Why do hubbers vote down honest answers?

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  1. breathe2travel profile image75
    breathe2travelposted 12 years ago

    Why do hubbers vote down honest answers?

    Here is an example: http://ellana317.hubpages.com/question/ … -you-cried
    Is someone mad because another person cries tears of joy?  Why do hubbers vote down answers that address the question?

  2. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    I see what you mean..I went back and looked
    It looks like one person went and voted everyone's answer down.

    ....while some people go to answers and vote them up..at least for the effort...some do the exact opposite..so it should not be take personally...

    1. breathe2travel profile image75
      breathe2travelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely not worth taking personally.  I simply cannot reconcile my understanding to that thought pattern. smile Thank you for answering.

    2. profile image0
      msorenssonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have wanted to ask the same thing myself. Why do people do mean things deliberately.  The only answer I can come up with is that they are in pain and requires compassion. instead...

    3. CloudExplorer profile image76
      CloudExplorerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I only vote an answer down if it doesn't answer the question, or if its sort of trying to downgrade the persons question, by stating something as if the question was irrelevant, when it was in fact a great question to begin with.

    4. profile image0
      msorenssonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, CloudExplorer.

    5. breathe2travel profile image75
      breathe2travelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      msorensson- thank you for actually looking at the sample question.  There is not room for "opinion" in the answers.  People were simply sharing the last time they cried. What's to vote down about that? Thanks again. smile

  3. Dale Hyde profile image74
    Dale Hydeposted 12 years ago

    Some folks simply enjoy having "power"...and abuse it as they are not mature enough to control it.  I certainly would not let it upset me in any form or fashion. You will find "those" types of critters on every site that allows "power" to the viewers.

  4. terrektwo profile image69
    terrektwoposted 12 years ago

    Well, simple people only like to hear what they want to hear.

  5. einron profile image53
    einronposted 12 years ago

    Probably because their thinking is different from yours.  One person may see white as black or their view of religion is different from yours.  You may be a Christian, but there are Muslims, Hindus, and other religions as well.  Upbringing, jealousy or education may colour their view.  Live and let live!  Do you realize that there are
    40,965 Christian denominations in the world?  There is only one God and yet people cannot agree on the one true God!

    1. breathe2travel profile image75
      breathe2travelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I voted up answers even when they are not in line with my opinion.  I voted up bc they gave answers which addressed th question.  The rules of HP are "Please vote up an answer if it adds to the discussion, or vote it down if it does not." @pg bottom

  6. nenytridiana profile image57
    nenytridianaposted 12 years ago

    It is one's right to vote up or vote down. I think if I read something I don't agree I will vote down (but I've never voted down yet, hehe). Just think that every button have made to use.  Hope this helpfull breathe2travel!

  7. purnimamoh1982 profile image73
    purnimamoh1982posted 12 years ago

    Its difficult to answer your question. There are some people who do it very irrationally, whatever be the reason, the driving force may be jealousy and meanness. But as rightly mentioned by msorensson, such acts by some people should not affect the motivation of the people who have been voted down.

    There are just a few who do that. Most of the hubbers around are very kind hearted, not just in terms of voting up your hubs, but also trying to genuinely contribute to the discussions through comments and new answers. There are more good hubbers, that is why the system is a nice place to continue.

    Except for a few cases, I have never voted anyone down even if I disagree with the opinions for the simple reason that we are different people and our opinions can differ for valid reasons.More so, when it comes to expression of feelings. Why should I vote down the feelings of another human being. The answers I have voted down so far (I have done it twice so far) had some elements of patriarchy, racism and general hatred involved in it. But still, I feel, if I completely disagree with the opinion of some one else, it calls for a debate. I should appreciate differences in opinions and should in fact vote up some one when such disagreement generates a healthy debate.

    1. breathe2travel profile image75
      breathe2travelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree! Thank you for commenting. smile

  8. Island Tropical profile image60
    Island Tropicalposted 12 years ago

    Sometime correct answer is not what people intend to hear about because they prefer wrong answer that makes them happy.

  9. Georgie Lowery profile image87
    Georgie Loweryposted 12 years ago

    I won't vote someone down for having a difference of opinion, but I will vote them down for giving irrelevant or inflammatory answers. I don't like rude people. At. All.

    I think some folks get their kicks from voting down people's answers, and I have heard of some people who decide that they don't like other people and automatically vote down anything that they have to say.

    Or maybe they think the little red button is the up button?

  10. daskittlez69 profile image80
    daskittlez69posted 12 years ago

    We are all allowed to have opinions.  And some people just like to be different.

  11. Ellana317 profile image69
    Ellana317posted 12 years ago

    I was wondering the same thing. I was very bothered by the fact that so many hubbers logged on just to hit the down vote switch if you will.  When I noticed this happening, I went back and voted up each of the answers.    It just seems as if some people are negative and as they say, misery loves company.  I'm all for down voting something that is outright disrespectful but in these cases, there's simply no rationale. 

    I am glad that you posed this question because the negativity truly began to bother me.  If there was a way to disable the voting, I definitely would.  I got my first unjustified down vote a few days ago and you better believe, I made a big to do about it.  LOL... After much encouragement from fellow hubbers I decided not to let it bother me.  I will continue to respectfully express my points of views, as should everyone else.  If you have at least 1 follower, it's apparent that someone wants to hear it.  :-)

  12. Rosana Modugno profile image69
    Rosana Modugnoposted 12 years ago

    First of all, you can't please everybody, secondly, everyone is different with different tastes and opinions who will either like or dislike a question and that means their putting down a comment has just as much right as you asking a question.  It's their choice.  Lastly, who cares?  If I write a Hub that 10 people comment on and only one person liked, I will be glad because I had 10 people reading my Hub.  I got into their head today.  That's my victory.  I made 10 people think about something they wouldn't have thought of had I never written it.

    I don't think that they are voting down honest answers.  I think they are voting down answers because those are the questions they did not like.  It has nothing to do with honesty.  I say tomato, you say tomahhhto.  lol


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