adsense accounts after theirs got banned and I am not sure how that would work since its against Google policy.
    However Hubpages also allows Kontera adverts, people who use Kontera report similar results to adsense so why don't you sign up for that?


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