Is Hubpages becoming a soft porn site ?

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  1. free4india profile image60
    free4indiaposted 14 years ago

    A lot of people are stealing photos and pictures from other sites and putting them on Hubpages.  While a lot of the pictures are copyright violations, others are ones stolen from public computers or sites without the permission of people involved.  In India there is a double standard.  On the roads people give speech of decency and covering up the whole body, but on screens and internet there is highest demand from India for sex.  Though legally prostitution is not allowed, I bet India definitely has one of the highest number of prostitutes.  Now with more demand for skin on the roads and not much to see, slightest show of skin is itself is like soft porn.  With so much of so called soft porn in demand, people are finding Hubpages having a real good collection.  Just see the number of fans for the Indian Soft porn Hubs have and that is a good motivation for even more to start such hubs.

    For the West, a woman in a bikini might not be much, but for skin starved Indians, it seems to be that Hubpages is becoming like a soft porn site.

    Now all that said of double standards... I am thinking should I also not join the desi aunty and bikini copy paste hub creation if it can really get some 3000 or more fans and lots of CPMs ?  What do you say? Should I ?

    1. darkside profile image61
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If that's what it feels like for some people, then they need to either a) have a cold shower, and quite possibly b) never leave the house. As they might be a danger to themselves and others.

    2. profile image49
      spam_finderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Showing skin is not classified as Soft porn. If you call it soft porn then it is allowed in adsense. One thing is definitely not allowed in adsense , it is MFA Made for adsense Sites. All the the links to your personal website in the profile page are of that type. Those sites with few pages created on separate topics like parttime jobs, craps promoted without any frequent updates are classified as MFA. So its more serious you have to be more worried than anyone else

    3. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think HP is becoming a soft porn site otherwise it wouldn't have recently been voted one of the Top 100 Websites in US.

      I personally think they've been tolerant of all these Kinky Photies and now that you've  brought the subject up, may be they will start reviewing it. Having said that on checking HP Directory the traffic/clicks for these Hubs are extremely high. So, if it brings you the dosh.... Good Luck.

    4. Quilligrapher profile image72
      Quilligrapherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If you want my opinion, I would urge you to heed my favorite mythologist, Joseph Campbell, who once said, “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”

      As for me, were I in need of the guidance you are seeking and I was concerned about “stealing photos and pictures from other sites“, I would ask my attorney.  If I was worried about the impact of getting “some 3000 or more fans”, I would consult with my therapist.  If interested in the monetary implications of “lots of CPMs”, I would sit down with my accountant.  And, if I was wondering about the ethics and morality of displaying skin that “is soft porn,” then, I think I would ask my mother.

      I hope this helps.  Good luck.

    5. Brian Leighton profile image59
      Brian Leightonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No, I do not think that Hubpages is becoming a soft porn site but you have made a valid point in identifying a potential revenue stream for yourself and I wish you the best of luck with it should you decide to pursue it.

  2. Luciendasky profile image60
    Luciendaskyposted 14 years ago

    nah... keep your dignity wink

  3. profile image0
    B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years ago

    don't lower your standards just for a rating, it is so not worth your self respect

  4. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    I say, do whatever is necessary for you to achieve whatever goal you have for being here at Hubpages.

  5. free4india profile image60
    free4indiaposted 14 years ago

    thanks for ur opinion

  6. Money Glitch profile image62
    Money Glitchposted 14 years ago

    I think it is important "to do you". 
    If you are want to just post pictures in hopes of drawing attention to your hubs then go right ahead!  But, personally I believe that well written, quality work in time will create residual income. 

    I know of one individual that is doing exactly what you are speaking of; and yes it is true they have a lot of fans, however, the last time I checked their overall hubscore was 47. And all of the hubs that I checked were around 65 points.  It's my understanding such hubs are not making money...

    Now, that my two cents, and that's all it is worth.
    Just, "do you, in your own style,"... cool

    1. Ultimate Hubber profile image73
      Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have seen people on hubpages with more than 2000 such hubs. I believe if they were not making money, they wouldn't be spending so much time creating hubs. Still, who knows... This is just my opinion.

  7. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    In my opinion, you know in your gut what's cool for you and just do it.  But do it for you not numbers or ratings given it would be a new venue for you.  Should you choose to, and need any 'stand-ins' for the shoot, please let

    Good luck my friend

  8. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 14 years ago

    Picture hubs are great for self vanity because they produce a lot of page hits, but they are typically only good for pocket change as they rarely produce clicks.

    I say write articles if you are here for money, or make picture hubs if you are here to visually entertain us.

    Did I say us? I meant them ...

    *Yoshi points at some guys off in the distance and then runs away*

  9. thisisoli profile image81
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I have a Katrina Kaif Hub, and two Katrina Kaif websites, I don't really view them as soft porn, unfortunately most of the comments would disagree.

    Either way I have made several thousand pounds from these sites, so would be hesitant in removing them based on how other people perceive the content!

  10. TimTurner profile image67
    TimTurnerposted 14 years ago

    Damn, I didn't know it was a soft porn site.  Can someone link me to these hidden pics?? smile

  11. Jane@CM profile image60
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    I don't think it is soft porn either, however, I have found a few hubs that I can certainly say would entertain my 13 year old son & his friends for a few hours - I would hope he'd not stumble upon these. 

    I don't know if hubbers make any money on these sites or not.  I would not venture out to try, stick with writing quality.

  12. Whitney05 profile image84
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    Do whatever you feel is right. If you feel stealing pictures of nearly naked women is right, and posting them on a site where children can easily find them in an innocent search, then by all means go for it. If it's something you really would rather not do, then don't do it just because a ton of others do.

    I do not think that these hubs should be allowed, but in accordance to the TOS the people are not nude, as they generally have on a bathing suit or some kind of lingerie.

    I think that these hubs really do bring down the quality of the site. In the end, it's the owners of HubPages and the workers that determine what stays and what goes.

  13. thisisoli profile image81
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    On my sites regarding Katrina Kaif, which bring in a huge number of visitors, a lot of the traffic actually comes from people searching for her film lists, history, and so forth.

    While some may treat it as 'soft porn', many just like to have a beautiful womans picture, for their desktop or similar.  It's like having a bikini clad model on your wall as a teenage boy. 

    I do understand however that many cultures would consider a bikini to be 'soft pornography'.


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