Is it just me or are the "Hubs of the Day" pretty basic?

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  1. izettl profile image81
    izettlposted 11 years ago

    Is it just me or are the "Hubs of the Day" pretty basic?

    Who picks the "Hub of the Day" because they are all so lacking in depth? THey are basic instruction manuals. Even the two hubs I've had featured on hubpages were basic. Why don't they ever pick philosophy, religion, politics, or psychology? It's always a How to guide. Boring!

  2. renegadetory profile image61
    renegadetoryposted 11 years ago

    I find the quality of writing to be lacking as well...a bit disappointing

  3. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    It seems that HP attempts to avoid controversy at all costs.  To pick a political hub as the "Hub of the Day" would indicate they are in total agreement with the author.  There is no danger in choosing a hub on how to bake a cake.  I rarely, if ever, read the how-to or recipe hubs. 
    I have noticed many of my favorite authors have either disappeared completely, or rarely contribute new hubs to the mix.  Some who used to publish a new hub a minimum of once per week have moved on to greener pastures.   Those who could be counted on for a different point of view in the comment section rarely comment anymore.
    I guess life marches on and seldom stays the same for very long.

  4. Kathleen Cochran profile image77
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years ago

    Snooze . . . yeah.  When one is interesting I make sure to comment, hopefully to encourage whoever picks them.  One of mine has never been picked so some might say it's sour grapes on my part.  But I read so much great work here on HP, much better than my efforts, they certainly have lots of good stuff to choose from.

  5. gmwilliams profile image81
    gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

    They are DEATHLY AFRAID of  CONTROVERSY and any hub which expresses INTELLIGENT THOUGHT!  It is if there is a pandering to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR so to speak.

  6. Petra Vlah profile image60
    Petra Vlahposted 11 years ago

    The "How to" hubs are the only ones that "enjoy better traffic" and bring more money (pennies actually) to the author. Since HP is a business and only cares for the bottom line there is no surprise they will never touch poetry or any other creative writing.

  7. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    Ditto, ditto, ditto. I thought it was me.

  8. Darkproxy profile image60
    Darkproxyposted 11 years ago

    glad you noticed that too, I think that the heads of hubages like keeping this short.

  9. multiculturalsoul profile image69
    multiculturalsoulposted 11 years ago

    "How To Write The Next Hub Of The Day!"

    1 Write an obvious how-to that any child can understand: "How to Change a Light Bulb without Getting Burned!"

    2 Include lots of obvious steps and explanations: "Wait until the light bulb cools before removing it from the socket or you may get burned!"

    3 Use neutral, PC, and arid language that can offend no one: "Light bulbs come in all sizes, shapes, colors, nationalities, creeds, and races! No one light bulb is any better than any other! In the world of light bulbs, all light bulbs are equal!"

    4 Use frequent exclamation points for emphasis: "Voila! It's that easy! Don't you feel smarter after reading this obvious hub?!! I know I do! We're both smarter now, aren't we?!"

    5 Include lots of fuzzy, I mean, HD quality pictures that you took yourself to document every step--no matter how excruciatingly dull that step is: "First, make sure your light bulb has burned out! This picture shows me pointing at a burned out light bulb! Notice how there is no light! We need to do something about this, don't we?!! Let's change a light bulb together!"

    6 In general, assume your reader is brain dead, especially in your introductory paragraph: "You like light, don't you?! Of course you do! Everyone likes light. Otherwise, we'd all be in the dark! You'd like to be able to see what you're doing, right?! Well, light is the answer! But what if your light doesn't work?! What on earth will you do?!"

    (Hmm, he thought. This does have the makings of a fine hub. I think I should copyright it now so no one steals it ... :~) )

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, multi, I can't stop LMAO (chuckling). Too funny.

    2. multiculturalsoul profile image69
      multiculturalsoulposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      But I'm serious about this. Really ... :~) I know we've all seen even simpler hubs making it to "the big time."

    3. Seeker7 profile image80
      Seeker7posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You should make this an actual 'how to hub'!!! LOL!!!! Excellent, you've really cheered me up tonight!

  10. ChitrangadaSharan profile image94
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    I agree with you izetti, and views of others who have answered here.....
    HOTD is so predictable, for whatever reasons best known to HP.

  11. Express10 profile image77
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    I completely agree and this is why I completely bypass 99.5% of them. Old Poolman is right and Multiculturalsoul is hilariously right!

  12. brakel2 profile image71
    brakel2posted 11 years ago

    You are supposed to write on a 7th grade level, as that is the average reader's grade level of reading.  I guess they are truly adhering to this rule. However, many HP readers are probably above that level, I am sure. If you write at the lower level, you are pretty safe. I usually end up on grade 8 or 9 in the Microsoft Word scale.

  13. howtobeasuccess profile image66
    howtobeasuccessposted 11 years ago

    Were on the the same boat here.. i have once ask myself how this hub for the day is selected since for me its boring.

  14. abbykorinnelee profile image60
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    Honesly? Basic and boring and mostly how to's from what I can see.


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