New networking site

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  1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    I just discovered, it's a Digg-like site that allows you to earn through AdSense. If you are interested, click the link on my profile, I don't want to get in trouble by posting here as it is a referral link. It looks like a good site and someone I know is already getting traffic from it.

    1. anjalichugh profile image66
      anjalichughposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Joined already. I'll keep a close watch on the traffic. Thanks for recommending a new site. smile

    2. RedElf profile image90
      RedElfposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      "ditto" Thanks for the info - will use your referral lnk smile

    3. Lily Rose profile image82
      Lily Roseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I just signed up through your link, and immediately received confirmation - you're #3 in the top ten referring users - you're gonna make a bundle off of all of us!  Thanks for telling us about this site; I'll have to takemore time learning how it works...

  2. profile image0
    ryankettposted 15 years ago

    I have joined under you Uninvited Writer, will give it a go with a few of my articles. I am new to this bookmarking stuff, need to get into it.

  3. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    Great. I hope it turns out to be good for us.

  4. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the info, Univieted. Will definitely check it out. smile Love the websites name too lol

  5. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    On my way, will definitely use your referral link.

  6. wrenfrost56 profile image54
    wrenfrost56posted 15 years ago

    Thank-you, will take a look.

  7. Ultimate Hubber profile image68
    Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years ago

    I am on my way to joining it through ur profile UW.

    A good find!

  8. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    Ditto, ditto. Will be joined via your referral link.

  9. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    Great, I'm giving everyone who I referred an up vote on their postings smile

    1. lrohner profile image68
      lrohnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      UW, I signed up using your referral link, but I haven't gotten their confirmation email yet. Does it usually take a while? I've done a second/receive a gazillion times and checked my spam folder, but nada.

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
        Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I think it takes a little while. I did get the notification that you did sign up though.

  10. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    I don't "get it" yet. But I'll try to find some time to figure it out. I'm not a Digg or Facebook person. But I'll give it a try.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Just post some of your links and see if you get traffic from them. They allow you to post your own.

  11. Ladybird33 profile image67
    Ladybird33posted 15 years ago

    I joined under you too...thanks for the tip.  Have a good one.

  12. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    My notification and link came immediately

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hmm, that is strange. It still says you are a temp user lrhoner. I don't know what else you can do.

      1. lrohner profile image68
        lrohnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Still no email confirmation (humming the tune from Jeopardy.....)

      2. Eaglekiwi profile image73
        Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I check it out in the morning UW, thanks for the tip smile

  13. Michael Willis profile image68
    Michael Willisposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the tip Uninvited Writer. I checked it out through your link and did sign up. Looks like a nice site. Read through all the policies and terms also.
    Saw the submit a link (like to a hubpage article) and a description box with 200 minimum characters to be written.
    Do you read this as can be a summary "from" your linked article you are submitting OR should it be a "new" summary you write just for SheToldMeSo?

    1. lou16 profile image71
      lou16posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Michael,   I'm still a newbie here(hubpages), but I did find She Told Me a oouple of days ago and I've been writing a new summary for my links.   This seems to be working really well, I think it gives you an opportunity to add more keywords etc.

      1. Michael Willis profile image68
        Michael Willisposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! Don't want to be flagged as duplicating anything, even in summary.

  14. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    Hmmmm.... So everyone else is getting a confirmation email? Figures...

  15. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    Okay, I don't want to hear about "discount Orlando vacations" or "website design service" or "CONTACT MY SECRETARY", but those are the emails I'm getting instead of my confirmation email. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......

  16. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    That is weird, I haven't gotten anything like that...

    1. lrohner profile image68
      lrohnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No, not what you think. It's just my normal junk mail, so I know mail is coming through. Just not the mail I'm waiting for! smile

      1. flread45 profile image58
        flread45posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe you made a mistake on the signup page as it is kinda tricky,watch for the red box,it warns you if you make a mistake.

        1. lrohner profile image68
          lrohnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Nope. Did everything as directed. Got big black letters telling me to click the link in my confirmation email or I'll be deleted. Great. Anyone else using comcast for their email? Could Comcast be blocking them? They're not even showing up in my junk mail.

  17. Kidgas profile image63
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    I signed up and am in.  I will see if it brings any traffic or earnings.

  18. Mrvoodoo profile image58
    Mrvoodooposted 15 years ago

    I'm all signed up, although I wanna check around a little before I enter my Adsense ID.  I guess it's only the same though as using it here at HP.

  19. profile image0
    ryankettposted 15 years ago

    Wow..... I just went back to that site, and my article is on the front page staring me in the face.... not sure how long it will be there, but that has to be positive!

  20. profile image0
    ryankettposted 15 years ago

    Congrats Uninvited_Writer on being the 5th biggest referring user already!

  21. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    (feeling very left behind...)

    1. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Don't feel bad. When I signed up for Delicious account many, many times...I never got email confirmations and each time I go there I have to try to sign up again and it always failed. Never figured out why.
      You have checked "spam" settings?

  22. arunjain1989 profile image61
    arunjain1989posted 15 years ago

    Can i sign up too..i mean i have joined only 6 days before and have only 1 hub under ma name??

    1. profile image0
      ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, anyone can.

      1. arunjain1989 profile image61
        arunjain1989posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        thnx for the help ryankett but do i need to use referalls or i have to directly go to the site.?

        1. profile image0
          ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You can go directly, but if you click on uninvited_writers profile - you would be helping her out by joining as her referral.

          You dont need referrals to join.

          1. arunjain1989 profile image61
            arunjain1989posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            thnx ryankett for solving ma queries and i wud join through her referal only!!

  23. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    I came in through you referral and will go back into tomorrow and post a scoop. Thank you for the site we shall see. smile

  24. arunjain1989 profile image61
    arunjain1989posted 15 years ago

    i have joined the site under uninvited writer's referals.i still dont get how to use the site but it looks  good.I may b facing probs coz i m new to all dis.i hope i learn fast

  25. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    Dum dee dum dum dum de dum. Dum de dum dum da dumm dummm dummm dumm...

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry...I don't know why you aren't getting the confirmation.

  26. david-n profile image61
    david-nposted 15 years ago

    How do we sign up using her link?  I didn't see it...

  27. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    I just posted one and wasn't clear what they were asking about the scoop, I noticed that others copied there own content and linked it. I did that to the worse thing that could happen is a duplicate content flag, we shall see it is always nice to try something new. smile

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It's just a link to the hub, not the whole thing.

  28. david-n profile image61
    david-nposted 15 years ago

    Sorry, found it am signing up

  29. david-n profile image61
    david-nposted 15 years ago

    I'm not getting the email confirmation sad

  30. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    UV - I joined via your link. Ta very much smile

    I have had a little sulk over the avatar thing but anyway ...

    I've posted a scoop (lol scoop) and maybe I'm about to put the fear of the Four Horsemen into the hearts, minds and bowels of anyone that happens to come across it.

    Thanking your good self once again big_smile

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, there isn't much of a choice in avatars is there? smile I voted your scoop up smile

  31. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    No *sulks* there isn't. Not a frog in sight. Not even a leg neutral

    And thankyou UV. I'm just going to finishing messing with a hub - the bit that drives me mad. Not the writing, the arranging.

    Then I shall wander back over and take a look at what you've got there big_smile

  32. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 15 years ago

    UV, have you seen anything promising come from this site.  I mean, does it work for you?

    1. profile image0
      ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I've seen a little bit of traffic Sandra.... it looks like a very new site, but getting your hubs on before the crowds can only be a positive thing?

      I think that I have also had a $1 adsense click from their site, which cant be a bad thing in 1 day!

      1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
        Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Wow Ryan that was fast ,good for you ,my article is still in the 'upcoming' section smile

        1. profile image0
          ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I've submitted about 20 of mine now..... about half have been 'promoted', I recommend that you just put all of your hubs on, a couple of them would be sure to be promoted very quickly...

          One of my hubs was on the very frontpage for about 5 hours!

          1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
            Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Ok cool thanks for the advice. I just added my profile page as a link,since it seems to get most views anyway..

            Does anyone know about ezine ,I submitted about a week ago and I'm still in the pending line. Would they tell me if I was declined or whatever?

          2. Uninvited Writer profile image77
            Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Last time I looked none of my 3 had been promoted sad

            1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
              Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Aww UW they just saving the best for last wink hopefully for the best ads!

            2. profile image0
              ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              But as my referrer...... my hubs are your hubs!

              1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
                Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                That is true smile

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I just joined yesterday so it's too soon to tell. I'm going on what someone else told me about getting traffic.

  33. profile image48
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    On my way to sign up under you, jeeez if I can fight my way through all the buggers that are under you already, no wonder ya have a grin on yer face smile

  34. Jane@CM profile image60
    Jane@CMposted 15 years ago

    I signed up under UW too.

  35. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Well I signed up and submitted ,got myself a bit lost so came back here lol

  36. RooBee profile image80
    RooBeeposted 15 years ago

    Wow! I am going to jump on this bandwagon, I think. Thanks, UW. Looks like I'm in good company.
    Eaglekiwi, I was thinking about Ezine myself but as yet don't know much. Will let ya know if I find anything out.

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you RooBee, go get 'em tiger smile

    2. Lissie profile image75
      Lissieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      off topic - but eza is currently being incredibly slow - I have articles which have been waiting nearly 2 weeks -  Iwrote a hub about eza I like the backlinks but they are extremely slow at the moment

      1. Ultimate Hubber profile image68
        Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's what I have noticed. I submitted an article 9 days back and its still awaiting the initial review. As I am new there so thought i am about to get banned over there. lol
        Now after reading this I ain't worrying anymore about getting banned.

        1. dohn121 profile image82
          dohn121posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Geez!  So am I!  I did it with FEELING too!  What the hell is taking them so long?

          1. Ultimate Hubber profile image68
            Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            They have gone mad! lol

      2. Kidgas profile image63
        Kidgasposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Glad it's not just me.  I have been waiting since 8/15

        1. Lily Rose profile image82
          Lily Roseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Been waiting since 8/16 (3 articles submitted).  Sucks that they're taking so long, but glad to hear I'm not alone - as this is the first time I've submitted to EZA

  37. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    UW you have two on the front page  now smile woohoooo!

  38. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Ryan thanks for your encouragement back a little , took your advice and submitted two more hublinks etc..

    least I hope your advice was  for me lol

  39. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    It seems that some people aren't getting the email confirmation...that sucks.

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I was one of the fortunate ones and it was emailed back a couple of minutes of applying . I wonder if it would be worth them resigning?
      or emailing them.

      Im still in some queue I found you, though , had a laugh (catnip one) an voted ya up wink

  40. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    I did it! I scooped a hub. UninvitedWriter I can't believe that you're only 3rd on the referral list.

  41. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    I bet some of you guys can get more referrals smile

  42. Kidgas profile image63
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    Anybody here know how you can track what is happening with Adsense on that site.  I entered my numbers but don't see any data yet.  Just wondering.  Thanks.

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good question kid, banged my numbers in and didnt even check yet ,hmm..

    2. profile image0
      ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have no idea.... as we cant use analytics?? I guess that you just have to look at how many clicks you have had for the day, and compare with your analytics, if there are any clicks left.... then they can be associated to that site?

  43. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Uninvited Writer is our leader on this voyage. I'm sure she'll figure all this out and tell us smile

  44. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Take me to your leader smile

    Scoops kinda cute phrase, puts me in mind of ice-cream tongue

  45. Kidgas profile image63
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    I sent an email to the webmaster at  Will see what I learn and share.

  46. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Okday Kidgas, you are Uninvited Writer's second in command. She's a trekkie you know.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Was a trekkie smile

      I just created a URL channel in Adsense for the site.

  47. profile image0
    ryankettposted 15 years ago

    I know that this might sound a little patronising.... but have you all checked your junk/spam folder? Thats where mine was to be found....

    1. lrohner profile image68
      lrohnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I've been checking my inbox and junk folder since last night. Still nada.

  48. Kidgas profile image63
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    Does that mean I have pointed ears and might "live long and prosper"?

  49. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    If you want to...

  50. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    Imade it on the front page!! I don't know for how long however I am seeing traffic, thank you my friend. smile

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Way to go AEvans ! smile

      p.s Can someone tell me how I can reduce the size of a photo please,thanks a bunch.


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