Why do you vote down an answer?

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  1. xanzacow profile image62
    xanzacowposted 12 years ago

    Why do you vote down an answer?

    I thought the purpose of voting down an answer was to get it removed because it is in bad taste. I have seen some perfectly good answers, however, voted down. Maybe I misunderstood the purpose. Why do YOU vote down an answer? And do you vote down hubs as well?

  2. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    If the answer is non-responsive to the question, is insulting to a large group, belittles any others who might answer and uses abusive language will get voted down. I do not read all the answer on some questions, when I see they are all petty much the same.

    I have only voted down a few in the past year and feel I was justified in doing so. I have had my answers voted down just because someone did not agree with me.

    1. xanzacow profile image62
      xanzacowposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I understand if the answer is repulsive. What I am questioning is the voting down of legitimate answers. I disagree with voting down simply because you do not agree. Everyone is intitled to an opinion. I know you agree. If I disagree I do not vote.

  3. Rebecca2904 profile image67
    Rebecca2904posted 12 years ago

    I would only ever vote down a hub or an answer if it seemed completely inappropriate, offensive, or off-topic. Also if the author had Typd LIK dis, then I might be convinced to vote it down as well, as long as it was obvious that it was from a lack of effort, I wouldn't vote something down for just a couple of spelling mistakes, for example. I think the only Hub I've ever voted down was claiming that the Holocaust was a Jewish conspiracy and didn't really happen. Although I'm usually open to other's opinions, in this case I found the article really offensive and unnecessary.

    I think a lot of people might vote down hubs or answers  for having a different opinion. For example, if a controversial view is displayed that is incongruous with the voter's, or if a controversial issue is being debated and the voter takes a different side to the author.

  4. stanwshura profile image73
    stanwshuraposted 12 years ago

    I don't know if the "this answer is hidden..." motivates the votes or not.  I'll say this, though:  if it ain't bad enough to get pulled completely (for example, a t.o.s./u. violation (libel, hate speech, child porn, threats against the pres, excessive profanity (talk about vague!), inciting violence, et cetera, then it ain't bad enough to hide.  To me, that's choice encumbering.

    As to why I (as of now, USED TO!) vote an answer as el stinkeroo, it was because it was either non-responsive, contained a factual error, was blatantly, as in WAYYY over the top, slanted or unobjective, or if it was verbally violent, or unjustly sarcastic, condescending or cruel.

  5. tmbridgeland profile image81
    tmbridgelandposted 12 years ago

    I don't. I have a few times, but decided it was rude. I have seen my answers voted down until they disappear. That is usually on political questions. Some people are just intolerant of those who are different from them.

    I never never vote Hubs down. I do Hub Hop a lot, and if I see a really terrible one, I will flag it for review, but I don't myself vote them down. This is usually if the Hub is just an advertisement for a product, or very short, or is in gibberish.

    I once flagged a Hub because I thought the advice given was dangerous and would risk death for those who followed it.

  6. CWanamaker profile image94
    CWanamakerposted 12 years ago

    I only typically vote down answers that are factually incorrect.

  7. lone77star profile image74
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    When someone spreads lies or misinformation, I vote it down.

    I have voted up answers and hubs for which I have disagreed, but they contributed greatly to the discussion of the topic.

    If someone says something on which I disagree and they don't back it up with something significant and thoughtful, I vote it down. It's my challenge to them to do more and think more. Life is too short for mediocre or destructive ideas.

    My own ego gets in the way (more frequently than I care to admit), but I thrive on someone's disagreement of my ideas that gets me to think. But they can't be lazy about it.

  8. WannaB Writer profile image88
    WannaB Writerposted 12 years ago

    I rarely vote anyone down on answers or hubs. If I don't think something contributes anything positive to the conversation, I normally just don't vote at all. As others have stated, it would take something really offensive to make me vote an answer down.

  9. pagesvoice profile image72
    pagesvoiceposted 12 years ago

    I know first hand there are some people who vote comments down simply because they do not like the political philosophy of the other person. Also, there are a few who feel power with the "down arrow." Wouldn't it be great if people had to leave a reason why they are voting down? I would venture to guess if that happened you would see less down votes.

  10. cheetah786 profile image53
    cheetah786posted 12 years ago

    i vote down when the answer is irrelevant and posted carelessly. but i also thank those who afford the opportunity to stop and answer your questions. if answer is incorrect no problem, dont degrade that answer.

  11. drsohel profile image68
    drsohelposted 12 years ago

    I can't remember when I've voted down a question lately. But I do agree with Larry Wall in his first paragraph. I have an answer to a question which was voted down... but I don't understand why. Actually this voting up and down thing might be interpreted in different ways by different individual.

  12. hi friend profile image61
    hi friendposted 12 years ago

    I do not usually vote down any answer.  Only if the answer is not any way apt I may vote down.


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